
• [ Ding ! ]

•![ Host has completed an random unique mission issued randomly by the system ! ]

• [ Host has received the following: 200 Gacha tickets ( 1840 remaining ) , 1 premium sect base Gacha ticket ... Unlocking access to Sub Sect System ... Granted ... Showing Sub System tags ]


•• [ Initializing final sequence ..... Competed ]


•• ( Supreme official Sect System )

[ Congratulations Host on unlocking the second system !! ]


•• [ Ding ! ]


•• [ Showing New System Tags ... ]


•Sect Name: Cosmos Royal Sect

•Sect Base Location: Find a suitable ground to use premium base gacha ticket . ( : premium sect base ticket )

•Members: 4

-core : 4

-inner: 0

-outer 0


- Beast Tamers: 1

- Alchemist: 2

- Blacksmiths: 1

- Tamed Beast: 0

- Find Base to unlock more divisions

•Sect Store Currency: ♾

- Cultivation Books :

- Body Training Manuals:

- Alchemy Ingredients:

- Weapons with Sect Insignia:

- Unlock more divisions ...


• [ Ding ]

• [ Host has unlocked the Title: SUPREME SECT MASTER ]


• [ Ding ! ]

• [ Due to host having over 1k gacha tickets saved up, grants a special Gacha pull by taking away exactly 1k ! .. Confirm Y/N ]


•Vontè: ( Hmm, interesting ... Yes! But, hold off until I use the premium sect base ticket ! & while we're at it: also pull the remaining 840 tickets when we start ! )


- Once Confirming all the new notifications and future plans for the day .. I return back to reality & can still see the Reddus Family kowtowing facing the ground waiting for the first commands from their new Sect Master, while the four ( •fruit of bloodlines • ) & two ( •meridian flushing pills• ) are still revolving around me as if having their own consciousness ! ... ( I guess that's the customs of this world .. but I don't like that: I look men and women in the eyes when speaking ! ) ... Lily is still hugging me with facial expressions showing pure bliss as I'm currently still stroking her hair : with LinQu standing proudly next to me on alert for anything !!


•Vontè: " Rise & Look me in the eyes when speaking ! It's proper manners . "


•Reddus Family: ( All rises up at the same time standing fully straight with one arm lying behind their backs looking me directly in the eyes .. ) " YES ! SECT MASTER ! "


•Vontè: ( I nod my head in satisfaction .. ) " These 4 multicolored fruit that are constantly changing colors are called ( • fruit of bloodline • ) ! It'll grant any mortal being who genuinely swears eternal loyalty under my name: • VONTÈ GOLDSTAR • an unique one of a kind bloodline from the Cosmos ! ... & for the two young bros ! .. ( I start to smile warmly ) .. these golden pills will greatly benefit your potential by cleansing your meridians and unlocking/healing any hidden potential/injury you might have sleeping inside your body !


- I then use my mental energy to send the ( •fruit of bloodlines • ) & ( •meridian cleansing pills • ) towards them and without any misunderstanding this time:

•Vonte: " Elizabeth take out the pills I've given you earlier and give the other to Thadon .. Rayleigh ! You will be the first person to eat the fruit and pill together ! I want to perfectly monitor everyone's transformation while gathering information to make sure the evolutions for our future familia members are smoother ! Followed by Tristan, Elizabeth & Thadon ! ( I smile excitedly) .. Rayleigh, you've been crippled since birth.. I look forward most to your transformation !! ... Everyone else come stand beside LinQu and watch ... & Without missing a beat ... he unhesitatingly starts devouring the fruit and pill !


•Rayleigh: ( Bites into • fruit of bloodline • & • meridian flushing pill • )

* CRrrunch * ... ! " This don't taste bad at ... WHA !? .. " ( suddenly becomes consumed within an blood red bubble )


- After seeing Rayleigh eating the fruit & pill, he suddenly becomes encased within an blood red circular cocoon which is changing his body and soul literally ... But because everything was provided from the system to me: The persons I gift the items too will not feel any pain from the transformation the pills and fruit combo will cause ! -


- The transformation itself didn't take too long only a few seconds as the blood red cocoon thats was containing him is now being absorbed: He has the slightly different appearance of light tan skin with spikey red hair & a very thick single ponytail reaching his lower back! But what's new is now a pair of electric blue ( left ) & yellow ( right ) eyes with a slit in the middle & brand new dragon (🐉) tattoo now on the palm of his hand !


•Vontè: ( Pull his Stats Gs )


• [ Ding ! ]

• [ Updating New Stats After successful Transformation .... Done ✅ ]


• [ Ding ! ]

• [ Showing New Stats ]


[ •Name: Rayleigh Reddus ]

[ •Age: 11 ]

• [ Core Disciple of the •Cosmos Royal Sect •]

• [ Race: Draconic Human ]

• [ Bloodline: Lesser Dark Shadow Fire Dragon ]( Lower DemiGod Rank Bloodline )

- Description: User now has the blood of an DemiGod Rank Dragon who specialized in dark magic and true origin flames ! Very High affinity with void , fire and death elements ! Cultivate only the pure essence from fire and dark elements ! Grants high immunity to fire and pain ! Able to turn body into flames or completely erase your presence from the naked eye by removing light from your body and becoming completely camouflaged ! Fire, Void, Dark type abilities/ stats are permanently boosted by 15% with each major level ! ]

• Partial Transformation 1-3 : ( Locked )

• Half Transformation : ( Locked )

• Full Transformation : ( Locked )


• [ Cultivation Rank: Lower Platinum Rank 1 ]

• [ Body Rank: Shadow Dragon Mimicry Body ]


• Strength: 320

• Agility: 340

• Magic: 2000

• Vitality: 2100


• [ Skills: ]

• [ Pyrokinetic Regeneration, Flame Whip , Enhanced Growth, Flight Magic, Void Death Grip, Fire Manipulation, Shadow Manipulation, Dark Fire Armor, Dark Void FireBall , Dark Fire Arrows, Void Barrier, Void Walk, Camouflage ]


- But before I can congratulate him on his successful transformation; His excited younger brother beat me too it by running up to him and fist bumping & afterwards immediately began his new transformational journey -


•Tristan: BRO !! YOU'RE PLATINUM RANK NOW !? CONGRATULATIONS ! ( fist bumb ) .. NOW MOVE AWAY !! ITS MY TURN ! ( with an very excited voice )


* CRRrunch * ....


- After consuming the blood red essence that was containing him within .... A very different Tristan came out from the cocoon ... Now with sky blue streaks in his dominant red spikey hair with eyes to match and new cat ears ... covered with thin glowing white traditional type tattoos over his arms


[ •Name: Tristan Reddus ]

[ •Age: 10 ]

• [ Core Disciple of the •Cosmos Royal Sect •]

• [ Race: Demi- Human ]

• [ Bloodline: Original Essence of the Lesser Ice Tiger ]( Lower DemiGod Rank Bloodline )

- Description: User now has the bloodline of an mystical hybrid tiger who reached the DemiGod rank before being killed by his own family.. Grants the User extremely high affinity to ice, water , earth elements and healing spells ! Charm increases by 5%, enhanced senses and constitution ! All water and earth based abilities are permanently increased by 15%


• Partial Transformation : ( User now has cat ears which enhances all senses permanently )

•' Half Transformation : ( Locked )

• Full Transformation : ( Locked )


• [ Cultivation Rank: Upper Gold Rank 8 ]

• [ Body Rank: Mystical Ice Tiger Body ]


• Strength: 275 [ NEW !]

• Agility: 320 [ NEW !]

• Magic: 1700

• Vitality: 1500


• [ Skills : ]

• [ Advanced Healing Ice Domain; Ice spike Artillery , Ice Manipulation, Absolute Ice Mimicry Clone , Ice Spear Field , Absolute Zero , Compressed Water Bullets, Ice Embodiment, Ice Exoskeleton, Earth Wall , Earth Manipulation, Earth Dome, Earth Stone Bullets ]


- But before I can congratulate him on his successful transformation ! This time the mother and father duo beat me too it while Rayleigh is currently cultivating the surrounding energy ! ( He's very determined !! Very good ) & afterwards also immediately began their new transformational journey after hugging Tristan and literally tossing him aside lmao -


•Thadon : " Haha, our sons are very strong now ! But I wonder who will become the strongest after the session ! "

•Elizabeth: " It's all thanks to HIS GREATNESS ! .... But it's definitely going to be ME honey ! "


• Lily: ( laughing her *** off currently ) " My poor Vontè couldn't even congratulate them ahhaha !! But they're just extremely excited & can't wait to see their transformations babe. I guarantee that afterwards they won't even pick their heads up even if you ask , hehe .. ( starts smiling very warmly & then I can literally see a heart form in his eyes for a nanosecond ! Then coughs while turning his head slowly sideways to " interrupt " his thoughts while sneakily grabbing a handful of my back assets ... Heeeh )


•Vontè: * coughs * ( This damn seductive fox ... Probably plotting something right now .. *grab her *** .. Such an amazing feeling )

" I know my love, I not even bothered by it ! I'm looking forward towards their transformations more than they are themselves ! But.., I must say that these young disciples are very gifted and disciplined ! A good find indeed to start our sect ! .... !? ( starts feeling an influx of strong energies ) Well .. Well .. "


[ •Name: Thadon Reddus ]

[ •Age: 37 ]

• [ Core Disciple of the •Cosmos Royal Sect •]

• [ Race: Alpha Demonic Human ]

• [ Bloodline: Alpha Dark King HellFire Fenrir ]( Upper DemiGod Rank Bloodline )

- Descriptions: User now has the bloodline of an ancient magical beast from the demon realm that once resided in UTOPRIME eons ago !! Grants User high affinity to demon, earth and fire elements ! King of wolf species ( all lower strength wolves will submit to you ! ) Grants Enhanced Constitution/Senses . Able to also transform into an elephant sized Fenrir ! Grants permanent boost to all demon and fire related skill by 30% !


• Full Transformation : ( Able to transform into an all black elephant sized fenrir with red streaks going down it back )


• [ Cultivation Rank: Lower DemiGod Rank 2 ]

• [ Body Rank: Hellfire Demon Body ]


• Strength: 2245 [ NEW !]

• Agility: 2860 [ NEW !]

• Magic: 3600

• Vitality: 4200


•[Skills: ]

• [ Fire Manipulation, Illusion Manipulation, Beast Mimicry , HellFire Incineration , Demon Star Palm, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Speed, Eyes of Slaughter, HellFire Armor, Fear Inducement, Samsara Manipulation, Glutton of the Cosmos, Eternal Consumptive Growth, Predatory Instincts, Hypnosis ]


[ •Name: Elizabeth Reddus ]

[ •Age: 33 ]

• [ Core Disciple of the •Cosmos Royal Sect •]

• [ Race: Elemental Draconic Human ]

• [ Bloodline: Elemental Devouring Dragon ]( Upper DemiGod Rank Bloodline )

- Description: User now has the bloodline of an one of kind dragon species that only breed one of it type in its history of dragons before the lineage was purged by jealous dragons! Grants high affinity to all basic elements in UtoPrime ! Able to devour literally anything while gaining essence from it ! User gains full inheritance of the beast ! Able to transform into it full adult form !


• [ Cultivation Rank: Lower DemiGod Rank 3]

• [ Body Rank: Elemental Crystal Dragon Body ]


• Full Transformation : ( Able to transform into an fully one mile length crystallized dragon mix with luminescent colors )


• Strength: 2350

• Agility: 3000

• Magic: 3900

• Vitality: 5000


• [ Skills: ]

• [ Draconic Element Manipulation, Absolute Domain, Mastered Flight Magic , Elemental Manipulation, Negation Magic, Elemental Energy Absorption , Taunt, Scale Armor, Elemental Arrows, Devour, Corrosion Magic , Elemental Magic ]


- I must say that their new and improved versions are really out this world ! Pretty sure their stats are way past the normal ! ( Which is exactly what we want !! ) .. & Just as the last transformation happened: The Reddus Family joined back together all around each other jumping in joy and crying tears of happiness ! ... Once their moment is over: All 4 of them immediately approach me kowtowing & banging their heads on the soft fertile ground leaving webcracks ... After a few seconds of such an sincere bow and remembering my last words... they instantly shot up to their feet's in full attention !



• [ DING ! ]

• [ Host received more divinity from being praised ! ]


• [ DING ! ]

• [ Host has an influx of general gacha tickets and one premium ticket ! Confirm usage ? Y/N ]


- It's finally about that time !! -

•Vonte: " Rayleigh, Tristan; Elizabeth, Thadon! ... This exact location right here will become the most legendary plot of land in the history of this world ! Not only is this where we've met for the first time and became family ... THIS ! ... This spot will become the base of operation & our new home !! ( I look at Lily with a very excited smile and she's also already excitedly anticipating what's about to come ! LinQu doesn't care about anything besides being by my side and safety lol ) Now watch in amazement as our base is literally about to be formed from open air !!!


•Vontè: ( Hey GS !! ITS TIMEEEE ! )


• [ Ding ! ]

• [ Confirming command .... Deducting 1k Gacha tickets for Golden Gacha Pull !! ... Done .... ]


• [ Ding ! ]

•GS: [ Host Received his first GOLDEN GACHA TICKET 🎫 ... Using Golden Ticket ... Host has received : ]

~€€#€~€.€}%%\€ .... ERROR .... ~€€#€~€.€}%%\€ ... [ Receiving Ascended Rank Skill ! ] ... [ Body too weak to handle skill ... Boosting Cultivation up two major realms ! .. Host is now an • Immortal• ]


- Description: Host is now in complete control over anything divine/holy ! Grants extremely abnormal affinity to Divine & Aether Essence!


• [ DING ! ]

• [ Confirming Use Of 840 regular gacha tickets & premium sect base ticket ]


• [ DING ! ]

•'[ Using premium sect base ticket ... Completed ! Pick a spot around you to place the base ! ]


• [ DING ! ]

•[ Host has reached ]




Author note: Hello everyone, thanks again for checking out my novel, I'm really enjoying this new found joy of writing books . If you're enjoying please leave feedback .