
[ Ding ! ]

•GS: [ Host Received his first GOLDEN GACHA TICKET 🎫 ... Using Golden Ticket ... Host has received : ]

~€€#€~€.€} .... ERROR .... ~€€#€~€.€ ... • [ Receiving Ascended Rank Innate Ability ] ... ~€€#€~€.€}%%\€ .... ERROR .... ~€€#€~€.€}%%\€ ... • [ Body too weak to handle skill ... Boosting Cultivation up two major realms ] ... • [ Completed .... Host is now an • Upper Immortal Rank 6 • ! ]


• [ Host has received an Ascended Rank Innate Ability ]


- Description: Host is now in complete control over anything divine/holy being/treasure ! Grants extremely abnormal affinity to Divine, Aether and Elemental Essences! All supernatural beings must respect the host or die without knowing how/why !


•[ DING ! ]

•[ Confirming Use Of 840 regular gacha tickets after pulling premium sect base ticket .... Completed ]


•[ DING ! ]

•[ Using premium sect base ticket ... Completed ! Pick a spot around you to place the base ! ]


- The current spot we are currently located is the same spot in which we met Thadon & Elizabeth ! Fertile grassland that expands as far as the eye can see ... An very wide & even deeper mysterious lake in the center on the land ... while being completed with the ( • Nightmare Forest • ) as the most secure front gate you'll ever find, since I'll be using all the monsters here as beasts for my sect or grant them strength to make them my loyal guard beasts ... Either way, consider this forest MY FIRST CONQUERED PLOT OF LAND ... -


•Vontè: " LinQu " ( I yell loudly ! As he leaves my side and stands infront me waiting on new orders )




•Vontè: " I want you to go and find all flame type beats & subdue them ! If you also come across any stronger beast of the ( DemiGod Rank ) which I EXPECT you to defeat ! Make them subdue until loyalty is their only focus .. If there's ever a chance you find yourself in the presence of an ( • semi - immortal • ) beast, immediately notify me ... NOW, THADON ! "


•Thadon: ( approaches Lord Vonte with haste )



•Vontè: " Due to your new bloodline .. ( starts showing a proud expression ) ... I want you to go & subdue canine beasts below Lord Rank for the remainder of the day ... I believe that this is will be an exciting task for you , NO ? "


•Thadon: ( Holds back tears from the happiness of becoming an OFFICIAL BEAST TAMER ! ) " THANK YOU FOR THIS TASK LORD VONTÈ ! "


•Vontè: " But before you guys leave, I want you to witness our new home !!


[ DING ! ]


[ Host has found an suitable location for the new SECT BASE ( on top of the large water reservoir ) ... ]


[ Using One-Time Premium Sect Base Gacha Ticket ... Completed ... Host has received:


[ New Sect Base : Original Levitating Hanging Garden of Babylon ] ( Supreme Grade Sect )

- Description: An very expansive Sect Ground that's built in an truly wondrous ancient architectural style ! Ascending stairs leading upwards creating different levels for the sect creating a pyramid mountain ( ⛰) type of display Surrounded throughout with beautiful flora , gardens , vines, trees, mini waterfalls and golden brick buildings with white marble floors ! The very top most layer is where the Host will be living ! ... The surrounding area will now be filled with unlimited amounts of absolute pure dense essence of ALL ELEMENTS

[ Can be further expanded and modified ]


- After using the premium gacha ticket, something amazing had happened ! .. Just as I envisioned inside my mind, the skies started turning black as lighting started to crack endlessly down onto the water below as the new sect base literally started to construct itself in front of our very eyes !! & judging by the astounded expressions by everyone .. I might need to use mental energy to pick up their lower jaws from the ground ... An couple minutes was needed for the sect grounds to be finished constructing as the bright golden light that it was illuminating from constructing is fading away ! ( It's just that expansive ) ... What I see next is truly breathtaking ... ( search: Hanging Garden Of Babylon ) ..


•• [ Ding ! ]


•• [ Host has completed mission of finding a perfect grounds to set the foundation of an SECT!Granting Host The Following :


•• [ ♾x : enchanted uniform of the COSMOS ROYAL SECT ]

- Description: What's an Sect without it's unity and uniform !? .. Host now has his own set of custom enchanted sect robes for current and future disciples ! ... While wearing the robes, it grants the wearer boosted 10% regeneration/insight abilities, while also being indestructible under Any Normal Grade weapons under Upper Knight Rank 10 ! ... The robes comes in 3 different color sets ( outer = red with golden trims , inner = purple with golden trims , core = green with golden trims) with an golden ( three star insignia ) finely stitched on the center back, white under garments & the shoes to match the robes !


•• [ Ding ! ]


•• [ New Objective: ( optional ) ]

- Find 5 new beast mounts/companions for your sect


•• [ Host will gain an random semi-immortal territorial guardian beast for the surrounding area ! ]


•Lily : " Vontè ... Did you just get even stronger just now while creating the sect !? ... I'm not even surprised anymore honestly lol ... ( kisses his cheek * mwah *! ) .. CONGRATULATIONS ON BREAKTHROUGH BABE ! .. I'll be taking Elizabeth to go take a private tour ! BYE !! ....


• Reddus Family: ( still stiff in place from witnessing such an event forgetting to blink or breathe ... & failed to notice one of their family members being taken away .. )


•Vontè: " So do you guys want to tour the sect ground or conquer the forest ?


•Rayleigh & Tristan: " Father ! Let us accompany you !


•Thadon: " ONLY ! If Master Vontè allows it !


•Vontè: " I don't mind, it's good to bond with family and strengthen bonds ! .. Since you're now an DemiGod Rank Cultivator: walking in this forest should not be as challenging .. BUT DO NOT LET DOWN YOUR GUARD ! .. I expect much progress from you THADON !! ... Tristan & Rayleigh : Do not disappoint me with laziness ! I expect to see some progress from you both also when the mission is completed !!


•Reddus Family: " YES ! MASTER VONTÈ ! " ( starts disappearing within the depths of the •nightmare forest • )


•Vontè: " LinQu ! You're free to roam the forest as you desire ! BUT YOU MUST CLAIM IT AS THE NEW LEADER ! Bring me back a couple random beast with no bloodlines also ! NOW GO WILD !



" ROoOoAARR !! " ...

* swoosh *


•Vontè: ( Everyone is gone now ... Nice ... GS ! .. You know what too do ! )


• [ DING ]

•GS: [ Host is now using 840 consecutive gacha pulls !! ]


• [ Deducting 840 Gacha tickets .... Completed ... ( 0 Remaining ) ]


•• [ Host has received an tremendous amount of rewards ❗️]


• [ Immortal Rank Innate Ability] [ Absolute Eyes of Death Inducement ]

- Description: Host can induce absolute death into anything by permanently erasing it ! Anything that Host determines should be dead will meet exactly just that ! DEATH ! ( Concepts, Laws, Immortals, Objects, Time , etc ... )


• [ God Rank Innate Skill ] [ Cellular Disintegration ]

- Description: Host can now dissolve anything from an cellular level whether is organic/synthetic !


• [ Immortal Rank Innate Skill ] [ Soul Cremation ]

- Description: Host can permanently annihilate the soul of any mortal/spiritual being without the possibility of reincarnation !


•[ Immortal Rank Innate Ability ] [ Absolute Intelligence ]

- Host now has an extremely high level evolved brain that has transcended limitless knowledge inside !


•• [ 50x Random Grade Cultivation Books ] ( Gold - DemiGod Rank )

-Description: 50 random cultivation manuals of unknown rank for mortal beings with no cultivation !


• [ Lord Rank Innate Skill ] [ Elemental Golem Magic ]

- Description: Host is now able to construct elemental golems purely from the elements ! Will permanently stay active until destroyed !


• [ Infinite Platinum Ore Vine Talisman ]

- Description: Find a secure place to place talisman and watch as the surrounding environment transforms into an infinite abundant platinum ore vein ! NEVER RUN OUT OF MONEY.


• [ 85x Random Level Major Breakthrough Pill ]

- Description: Godly pill that's lost it's formula eons ago ! Can not be reproduced ! Will grant an random leap of ( one - three ) realms ! Only can be used once by mortal beings of Gold Rank & Below .


• [ Deity Rank Innate Ability ] [ Permanent Attribute Distribution ]

- Host can grant attributes to any one who swears loyalty !


• [ DemiGod Rank Innate Skill ] [ Cosmic Infinite Mini PyroBombs ]

- Description: Host creates an infinite number of mini firecracker like thumb size balls made from cosmic and death essence to ignite the enemy !


•![ Immortal Rank Innate Skill ] [ Omni Boundary Manipulation ]

- Host can now manipulate all boundaries !! Whether it's physical, spiritual , metaphysical or conceptual ! Host can manipulate it all !! There's infinite possibilities which can be achieved !


•![ Deity Rank Innate Ability ] [ Transcendent Divine Aura ]

- Description: Host has the most purest form of divine energy since UTOPRIME'S EXISTENCE ! Once aura is released : Any being weaker than you ( even with heavenly treasures) will not be able to resist & forced to submit with their body pressed to the ground or it can be used as an healing domain to bless anything with divine healing essence !


• [ 50x Master Chef Kitchen Knife Bundle ]

- The Ultimate Set of kitchenware for master chefs !


•• [ 60 x Random Rank Weapons with the sects insignia ] ( Lord Rank Weapons )

- Description: Random Set of weapons with the clans ( ✨ ) insignia on the hilts...


• [ God Rank Innate Skill ] [ Absolute Environment Creation ]

- Description: Host can create new environments from nothing or transform an already existing environment !


• [ 100x : ♾ space special storage rings ]

-Description: Obsidian Black Rings made from indestructible materials contains an limitless amount of space within it ... must be bonded by blood .


•• [ 50 x Body Cultivation Manuals ] ( Gold - Diamond Rank )

-Description: 50 random body manuals of unknown rank for mortal beings with no cultivation !


• [ 35x: 10 pound mango wine barrels which been fermenting for 200 years also infused with divine essence !


• [ Using 200 Gacha tickets for an unique sect building ... Confirming ... Done ] ( 200 remaining )


•• : [ Host has gained Adventurer Guild " Royal Cosmos Adventurer Guild " ] ( Supreme Grade )

- Description: Host has received his very own adventures guild which will create potential infinite possibilities for the growth of Cosmos Royal Sect.


• [ Host gained unknown rank innate skill & title ] [ True Mystical Bardsmanship ]

-Description: An heavenly artist whos musical abilities can be used to heal, curse or defeat enemies !


• [ Host gained Unknown rank innate skill ] [ Eternal Infinite Bond ]

- Description: Hosts bonds cannot be broken, destroyed, manipulated or severed ! Any bond made with Host is eternal & will also be able to perfectly pinpoint where their spouse is located no matter the distance & will always be connected !


• [ 98x Absolute Love Making Pills ]

-Description: Pills made for men ! Contains pure dense yang elements that'll have consumer battle ready for days !


• [ 100x Random Rank Innate Ability Pills ] ( Gold - DemiGod Rank )

-Description: Will grant the consumer an very strong innate ability !


•Vontè: " Well **** !! These Gacha pulls just keeps getting better and better ! .. I definitely need to go sort out my new skills .. & what will better than some physical training !? ... Since Everyone is busy & left me alone lol: Let's teleport to my inner world too check out my newly hatched egg from an week ago & also my new immortal beast from the last Gacha pull. Afterwards, I'll seal some of my cultivation/skills & then go battle some beast in the forest !!

* swoosh *!



Author note: I appreciate each and every person who takes time to read my novel, you guys are the reason I'm having so much fun pushing out more content ! Thank you again, stay safe and see you next chapter !!
