Additions to the Beast collection !




[ Host has received an tremendous amount of rewards ] ...


•Vontè: " Well **** !! These Gacha pulls just keeps getting better and better ! .. I definitely need to go sort out my new skills .. & what will better than some physical training ! ... Since Everyone is busy & left me alone: Let's teleport to my inner world too check out my newly hatched egg from an week ago & also my new immortal beast from the last Gacha pull !! . Afterwards, I'll seal some of my cultivation/skills & then go battle some beast in the forest while creating new skills to pass down to my disciples !!

* swoosh *




- •( no name ) : " I'll wait how ever long it takes .! After all, Master feed me with pure cosmic essence everyday for 7 years ( 2,555 consistent days to be exact )! So waiting any amount of time is nothing compared to the time & care master invested into me ! .... But still ... even just an simple in & out would be great !! .. Ya Know !


- • ( no name ) • : " Master will bless us with his presence whenever he is free you damn humongous brat❗️So just keep steadily perfecting your foundation, that way when Mas ... ⁉️ "


- Once I appeared inside my inner world ... Two very majestic beings where there giving me their own versions of an greeting .. -


• Both Beast : " Welcome Back Master ❗️ " .


•Vontè: " Well isn't this an welcoming surprise ! Nice too meet you two for the first time ! ( I approach them and hug them somewhat ... they're both HUUGE after all !! ) .. This is our first meeting, isn't it ? .. You guys need names ... Hmmm, I shall name you " Kazmik ! " ( dragon ) .. & I shall name you " Igneel " ( griffin ) ! .


•Kazmik : " Thank you for naming me Master !" ... I SHALL NOW BE FOREVER KNOWN AS KÄZMIK GOLDSTAR ! ... * ( Lets our an earth shaking roar ) *


•Igneel : ( Straightens out wings full length while doing an respectful bow ) .. " This humble beast truly thanks Master for bestowing me an great name ❗️ " .. ( Igneel ... Igneel .. such an proud name !! )


- The large golden egg is no more ! .. Now we have an 1.6 kilometer long ( one mile ) multicolored golden dragon with glowing tribal patterns over its luminescent scales ( Reference: B**** from *** ***** Ma* ) , two long inward curved horns with the tips almost connecting in front of the forehead, Diamond crystallized teeth that sparkles with spikey protrusions on the ends of his tails ... But the most magnificent thing are 5 different colored basketball sized orbs rotating around his long body! .... Standing right beside this magnificent dragon: ... Is an very large, intelligent and proud looking Griffin with Very luxurious red velvet like fur on its lion body with an creamy white mane, head/wings of an Bald Eagle & talons in the place of toes ! ... Truly .. these two are very godly additions to include inside my personal family lol ... I mean just look at these stats. !?

•Vontè: ( Show me their stats GS )


[ Ding ! ]

[ Showing Stats of new contracted beasts .... Completed .... Displaying Stats : ]


[ Ding ! ]



[ Age: One week ]

[ Sex: Male ]

[ Race: Semi Transcendent Cosmic Dragon ]

[ Bloodline: Star Devouring Astro Dragon ]

-Description: User has the bloodline of an world guardian level dragon that once lived and dominated an far away distant Milky Way Grants abnormal amounts of affinity to all elements while also being immune to all God Rank Magic and below ...


[Cultivation Rank: Lower God Rank 2 ]..

[Body Rank: Transcended Astro Body Physiology ]..


[ Strength: 3400]

[ Agility: 2700 ]

[ Vitality: ♾ ]

[ Magic: ♾]


[ Skills ]


[ Astrology, Divination, Enhanced Bite, Elemental Slash, Cosmic Energy Manipulation, Absolute Senses, Telepathy, Gluttony, Magic Creation, Magic Negation, Black Despair Cosmic Breathe, Enhanced Supernatural Conditioning, Star Essence Bomb Field , Transcended Healing, Taunt, WormHole Creation, Dark energy manipulation, Star essence manipulation, Nature element manipulation ]


[ Ding ! ]


[ Name: Igneel 🦅 ]

[ Age: 22 ]

[ Sex: Male ]

[ Race: Royal HelioKinesis Griffin ]

[ Bloodline: Original Essence of the Sol ]

-Description: This specific species of griffin is truly magnificent ! The very first of its kind Abnormal amounts of affinity to the essence of the sun and stars ! Can manipulate all aspects of the sun and its energies !


[Cultivation Rank: Upper Semi-Immortal Rank 6]

[Body Rank: HelioKinesis Elemental Body ]


[ Strength: 4000 ]

[ Agility: 4100 ]

[ Vitality: ♾ ]

[ Magic: ♾]


[ Skills ]


[ Primal Fire Manipulation, Solar Flare, Magnetic Solar Shield,Smoldering Radiation Wind Storm, Plant Manipulation, Mastered Flight Combat, Electromagnetic Manipulation, Gravity Manipulation, Radiation Manipulation, Solar Energy Manipulation, Healing of the Sun, Cosmic Sun Aura, Lava Talon Slash, Attraction Pull/Push , Radiated Fire Rain Shower , Destruction Magic ]


- After looking at their respective stats. I couldn't do anything but too look at them with an proud expression . -

•Vontè: " I have an task for you guy ... Before arriving here just now, I was building our new home/sect which is surrounded by an endless amount of forestry and beasts of unknown ranks. You're first mission will to subdue the entire forest and find potential species related your own ! I will not be accompanying you at this moment, since I still have some things too complete: If trouble finds you which I highly doubt ... but just being safe, CONTACT ME IMMEDIATELY - Now, escape this inner world of mines and get some fresh air and stretch out your muscles ! DISMISSED


• 🦅🐉: " YES MASTER


- After they've both left for their respective task .. I've failed to notice earlier .. But my inner world is now harder to tell from reality ... The once glowing white • tree of life• is now an Ruby Golden colored tree surrounded with an larger amount of • trees of sweet vitality • !! -

- The inner world itself expanded greatly, with more abundant beautiful flora and denser energy to stabilize the bloodlines /foundations of my beast ! ... After admiring & teleporting place to place to take in the views of my ever evolving inner world ... I headed back to an familiar spot which is also my personal favorite .. The beach where I've had my first sparring lesson with my beloved wife and LinQu ! .. -

- .. After about 10 minutes of listening to the calming waves splashing about, harmonic sounds of the winds passing through the trees and taking in deep breathes of pure elemental essences .. I've found enough peace of mind to begin my light workout and stretches before heading out to the • nightmare forest• ! ( 2k push/sit ups , squats , running/flying at my fastest speed, perfecting my weapon intents and cultivating the elements ) .. 10 hours later of cultivating inside my inner world ( 10hours inside inner world = 1 hour outside UtoPrime ) it's about that time to head into the forest and battle some beast !!! -

•Vonte: ( Gs, seal my cultivation to Upper Lord Rank 7 ! )


[ Ding ! ]

[ Sealing Hosts Cultivation down from ( Upper Immortal Rank 6 => Upper Lord Rank 7 )


[ Ding ! ]

•GS: [ Due to host successful first commands as Sect Leader , granting 10 Gacha tickets ! ] ( 10 remaining )


[ Ding ! ]

[ Host is receiving an mental image imprint from Lily coming from bathhouse .. ]


•Vontè: ... " Damn Lily looking so delicious coming out that bath ... Gotta focus on the task at hand ... Buuuut .. NONONO, dessert after the meal VONTÈ... Its time to devour some beast from the forest first & then I'll return the favor ...


•Vontè: ( GS ! Mark an random spot in the forest and immediately teleport me there ! )


[ Ding ! ]

[ Location Marked ... Teleporting Immediately ]

*swoosh *


•Thadon: " Tristan & Rayleigh! Don't ever forget about the blessings LORD VONTÈ has given our family !! We must not ever sully his name or disrespect his greatness ! We are also the first generation core disciples of such an Supreme sect !! Right now is the time to set the foundation for the future disciples and to raise OUR NAME ! I'm going to also pass down an Skill to help you better tame wild beast !!


•Tristan: DONT WORRY FATHER ! We will definitely show the greatness and benevolence of LORD VONTÈ to this world ! ( * thumps chest proudly * )


•Rayleigh: ( * shouts an very loud wary cry * ) I'm going to become his first personal disciple and the strongest !!!




•Reddus Family: !?


•Upper Rank Lord Beast: * SCRRRRRECH *


( Incoming Cyclone of strong wind pressure )

•Thadon: !? .. " GET BEHIND ME NOW !! "


* BOOoooooOm * ...






( Also if you're an fellow author, leave the name of your book so I can add it to my library !!! )