Progressing Smoothly !


•• ! ( will be used for the regular gacha system )

••• ! ( will be used for the new sect system )


•• ! [ Ding ]

•• ! [ Host killed an DemiGod Rank beast ... Granting 5 Gacha Tickets ! ]

( 54 Regular Gacha Tickets & 2 Premium Companion Summoning Tickets Remaining )


••• ! [ Ding ! ]



••• ! [ Ding ]



•• ! [ Ding ]

•• ! [ Hosts core disciples has recently defeated Peak Upper Lord & Gold Level Rank Beasts !


•• ! [ Ding ]

•GS: [ Host should use devour skill to take away the bloodline from the mutated orc which has an total of 3 bloodlines ( devil , high orcs, giants ) ]


- After killing off the Oni Orc Troll King and his tribe ... An couple notifications started to show up on the mini screen that's located at the top corner of my right eye ... One of the few notifications was about my new core disciples defeating very strong magical beast on their very first encounters ! Which made me very happy ! ... But, the one that had really had me very overjoyed was the notification about THE NEW ROYAL LIBARY !!! Combine that with my Diety Grade Innate Ability:


[ •Atheneum Void• ] ( Void of the eternal library )

- Description: Due to having the skills :

( •perfect memory• ) x ( • book keeper • ) x ( • devour • ) ... Host can devour any book or piece of material containing knowledge or cultivation/body techniques which will then create a book with the perfected translated contents inside an spatial void bound to the users soul .. ( Knowledge can be shared to individuals by using mental energy to create hardcover physical book copies ] .


- It's safe to that I'm going to have the most Preeminent Library that ever existed on UTOPRIME ! ... Just because of that one specific notification & the earlier mental image imprint I received from Lily ... I almost teleportated back home so I can explore the sects every nook / cranny & too also see my beautiful wife, ... who is currently waiting for me to return home safely wearing an see-through golden silk robe !


•Vontè: " •DEVOUR• "


- Following the wise decision of the system I casted my ( • devour • ) skill on the dead body of the recently defeated enemy & extracted its 3 bloodlines for future purposes and its body intact for experiment I want to also test out ..., But , yet again to my surprise, I've been granted some very good skills, which shows that the opponent was really an powerhouse ! ... It's just that he met the wrong opponent today !


•• ! [ Ding ]

•• ! [ Host has received an Unknown Rank Innate Ability: ( • Battlefield Adaption • ) ]

- Description: Host can adapt to any battlefield while also getting stronger ( mentally, physically ) with each battle that's won !


•• ! [ Host has received an Lord Rank Innate Ability: One Man Army ]

- Description: Host is now able to fight against overwhelming / impossible odds with ease. Obliterating enemies single-handily in close range combat while being deadlier at long range !


•Vontè: " Nice ! "


- Finally taking my eyes of the notifications .. I start looking at the inner village that's still mostly intact with just an few huts destroyed .. Which doesn't matter, since I can just rebuild them with my constructs skills .. I summon my •starry sky wings•

& start to fly a few feet in the air just above the huts as I enable my • treasure ping • skill to see what kind of goodies the tribe might have been keeping for us .. But not surprisingly at all:


•Vontè: " Kinda figured that all the treasure would be kept inside the Kings Hut ! "


- I start to fly over to the massive 4 story tall Red Hut that's located all the way towards the back of the village as I kept my ( • treasure ping • ) skill activate just in-case the smaller hut may have found something interesting .. but to my dissatisfaction, not one hut had anything noteworthy ! ... After a few flaps of my wings, I was standing in-front the massive hut and started to walk where the trembles where starting to vibrate the most ! .. I started walking to an corner which was odd ... Using my ( • map of essence • ) skill which can also perfectly show the layout of an building: It showed that the wall was actually a door hiding the hidden room full of treasure !


•Vontè: " I always wanted to do this lol .... OPEN SESAME !! "


* BOOM !! *

*coughs * coughs * !


•Vontè: " **** ! ( * coughs * ) ... Should've applied less force in that punch lol .. " ( * coughs * ) .


- After completely decimating the wall in an childish way lol; ... The view in front of me is truly spectacular .. Inside an very large room lies:

( Mysterious Pills of all colors ... Armor / Weapons of ranks above silver grade, but, below the ranks of Knight Rank: .. Gems of all colors, sizes, shapes, types: Tons of pure gold ingots and the finest diamonds : Ancient looking slabs with foreign letters carved on their smooth surfaces ... & what shocked me greatly was the number of beast cores that's in the thousands in its own section spectated by grades ! ... It gave me the idea of making this village into an HQ for the future beast tamers !


•Vontè: " I'll talk to Thadon about this later since he'll be the head of the taming division !

( • DEVOUR • )


- Using my ( • devour • ) skill I absorb in all the treasure and then transfer everything inside my inventory ... Except, for one of the ancient slabs that still has burning lettering even after eons of years of existing .. Its definitely worth the effort to check its description ... & the description left me nearly in shock ...

•Vontè: " D*** ! MY LUCK IS GOLDEN TODAY !!

( Hey Gs, Check the description of this ancient slab for me )


•• ! [ Ding ]

•• ! [ Scanning item ... Scanning completed .. ]


•• ! [ Ding ]

•• ! [ Host has found an fully intact God Rank inheritance ! ]


[ Inheritance of the ... God Rank: Prismatic Flame Phoenix Dragon ]

- Description: This inheritance can only be granted to an non cultivating woman ( human / demi-human ) that is an virgin, between the ages of 17-24 ... Grants the user of the inheritance the abilities / traits of both dragons and phoenix's ! .. Grants the user immense affinity to holy / fire / space elements .... High affinity with wind & ying /yang elements from the phoenix bloodline ... & ... supernatural senses / supernatural physical conditioning from the dragon bloodline . Immune to all magic under God Rank ! ... ( Evolvable )


•Vontè: " I've already have one wife and the universe is pulling me towards another one .. HEH .. I'm definitely blessed & ready to expand my family ! "


- After having completed one of my goals inside the forest .. I've decided to leave my future Royal Cosmos Beast Tamer HQ and continue my adventure deeper inside the forest since it's still early during the day ! .. Which will allow me too explore the secrets of my new backyard ! But firstly, let's congratulate my core disciples with an surprise visit ! .. Let's track them down first ..


( • map of essence • ) .... *searching *


•Vontè: " Found y'all "


( • meta teleportation • )

*swoosh *


( Reddus Family Pov )

- Somewhere near the inner outer edges of the forest close to the sect , we can see an group of 3 ( One adult , two teens )

•Thadon: " Okay my sons, this clearing is an nice spot to set up an stationary hut ! There's plenty of wood around here and the beast around are only of the Lower Gold Ranks & with your two strengths combined .. consider this plot of land our first conquered battlefield under LORD VONTÈ'S BANNER ! .. I have an strong feeling he might come and spy on us , so let's make a good impression ! "


•Tristan / Rayleigh: " HELL YEAH ! "


•Thadon: ( smiles very brightly ) " Now, this construction should take us no longer than 10 minutes ! We're going simple and spacious ! .. Hmmm ... Okay, let's place the foundation next to the crater, we can use the scorched land and fertilize it for herbs later ! NOW GO GET ME SOME GOOD LOGS !


- After about 25 minutes of construction ... What was just an empty plot of land: Now has an very elegant and simple spacious log cabin with the " GoldStar Insignia ✨ " beautifully carved on the front door of the cabin ... an lava trench that's about 10 feet in width / depth surrounding the cabin and very deadly looking ice spikes just outside of the trench creating an almost impenetrable defense for beast under Knight Rank !


• Tristan: " Bro, that trench was an nice idea ! "


•Rayleigh: " Thanks lil bro ! But those ice spikes !!" ( * makes body shiver vividly * ) " I wouldn't dare come near those, so badass and deadly looking ! "


•Thadon: " Very good work my boys ! " ( * I then high five both of them at the same time * ) .. " Lord Vontè will be pleased with this achievement from you two ! "


•Vontè: ( * starts walking up slowly in front of them * ) " Truly, I am amazed at this accomplishment and the battle you guys had earlier ! VERY GOOD WORK TRISTAN, RAYLEIGH, THADON !


•Reddus Family: ( * turns around simultaneously and immediately gets on one knee facing the sect master to salute *!) " Lord Vontè ! .. His Grace ... Sect Master ! "


( End Of Reddus Family Pov )


•• ! [ Ding ]

•• ! [ Due to host being recently praised and respected, granting 1 gacha ticket ] ...

( 55 Regular Gacha Tickets & 2 Premium Companion Summoning Tickets Remaining )


( Back To Main Mc )

- Once using my ( • meta teleportation • ) skill after locating the family ... I arrived very quickly to their exact location ... but to not alert them I hide my presence simply by manipulating to void to completely hide my presence as I watch the Reddus Family claim land under my name for the first time while also building an log cabin for the sect in the forest ! Finding it ample time to present my presence .. I start walking slowing towards the family as I release myself from the comfort of the void which makes it seems as if I'm materializing in front of their eyes !


•Vontè: " Truly, I'm amazed at this accomplishment and from the battle you guys had earlier ! VERY GOOD WORK TRISTAN, RAYLEIGH, THADON ! .. & To show how much I'm pleased, I have some things I want to grant you !! .. Now young bros, both step up to me and relax your body .


• Tristan / Rayleigh: " Yes Sect Master ! "


- Once both of the young brothers stepped up towards me .. I reach out both my hands with open palms facing them as an golden mist is released as I use the ( • Permanent Attribute Distribution • ) to increase their agility and strength by ( + 5 ) .. It is then greedily absorbed safely within their body while also providing an very minuscule amount of my own superior dense energy to strengthen their own .. I let them embrace the feeling of getting stronger for a few seconds and then proceed to hand out more rewards !


( * I make two random innate ability pills / random grade cultivation books appear * )

•Vontè: " These orange looking pills are heavenly pills that will grant you an random innate ability from the gold - demigod ranks ... and these are cultivation books of the same random grades ! These are your rewards for such good work today !! ... Now go find an spot too cultivate, I have important matter to talk to your father about ! .. I will guide you two after !


• Tristan / Rayleigh: " Yes Sect Master ! "

( * Both runs off together to find a spot to cultivate* )


( * Smiles at the youthful energy *')

•Vontè: " Thadon, I have found a new HQ for the Tamers Division! & I want you to be the Sub - Head Leader for it ! Are you interested in this plan of mines ?


•Thadon: ( * Immediately salutes * ) ... " Lord Vontè, it will be my greatest honor to lead such an Division to the absolute peak under your name ! "


•Vontè: " Good !! Now lets ...


•• ! [ Ding ]




AN: HEEEY EVERYONE ! Sorry for the late upload, so I made it longer than usual:

( \\ *•* // )

Thanks for reading and supporting ! See you next chapter !