Planning Tomorrows Adventure !

•Thadon: ( * Immediately salutes * ) " Lord Vontè, it will be my greatest honor to lead such an Division to the absolute peak under your name ! "


• Vontè: " Good !! Now stand up and be a little more relaxed, there's other discuss topics to discuss and I have much to learn from you Thadon ... Since we are in no rush at the moment since it just a little past noon, let's head inside this amazing log cabin you guys have just created.


•Thadon: ( Stands up with an more relaxed aura )

" Yes Lord Vontè, It'll be my pleasure "


•• ! [ Ding ]

•• ! [ Host contracted beasts has completed their missions of conquering the northern , western and southern parts of the forest and are now heading back towards your location ! ]


- The notification I've just received was definitely surprising ! .. I was not expecting my beasts to conquer the forest so quickly ... but, then again ...

they're respectively all God Rank Beast after all lol ... Or it just goes to show that the strongest beast in the forest were no stronger than DemiGod Rank !


- Thadon has lead me towards the porch in front of the log cabin that has an table and chair set made from the left over wood with some wonderful smelling herbal tea that's been freshly brewed already set up on the table top.


•Vontè: " Heh ., I'm very pleased with the aesthetics this log cabin provides ! I'll create an barrier spell to protect the area, while also making sure that no beast can disturb this safe zone !


( Thadon starts poring tea for the both of us & then immediately sits back down while paying full attention to the upcoming conversation )


•Vonte: " Tell me the story about how you're family ended up here in this forest being chased by an DemiGod Rank Wolf.


•Thadon: " Lord Vontè, that fateful day started off normal just as any other day ! .. I was up early with my wife planning our day while the twins went out to train ! .. An few moments later .. It was my wife who initially felt an dangerous eerie disturbance approaching the village and that's when suddenly everything started to get extremely foggy ! .. Me & Her instantly dashed from the house and ran towards the twins to grab them & haul ass ! ... But the weird feeling never left us ... it was as if the beast was specifically locked onto us ... & that's exactly what the case was ! .. The DemiGod Rank beast at the time had an revenge agenda against my wife for killing its partner years ago, while never letting go of her scent to extract its vengeance one day ! .. It's goal of achieving great strength was accomplished & it's revenge goal was almost accomplished as well ! ... We ran and fought for three day straight praying for our sons safety.. trying to distract its attention from them and releasing vicious attacks to kill the beast ...

( * sips an mouthful of tea & gulps loudly ! * )

Until that day in which we were saved by your heavenly mount and met his / her lordships !


•Vontè: " I am glad to have met you and your family Thadon ! & Since you're also part of my family, I will take you to heights in which you've never heard about ! .. Now tell me about the land as an whole as if teaching a new student ! Where are we located, strongest sects, cities, villages , ranks .. Just general knowledge since I am not from this continent !


•Thadon: ( * stares in amazement at learning the fact that Lord Vontè is not from this continent ! ) ....

" Lord Vontè, we use to live on the outer edge of an small sized village with a population of 8,500 that's close to the eastern part of the [ NeverEnding Nightmare Forest ] which is an tiny part of the extremely wide expansion of the southern continent ! ... It also contains an endless amount of normal/magical beasts ranging from bronze-demigod ranks and plenty undiscovered plant life and treasures .. 50 miles away from the village you would find an large kingdom with a population of one hundred thousand ruled by the Crux Merchant Family ! .. Theodore Crux ( 33 ) story began one day when he was once just an ordinary wandering merchant until stumbling on an inheritance which gave him great strength that boosted him into an Lower DemiGod Rank Cultivator & later found love with an fallen noble princess that ruled that territory of land .. But with his connections and newfound strength, he expanded the fallen territory to the current growing kingdom we have today .. There are an total of five sects of the Gold Rank thats found within the walls of the Crux Kingdom ... ( Sky Ascending Sect, Golden Lion Sect, Gale Wind Sect, Burning Ore Forging Sect & Holy Light Sect ! ) ... One Gold Rank adventure guild ... One Gold Rank alchemy guild ... & there's also an public magic school with an Upper Lord Rank Dean ! ... Countless shops and places with great tasting food ! .. The ranks for powers as I know of currently are : Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Obsidian, Knight , Lord, DemiGod, God Ranks ! .. Every major realm has and upper ( 6 - 10 ) and lower ( 1 - 5 ) stage ! ... There's countless villages and hidden sects that's outside of the outskirts of the forest and within the confides of it !

( * sips an mouthful of tea & gulps loudly ! * )


•Vontè: " Hmmmm, thats some very useful information Thadon ! I appreciate it very much .. Ah, it almost slipped my mind ! These are for your hardwork ! Continue to seek progress and grow stronger !


- I then proceed to hand over two random rank cultivation manuals , two random rank innate ability pills and my old Lord Rank Spear of Earth as an gift while also taking out an 10'pound barrel of the mango wine provided via gacha ticket that's also infused with an little divine essence to strengthen the body ! .... After handing over the rewards to my newfound sub head leader of the tamer division ... I pop the cork on the barrel as an very sweet aroma leaks from the open barrel, while using my ( • Cosmic Construct • ) infused with a little ice essence to make two large mugs in order to hold this heavenly wine !


•Thadon: ( Lord Vontè, is pouring me an glass of his personal wine ! I must not forget this moment ! .. I hold out my mug for cheers )

" Cheers Lord Vontè !! Glory to the Royal Cosmos Sect ! "


•Vontè: " Cheers & Glory " !

* clank !! * ... * gulps * ... !?


•Thadon: " Lord Vontè, this is some magnificent wine !


•Vontè: " Magnificent Indeed ! ... This is an fermented mango wine infused with divine essence ! There's no other wine like this on UTOPRIME !! ... & I also have an unlimited supply of this !!


•Thadon: " May I have an barrel or two Lord Vontè ?!? " ( I asked pleadingly in an joking manner )


•Vontè: " HAHA ! .., I'll give you 3 barrels for now, they're 10 pound barrels after all, so there's quite a bit of alcohol contained inside these barrels ! .. Now onto more important matters to discuss ... You've mentioned to me about the Crux Merchant Kingdom that's about 50 miles away and about the the other villages that's also within that same perimeter on the outskirts correct ?


•Thadon: " Yes, Sect Master ! "


•Vontè: " Good ! This is the plan in which we will take soon ! We will scout the outskirt villages of the forest since I'm making this my domain and will recruit the homeless, orphaned and abandoned citizens or even whole villages if they submit to my name ! My sect will accept anyone who swears eternal loyalty to me ! .. I will provide an home and a route to future greatness for them ! .. My earlier mission for you to conquer beasts is canceled, I'll personally provide you and the rest of your family mounts ! .. Now give me a quick second to scout the surrounding 10 miles around us .

• map of essence •


- After using my ( •map of essence • ) to scout the surrounding area in an 10 mile radius ... I've hit the jackpot and found another village completely opposite of us towards the western part of the village ! ... The blue dots indicating civilians shows about five thousand people present at the moment that's seemingly all surrounding one very big beast !


•Vontè: ( Isn't the western part where Kazmik rushed over too ? ) " Thadon, are you familiar with an village to the west of us ? "


•Thadon: ( Western Part ..? AHH ) " Yes, Lord Vontè ! .. There's an village towards the west of here that has about five thousand people living there ! That particular village believes in dragon gods since the village was once the home of an strong dragon as you would be able to tell since the village itself is built close to the Fossilized Skelton remains of an old powerful dragon !


•Vontè: " HAHAHA!!! No wonder why ! ... Let's leave him there for a bit and bask in some praise "


•Thadon: " Excuse me Lord Vontè, but who is this person you're mentioning ? "


•Vontè: " Ooooh, It's not a person .. It's just my contracted dragon that's currently being treated like an god in that village we've just talked about ! ... But, before we set out to the village ... I want to see what skills you & your sons obtained from the pills & then later go pick up our wives !





Author note: Are you guys still enjoying my first ever novel ? I appreciate the feedback from everyone . I've been working more lately, which inflicts my uploading times, sorry for that 🙏🏾 ! I really look forward to seeing you guys every chapter !! See you next CHAPTER !!