Returning back to the sect !

•Thadon: " Excuse me Lord Vontè, but who is this person you're mentioning ? "


•Vontè: " Ooooh, It's not a person .. It's just my contracted dragon that's currently being treated like an god in that village we've just talked about ! ... But, before we set out to that village ... I want to see what skills / techniques that you & your sons obtained from the pills / scrolls & then immediately go pick up our wives !


•Thadon: ( I start to excitedly look at the items Lord Vontè has give me, while also thinking about my beautiful wife ! .. There's two orange thumb sized pills & two rainbow colored scrolls laying in front of me on the table ! ... But to play it safely, let's confirm the process on how to efficiently use these items ) .... " Lord Vontè, how do I use these items ? "


•Vontè: " It's an very simple process Thadon ... For the pills: All you have to do is swallow them as it will instantly dissolve leaving an fresh sweet citrus aftertaste .. once the essence of the pill has been fully ingested ... full knowledge and basic mastery of the skill will be inherited ! So it would feel like you had the skill for years ... & for the two rainbow colored scrolls in front of you ... Those are mythical cultivation books that'll grant anyone I gift it too an random grade cultivation skill from ( Gold - DemiGod) ranks that must be fed a little of their essence to bind and unlock it secrets ! ... & Tristan / Rayleigh .. Stop ease dropping behind the wall and follow me with your father to the open field ! ..


- After walking to the middle of the field with the Reddus Family behind me ... I stopped which also cause them to stop as I turn my body 180• to face them while focusing on the young twins !


•Vontè: " I assume that you guys went inside the log cabin to meditate in order to recover your cultivation to peak state before coming to ask for my guidance correct ?


• Tristan : " Yes, Lord Vonte "

•Rayleigh: " I figured it would be best to be in peak state before ingesting pills sect master "


• Vontè: " Very wise choice indeed Rayleigh / Tristan: ... Remember to keep that frame of thought ! ... Now that you guys have all heard the guide on how to use the items, pick a spot and start to ingest the pills and give the scrolls some of your essence to integrate the knowledge ! .. I will be monitoring & will also be creating an barrier to protect this sacred ground ! .. Afterwards we will immediately set back out to the Sect to pick up my wife and your mother then finally set out to recruit more people for the guild while it's still day hours !


•Reddus Family: " Yes, Sect Master "


- After giving out the orders for them to start the process of getting stronger & the plans for the day ... The Reddus family all simultaneously sat 5 feet from each other forming an triangle shape formation as they all ingest the pills & scrolls at the same time !


•Vontè: ( Hey Gs, only show me the new skills obtained from the items )


•• ! [ Ding ]

•• ! [ Confirming command ... Done ]


- Once the pills are ingested they're all covered in an bright white light for an brief second indicating an successful transfer of an new skill & then immediately covered in an rainbow colored light repeating the same process ! .. & By the joyous looks on their faces, the skills must be very beneficial to them !


• Tristan: " WHOAH ! .. I've received an Upper Obsidian Rank Innate Skill & Cultivation Technique ! "


•Rayleigh: " HEHE .. Call me father ! Since I've received an Lower Knight Rank Skill & Cultivation Technique !


•Thadon: ( speaks silently like he's whispering to himself with an bright smile on his face ) ... " One Lower Rank DemiGod / Upper Lord Rank Skill & Two Peak Lord Cultivation Techniques "


•• ! [ Ding ]

•GS ! [ Host is advised to create an barrier of the Immortal Rank for the surrounding land to make it an safe zone ! ... Will host like the system to create one ? Y / N ]


•Vontè: " Yes ! ... & Imprint the process of the barrier creation to my mind after creation !


•• ! [ Ding ]

•• ! [ Confirming Command ... Done ]


••• ! [ Ding ]

•SOS ( supreme original sect system ) : [ Displaying Names and Descriptions of the skills gifted to disciples ]


••• ! [ Ding ]

••• ! [ Core disciple Tristan has received the following skills: ]


[ New Obsidian Rank Innate Skill ] [ Hazardous Ice Manipulation: ]

- Description: User is now able to create and manipulate the much more darker side of ice essence: Which is much more chaotic than regular ice essence, it'll destroy, damage or consume anything it touches ! ... This side of ice essence does not have the normal weaknesses as regular ice essence.


[ New Obsidian Rank Cultivation Technique ] [ Demonic Sub Zero Slash ]

-Description: Able to fully incorporate dark ice magic into weapons to increase damage while adding an sub zero ice layer on top of the weapon with freezing / demon energy essence ! .. Extreme pain will be felt by the slashes of the blade.


••• ! [ Ding ]

••• ! [ Core disciple Rayleigh has received the following skills: ]


[ New Knight Rank Innate Skill ] [ Absolute Magma Manipulation ]

-Description: Due to having high affinity to earth and fire essence ... User is now able to create and completely manipulate the essences of lava/magma.


[ New Knight Rank Cultivation Technique ] [ MagumaJutsu Combat Series ]

-Description: User is able to incorporate magma / lava essence to any part of his body to attack the enemy dealing great damage or can also send out projectiles !


••• ! [ Ding ]

••• ! [ Core disciple / Sub Head Leader Of Tamer Division: Thadon has received the following skills: ]


[ New DemiGod Innate Ability ] [ Absolute Shadow Essence Manipulation ]

-Description: User is now able to create and manipulate dark elements ! Becomes more stronger, faster and durable in darkness.


[ New Lord Rank Innate Ability ] [ Devouring Shadow Extraction ]

-Description: User can absorb the shadow or darkness from a person, while using the stolen essence to strengthen itself permanently or temporarily!


[ New Peak Lord Cultivation Technique ] [ Ghost Hand of the Void ] ( Soul Attack )

-Description: Send out an invisible hand to grip a portion of enemies soul for an soul attack or rip it out completely if the enemy is much more weaker .


[ New Peak Lord Cultivation Technique] [ Shadow Reanimation ]

-Description: User is now able to create shadow warriors / beasts using the soul of the dead or recently defeated to fight in the stead of the User !


- After checking the descriptions of the new skills that's been granted to my core disciples, it just proves yet, again how generous the system really is with its items ! .. I can't wait to give some to my beautiful wife and see what type of powerful skills see can get .. but knowing Lily, she'll probably ask for at least 10 pills, no less than that lol ... & I'll happily oblige ! .. I also cannot forget about Elizabeth that's been kidnapped by Lily earlier in the day either .. & without missing a beat the system notified me about the completion of the barrier alongside the knowledge about the barrier:


•• ! [ Ding ]

•GS: [ Host the barrier has been successfully completed for the surrounding area making it an safe zone from the dangers of the ( • NightMare Forest • ) ]


•• ! [ Ding ]

•• ! [ New Immortal Rank Skill Created ] [ Barrier Of Protection ]

-Description: Host can now create an barrier that'll absolutely protect everything that's inside it ! .. No threat / danger under the Immortal Rank can harm this barrier, creating an safe zone within the dangerous ( • Nightmare Forest • ) ! .. It'll also provide boosted mana density, stimulate the potential within inhabitants and will boost the inhabitants health regeneration !


•• ! [ Ding ]

•• ! [ Due to host recent achievements .. Granting 2 gacha tickets ! ] ( 56 remaining gacha tickets & 2 premium companion summoning tickets remaining )


•Vontè: " You guys seems to have received some beneficial abilities by the looks of joy on each of your faces ! "


•Reddus Family: ( All stands up simultaneously and starts saluting ) .. " Thank you Sect Master ! "


•Tristan: " I swear on my pride that I'll make the Royal Cosmos Sect known throughout this world ! "

( * starts a war cry * )


•Rayleigh: " Sect master ! .. I will become the blade for the sect and annihilate all opposition !

( * starts a war cry * )


•Thadon: " Sect Master, your benevolence has no bounds ! .. But we shouldn't keep our wives waiting too long now haha !


•Vontè: " HAHA ! .. That you are right Thadon ! .. The barrier has been created and will forever protect this plot of land from danger and will become the future safe zone / training area for future disciples & current ! .. Now I will immediately teleport us back home, so gather close and hold your breathe ...

* swoosh *




- Sitting on a golden padded bench surrounded by beautiful architecture, flora and mini waterfalls that creates an enchanting garden ... You'll find an seductive fox angel & another beautiful maiden chatting away while getting to know each other with their feet dipped in the mini pool that's situated in the center of the garden )

•Lily: " So thats the reason why we've met you guys in the middle of nowhere huh .. Well I'm glad that we've met ! .. I now have an older sister I can always be around !! HEHE ..


•Elizabeth: ( smiles very brightly ) " It's also nice to have an younger sister ! .. I truly thank the heavens for making us close to each other's presence that day which in turn saved us from tragedy ! "


•Lily: " Hehe, it's no problem ! .. It's only what's right to do ! .. Plus you should have seen the determination on your sons face that day, even when approaching deaths bed .. His eyes had more shine that the moon on an starless night ! .. My husband wanted to completely destroy whoever made them look that way as soon as they were found !! .. He has a very big heart and loves the people ya know ! .. The children, homelessness and elderly were very well fed and protected by him back on our continent ... Vontè was very loved and cherished by the people .. Hehe, having him as your sect leader will only benefit you !


•Elizabeth: ( looks at Lily with an very warm smile ) .. " You love him very much don't you Lily ... Every time you speak about Lord Vontè, you start glowing very brightly & have such an loving expression on your face ! ... You remind me of myself when I'm around Thadon, hehe .. Speaking of which, I wonder when Lord Vontè and my family will return !?


•Lily: ( Starts smiling very widely ) " Sooner than later I should say "


* SWOOSH * !



- After returning back to the sect by using my ( •meta teleportation • ) Skill; ... The sight that is presented in front of us can only be described as something out of an painting ! .. Very beautiful architecture surrounded with numerous types of vibrant flora, mini waterfalls and an mini pool in the middle of the garden ... Right beside the pool sitting on an golden padded seated bench with their feet dangling just below the surface chatting away is an seductive fox angel with 10 tails and an beautiful maiden staring completely at us smiling !


•Tristan / Rayleigh: " MOM ! "

•Thadon: " My love ! "


- As soon as the twins seen their mother .. they completely rocketed off to greet / hug her while Thadon slowly starts to walk towards his family ... & when he finally reaches his wife .. He gives her a kiss and an very loving hug ..... During this time I can see my beautiful wife slowly walking towards me with her hands clasp behind her waist with an beautiful loving smile that made me instantly appear in front of her to kiss her passionately as I pick her up and hold her dearly !


•Vontè: " I've missed you baby " ( kisses the lips of Lily gently )


•Lily: " Hehe .. I've also missed you babe ! "

( kisses vontè back on the lips more aggressively and then starts to whisper in his ear teasingly while gently sliding my nails down his neck ) ...

" You've been out having fun all day .., surely you have some leftover for me ? "


•Vontè: ( Holds Lily more tighter ) " Other plans can definitely wait until later ! "

( •meta teleportation • )

* swoosh *





Author note: Hey everyone !! What do you think about the novel so far ? Hope everyone is enjoying this book because I'm having fun writing ! Thanks again for reading and taking time to read my book. See you next chapter !!! Stay safe and healthy !