My second wife is badass and recruiting an whole village ! ( 3/3 )


( Reddus Family Pov )

• Rayleigh: " Hey Tristan, if the villagers don't comply with the sect master orders .. be ready to whoop some ass " !

• Tristan: " HAHA ! .. Thats if they'll be able to deny lord vontè anyway ! .. But I'm always ready bro ! "


• Thadon: " Calm down you brats !! .. There won't be any fighting in the village ! .. There's actually a surprise waiting on us there instead, so make sure to keep your back straight & stay composed, because once we leave the gate ... ! WE ARE REPRESENTING THE ROYAL COSMOS SECT ! "


• Rayleigh & Tristan: * both bumps chest & gives out an war cry simultaneously * !


• Elizabeth: " Hehe, you might even find yourselves a girl or two in that village my handsome sons "


• Rayleigh: " Only if she's pretty and strong "

•Tristan: * starts blushing while fantasizing about a pretty girl in the village to make his own *


• Elizabeth: ( notices two familiar shadows walking down from the very top of the staircase towards the entrance of the sect .. but there's one new additional presence on the left side of Lord Vonte trailing a little behind while Lady Lily is on the right )

" Welcome Back Lord Vontè & Lady Lily ! ... Hmm ... & also Lady ?? "


•Thadon: ( Notices the the aura of the sect master & Lady Lily with one new additional woman on his left side trailing behind observing us like a hawk and the serene surroundings )

" Lord Vontè, I thought you almost for - ... Ehh ... You've found a new sect disciple already ? .. Welcome to the Royal Cosmos Sect ! "


• Rayleigh & Tristan: ( both runs up to us and bows with gratitude )

" Welcome Back Lord Vontè & Lady Lily !!


•Rayleigh: " EH !? .. I'm sorry that I haven't spoken to you !! I didn't notice you at first ... ( bows and reaches out hand for an handshake ) ... I'm Rayleigh ! .. 11 years old & future powerhouse for the sect ! .. Nice too meet you !

• Tristan: ( currently staring with hearts in his eyes while speaking his inner thoughts out softly as if whispering ) .. " Wow, such an beautiful big sis "


( Back to the Mc's Pov )

- Walking down the steps from one of the many hidden gardens having an nice lovely conversation with my wives while holding both their hands -

( We took a little longer because Lily was trying give Anastasia an dress from her storage ring, which took about 10 more minutes lol .. but I'm not complaining at all from watching my wives bond more .. We finally left after Anastasia choose an red velvet sun dress & shoes to match )

... I start hearing " Welcome Back " from the entrance of the sect where my disciples are waiting for us currently ... Lily waves back at everyone while Anastasia is observing the Reddus Family & enjoying her newfound moments on my side .


• Lily: " Heyyy everyone !! "

( waves her right arm in the air while the left is holding onto vontè )


• Vontè: ( speaking to Anastasia specifically )

" The woman down there's is Elizabeth .. She's the mother of those two twins ... Rayleigh the spikey red head and Tristan with the cat ears ! .. The one that's holding her hand is Thadon; they're also known as "The Reddus Family .. Elizabeth is our Head Alchemist, Thadon is the Head of the taming division, and the twins are the current mascots lol ! "


•Anastasia: " HAHA! .. So thats what Lily meant by a whole family huh ? .. Judging by their somewhat unstable foundations, they must've broken through recently or recently been given their strengths .. Is that correct my love ? "


•Vontè: ( speaking to Anastasia specifically )

" Heeh, such amazing deduction skills you have there Anastasia .. But yes, that is correct ! .. A few days ago matter factly is when I boosted their cultivations .. So they still have some time to make their foundations perfectly stable. "


•Anastasia: ( Looks at vontè with an fascinating expression )

" That's still amazing though my love !! .. So with being able to grant or unlock the potentials of mortal men .. What's the requirements to join our sect ?


• Vontè: " That's an good question ! .. Well there's really only one requirement! .. That's eternal loyalty to my name ! .. I'm providing an stable home, knowledge of the Stars & successful routes with unlimited potential too those under my name .. So I will only accept those that swear genuine loyalty to my banner ! .. They can be homeless, rich, poor , royal, sick or filled with darkness .. But once you swear to be my people, that's eternal !! & I take care of my people ! .. Crossing me will also reap instant death !


• Anastasia: " A lot of people love to sugar coat their words .. But you can hear the truth & power behind yours ! .. Which is also why I'm happy / secured about my decision to become yours my love ! .. ( starts showing an very enchanting genuine smile ) .. I can't wait to our sect stands at the top of everyone else in this very humongous world !!


• Vontè: ( Leans closer to Anastasia to kiss her on the cheek while doing the same to Lily ! .. You can't have two wives and only show love to just one, that's total bad vibes .. )

" Yooo, Elizabeth & Thadon ! .. The beautiful woman on my left side that you're seeing for the first time is MY WIFE ANASTASIA! .. She has just arrived not too long ago via portal, so that spatial disturbance you felt not long ago was because of that ! "

( It was at this time that the twins swiftly ran up on us; not noticing the presence of my wife while showing their gratitude & saluting .. I let go of the hands of my wives too pat their heads while scruffing up their hair a little )

•Vontè: " You guys been working hard huh, I can feel that your foundations have stabilized quite a bit ... But you guys also forgot to greet my wife on my side ! .. Always be aware of the whole surrounding !


•Rayleigh: ( looks to the right and sees Lady Lily ... then as soon I looked to the left side I was completely shocked !! )

" EHH !? .. I'm so sorry that I haven't spoken to you !! I didn't notice you're presence at first ...( bows & reaches out hand for an handshake ) ... I'm Rayleigh !, 11 years old & future powerhouse for the sect ! .. Nice too meet you !


• Tristan: ( currently staring with hearts in his eyes while speaking his inner thoughts out softly as if whispering )

" Wow, such an beautiful big sis "


•Anastasia: " Hehe, don't mind it ! .. I was hiding my aura so it's only right that low cultivators won't feel my presence & thank you for the compliment "

( I smile and bend down a little too shake the hands of the young twins since I'm way taller than their current heights )

" It's also nice too meet you young hero's and I look forward to you guys becoming the stars of our sect. "


•Lily : ( speaks in an very sweet teasing voice )

" TRISTANNN ... Looking at my sister with those flirty heart eyes, you must be trying take her away from Vontè huh ? .. Very bold of you I must say hehe "


• Tristan: ( looks at Lord Vonte to see him frowning very hard with his arms folded and electric sparks starting to dance around his body which made me grovel immediately & bang my head on the ground hard praying for forgiveness)

* BANG ! *



• Anastasia: " Now , Now ; Don't bully him too much my love lol "


•Vontè: * Pfft *

( I pick up Tristan by the shoulders to stand him up while also healing his minor self made injury )

" Haha, don't take it too heart young bro, just messing around with you !


- After that little side show just now to create an memorable moment for us before we set out , I've called out to everyone to gather around me as we finally approached the last step ! -

•Vontè: " Everyone gather around me !! .. I'm going to cast an magic spell so that we can all glide in the air towards our destination which is the village towards our west ! .. It's about an 15-20 minute ride give or take, so let's enjoy the scenery as we fly above the forest and scout for other people / villagers !


• Cosmic Construct •


• Magic Creation Skill: • Anti Gravity Flying Rune


- I then created an very big flat rectangle transparent surface so we can sit on top of as we glide above the trees of the • nightmare forest • .. As we are currently flying in the air with an distance of 10 miles left till we touchdown in the village ... An very unexpected event happened to our boy Tristan that made him extremely excited alongside the rest of us !! .. Finding its spot on the shoulder of Tristan is an bald eagle sized bird with an crystal blue sheen and literal crystal talons / beak that's trying to make a lifetime contract with him !

•Vontè: ( Hey Gs, Analyze that birds basic stats )


• [ Ding ! ]

• [ Analyzing basic details of unknown magical beast ... Scanning Completed ! ... Showing details .. ]


• [ Ding ! ]


• [ Name: None ]

• [ Species: Crystal Body Ice Hawk ] ( New species of Magical Beast )

• [ Cultivation Stage: Lower Obsidian Rank 4 ]

• [ Body Stage: Lower Obsidian Rank 2 ]



- I then tell Tristan that he's been found by an new species of magical bird beast ! .. The Crystal Body Ice Hawk that's in the lower obsidian cultivation / body stage while also telling him how to perform the contract and how too bond with each other better. -


- After successfully completing the contract with his new beast; It was at this time that an very loud / happy thunderous roar was heard as an multicolored dragon hurriedly flew to our direction !! ... Anastasia, Rayleigh, Tristan & Elizabeth were all already battle ready as soon as the roar was heard,

( which made me honestly happy with their quick reactions )

... but as soon as they've seen Thadon, Lily & myself just sitting there without an care and instead actually smiling, .. They've also retracted their battle auras & sat back down to witness what's about to happen .. The next couple seconds after had everyone but Lily & Myself completely in shock !!





- I stood up on the platform & then started hovering over to the newly hatched dragon that has grown another half mile long as I caress the top of his head which puts him at ease. .. After an few seconds of head pats, I started hovering over to his back to stand on and called out to my wives to join me !! .. Lily grabbed Anastasia's left hand as they both jumped over from the platform into my arms while both simultaneously kissing the sides of my cheeks !!

•Vontè: " Such an precise and calculated jump lol, but I'm not complaining at all ! .. ( I kiss both of them on the lips as I hug their waist ! ) .. KÄZMIK THE ONES WITH ME ARE MY WIVES & THE ONES OVER THERE ON THE PLATFORM IS YOUR YOUNGER FAMILY MEMBERS OF THE SECT !! .. CAN YOU GUIDE US TO THE VILLAGE ?


( Starts flying towards the village with an slow pace as the transparent platform that's holding my masters core disciples followed along with the same speed )


• Anastasia: ( currently admiring the scenic atmosphere )

• Lily: " Babe, I can see the village !! "

• Vontè: " AHH ! I can also see it now ! .. KÄZMIK land exactly in front of the villages main entrance !

• KÄZMIK: " Rodger that master ! "


- After receiving the order, KÄZMIK starts to slowly descend down to the village as the platform followed suit ! -

- Once KÄZMIK's four feet has touched the ground; I released my wings as I jumped down from the back of KÄZMIK with my wives held in both arms !! .. The sight in front of me once we landed will be something I'll never forget in my immortal lifetime ... Five Thousand people were in front of the village gates patiently waiting our arrival & the moment I jumped off KÄZMIK'S back with my wives in arms while slowly flapping my wings to descend down .. Every single citizen of village groveled on the ground including the village chief and his family while showering me praises !


• [ Ding ! ]

• [ Due to host innate skill • Empowerment Of Praise • being activated by more than five thousand people at once .. Host has been granted one special reward !! ]


• [ Ding ! ]

• [ Confirming special reward ... Completed .. Showing reward ! ]

[ Supreme Grade Inner World Treasure ] [ Perfect Beast Cloning Chamber ]

- Description: Can automatically change its shape to fit any normal / magical beast into its chamber and make an complete carbon copy clone of the beast ! .. Unlimited uses to clone beast ! .. Can also change the sex of the beast or can use the fusion selection to make new chimeras !!


• Vontè: ( ... Well #%^¥ !!! .. That's definitely unexpected, but I'll definitely be using this bad boy A LOT! )


- After receiving such an reward, I was totally shocked and excited !!! .. This will make my taming division so ******* overpowered & I LOVE IT !!! .. I won't be able to use it anytime soon though as I just send it to my inventory and focus on the task at hand ! .. I start walking over to the person that's at the front of everyone after checking his stats ! -

• Vontè: ( Hey Gs, check to see if that's the village Leader )


• [ Ding ! ]

• [ Analyzing selected person .. Completed ]


• [ Name: Houton Diovokin ]

• [ Title: Head Chief Of Diovokin Village ]

• [ Age: 60 ]

• [ Bloodline: None ]

• [ Cultivation Stage: Upper Knight Rank 7 ]

• [ Body Stage: Lower Knight Rank 3 ]

• [ Family Tree: 1 wife, 3 sons and 2 daughters]



- After I finally approach the chief, I tap my hand gently on his shoulder twice to let him know that he can raise his head and speak .. Which he did after standing and introducing himself in an very respectful manner -

• Houton: " It's an honor for my family and village to be blessed by the presence of an GOD !! .. My mother' has given me the name Houton Diovokin, but the villagers like to call me " Chief " ... May we know the name of his holiness ? .. & we've also been patiently waiting your arrival, so there's plenty of drinks / food to replenish your lost energy on the long travel you grace ? " ( He then bows again )


• Vontè: " Please be at ease Houton, my reason to visit your village shall be known very soon & my reason is going to be very beneficial for everyone here !! .. You can call me Lord Vontè, Sect Master or His Grace, doesn't matter really which one it is though ! .. But you're definitely correct, the food smells delicious !! .. I would love to relax inside your village and talk some serious matters with you chief !

- That's when the village chief claps his hands two times as the villagers spilt in two sides to make an clear lane straight into the middle of the village where's there's minor decorations, food , drinks, music and young woman dancing to the tunes .

• Houton: " Welcome to my humble Diovokin Village Lord Vontè ! "



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Author Note: " YOO !! Just an quick update for everyone to know my situation .. I've been fired from my job so I'll be writing more constantly now :) ... THE NEXT CHAPTER IS OUR 50th !!! I CANT BELIEVE IT !!! THANK YALL SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT & LOVE !!! .. IT WILL BE THE START OF THE NEW ARC !!


LETS GO !!!!