Growing the Royal Cosmos Sect !


- Being greeted by the village chief in such a way honestly had me good spirits, but I'm not the only one who is visiting the village, so before I took an single step, introducing my wives & disciples is an must !

•Vontè: But before that Chief Houton, I would like to introduce you to my family ! .. To my right in the white sundress is Lady Lily & to my left wearing the red velvet sundress is Lady Anastasia! .. The others right behind me wearing the green robes with golden trims are my first generation core disciples of the newly established ROYAL COSMOS SECT & I'm also the Sects Forefather !


• Lily: ( Lets go of vontè's arm and greets the Chief with an graceful bow )

" Nice to meet you Chief Houton ! "


• Anastasia: ( Just gives an simple nod while still holding my hand )

" It's also an pleasure to meet you Chief Houton and to be welcomed into your beautiful village "


• Thadon: " Hello Chief Houton, I'm Head Leader Thadon Reddus Of the Beast Tamer Division and next to me is my wife Elizabeth; she's also the Head Leader of the Alchemist Division of the ROYAL COSMOS SECT ! .. & finally are my sons Tristan & Rayleigh ! .. Another thing; Following Lord Vonte has definitely been our family's greatest blessing, our current strength is all because of his benevolence & guidance !!

( The whole family respectively bows )


• Chief Houton: " No, No .. The pleasure is absolutely ours to be greeted by such divine souls and very strong cultivators !!


( loud cheerful murmurs occurring in the crowds of people )


• Chief Houton: " Please follow us esteemed guest to the feast we've prepared for you !!


• Vontè: ( stomach growls loudly ~ )

" HAHA ! .. I must heavily agree to that !! & I've also brought some DIVINE WINE for those who can handle it to wash down that good smelling food !


- After my stomach signaled the start to walk into the village, I couldn't help but to appreciate the cleanliness of the Diovokin Village: rural style brick huts with actual fire lamppost lighting up walking paths enclosed within an mud stone wall that surrounds the whole village to keep out low rank beast !

- In the middle of the village is where you'll find tables filled with all types of different food, fruits, desserts and other delicacies ! .. There's also an specially made platform that has only one wide long table that can only fit everyone I've brought with me & Chief Houton's personal family ! .. Musical Instruments are also being played in an soothing tone with dancers that's matching its tempo ! -

- As we are approaching the platform; since the village isn't all that big itself, I'm hearing countless cheerful / hopeful murmurs in the crowd & since my senses are so enhanced, I can hear them as if they're in my ear speaking:


Mob Characters: ~

" Hey, hes so young and already transcended us mortal men, that's called being extremely blessed!"

" Such an badass entrance & introduction ! .. That's how you demand respect ! "

" His wives are so ******* beautiful "

" I'm following him back to the sect and I'll even live outside the gates until I'm accepted ! "

" I'm with you ! I'm also joining the sect !! "

" HELL YEAH ! " x 6

( the wise one ) " Hey, let's wait until it's time to ask questions ! .. He doesn't look like the type to ignore the general people ! "

" AGREED ! " ( everyone else )


•Chief Houton: " I hope that my humble village is providing an welcome atmosphere to you Lord Vontè "

• Vontè: " Why Yes, I'm definitely enjoying the vibes so far and can't wait to dig in that good looking food !


- Leaving KÄZMIK outside the gates since he's obviously way too big to be inside the village .. We've finally arrived to the platform where there's actually an Throne like chair in the middle of the table that gives that person full view of the village !!


• Vontè: ( Dont tell me ... )


•Chief Houton: ( I personally pulled out the throne like chair from the table as my servants also comes out to pull out the chairs for Lord Vontè's family ! )

" We've specifically carved this chair for you Lord Vontè, it's made with our finest silk for the cushion and wood for the frame ! " ..


• Vontè: ( This old man is 60 years old, but why the hell does he look closer to late 40s instead ? .. No wonder he has so many children lmao ) ...

" Thank you for your generosity Chief Houton, this is my first gift to the village "

( I then pull out two barrels of mango infused wine for our table while evenly distributing a barrel for every other 5th table & started speaking .. )

" This wine is fermented mango wine that been also filled with divine essence only for those OF AGE ! .. Now lets us feast everyone ! .. Me & my family will answer any questions that I know you guys have later on after the celebration ! .. CHEERS TO DOVOKIN VILLAGE !!


• Entire Diovokin Village: " CHEERS TO LORD VONTÈ !! .. CHEERS TO DOVOKIN VILLAGE !! "


- After giving out an hearty speech to the village, the feedback was very receiving ! .. Everyone was joyous, clanking each other mugs full of mango wine while the children had some version of fruit juice and feasting upon the bountiful harvest that was plenty for everyone available -


• Chief Houton: " Now that things have settled down, please let me formally introduce myself and family Lord Vontè.

( As I was getting up to show my respects, I was stopped by Lord Vontè )


• Vontè: " Be at ease Chief Houton, please continue to sit and enjoy the atmosphere without the stiff formalities "


• Chief Houton: ( Hes truly benevolent )

" Thank you Lord Vontè, next to me is my gorgeous wife Beverley, we've been married for 40+ years, going in order down the line from my oldest child to youngest Is Justin, Hinoki / Hennessy & Ro / Remy .. My last four children were twins if you're wondering why they look similar, haha.

• Beverley: " Its my honor to meet you Lord Vontè , Lady Lily , Lady Anastasia & The Reddus Family .

• Justin: " Hello Lord Vontè, I'm the oldest son of Houton, Justin Dovokin .. It's an honor to meet you ! "

• Hennessy : " Your Holiness, it's my pleasure to be blessed by you presence "

• Hinoki: ( nods respectfully) " Your Grace "

• Remy / Ro : " Hello / Heyo Lord Vonte "


• Vontè: " Nice too meet everyone .. Chief Houton, your name and the village name are the same, what's your history / ties to this special village ?


• Chief Houton: " Lord Vontè, it's an rather simple history rather .. My founding father was the one that actually slew that dragon thats currently fossilized outside the villages wall .. After defeating the dragon an couple thousand years ago, he settled down with one of the woman in his party and built this village himself, which eventually grown to the current size after generations of my family starting where the last left ! .. My father was the last head & after his death it was my turn to take over ! .. It has always been my dream to be an cultivator, but with my clogged meridian paths, I took on the path of knighthood which my family also followed !! There's also not an single person her with an bloodline to cultivate, everyone in the village has been trained in the Sword Dao .. Ahh forgive me for getting off track -


• Vontè: " No, not at all .. Thank you for sharing, but that's an interesting topic you've brought up, because that's one of the reasons for my visit, Chief Houton.


( Everyone at the table stops eating to eavesdrop on the upcoming conversation , but the rest of the village is still rowdy and unaware )


• Vontè: " Chief Houton, I'm an honest and straightforward man, so I'll be blunt with my words .. I'm currently building my sects position from the bottom and my goal is to gather more members for my sect .. I will provide an secure homeland, unlimited resources , knowledge of everything under the stars and the strength to build your own legacy ! .. Joining my sect will become the best decision you've made Chief Houton and not only just the dovokin family .. I want to recruit the entire village into my Royal Cosmos Familia .. The only requirement is to swear eternal loyalty to my banner !


- After my declaration, Chief Houton had pushed himself away from the table in his chair .. stood up & turned around to face the villagers in order to make an announcement that's going to change every single one of their lives -


• Chief Houton: " LISTEN UP EVERYONE !! "

( The entire village stops their actions to pay attention to their Chiefs' word )

" Lord Vontè has took it upon himself to visit our humble village in order to personally find members for his heavenly sect ! .. Its been everyone dream in this village to be able to join the ranks of the experts in cultivation and soar into the skies !! .. Our prayers have been answered and now the path has shown itself ! .. So if you want to join ROYAL COSMOS SECT, STAND & SHOW YOUR RESPECTS !


- That's when something amazing had happened .. Chief Houton alongside his family all walked down the platform as every single villager approached the stage as close as they can & kowtowed! .. While at the same time swearing fealty to my banner which was loud and thunderous !!




•• [ Ding ]

•• [ Detecting multiple people swearing fealty to the Host ... Does Host wish to activate • contract of servitude • ? ]


• Vontè: ( Yes )


•• [ Ding ]

•• [ Activating five thousand contracts of servitude ... Completed ]



- After the confirmation of the contracts being bonded to every single soul here .. I asked the village to stand & it was at that moment everyone was then surrounded within an very bright golden light that lasted only an nanosecond ... Multiple *gasps* and " oh " was heard shortly after the golden lights disappeared


•• [ Ding ]

•• [ Updating the Supreme Original Sect System ... Completed .. Showing Stats ]


•Sect Name: Royal Cosmos Sect

•Sect Base Location: • Everlasting Nightmare Forest •


•Members: 5004

-core : 4

-inner: 0

-outer: 5000



- Beast Tamers: 2

- Alchemist: 2

- Blacksmiths: 2

- Tamed Beast: 0


•Sect Store Currency: ♾


- Cultivation Books : ( Check • Innate Skill : Atheneum Void • to make copies )

- Body Training Manuals: ( Check • Innate Skill : Atheneum Void • to make copies )

- Alchemy Ingredients: none

- Weapons with Sect Insignia: None

- Other options are currently locked -


- That's truly an huge influx of sect disciples at once !! .. The sect is definitely going to be very lively and busy for now on ! -

• Vontè: Before you guys ask questions , I have some more things to grant each of you !!





Author Note: Hey everyone ! Don't forget to leave feedback if you enjoying the series :) !See you next chapter !