Successful day at the village !

- After checking the new updated stats of the dovokin's; Beverley has returned back with the old map showing an rather detailed sketch of the southern continent !


•Beverley: " Lord Vontè, this map has been passed down in my family for generations: Everyone in my family has been alchemist & explorers; which is why this particular map is more detailed than most maps you may find from someone else.


• Vontè: ( Hmmm, this southern continent is shaped just like As**; but it's atleast 2-4x bigger in size ! )

" Where's our exact location according to this map Beverly "


• Beverly: ( points towards the very southern tip of the continent )

" We are located here Lord Vontè: If you were to continue going south, you'll reach an beach ! But, to get there you must slay some strong monsters ! .. But, the further you go inland everything becomes much more deadly / beautiful : Stronger Monsters, Sects, Empires, Kingdoms , undiscovered mystery's & paradises ! .. But with Lords Vontè strength and guidance, I believe we can take over this southern continent ! HOHO "


• [ Ding ! ]

GS: [ Due to hosts innate skill * empowerment of praise * .. Host has gained 1 gacha ticket ]

( 58 remaining gacha tickets & 2 premium summoning tickets remaining )


• Vontè: ( Hey Gs; since we're still on topic, use one of my premium summons and transfer them to the sect. )


• [ Ding ]

GS: [ Confirming the command of using a premium summon .. Done .. Host has been granted an DemiGod Rank Eternal General ! .. Showing stats of the summon ! ]

( 58 remaining gacha tickets & 1 premium summoning tickets remaining )


• [ Name: Guts ]

• [ Race: Enhanced Human ]

• [ Bloodline: None ]

• [ Sex : Male ]

• [ Cultivation: Lower DemiGod Rank 2 ]

• [ Body Rank: Prime Peak Human Physiology ]

• [ Strength: 2760 ]

• [ Agility: 2700 ]

• [ Magic: 2000 ]

• [ Vitality: 4000 ]


• Vontè: ( Indeed, thats definitely the perfectly general; He'll be an amazing addition to the sect ! )

" That's truly fascinating ! - I'm not from this continent - I'm from an place that's far from here ! So, learning about this map is of very good help for me: I have an amazing memory, so one glacé is all I need to remember the contents !

( Hey, Gs: Scan this map for me: So that I can review it further later on tonight. )

" I'm sure you guys are are anxious to meet everyone with your new appearance, so let's go and meet the other's "

• Beverley / Houton: " I doubt they'll recognize us "


- After leaving the hut; the sight before my eyes was quite spectacular on its own rights: There were three groups of gathered disciples being lead by Lily / Elizabeth, Thadon and Anastasia. Every single one of them were assimilating the meridian cleansing pills / ultimate vitality pills that were given by me. Anastasia seemed to have found her some capable talents since she has two young female disciples by her side with the most numbers because she's only recruiting female disciples, Thadon was in front an massive crowd of younger / older men with their younger children if they had any and Lily / Elizabeth's group was more diverse .. Lily was the first one to sense my presence and signaled me to come over toward her side, in which I happily obliged too ~

• Lily: " Welcome Back "

- Before I could have replied back to her words, she planted an kiss on my lips -

• Lily " I missed you, how was the meeting with the dovokins ? ... Eh, who are those people behind you babe: I don't remember seeing them when we'd arrived ?

• Vontè: " You're such an amazing women Lily, I'm thankful for you "

( I couldn't help by to caress her hair and also give back an kiss )

" The meeting had granted me plenty important knowledge which I've been lacking and the people behind me are the dovokins themselves lol; After using the pills they've unlock some requirements to awaken there bloodlines which has caused some minor changes. "

• Lily: ( whispers in vontè left ear ) " Your * minor * is still an heavenly tribulation to most mortal people babe, remember that lol. "

" Congratulations on your recent breakthrough Chief Houton & Beverley "


• Houton / Beverley: ( both respectfully bows )

" Lady Lily, Thank you for the kind words ! "


• Lily: " Don't mind, I'm just happy to have more powerful friends in the sect ! "

• Elizabeth: " Greetings Lord Vontè "


• Vontè: " Have you found any interesting prospects from the disciples in front of us ? "

( That's when I sense someone staring at me currently with stars in his eyes )

• Lily: " Sorry Babe, But I was in the heat of the moment and promised him you'll make him a brand new sword in front of him "

• Vontè: " Haha, no need to be sorry about something like that my love, I'm just happy you were enjoying yourself ! & The matter about that sword is just an simple thing "


- I suddenly disappeared and appeared right beyond the green hair kid without making a noise: His mother also haven't notice me since she's currently assimilating the essence of the pills. The thought of scaring him came up, but that's just childish ... So I instead just tapped him on the shoulders and as soon he turned my way, he nearly ran out of his skin !

• Vontè: " Nice too meet you our number one swordsman Oroz, I've heard that you're in need of a new sword ? "

• Oroz: " Se .. Sect Master Vontè " ( I then hurriedly respectably bowed )

• Vontè: " Do you mind lending me your sword on your back Oroz ? "

• Oroz: ( I hurriedly handed over the sword to the sect master )

• Vontè: " What type of sword would you like Oroz ? "

• Oroz: " A two handed claymore ! "


- Once I've learned the type of sword that' our future number one swordmaster wanted, I immediately casted my self made cultivation Technique:


• Supreme Grade Cultivation Technique: True elemental weapon forging •

Description: With mastered basic knowledge of blacksmithing, perfect control over natural elements and magic power ... Just by providing your mental magic & synchronizing it with the said elements .. Host can openly forge any weapon that he's knowledgeable about permanently from the natural elements ]


- Making the sword float in the air using mental energy; I've called out for nature and metal elements to help form the sword: The old broken sword of oroz was then covered inside an golden mist as I reconstructed it to his request while his eyes was full of stars looking at the process.


• [ Ding ]

GS: [ Host has created an platinum rank elemental claymore ! ]


[ Enhanced claymore of durability ]

Description: Using the supreme grade cultivation technique: Host has reconstructed an broken sword and transformed it into an claymore with healing / self repairing elements !


• Vontè: ( Hmm, this is my first time actually making an claymore .. I might mass produce this for the future as training weapons )

- Once the process of making the weapon for our futures number one sword-master was completed: The golden mist dissipated while an long:

( 120 inches overall: 35 in. hilt, 85 in. blade: 3 pounds / 1.5 kg in weight )

claymore with an green tinted blade & pure silver hilt with the sects insignia was presented in front of him. After taking an firm hold of the weapon and inspecting it: I then handed it over to the anxious young warrior.

• Vontè: " This sword has healing & self repairing elements so that it'll never break while also helping you too get stronger ! .. It may be a little heavy for you at the moment. But, with enough training, I believe you will master it very soon, I look forward to your progress Oroz !

- I then ruffled up his hair a bit & was getting ready to walk off. But, I've failed to notice that all the rest of the disciples in the villages has finished assimilating with the pills and were staring at me with wide eyes .. Once I've seen that I've stop in my tracks and started to speak while using my inner strength to make my words clear in everyone's ear -

" I'm glad to see that everyone has become more stronger since we've last talked to one another: I presume everyone has found a role they'd like to pursue, correct ? "


• Everyone: " Yes, Sect Master ! "


• Vontè: " That's wonderful news for my ears ! Now it's time to head back to the sect ! .. Once you see it, I guarantee most of you won't even leave the home grounds, haha ! .. Now, everyone follow me back to the entrance and get ready to depart ! "


Cosmic Construct: Transparent Platform


Magic Creation Skill: Anti Gravity Flying Rune


- As I'm walking back towards the entrance of the village with lily next to my side, I've created multiple versions of the same platform that transported us here to transport everyone here back to the sect .. Once we've reached the entrance of the village: KÄZMIK instantly woke up from his slumber and greeted me:

• KÄZMIK: " Welcome Back master ! "

• Vontè: " Glad to see you also KÄZMIK "

( I turned my back to face everyone and spoke out loud )

" Everyone, filled a spot on these platforms and we'll leave once all the platforms are filled ! "


- I then turned back around while picking Lily up in an princess carry as I jumped up onto KÄZMIKs' back: Once my feet touched the scales of his back, it was at this moment Anastasia materialized from flames behind me as I was helping Lily stand up & hugged me from behind.

• Anastasia: " I've missed you my love "

- I turn around to hug her back tightly and kissed her on the neck -

• Vontè: " So have I my beautiful wife: I'm also happy that you were able to take your first steps towards your dream ! "

- Once the words were spoken, Anastasia's face became completely flushed: turning meek as she placed her face in my chest -

• Anastasia: " Only because of your help my love "

• Vontè: ( smiles very warmly )

" Take us home KÄZMIK, your brothers will also be waiting there for us to return "


- The platforms have become filled at this point with all my disciples, signaling the time to leave this area .. Making an upwards motion with my fingers, all the platforms started levitating upwards into the sky as KÄZMIK started to climb up into the clouds .

• Vontè: " Don't fly so fast KÄZMIK, take us home at an slow speed "

• KÄZMIK: " Yes Master "


- Thinking about my other two contracted beasts Igneel & LinQu, I've sent out an soul telepathy message to them both telling them to return back to the sect !


• [ Ding ]

GS: [ Host is receiving telepathy messages from contracted beasts ]


• Igneel: " Master ! This Igneel has conquered the northern part of the forest as ordered ! .. I've also found some interesting beast which I'll be also bring back home, see you soon master "

• LinQu: " Master, I'm already back home at the sect with some fire type canine beast as requested ! But, there's also some strange man in all black with a very big long sword standing infront of the sect ! Shall I take him down for you master ?



