Cloning creatures like this should be illegal !

- The journey back to the sect was slow because I wanted to enjoy this memorable moment with my new family as we hover over the trees of the nightmare forest: The pure warm and cool winds bringing comfort as it flows against us and the beautiful skies of Utoprime makes an very relaxing atmosphere .. As I'm sitting on the back of KAZMIK with my wives resting in my arms: I couldn't help but to think about the new library inside of the sect ! Thinking about how many books are inside of it now & the sight of my disciples gaining any knowledge they want brings an smile upon my face ! .. We're still about an good 20 minutes away from the sect - So I've entered my inner world after sending an telepathy message to my contracted beast to meet me there !


- Once I've regained my focus: The first thing I've noticed was that my inner world has expanded quite largely since the last visit ! I'll leave the exploration for later because right now my contracted beast are in front of me with some new magic beast behind them both !

= Igneel: " Master I've completed the mission in which you've tasked me to complete! There wasn't any beast there that could have beat this Igneel: So I was able to take over the northern parts of the forest and once you've reached a certain point; It'll lead to any open expanse thats' miles and miles wide of grassland .. Behind me are unique beast that's recently broken through the Lord Stage without bloodlines !


= Vonte: " Good work Igneel: I'm very proud of you ! It's unfortunate that you couldn't find an partner yet though haha !

( Hey Gs, scan those magical beast for me )


= [ Ding ! ]

= [ Scanning selected magical beast .. Completed .. Showing stats of selected beast ]


= [ Race: Moonlight Winged Pegasus ]

= [ Bloodline: None ]

= [ Cultivation: Lower Lord Rank 1 ]

= [ Sex: Female ]


= [ Race: Albino War Lion ]

= [ Bloodline: None ]

= [ Cultivation: Lower Lord Rank 2 ]

= [ Sex: Male ]


= [ Race: Violet Shadow Panther ]

= [ Bloodline: None ]

= [ Cultivation: Lower Lord Rank 1 ]

= [ Sex: Female ]


= [ Race: Black Tip Golden Bearded Falcon ]

= [ Bloodline: None ]

= [ Cultivation: Lower Lord Rank 3 ]

= [ Race: Male ]


= Vonte: " You've also brought me some very interesting magical beast back Igneel, very good: I have a feeling Lily & Anastasia will fall in love with the pegasus, so lets try out something new ! "

- Remembering the cloning machine I've received as an special reward. I instantly summoned it from the inventory ! Once the command was given; There was an very bright light that appeared an few feet away from me &!once the light faded away: A very large solid white circular sphere was presented to my eyes: Taking a few steps towards the cloning chamber, I placed my hands upon its smooth round surface once I was close enough & as soon as I touched it; A very interesting interface popped up !


= [ Ding ]

= [ How To Use Cloning Machine 101: In order to use the cloning machine: Host must place the creature next to the machine as it will first needed to be scanned. Once the scanning is complete - the machine will expand in accordance to the creatures size & will open up in order to let the beast inside: After the beast is inside of the cloning machine - an interface like screen will appear in front of the host's eye displaying the information and options of cloning for the beast. Each cloning process will be 5 - 10 minutes long and host will be able to perfectly clone beast at will with unlimited uses. ]


= Vontè: * closes eyes & breathes in an deep breath of air *

( Haha, there's so many routes that this machine just created for me ! I can't wait to have my army of magical beast ! .. Now every single disciple of mine that joins the taming division will be granted an personal beast companion )

" LinQu ! "


= LinQu: " HELLO MASTER ! It felt like years since I've last seen you master: LinQu is very happy ! .. I've brought you some interesting fire type beast as ordered while also taken over the western part of the forest that's filled with lots of mountain ranges, herbs, dense mana and resources master !


- After LinQu has given his report: I'd walked over to them both and gave them head pats to show my happiness !

= Vontè: " Very amazing work the both of you - leave the beast you've brought back to me here & meet me back at the sect to greet my new wife & disciples. That swordsman standing guard in front of the stairs dressed in all black is also your new family !


= LinQu: " Master has a new wife ? I can't wait to meet her master ! See you back at the Sect ! & That' swordsman is also strong - can't wait to spar with em' "

= Igneel: " This Igneel will also meet you back at the sect to greet the queens & newcomers master. That swordsman isn't as strong as me, so I'll keep my eye on him until you arrive master !


= Vontè: ( Gs, you know what to do )


= [ Ding ]

= GS: [ Confirmed Master Vontè ... Scanning new fire type magical beast ... Done ... Showing basic stats .. ]


= [ Race: Striped Nose Flame Tusked Elephant ]

= [ Bloodline: None ]

= [ Cultivation: Lower Obsidian Rank 3 ]

= [ Race: Male ]


= [ Race: Alpha Iron Tooted Dark Flame Wolf King ]

= [ Bloodline: Alpha Iron Bone Fire Wolf ]

= [ Cultivation: Upper Lord Rank 7 ]

= [ Race: Male ]


= [ Race: Iron Tooted Dark Flame Wolfs ] x 50

= [ Bloodline: Iron Bone Fire Wolf ]

= [ Cultivation: Lower Diamond ranks 1-5 ]

= [ Race: Male - Female ]


= [ Race: Incendiary Poison Spitting Python ]

= [ Bloodline: Mutated Poison Blood Python ]

= [ Cultivation: Upper Lord Rank 8 ]

= [ Race: Male ]


= Vontè: ( These are really some very interesting magical beast LinQu has brought me back: I wonder if my innate skill can duplicate this cloning machine though ?? )

" Well, the only way to find out if it work is to try it out first: I have 57 new magical beast here & thanks to my ability to comprehend any language; I'll be able to also speak with them - But, let's leave that for later, lets try too duplicate this bad boy first ! "

- I walk back over to the cloning machine once again while placing both my hands upon it as I envision 4 more cloning machines being duplicated next to each other to form an row of 5 cloning machines:


[ Infinite Innate Golden Touch ]

- Description: Able to unlimitedly create a supply of any object that has been touched by the user of the skill ! ( close eyes to envision the object and amount: only restriction is creating humans )


= [ Ding ! ]

= GS: [ Host has created 4 - Inner World: Perfect Cloning Machines ! ... Granting 2 Gacha tickets ! ]

( 60 remaining gacha tickets & 1 premium summoning tickets remaining )


= Vontè: " Good S### ! - Now, I'll be able to increase the productivity of cloning beasts for my sect !! - I rather use my summoning tickets for my beast companions .. But hmm, I might make that bearded falcon my own .. Since we already have an mini army of the wolves: Let's increase their numbers too one thousand and create an female alpha wolf for our young wolf king. "

- I approach the Alpha wolf and instructed him to walk towards the cloning machines with his subordinates & walk inside of the cloning machine after it opens up: The Alpha wolf was the first one to approach the machine to be scanned: After approaching the center of the CM - an neon green light was released that scanned the Alpha wolf and soon after the scanning; It grew in size to allow access for the beast to get inside. Once the scanning was completed; The wolf king walked out of the machine & stopped an few feet outwards before turning back to look at the machine with somewhat expecting eyes ! -

= Vontè: " That's so cool ! Let's try this out this machine immediately ! "


= [ Ding ]

= GS: [ Would Host like to see cloning interface display ? Y / N ]


= Vontè: ( Yes ! )


[ Inner World: Perfect Cloning Machine Interface ]

• Species: Alpha Iron Tooted Dark Flame Wolf King

• Bloodline: Alpha Iron Bone Fire Wolf

• Cultivation: Upper Lord Rank 7 • Race: Male ]


= DNA Options Available for Cloning =

£: Alpha Iron Tooted Dark Flame Wolf King / Queen ( Male - Female )

£: Mutated Diamond Tooted Wolf

£: Pure Iron Body Wolf

£: Dark Flame Elemental Two Tail Wolf ( Female )

£: Iron Tooted Dark Flame Wolf


£: Amount to clone : ???


( So I can also pick the upgraded / downgraded bloodline of the beast if it already has one: Interesting ! But we just want to make an companion for our young king and increase the numbers )

- So after learning that I can also pick an different version of the hidden bloodlines for a beast if it already has one - many numerous interesting ideas started appearing in my mind: But, thats another project for later ! - I picked the first option to make an female version of the: Alpha Iron Tooted Dark Flame Wolf Queen : while waiting the 5 - 10 minutes. There was also an countdown ticker which was an nice addition. ( Inner World time is 10:1 hour ratio ) Once the 5 minutes was completed; Out of the machine came an large sized white and purple flaming tipped furred wolf with metallic iron teeth & once it caught sight of me it immediately ran towards me to rub it face against me to show affection before walking off towards the young wolf king.

= Vontè: ( Now make me some baby alphas !! HAHA )

- After making an companion for our wolf king: I instructed five of the other subordinate wolves to do the same as their king: Once they've completed the process; I've programmed each of the five machines to clone ( 100 males / females ) iron tooted dark flame wolves to give us our one thousand clones - Immediately after confirming the cloning commands: I'd spoken towards every single magical beast inside my inner world -

= Vontè: " I want everyone here to head towards that glowing • tree of life • to stabilize your foundations: I'll be back later to talk to everyone: This will be your new home until summoned to the real one: Later ! "

= Magical Beast: " Yes Master Vontè "


- It's only been about 30 seconds that past in the real world: My objectives here are completed - so let's head out back to the real one. -




AN: Thank you everyone for reading my novel ! - If you're enjoying my series: please show love & send feedback :) - One love & see you next chapter !