Everything is progressing smoothly - Back to cultivation !

- The journey back to the sect went very smooth without any interruptions; and now we are about to reach the entrance of the sect. The past few days has been filled with plenty surprises - with the most surprising being able to recruit an entire village ! As we are flying over the last remaining bit of trees into the clearing area; Several of the disciples were not able to contain their inner thoughts.

" Wah .. so beautiful ! Mother, is this our new home ? "

" Yes, my princess. This is where our family can be safe and grow stronger. "


" Lord Vonte said this was his sect ?? More like an kingdom ! "

" ..... "

" Truly an befitting home for an god ! "

" Hey ! That gatekeeper looks so strong and scary ! "

" Are .. are, those his guardian beast ?!?!? "

" I've definitely chosen the right Lord to follow ! "


= [ Ding ! ]

= [ Due to host: Innate skill - Empowerment of Praise - Granting one gacha ticket ]

( 61 gacha tickets remaining & 1 premium gacha ticket remaining )


- Listening to all the praises of my disciples alongside my wives in my arms has brighten up the mood even more for me: I tapped KAZMIK on his back signaling him to land on the ground. Once we've landed on the ground alongside the transparent platforms carrying all of my disciples: I've released my wings as I jumped off his back carrying both Lily & Anastasia.

= Lily: " Show off .. "

* kisses vonte on the cheek *


= Anastasia: ( whispers into vontes ear blushing very hard )

" I'll be training my female soldiers most of the day: but I'll be using most my stamina on you later; So come home early .... "


- After receiving my blessings from both my beautiful wives: My contracted beast Igneel & Linqu also approached me too give their greetings.


= Igneel: " Greetings Master. Lady Lily & Lady Elizabeth "

= Linqu " Master, I like this plot of land. I'll guard the entrance of the sect for now on ! "


= Anastasia: " I've never seen beast like these before my love; What type of magical beast are they ? "

= Lily: " You've gotten stronger Linqu ! Good Job "

= Vonte: " Anastasia, the one I call Igneel is an Rare Type of chimera called an (Griffin) & the one I call Linqu is an even more rare mystical rank type magical beast called an ( Qulin ). & You're right Lily: He has gotten stronger since we've last him. Lets all spar when we get the chance !


- While we were having our conversation: It was at this time that my new summon GUTS approach us to greet everyone.

= Guts: " Lord Vonte: It's an honor to become an Elder of your sect & to fight by your side ! I will crush all your enemies like the ants beneath my feet and also become the strongest swordsmaster on this world !


= [ Ding ! ]

= [ Due to host: Innate skill - Empowerment of Praise - Granting one gacha ticket ]

( 62 gacha tickets remaining & 1 premium gacha ticket remaining )


- Kneeling on the ground in front of me is an very broad built young man - a few years older than me - with short spikey black hair wearing an black robe that's covering the solid black armor beneath it - with an greatsword that's about 6 feet long - 1.5 feet wide and atleast 4 inches thick ! Once his oath was shouted to the heavens: He immediately stood up too speak a few more words and walked towards the forest to do some intense training. Then it was my wives turn to leave my side: Leaving only my contracted beast & disciples in my presence.

= Guts: " Now I'll excuse myself to go do some training Lord Vonte "


= Lily: " I'm going back to the room to cultivate babe. See you later "

= Anastasia: " Royal Valkyries ! Stand & Follow me towards the forest ! We're also going to get some real combat experience !


= Vonte: ( So she has about 300 females recruits huh .. Not bad, I must make them some armors and weapons later .. )


- Once Guts and my wives left to do their own things: It was time to get some things straighten out with my disciples ! .. I turn my body around to face them - since my back is all they've been watching since we arrived & too my surprise: Every single one of them were kowtowing on the ground without speaking a word or moving with my core disciples in the front.

= Vontè: " Rise "


= Everyone: " Yes Lord Vontè "


= Vontè: " Now that we've returned: I want everyone to relax for the day too explore the sects grounds & meet me here at this same spot tomorrow at noon ! The very topmost layer is where I'll be living; So that will be off limit to everyone ! Now; Disperse & go familiarize yourself with your new home.


- The moment I've spoken those words: Everyone immediately started to walk up the stairs of the sect - leaving only one disciple in my presence. He was another young man in his early twenties with spikey brown hair - lean build with some muscles and yellow eyes that's seems to reflect the sun rays. He also has an hammer on his back with blacksmithing tools wrapped around his waist !

= ( no name ): ( bows to show respects )

" Master: This lowly one is called Demichi ! I am only just an blacksmith ! I was wondering if Lord Vontè can teach me in the ways of blacksmithing.


= Vontè: ( Hey Gs, show me his stats )


= [ Ding ! ]

= [ Updating stats of outer disciple Dimichi ... Competed ... Showing current stats ]


• [ Name: Dimichi ]

• [ Race: Human ]

• [ Bloodline: Black Flame Yang Body ( sealed ) ]

• [ Sex : Male ]

• [ Cultivation: Upper Platinum Rank 6]

• [ Body Rank: Upper Platinum Rank 6 ]

• [ Strength: 512 ]

• [ Agility: 460 ]

• [ Magic: 600 ]

• [ Vitality: 450 ]


= Vontè: " Dimichi: I can see that your constitution is perfect for becoming an blacksmith ! Are those tools also created by you ?


= Dimichi: " Yes Lord Vontè. Before my father was killed in the forest by an magical beast stronger than him; Creating these blacksmithing tools was the last test he had for me - After successfully creating them - he passed down the family's blacksmithing tradition down to me to broaden my knowledge before going to the forest to do something. But I've completely mastered our arts & now my goal is to further polish my smithing skills !


= Vontè: " I'm sure that your family are proud to have such an strong and talented son ! "

( I then pulled out an blank book from my storage ring & used my innate skill: book keeper - in order to copy my thoughts onto the blank pages. )


= [ Ding ! ]

= [ Host has created an new diamond rank book : Advance understanding of the worlds elements and its ores - Granting one gacha ticket ! ]

( 63 gacha tickets remaining & 1 premium gacha ticket remaining )


•• [ Ding ! ]

•• [ Copy of the book has been added to the sects library ]


- Once the contents were created inside of the book: I immediately tossed it over to dimichi. He swiftly grabbed it from the air - started hugging the book very tightly like it's an heavenly treasure - bowed and then quickly ran off .

= Vontè: " That book contains advance understanding about the elements of the world and its ores. Study upon this book and once you've completely understood the knowledge. Come to find me and we'll go to the forge to create weapons for the sect !


= Dimichi: " Thank you Lord Vontè ! .. I will go and study all the knowledge that this book holds and come find you in a couple days ! "


- After our future Head blacksmith ran off towards the first layer of the sect; which is where their homes are located. It was only just me and my contracted beast standing at entrance to the sect. I couldn't help but to look very proudly at my new home while giving LinQu head pats. Things are moving just as they should be & now I can focus on my cultivation: Thadon, Elizabeth, Houton and my wives can handle all the internal affairs of the sect: which saves me alot of time to focus on other things. I'm very grateful to have such capable people on my side. My current cultivation is Upper Immortal Rank 7; Strong, but not strong enough. There's plenty of hidden dangers in this world and I must get stronger to protect what I have !

= Vontè: " LinQu, remember to guard the sect well while I gone to cultivate ! Igneel, take me to the very top of the sect and once I've landed - go out too patrol the skies to find some more aerial magical beast. KÄZMIK, go back to the inner world and cultivate near the tree of life. "


= KÄZMIK: " Yes master ! "

= LinQu: " No problem master; nobody will be able to disturb you ! "

= Igneel: " I'll make sure to find some strong beast for you master ! Shall we depart now ?


- Once I was dropped off by Igneel into my personal garden: I didn't waste any time and immediately sat in an lotus position to start cultivating. But before that I created an barrier spell to prevent any of my energy from leaking out and released my sealed cultivation from Upper Lord Rank 9 back to Upper Immortal Rank 7 -

= Vontè: " I've missed this feeling: Now let's do this "





AN: Thanks for reading my latest chapter ! I appreciate everyone who reads my novel: Hope your still enjoying :) ! Upcoming next are the auxiliary chapters to show all the main characters stats and skills !!!