Gacha Pull & Time to Cultivate on the Solo !

* swoosh *


[ Innate Passive Ability ] [ Map of essence ] [ Unknown Rank ]

- Description: Due to having such an amazing affinity with nature and the magic skill creation .. Host has created an unknown rank skill that allows an 3–D like map in the top corner of the eye showing the surround land, people, beast of 500 meter area.


- It's been about two hours since I've left from the sect to go explore more of this unknown world and the nightmare forest. Igneel has been flying at an very steady pace as to let me rest until we've reached our destination - but I've been doing way more than just resting my eyes on this mini adventure. From the very moment we left the sect I've been spreading my senses all over the forest as we fly over the trees to map out the area outside the sect's perimeter too map out the area- numerous wild magical beast resides in this forest ranging from the lowest rank of bronze up to the rank of demigod !


= Vonte: ( Food sources , materials & training subjects are very abundant inside this deadly forest. )

- Currently I have enough disciples for the moment under my sect banner and will not be massively recruiting anymore for now; But, if an unique talent were to swear loyalty to me - it'll all be for the best and for the foundation the sect. My main focus for the moment is to explore , find treasures and to better understand my skills / laws since I finally have some time to myself to go solo for an few days.

= Vonte: ( Its as good as a time to also use the GACHA !!! - its been such an long time since I've last used the feature ! I was going wait until I reached 100 tickets ... but **** it, why not ? HAHA )

( Hey GS - I'm ready to use my gacha tickets. Use all 75 of the normal gacha tickets and save the premium summoning ticket. )


= Ding !

= GS: ( Confirming command to use all 75 gacha tickets ... Completed .. Deducting 75 normal gacha tickets )

0 normal gacha tickets remaining and 1 premium summoning ticket remaining


= Ding



•[ Unknown rank innate ability ] [ Sunyata Manipulation ] ( Nothingness / Emptiness Manipulation )

- Description: Host can now create or manipulate the essence of voidness - with this skill, host can remove energy and matter from existence permanently from all planes / dimensions.


• [ Supreme Rank Innate Skill ] [ Void Sealing ]

- Description: Host is able too perfectly seal people / beast using nothingness manipulation: making them completely nonexistent, unable to do any action - trapped in the nothingness, where no one will be able to sense their life-force / soul.


• [ Unknown Rank Innate Ability ] [ Master Creator of Martial Arts ]

- Description: Host can create new fighting styles and methods of combat uniquely to them - allowing the user of this skill to prevent opponents from adapting, defending, or countering there style by constantly creating new ways to attack and brand new techniques on the fly. More so, the user of this skill isn't simply modifying or combining new fighting styles to form new ones, but instead is creating entirely new fighting styles either from scratch or from ideas.


• [ Diety Rank Innate Ability ] [ Potential Negation / Unlock Potential ]

- Description: Host can now unlock / take away the potential of those who he chooses.


•[ Indestructible Carrier Airship ] [ Unknown Rank Treasure ]

- Description: An unknown rank treasure from another dimension. This airship carrier can transport and hold atleast eight thousand passengers. The ship is outfitted with anti - gravitational to fly into the sky and is also outfitted anti-magic runes that'll neglect any magic or physical attacks which in-turns makes it indestructible. The ship also has camouflaged runes to hid from plain sight. The owner of this magnificent vessel needs not worry for fuel since it's able to absorb the surrounding elements to power itself.


•[ Unknown Rank Innate Passive Ability ] [ Prodigy Adventurer ]

- Description: The users of this skill is gifted with flawless skill in exploring/adventuring; able to also solve any mysteries, escape any trap, know the quality of any treasure, having a keen knowledge in a verity of subjects and can even discover the most remote and secret locations/treasures with little to no time at all.


• [ 10 packs unknown magical plant seeds ]

- Description: 10 packs of unknown magical seeds with unknown properties. Each of the packs will contain atleast an acre worth of seeds.


• [ 50x Camouflaging Cloaks of Illusion Deception ]

- Description: These all black cloaks are the perfect cloaks for scouts / assassins. Able to completely cover up and hid the wearers body from sight. Will need magic power to contain the illusion to completely hid from sight and once the wearer out of magic - the cloak will become just an thin outer black robe.


• [ 4x Diamond Crusted Holy Jade Necklaces of Tranquility ]

- Description: These beautifully crafted necklaces are four of an kind pieces. Crafted with the mind of complete harmony and peace with holy jade - those who wears the necklaces will always have have an calm aura surrounding them and will also be able to always feel the presence of the other owners aura of the necklace.


• [ 5x Multi - Purpose Farming Tools ]

- Description: These multi - purpose tools can change its shape too any farming tool in order to perform its task on the farming field and can also be used as a weapon if needed.


= Ding !

= GS: " Host has received all items and skills from gacha pull ! Host has amazing luck ! "


= Ding !

= GS: " Due to host innate ability " empowerment of praise " - Host have received 6 normal gacha tickets "

( 6 normal gacha tickets and 1 premium gacha ticket remaining )


= Vonte: ( These gacha pulls never fails to amaze me, haha ! My two beautiful wives will definitely love these jade necklaces .. I'll send them telepathy messages later on - Now, its time to land and start what we've came out here to accomplish ! )

" Igneel - 200 meters to your right is an open canopy moonlight lava cave - change direction to that area and we'll use that as our camping grounds. There's an abundance of star , solar , lava and other elements in that cave that'll be extremely good for your progression "


= Igneel: " Okay Master ! - Changing course now. "

* swoosh *


- Hearing about the abundance of essence inside of that cave - Igneel put an little more power into his wings and we've arrived at the entrance of the cave in just 15 seconds. ( close to 30 mph ). The moment we touched down infront of the cave - I couldn't believe how spacious the cave actually was: But, in comparison to GrandPa Klemu's secluded cave - it's not even comparable and yet at the same time - it's spacious enough to fit atleast two full sized KAZMIK'S. It's also been awhile since I've last used my ( treasure ping ) skill. So without further ado; I began walking further inside the cave with Igneel on my side keeping guard. My newly acquired passive ability ( prodigy adventurer ) combined with the ( treasure ping x map of essence ) is leaving golden dots on the map signifying any type of treasure / magical plants with an an expanded searching area of 1000 meters of my location. The sun is currently sitting high in the sky giving off its majestic warmth and essence; But, the moment we'd walked inside the cave it was even brighter ! Magic stones of all colors and sizes covering the caves walls giving off an beautiful rainbow type of lighting with many type of flora covering the caves floors.

= Vonte: ( This is giving me dungeon type vibes for some reason - but, its definitely not a dungeon )

- The two of us have been walking for about 5 minutes now and yet we've never reach the opening of the cave just yet - I've also been picking up random plants along the way as I walk - putting them straight into the inventory and not viewing the description of them; I'll save that for later on. walking for another 5 minutes - we've finally reached the opening of the cave & I must say ...


= Igneel: " Master ! This cave is magnificent ! There's so much pure essence in this cave and not one living soul resides inside here - which leaves us with more resources and peace of mind to cultivate freely !


= Vonte: " I've also thought the same as you Igneel "


- In the middle of the cave is an olympic sized pool of active lava & according to the map - there's also an magic stone inside of it that has been created from the lava's pressure and abundant essence in the surrounding which in turn created an mana stone of pure fire / earth elements. The roof of the cave is non-existent which leaves an open canopy for the moonlight / sunlight to shine down upon the bottom floor of this cave. The abundant nature elements and the cycle of light / darkness creates the beautiful flora and magical plants inside of this cave. I have ample time to explore more of this cave - but, for right now I want to cultivate under the suns essence. So lets' do exactly just that !

= Vonte: " Igneel - we'll explore more of the cave and surroundings later on today. But right now its time to cultivate and solidify our understanding of laws and consolidate our foundations ! We may be powerful at the moment, but there's ALWAYS someone stronger out there. Inside of that lava pool there's an goodie for you that'll help your progression. See you in an couple hours !


= Igneel: " Yes, Master. I'll follow your orders completely ! "

* splash *


= Vonte: " The lava pool is the perfect resource for Igneel and this open canopy cave is also the perfect harmony for my cultivation technique. There's an boulder in the middle of the pool which also sits directly in the middle of the open canopy. Lets do this. "

- Once I jumped over towards the boulder - I sat in an lotus position, closed my eyes, steadied my breathing and activated my cultivation technique. -


•[Cultivation Technique: Origin of GoldStar ] ( Supreme Grade Inheritance )

- This cultivation skill is the one the founding father " Klemu GoldStar " created himself in order to rise from a normal blacksmith to one that has reached above Supreme Grade Cultivation ... This heavenly cultivation skill requires that of pure GoldStar blood and to cultivate when the sun and moon are both at its peak in the sky, by cultivating and revolving the energies throughout every meridian in the body while the sun & moon are at its peak one will shed his normal shell to become higher than the heavens !! - ]


= Ding !

= GS: ( Showing current cultivation level of Master Vonte and Contracted Beast Igneel )


Name: Vonte

•[Cultivation Rank: Upper Immortal Rank 7]

•[Body Rank: Cosmic Vessel of Nature ]


= Name: Igneel

• [ Cultivation Rank: Upper Semi-Immortal Rank 6]

• [Body Rank: HelioKinesis Elemental Body ]





AN: Thanks for reading my latest chapter ! I appreciate everyone who reads my novel: Hope your still enjoying :)