They're finally showing themselves !

= Vonte: ( ~ exhales ~ )

- The next moment that I'd opened up my eyes - I noticed that it was an new day - because of the rising sun whose warm sunrays is starting to take over the dark starry skies above my head through the open canopy. Igneel is still cultivating inside of the molten lava beneath me under this boulder; So I summoned my wings & flew upwards towards the open canopy to get an better look at the skies and to bath in the sunrays to energize myself. Once I was through the canopy I immediately stopped midair once I reached an certain height and quickly spread out all my limbs to stretch.

= Vonte: " Mmmph. That felt amazing - now its time for breakfast. Lets see what type of beast are close around.


[ Innate Passive Ability ] [ Map of essence ] [ Unknown Rank ]


= Ding !

= GS: " There are 3 magical beast with the foundation of Upper Lord Rank 10 within two hundred meters of hosts location. "


= Vonte: " Hmm Hmm. Sounds like an good warm up for this morning to try out my mastery on new skills & too also acquire some good ingredients for breakfast. Bet "


- The closest beast was atleast 20 meters away from me - north of my current position. So locating it wasn't hard at all due to my current height advantage. After locking sight of the magical beast which was an massive mutated male boar - I pulled out one of the bows I made for the valkyries and tried creating an elemental arrow out of flames which was successful !


= Ding !

= GS: " Host has created an new skill ! "

[ Lord Rank Cultivation Technique: Enhanced Elemental Arrow ]

- Description: The user can create arrows formed from magic which are capable of causing massive amount of damage / destruction depending on the magic power provided to create them.


* swoosh * / * sizzling noise *

- After checking the notification - I pulled back the string on bow with ease and released the thin flaming arrow which left an streak of fire as it approached the boar with lightning fast speed - ultimately piercing between the eyebrows of the boar killing it very quickly without it feeling pain. Once the beast was confirmed deceased - I used my ( meta teleportation ) skill to instantly arrive next to the boar which was even more massive up close. Taking out an dagger made from Dimichi - I started to dismantle the boar right then and there as in too lure the other magical beast with the scent of it's fresh blood and flesh. Dismantling the beast was very efficient due to the sharpness of the daggers blade - becoming curious about the stats of the weapon: I've called out my trusty sidekick.

= Vonte: ( Hey GS - Show me the details of this weapon. )


= Ding !

= GS: ( Scanning stats of weapon ... Done )


[ Yellow Pigment Dagger of Sharpness ] [ Knight Rank ]

- Description: An very sharp dagger made out of rare yellow pigment iron mixed with ebony which also makes it very durable. Made by apprentice blacksmith Dimichi of the Royal Cosmos Sect.

Additional Stats:

Sharpness: +10

Critical Strike Chance: 5%


= Vonte: " Not bad at all Dimichi. This an very fine dagger you've created. "

- Once everything was dismantled - I stood up & quickly put the fresh meat and materials inside my inventory so that I can welcome our new guest. -


* snap * ( sound of fallen tree branch breaking on the ground )



= Vonte: " Took you long enoug .. "


* swish * swish * swish *


- Before I could finish off my sentence - I was struck three times by huge brown paws with crimson glowing talons head on - which created an dust field around me due to the impact of the blows. Thinking it was victorious: the orc sized brown bear with an ruby colored gem on the middle of its forehead started to walk off away from from me: while looking for the boar I've just dismantled not long ago. Using the dust field to my advantage - I've casted another skill I hardly use due to the presence of the system.


[ Unknown Rank Innate Passive Ability ] [ Appraisal ]


Name: None

Species: Pyro Elemental Brown Bear

Cultivation Rank: Upper Lord Rank 10

Body Rank: Pyro Charcoal Bone Brown Bear


= Vonte: " Is that all the power you have inside that teddy - bear body of yours ? "

- Quickly standing back on its two legs to make it seem bigger than what its actually; with also the ruby like gem on its forehead shining with an menacing dark red color. Its obvious my words and unscathed body triggered its anger and now its pouring all its magical powers into this next attack. Opening its mouth very wide - an dark purple colored ball of magic is forming inside of it as the gem on its forehead shines brighter as if to blind me before the attack. The muscles of the bear is also bulging with veins starting to show out as it heavy body starts to also form web cracks under its feet.

= Vonte: " COME ! Let's see whos attack is faster ! "


[ DemiGod Rank Innate Ability ] [ Cosmic Flame Bolts ]

-Description: Aggressive balls of lighting coated with an dense layer of cosmic flames ready to molt down any enemy.


* GRRROWL !!! *

~ SHAA ~

* BOOOM !! *


= Vonte: " Damn .. I should've toned down the heat a little ... "

- After the dust clouds had settled down to show the results of the attacks - the sight in front of me was quite the spectacle. Still standing tall, but only half of its body remaining with the trees behind it completely burnt and devastated for atleast an mile - showed me just how powerful that skill actually was: Even with myself holding back to its power level. After all - if I truly wanted it to be. I can completely destroy half of this continent as easy as cutting butter. But, this is after-all my territory now, so lets not destroy my own land.


• [ God Rank Innate Skill ] [ Absolute Environment Creation ]

- Description: Host can create new environments from nothing or transform an already existing environment !


- Using one of my innate nature skills - I revived the burnt / damaged part of the forest that was destroyed just now due to the skills aftermath just now between the magical beast and myself. Even though the bears body is missing half of it and crisped up - Igneel will still love to eat this corpse and devour the left over essence. Due to my skills ( prodigy adventurer x treasure ping ), nearby magical herbs / fruits are being highlighted as I take an good look at my surroundings since I have no distractions now.

[ Unknown Rank Innate Passive Ability ] [ Appraisal ]


= Ding !

= GS: ( The following plants / fruits / herbs have been found near host location )


• [ Honey Banana ]

• [ Wild Butter Cored Potatoes ]

• [ Wild Lettuce ]

• [ Moonlight Herb ]

• [ Magical Herb of Extreme Searing Heat ]

• [ 100 year Yin flower ]

• [ Stalks of 450 year sweet ginseng ]


- As I took an stroll through the serene and beautiful forest that's abundant in nature energy and other elements - I found myself back in front of the cave which I've left earlier this morning and now its time to use my ( master chef ) skill which hasn't been used much lately. Taking out the cooking utensils from my inventory after making an primitive stone cooking stove made from earth elements. I took out some seasoning herbs and mix it with the fatty oil of the boar to create an oil to cook the boar - after placing an nice slab of the boar meat onto the hot stone slab after it was hot enough - I started cutting up some of the fruit I've found with the honey banana to make an large fruit salad on the side and manipulated the wood elements to create an large bowl for the fruit to be placed into and placed it in my inventory after chilling them down with ice essence. Taking out the wild potatoes next - I used water magic to wash them down and slit them down the middle for them to be steamed better on the slab under the banana leaf. Flipping over the large slabs of seasoned boar meat every 4 minutes on each side to make sure its cooked while steaming the potatoes made my mouth water slightly. After about 10 minutes of cooking - it was time to dig into the seasoned boar meat and steamed buttered potatoes !! But, before I was able to taste my meal: I've felt an familiar presence approaching me from the cave.

= Igneel: " Good Morning Master ! I was successfully able to strengthen my foundation and leveled up two minor realms ! "


= Vonte: " Good work Igneel ! I'm happy to hear about your successful cultivation ! "

- It was also at this time that I've taken out the half bear corpse from earlier from the inventory and placed it close to Igneel - alongside one of the extra slabs of boar meat I've just cooked . -

= Vonte: " Breakfast for you Igneel - My bad about the other half haha. "

= Igneel: " Thanks for the meal master - even though the other half is missing. The size of the other half is still quite large in size. I'll definitely be full after this meal ! "


- After giving Igneel his share of breakfast - it was finally time to eat mines !! The aroma of the boar steak with the potatoes is making my stomach rumble very loudly and making my mouth water. Taking my first bite out of the steak was so good that I couldn't describe it and immediately started the process of the next bite. Next thing I noticed was that two slabs of steaks and 4 potatoes were completely devoured - but ingredients are in ample supply, so for the next hour straight - I was cooking slabs of boar steaks and potatoes for me and Igneel. After such an extravagant meal - it was only right to flush it down with the mango wine.

= Vonte: " I wonder how far off the next civilization is located from my current location. Thinking about past conversations - The Crux Kingdom shouldn't be too far from here. "

[ Innate Passive Ability ] [ Map of essence ] [ Unknown Rank ]


= Vonte: " Hmm ... Whats this ? - Seems like I won't have to go find them after all. "


= Ding !

= GS: ( There's an group of one thousand cultivators approaching the * Everlasting Nightmare Forest * towards host's location .. Apprx. time of arrival is 2 days )





AN: Thanks for reading my latest chapter ! I appreciate you guys from the bottom of my soul !

P.S ...

Tomorrow Jan. 31 will be my birthday (: