Secret Surprise Visit & Fated Encounter !


[ DING!]

=GS: [ Sect has been fully upgraded into " kingdom " status: Original Levitating Hanging Kingdom of Babylon] (Supreme Grade Kingdom)

- Description: A newly created very large territorial kingdom that's built in a truly wondrous ancient architectural style with an updated layout from another thriving kingdom! There are very long marble slabbed stairs ascending upwards creating numerous different tired levels for the sect showcasing a pyramid style type of display - with every visible corner throughout the sect covered with beautiful flora, gardens, vines, trees & mini waterfalls from top to bottom creating small ponds on the very bottom tiers. Numerous golden brick buildings with white marble floors on every tier - while the most important buildings will be on higher tiers! The very topmost floating island is where the Host will be living while the core - inner - personal disciples & elders are granted their own floating islands for living purposes! The surrounding area will now be filled with unlimited amounts of absolute pure dense essence of every known element in existence. The kingdom is now an isolated secret realm hidden away from plain sight. ( + upgradable options available )


- Once me and my wives reached the opposite side of the portal into the secret realm where the newly built kingdom is now located. Let alone everyone present: Even I couldn't believe the new additions that's showcased in front of my eyes. The original design of the sect is still the same as it used to be - only now more expansive in size by multiple times with more added tiers which makes five in total ! Implementing the layout of the crux kingdom into the upgrade - the bottommost tier ( tier 5 ) is where all the normal business , shops & merchants will be stationed. The tier above that ( tier 4 ) is where all outer disciples homes will be located. Tier 3 will be the location of the training platforms / arena - classes & other minor sub divisions. Tier 2 will be where the library , blacksmithing , sect kitchen for meals / parties & main divisions are stationed while the very topmost tier ( tier 1 ) will be where the clan meetings - herb farms - sect master hall and mission board location for sect merit points ! There's also five different floating islands above the kingdom as living quarters for inner - core - personal disciples / elders , important guest and lastly one for me & my wives / family. Far to the right of the kingdom is a tiered tower of trials that contains numerous volatile portals of strength and far to the left is where the exit of the secret realm is located ! Also, there's a few kilometers worth of forestry surrounding the kingdom with some wildlife from the nightmare forest and cloned beast from my inner world. There's mountains in the far distance and even a large body of water on the base of the mountain ! The upgraded sect is truly a magnificent one & now that I've figured out the new layout - it's time to snap everyone out of their tranquil states and tell them to go explore the new kingdom instead and to meet me at the kitchen for a grand feast and good time later on tonight !

= Vontè: " ENOUGH STANDING AROUND EVERYONE ! GO & EXPLORE YOUR NEW HOME ! Those who know their way around the kitchen - proceed to the second top tier and prepare meals for everyone ! Tonight, we'll be celebrating the founding of the ROYAL COSMOS KINGDOM ! Also; here's a little information before you venture out: Tier 5 is for normal businesses - Tier 4 is where all outer disciple homes are located - Tier 3 is where you'll take classes from elders / teachers or myself while also being able to train on the platforms for friendly duels - Tier 2 is where all main divisions will be stationed and the very top tier is for clan meetings + to receive your sect missions for merit points ! I'll see everyone in a few hours and will answer all questions with the elders at that time ! "




= Vontè: " KÄZMIK - LINQU & IGNEEL ! There's no need to go back inside the inner world for now since this is our new home grounds - find a suitable place for you in this secret realm and make that your new resting spot ! I'll also see you guys later ! "


= Contracted Beast: " Yes, Master ! "

* swoosh * x3


- After giving out all the necessary commands to everyone to go and finally relax after a long day of battles. It was high time to make a surprise visit to my family back on the northern continent and introduce my new wives to father , mother cleo and grandpa klemu ! But, before I was able to begin the process of setting off - the system has showed a prompt which shocked me to the core ! -


[ DING ! ]

= GS: [ Hosts weapon " Elemental HellBlaze Devil Scythe " is resonating with one of the newly recruited disciples bloodline ! ]

- Description: A six foot long blood red colored scythe with a flaming three foot blade created from the heart & blood essence of a " Peak DemiGod PureBreed Hellblaze Fire Devil " located from a hidden secret realm of Utoprime. The bottom hilt of the scythe also has a small dagger like blade attached to it. Made by GrandMaster Blacksmith Klemu Goldstar.


- After reading the very surprising prompt from the system. I started feeling tugs on the sleeves of my robes from both Lily & Anastasia looking at a certain area together - while my new favorite scythe inside my storage ring is vibrating uncontrollably at the same time! Taking it out from my ring into the air of the secret realm - I removed my soul mark from it as it flew directly to a very curvaceous - beautiful dark curly haired - creamy toned maiden in her early 20s with serpent slit blood red eyes - standing at a height of 5'9 with a cold / lifeless / domineering aura - standing by herself isolated from the one hundred sixty plus thousand new recruits that's noticeably distancing their selves from being around her! We locked eyes for a brief moment before she curiously grabbed the scythe and was then greeted by a very surprising situation that caught all four of us off guard!

[ DemiGod Rank Innate Passive Ability ] [ Cosmic Domain ]

- Everyone from the crux kingdom was ignoring her presence as they all quickly fled towards the new kingdom with haste without even looking back at this direction for a second. The moment she grabbed the scythe in her right hand - her body was suddenly swallowed up within a fiery blood red cocoon as if she was about to transform anew ! I then quickly casted a magic barrier over her immediate area + us to isolate the current situation and patiently waited for the outcome of this surprising situation to come to a conclusion !


[ DING ! ]

•• SOS: [ Unassigned Rank disciple " Maliha Gertrude " is currently undergoing a transformation process as her sealed bloodline has unlocked over halfway due the assistance of the hidden blood essence + complete heart of her ancestors inside the scythe ! ]


[ DING ! ]

• [ Name: Maliha Gertrude ]

• [ Race: Hellblaze Devil Matriarch ] ( un-sealed )

• [ Sex: Female ]

• [ Age: 23 ]

• [ Bloodline: Elemental HellBlaze Devil ]

• [ Cultivation: Lower DemiGod Rank 1 -> Upper Demigod Rank 7 ]

• [ Body Rank: Hellblaze Demon Body ] ( un-sealed )


• [ Strength : 3305 ]

• [ Agility: 3500 ]

• [ Magic: 4600 ]

• [ Vitality: 4400 ]


- After about ten minutes of waiting for the process to finish. The fiery blood red cocoon finally opened up as the same gorgeous woman appeared out from its interior - but with some new key features ! Her blood red eyes has a slight glow to them now matching perfectly with the red outer disciple robes and there's also a red scythe now tattooed on the center of her forehead ! The moment she was released from the cocoon - she immediately started walking towards our direction with elegant strides and only stopped once there was only a few inches between us while smiling & keeping eye contact with me the entire time. Lily & Anastasia who are on both my left and right side respectively also kept eye contact with her as well while she was closely approaching us after such an life changing scene !

= Lily: ( whispers in Vontè's ear )

" I think we've found my second sister babe. There's no way such a fated encounter like this happens without significant meanings ~ "


= Anastasia: ( hmm .. deja vu ? )

" This is a very familiar scene my dearest husband ? She might potentially be the third + last one it seems .. I approve of this one ! I can feel a very pure blooded demon bloodline from her and it's definitely an ancient bloodline.


= Maliha Gertrude: ( does an elegant bow )

" Good Afternoon, Master Vontè & Lady Lily / Anastasia ! It's a pleasure to speak to you all for the first time. My name is Maliha Gertrude and I have a very special constitution which caused me to be viewed as an [ witch ] in the eyes of the people of the crux kingdom making me the outcast ! But, with my current strength - no one was ever able to bully or take advantage of me which allowed me freely study the ways of medicine - herbs - poisons - blacksmithing and cooking ! I want to confess that I've also meddled in the affairs of assassinations as well & my specialty is dark essence / space ! ~

( continues to look into the charming crimson golden eyes of master vontè )

" The moment you took out the scythe from your storage ring; I immediately felt a really strong connection with it deep within my soul for some strange reason and as soon the scythe reached me - the flaming blade started to transform + covered my entire body. Incasing me within a round cocoon like ball as an sizable dark red blood drop merged with my soul + body which helped unlocked my true bloodline which was sealed. I've gained a couple new memories from it - few passive abilities and upgraded a few minor realms. But, that was all there was to it including a clue to where the ancient powerhouse of my clan left his sealed possessions before his fatal battle with someone who looks like you master vontè - but older, many years ago. It has nothing to do with me now - so rest assured master vontè: I won't seek revenge ~ ! It turns out that my true bloodline is a pure blooded hellblaze devil bloodline from a hidden secret realm that's been destroyed. But, my only home is now here in the Royal Kingdom ! Hehe ~ You're also a very handsome man master vontè ! I'll become worthy enough one day to ask to stand freely by your side since this new life of mines is due to your blessings !

( shows a very warm & charming smile which has been sealed away for many years )

" I'll grow strong enough to become an elder of the sect to create a new shadow assassin division as well the best & most powerful intel gathering team under your banner ! "


- As she was giving us a thorough and clean introduction: telling us about herself, her past , her situations within the kingdom , her new life goals and the answer to our questions of what just transpired. I couldn't helped but to get lost inside those deep candy red eyes of hers as she never stopped making eye contact with me - not even for a second & at the very moment she said that one of her main goals was too get strong enough to stand on my side freely. I really wanted to make her mines right then and there ! -

= Vontè: ( Isn't that basically a proposal ? - Hah ! Now that's interesting. It makes it even more interesting because of the approval of both Lily & Anastasia. )


= Lily: " Mother Cleo will definitely approve of maliha, Vontè ! Anastasia still hasn't met mother cleo yet: But it won't be too long until that moment, hehe. "


= Vontè: ( looks at Maliha with an intense gaze which caused her to smile back more warmly making her eyes glimmer. )

" I want to know more about you on this trip back to my clan, maliha ! Would you like to accompany us ? "


= Maliha Gertrude: " I'll follow you wherever you decided to journey master vontè - if Lady Lily and Lady Anastasia also approve of my company. "


= Anastasia: " We don't mind at all - I also want to get closer to you Maliha ! We share similar goals and it'll be a pleasure having you on our side for now on and into the future ! "

( smiles very charmingly )


= Vontè: ( Heh ~ looks like my wives just married me off lmao ! I'm not complaining - Maliha is an absolute beauty and hidden gem ! )

" Huddle up next to me everyone ! "

- Remembering the ring that's always on my thumb no matter what ! I started to reminisce about the old days back home where the journey has began & started comparing it too where I'm currently at right now in life which aroused some emotions making me more and more excited about the future !


[ DING ! ]


[ Ring of the GoldStars ]

Description - This ring is only wearable and accessible to those of pure Goldstar Lineage. Crafted solely by a blacksmith from the GoldStar family. This signature golden black ring with dragons engraved elegantly throughout every inch: looking as if their flying depending on its angle - is an one of kind masterpiece ! The ruby stones on all rings are enchanted with a trace spell to send the said GoldStar back to the main branch or personal home - ( only useable once an hour ) ]


- The very next moment once Anastasia , Lily & Maliha huddled up next to me safely; I twisted the ruby like gem on the ring and was suddenly engulfed within a familiar rainbow like stream that transported us back to the personal home mountain regions of the " GoldStar Clan " !


( meanwhile, at the same time inside the living room of the old mansion of vonte & lily before setting off to the southern continent via random teleportation talisman that's located on top a secluded mountain )



= Father Antonio: " Cleo .. calm down for the little one, she'll grow up aggressive like yo ~ "


= Mother Cleo: " She'll grow up .. what, exactly antonio ?? "

( death stares )


= Father Antonio: ( changes subject )

" That brat is fine dear - knowing how vontè likes to make surprise visits. Today might be the day your prayers are answered honey. Don't you agree father ? "


= Grandpa Klemu: " HAHA ! You'll be sleeping on the couch tonight if you're wrong today, Antonio! Vontè is also fine daughter cleo - he's probably playing sect master somewhere right now. We trained him and Lily with everything we had to offer ! News of his achievements should reach us very soon ! With the amount of people we sent out into the world to search for his whereabouts - it's won't be long at all daughter cleo ! Trust the pro ~ !!? "


( suddenly a rainbow like stream manifests outside the doors of the old mansion situated on the peak of a secluded mountaintop within the territory of the GoldStar Clan )

= Vontè: " It's only been a few months since we left - but it feels like years past since then ! Glad to see that everything still looks the same as we left ! "


= Mother Cleo: ( shatters the door of the mansion and instantly runs towards a certain direction too bear hug my son while shedding happy tears )




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