Family Ties !

( continuous )

( suddenly a rainbow like stream manifests outside the doors of the old mansion that belongs to me + Lily: situated on the peak of a secluded mountaintop within the territory of my GoldStar Clan )

= Vontè: " It's only been a few months since we left - but it feels like a couple years past since then ! Glad to see that everything still looks the same as we le ~ .. ! "


= Mother Cleo: ( shatters the door of the mansion and instantly runs towards a certain direction to bearhug my son + daughter-in-law Lily while shedding happy tears )



= Vontè: ( warmly hugs mother )

" I've missed you as well mother & sorry for only coming back now ! There's much to tell you after I've left home a few months ago ! How is father - grandpa klemu & the rest of the family ? "


= Lily: ( warmly hugs mother cleo back as well )



= Mother Cleo: ( still embracing Vontè + Lily crying happy tears - since its the first time in months seeing them after so many months of praying for their safe return back home. )

" FUFU ~ speaking of your clumsy father. We also have something special to tell you which will make you two very happy ! Grandpa Klemu is still alive and the family + town residents have been constantly asking about you as well - let's all go and see them later since you're home now ! I bet you two are hungry after such an long trip - Butler Nox is also here and will prepare meals for all of us in a short while ! "


( quickly walks out the shattered door while exhaling some very good smelling puffy clouds from a wooden pipe and also hugs Vontè + Lily alongside cleo ! )

= Father Antonio: " Welcome back home my son + beautiful daughter, Lily ! If you'd arrived a day later - I would've been sleeping on the couch tonight lol ! .. Eh - who are these two new wom ~ .. "


( calmly smiles - leaning against the wooden frame of the shattered doorway with his arms folded while watching his family reunite together again after much worrying as well )

= Grandpa Klemu: " Not only did you come back even stronger my boy ! You've even found two new beautiful wives ~ ! HAHA !! I'm glad to to see that my bloodline will continue to grow strong ! "

( this brat now has three woman - such a playboy ! * starts reminiscing about the old golden days * )


= Mother Cleo:

( finally realizes the two new gorgeous maidens standing besides vontè + lily who're also watching the reunion with genuine wholesome smiles and then uses an ability to gauge the cultivation of the maidens. )

" WELL ~ ! Isn't this quite the surprise, fufu ~ "


= Vontè: ( pulls away from the family and walks next to Anastasia + Maliha holding their waistlines gently while smiling very happily. )

" Mother, Father & Grandpa Klemu. Alongside everything that I'll tell you in a few moments once we enter inside - the most important one that I have to tell is that I'm now the husband of two & I've also found the last woman who I'll give all my love ! The one on my left , Anastasia GoldStar - is my second wife as well the leader of an all female elite valkyrie legion under my sect banner & the woman on my right is my new + last lover Maliha Gertrude who has just become part of the family not long ago ! I promise you now that there will never ever be a day that I neglect or stop loving any one of my woman - these bonds are too last forever ! "


( Mother Cleo, Anastasia + Maliha's POV )


= Anastasia:

* steps forward away from vontè + respectively bows in-front of my new family whom I'm meeting for the first time & then looks them into the eyes before speaking in a respective tone ! *

" Hello, father & mother-in-law ! My name is Anastasia GoldStar and I've turned 20 earlier this year ! I'm the second newly engaged wife after sister lily & also the leader of an all female valkyrie legion under our [ Royal Cosmos Sect ] ! Since I've met vontè a couple months ago - life has been filled with many new surprises, experiences and days full of utter joy which I've never experienced before meeting him on that fateful day which changed my life completely around for the better ! He's very compassionate , strong , humble , loyal and supportive ! Thank you for raising such an amazing man & I hope that we'll continue to get along after today ! "

( As I'm giving out an formal introduction to my in-laws about myself. I couldn't helped but to try and expand my senses to try and gauge their cultivation levels which was like trying to scan the deep oceanic waters which showed that they're leagues above me and vonte in cultivation ! Father-in-law has a charismatic like appearance with an very dominant wargod like aura - standing over 6'8 in height with long smooth locs like my husband while my mother-in-law in every aspect is an absolute beautiful woman ! She's about 5'6 in height with a very seductive body and has red hair just like me - but with literal ghostly orange tips on the ends ! There's a splash of freckles only going across the middle of her nose & also has an pheonix like birthmark under her right eye which is so badass !! She's currently dressed in an all gold colored sundress with the shoes to match and there also seems to be a little budge coming from her belly ... ?!! )


= Maliha Gertrude:

* steps forwards and elegantly bows *

" Good Afternoon - Mr. Antonio & Mrs. Cleo Goldstar ! My name is Maliha Gertrude & I'm currently 23, just a few weeks away from my 24th year of life ! Even though I have the bloodline of the elemental hellblaze devils - my life and loyalty belongs solely to Vonte and I'll always be on his side until my last breathe ! Even though I've only heard a few scattered rumors - it's a pleasure to finally meet real members of one of the strongest top five clans in this world - if not the strongest ! "

* looks passionately at Vontè *

" I'll make sure to become worthy enough very soon to stand proudly alongside Lady Anastasia & Lady Lily and support him the best way I can in everything he does in life ! "


= Grandpa Klemu:

* intensely looks at Maliha for a quick second and pulls back the glaring to close eyes and thinks about a dreadful battle years ago ... *


= Mother Cleo:

( As vontè was formally introducing my new daughters - I released a little of my powers to check their bloodline + cultivation ranks which has shocked me to the core somewhat ! Not only are these two new daughter-in-laws very strong with unlimited potentials - one of their bloodlines are the rarest of rare and the other one is a new found bloodline that never existed until now ! Anastasia has a phoenix / dragon hybrid bloodline like yin & yang and is also an semi-immortal rank cultivator while Maliha has a bloodline which was known to be extinct since that massacre like battle grandpa klemu participated in years ago and is also a peak demigod rank cultivator getting ready too breakthrough to the next major realm very soon ! Fufu ~ my son fulfilled his promise with me admirably and brought back two beautiful one of a kind exotic gems back home ! Maliha says she's just a lover right now ~ but, after tonight she'll be newly engaged as well ~ fufu ! )

" Maliha & Anastasia ! "


= Maliha & Anastasia: " Yes ? Mother-in-law / Mrs. Cleo "


= Mother Cleo:

* walks towards Anastasia and Maliha and also hugs the both of them *

" Thank you for taking care of my son and I hope you two alongside little lily continue to support and genuinely love my son as he continue to make a name for himself in this world ! Welcome to the GoldStar family & one more thing you two - just call me mother cleo for now on my two new lovely daughters: we'll be seeing each other a lot more now ~ fufu ! Now, let's all go inside the mansion so that I can hear the stories of what I've been missing ! "

* grabs the hands of Anastasia & Maliha while walking towards the interior of the mansion *

" LETS GO ~ ! "

( Maliha & Anastasia looks at each other and softly starts laughing while following behind their new mother. )


( back to main character POV )

- After my mother has gotten acquainted with my lovely new wives who she's happily over the moon to finally meet as lily walks beside them back inside. My father and grandpa klemu are both looking at me with very smug smiles which says " NICE JOB ! BRAT " all over their faces which I returned back because I also feel very proud to have such amazing woman on my side that genuinely love + supports me. Father has put his arm over my shoulder while smoking out his wooden pipe as we also start following behind the woman back inside to talk more deeply about the events that's been happening since my departure. As we were walking closer towards the shattered door - I used my [ absolute nature manipulation] ability to create another door just like the one that was destroyed and fixed it back to it original state befitting finally entering the mansion. By the time me and father reached the living room to whine down - lily had already started too fill them in onto some of the events that happened- but not everything because she also wants to listen to me speak on everything I've been doing. The woman are all sitting together on the longer sofa looking at me - grandpa klemu is sitting on his own plushed out chair and father sat a little ways away from me while meditating with his wooden pipe and herbal smoke. Butler Nox is in the kitchen cooking a light meal for us as well ~

= Vontè: " Where to begin ~ ? Okay, I'll start with the day we departed off from here and arrived at the southern tip of the southern continent very close to the everlasting nightmare forest which I've completely made as my domain ! "

- I started to tell them about how the very moment we landed: Rayleigh who is now my personal disciple greeted us battered and critically injured while carrying his twin brother who was in an even worse shape on his back to safety looking for a clan to save his family who were at the time battling an intelligent demigod rank fenrir beast who ambushed their village with his minions killing everyone looking for revenge against his mother ! Linqu followed my order to kill the beast which was quickly subdued allowing me to save his family. After saving the Reddus family - they swore loyalty and became the first core generation of disciples under my newly created sect called the [ Royal Cosmos Sect ] which then lead to the next event of meeting Anastasia - followed by conquering a hidden dragon worshipping village of five thousand residents that has also swore fealty to me since I'm also the master of a dragon called KÄZMIK !

= Grandpa Klemu: " I would love to see this majestic dragon beast of yours , Von . It's been a long time since I've seen an living one ! "


= Vontè: " You'll be seeing him alongside more surprises later , grandpa klemu ! "


- After answering grandpa klemu question about KÄZMIK. I continued the story by telling them about my cultivation trainings - founding of anastasia's elite female Valkyrie legion alongside the many other sub divisions of my sect and finally catching up to the part where we had a battle with the crux kingdom who massively outnumbered us by a wide margin ! But, ultimately still lost its leader - people and now the kingdom has been destroyed entirely from existence ! "

= Father Antonio: " HAHA ! Definitely a son of this WarGod !! The enemy had over one hundred thousand cultivators and yet, you only defeated them with five thousand cultivators and numerous amounts of peak lord rank golems who kept respawning due to your unlimited mana reserves and mastery ! Lily & Anastasia , you two are very strong maidens of war it seems as well - 10 semi - immortal rank cultivators were defeated by the hands of you two alone ! Now, that's worthy of being a GoldStar Wife ! Good job ! "

* throws two thumbs up and very wide grin *


= Mother Cleo: " I've fallen for you girls even more now ~ . All four of us maidens of wars should have a friendly spar after I've fully recovered ~ fufu ! Which brings me to the special secret I have to tell you Vontè ~ "


= Vontè: ( looks at father who can't stop smiling while looking at a specific area near the stomach area of my mother )

" SERIOUSLY ~ !!? H - HOW LONG ??? "

( it was also at this time that butler nox delivered the food to us - placing it gently on the living rooms table and disappeared just as quickly )


= Mother Cleo: ( starts rubbing stomach area and warmly smiles )

" Well ~ .. about four months has past since it's been confirmed and we also learned that it's going to be twins ! You're a big brother now Vontè ! "


= Vontè: ( starts elbowing father playfully )

" Nice job father ! & CONGRATS MOTHER ! I can't believe that I'm actually a big brother now ! Heh, that's awesome ! "


= Lily: " WAH ~! I'm a big sis now ! Hehe, congratulations mother and father ! "


= Anastasia: ( so I'll also be a big sister now, that's really wonderful ! )

" Congratulations "


= Maliha Gertrude: ( so this is what a loving family looks and feels like , huh .. I want to experience more of this ! )

" Congratulations mother cleo + father antonio ! "


- After hearing the surprise from mother herself that left me speechless and very happy. Everyone including grandpa klemu continued to small talk for a few moments as everyone gotten closer and closer and afterwards everyone then finally decided to tour the goldstar clan since it's maliha's & anastasia's first time visiting the territory of my family ! The tour itself lasted a couple hours as we visited many places and was also swarmed by the townspeople who heard of my arrival and couldn't wait to finally see me and lilly after so long - but was also in for a surprised as they learned that I have two more wives who were also well received by the general people ! We even visited one of the main clans training mountains where's there's currently atleast 6x the amount of cultivators as the crux kingdom cultivators and thats just on one of the main mountains ! Talking to grandpa klemu about my sect - I asked him if I can set a portal here so that I can recruit elders , teachers and disciples who would love to visit or join which he answered:

= Grandpa Klemu: " You're also the future clan leader of the goldstars ! Do as you'll like my grandson, everyone here loves you and would come to your aid with just a word ! "

- After setting the portal and leaving a notice on a board next to it saying that I'm recruiting elders , teachers and disciples for my [ Royal Cosmos Sect ] and informing everyone on the mountain to spread the news ! It was well received and people were already ready to relocate to the southern kingdom ! But, I instead told everyone that I'll be back in a week on the main mountain to bring everyone back with me who wants to come so that they'll have time to do what they must before departure ! Once they heard the news - literally everyone started to spread the news around the territory !

= Vontè: * opens a portal back to the main clan *

" Father , mother , grandpa and my beautiful wives - shall we go back to the southern continent now ? "