**DING! **

=GS: [It has been exactly six days! Host has also leveled up to Rank 9 Upper-Immortal! Today is also the day of the grand wedding, congratulations Host! Granting 1 Golden Special Summoning Ticket.]

(10 Normal Gacha Tickets - 3 Special Golden Summoning Tickets & 1 Premium Ticket Remaining)


Emerging from six days of intense closed cultivation, Vonte found himself atop the tallest mountain peak within his newly created secret realm, which encompassed the entirety of the Royal Cosmos Kingdom. The view from the edge of the mountain was nothing short of breathtaking, providing a panoramic sight of the entire realm. From here, Vonte could witness the realm he had meticulously forged—a world of his own creation. The landscape stretched out before him, revealing lush green forests, crystal-clear lakes & ocean, and otherworldly large, tall snowy mountain peaks, all nestled within a harmonious natural order. The realm bore the unmistakable mark of his power and vision.


What made this exact spot even more remarkable was the dense concentration of elemental essences gathered in abundance. Here, at the mountain's zenith, the fundamental essences of earth, water, fire, and wind converged in perfect equilibrium. It was as though the very heart of creation pulsed beneath his feet. Vonte had intentionally chosen this location for his cultivation due to the extraordinary convergence of elemental forces. As he meditated on the mountain's edge, the horizon bathed in the soft hues of the approaching dawn, he felt a profound connection to the essence of his realm.


The mountain itself was a symbol of his dominion—a testament to his newfound power and the limitless potential he had unlocked. Its creation was a testament to his aspirations, and its presence served as a reminder of the responsibility he bore as the leader of the Royal Cosmos Sect.


In this transformative moment, Vonte realized that his journey was an ongoing adventure—an exploration of self and the boundless potential of his realm. Here, on this very mountain, he renewed his commitment to shaping the destiny of the Royal Cosmos Kingdom, determined to leave an indelible mark on this world of his own making with each meaningful breath he took. As Vonte stood at the peak, he could feel the accumulated energy coursing through his body, a testament to the six days of relentless cultivation. His aura radiated with an ethereal glow, and his senses were heightened, attuned to the subtlest shifts in the surrounding elemental essences.


With renewed determination, he extended his senses outward, feeling the heartbeat of the land, the whispers of the wind, and the rhythm of the waters. His control over the elemental forces was unparalleled, a reflection of his mastery over the cosmos itself.


In these final moments of his cultivation, he envisioned the grandeur of the wedding. The Royal Cosmos Sect, a newly created sect, had grown into a formidable power under his leadership. The union of Vonte and his beloved wives would be a celebration of love, unity, and the bright future they were forging together. The secret realm itself seemed to respond to his thoughts, amplifying his cultivation efforts - as he channeled the dense elemental essences into his body, he could feel himself ascending to new heights. With each breath, he drew in the essence of earth, water, fire, and wind, merging them within his being.


His cultivation rank, which is already impressive for someone at his age, was now on the cusp of reaching a new pinnacle—Upper Immortal Rank 9. The energy surged through him like a raging river, illuminating the intricate meridians inside of his body. He was on the verge of transcending into a realm of power that few had ever reached. In this very moment, Vonte's thoughts turned to the people he cared about—the Royal Cosmos Sect members, his beloved wives, his family and the friends he had made along his journey. Their support and unwavering belief in him had been his driving force ... As the first rays of dawn painted the sky in shades of gold and crimson inside of the secret realm, Vonte's body glowed with a transcendent radiance. The culmination of six days' worth of cultivation, his unwavering determination, and the boundless potential of his secret realm converged into a singular point of destiny & with one final surge of energy, he channeled the elemental essences into his core, breaking through the final barrier that helped him reach Upper Immortal Rank 9.

**BOOM! **

The realm itself seemed to hold its breath as he achieved this momentous breakthrough! Vonte's eyes, once closed in deep meditation, opened wide, reflecting the brilliance of the dawn. His body pulsed with power, and the very mountain beneath him resonated with his newfound strength.

=Vonte: "Today will become one of the greatest days of my life! It's bad luck for the groom to see his wives early - so let's go to the portal and greet everyone who will be relocating over to my kingdom! It's been a minute since I've seen my cousins and great uncles - I wouldn't be surprised if they were the ones to be all the way in the front, haha!"

** opens a portal that connects to the northern continent. **

~ whirr ~


(standing beside the portal with his family and hundreds of thousands of cultivators)

=Great Uncle Rah: "Our cultivation requires us to rotate our meridians at high noon and midnight. It's five minutes past high noon - knowing how Vonte is with his timing - he should be arriv~ !?"

~ whirr ~

** a very wide portal suddenly opens **


= Vonte: " DEV - AMIR - AMIRAH!! "

(Suddenly runs forward and wraps my arms around all three of them with unmatched excitement, as they awaited my return at the portal's exit. It had been far too long since we've all gathered together. I know that the wedding is soon, but this reunion was equally important.)


= Dev: (Grinning widely, he returned the embrace.)

"Vonte, you bastard! You had us waiting for ages!"


= Amir: (Laughing heartily as he patted Vonte on the back.)

"You know how to make an entrance as always, cousin V!"


= Amirah: (Smiling warmly as she joined in on the group hug.)

"Welcome back, Vonte. We missed you."


Vonte couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness as he reunited with his cousins. Dev, Amir, and Amirah had been like siblings to him, sharing both the joys and challenges of their upbringing in the Goldstar Clan. Their bonds ran deep, and no matter how much time had passed, they could always pick up where they left off.

= Vonte: "I missed you all too," Vonte admitted, voice filled with genuine affection. "It's good to be back."


= Dev: "Enough of the sentimental stuff," Dev teased, playfully ruffling Vonte's dreadlocks. "You've got a wedding to attend, and we've got to make sure you're looking your best cous~."


= Amir: (Looking at Vonte critically.)

"He's right. You've got to impress your brides today. You look as though you've just came out of a cave after a month of training! "


= Vonte: (Smirking.)

"Impress?? I think they're already impressed."


= Amirah: (Laughing playfully with a palm over her face.)

"Modesty was never your strong suit."


With their playful banter, Vonte's cousins lightened the mood, reminding him of the simple joys of family. They knew the weight of the responsibilities he carried, but in this moment, they wanted to celebrate together as relatives, as friends, and as a united clan.

= Amirah: (Smiling slyly as she backed up & pulled a garment bag out in midair from her inventory skill.)

"Before we proceed, dear cousin, I have something special for you."

She unzipped the bag to reveal a finely tailored suit. Its main colors were black and gold, representing not only their heritage but also the Goldstar Clan. The intricate designs embroidered on the fabric told the story of their clan's history, a testament to their strength and unity.

= Vonte: (Admiring the suit.)

"Amirah, it's magnificent! Thank You! "


= Dev: (Whistling.)

"You'll be the most dashing groom in the entire cosmos."


= Amir: (Nodding in approval.)

"It's perfect for the occasion."


As Vonte changed into the specially made suit, his cousins and great uncle Rah, alongside the enigmatic great uncle Omega, provided him with unwavering support and camaraderie. The suit felt like a second skin, a symbol of his heritage and the love of his clan.

= Great Uncle Rah: (With a twinkle in his eye.) "You're a fine young man, Vonte. We're proud of who you've become."


= Great Uncle Omega: (Nodding silently, his presence radiating wisdom and strength.) " Looking like me when I was younger! "

With his cousins and relatives by his side, Vonte felt an overwhelming sense of belonging and love. The Goldstar Clan had always been his anchor, and their unwavering support gave him the strength to face any challenge, even a wedding with three brides.

= Dev: (Steps forward for a fist bump.)

"There, you're ready. Now, let's not keep the brides waiting any longer."


= Amirah: (Nodding in agreement while making final adjustments to Vonte's attire.)

"Lead the way, Vonte! "


As Vonte, with his newfound power and radiant aura, prepared to enter the portal that would connect back to the southern continent for the grand wedding celebration, his great uncle Omega stepped forward, a figure of wisdom and authority. He raised his hand, and a hushed silence fell upon the vast assembly of cultivators, three hundred thousand strong. Their eyes were filled with anticipation and awe, knowing that this moment marked a turning point in their cultivation journey.

Great Uncle Omega, his long, flowing robes billowing in the gentle breeze, stood tall at the forefront of the assembly. His presence commanded respect, and his words carried the weight of years of experience and wisdom.

Clearing his throat, Great Uncle Omega began to speak, his voice echoing across the mountain peak:

= Great Uncle Omega: "Esteemed cultivators, disciples of the GoldStar Clan, today is a day of great significance. We stand on the precipice of transformation, ready to witness the union of our beloved Vonte with his cherished partners, a celebration that will resonate throughout the annals of history. But before we step through this portal to join the festivities, I want to take a moment to acknowledge each and every one of you."

He gestured to the vast sea of cultivators gathered before him, their faces illuminated by a mixture of excitement and reverence.

"You, the three hundred thousand cultivators who were chosen to relocate to Vonte's kingdom, have shown unwavering dedication, resilience, and a thirst for knowledge and power in this past week training session under our guidance.

Great Uncle Omega's eyes scanned the crowd, making eye contact with as many cultivators as possible, instilling a sense of connection and unity.

"You are not just witnesses to this momentous occasion; you are active participants in the ever-unfolding story of the Royal Cosmos Sect. Together, you will harness the elemental forces, hone your skills, and reach further for the stars. Today, you will take another step towards your collective destiny."

He paused, letting his words sink in, and the cultivators nodded in agreement, their determination evident in their eyes.

"As we pass through this portal to celebrate the wedding of Vonte and his beloved partners, remember that you carry the legacy of our sect with you. Let the power of this day inspire you to reach new heights in your cultivation journey. Let it remind you that with dedication, unity, and unwavering belief, you too can achieve greatness."

Great Uncle Omega's gaze shifted to Vonte, who stood ready to lead them into the portal.

"And now, without further ado, let us join hearts and spirits as we step into the next chapter of our journey. Vonte, our esteemed leader, guide us into the future!"

With a final nod, Great Uncle Omega extended his hand toward the portal. The cultivators, their hearts filled with determination and anticipation, began to move forward, forming a procession behind their leader, Vonte. The air crackled with energy as they prepared to step into the unknown, their destiny intertwined with the grand celebration and the limitless possibilities of the cultivation world.

~ whirr ~


(Meanwhile, back at Mother Cleo's Mansion, Grandpa Klemu's keen senses detected a spatial disturbance and the unmistakable auras of very familiar individuals. With a knowing smile, he addressed Mother Cleo and Father Antonio.)

= Grandpa Klemu: "Seems like the man of the hour has returned!" he said with a chuckle, his eyes twinkling with warmth.

" I'll go grab him while you all and my new lovely granddaughters start making your way towards tier 2 of the kingdom in the temple area. See you later!"


As he arrived at the portal, he found Vonte, resplendent in his ceremonial attire, standing at its threshold, his eyes filled with a sense of fulfillment and anticipation. The portal, though regular in appearance, held the power to connect realms and reunite loved ones.

= Grandpa Klemu: (approaches Vonte with a warm smile and gives a hearty pat on the back.)

" Vonte, my boy! It's good to have you back. Your family awaits, and the celebration is in full swing. Let's not keep them waiting ... Omega - Rah - Dev - Amir - Amirah, it also fills my soul with joy to see you here as well and even your wives came along! HAHA, what a wonderful day it is indeed! "


