
= Vonte: (With a heart full of gratitude.) "To our new brothers, sisters and elders who have chosen to make the Southern Continent their home, welcome to the Royal Cosmos Kingdom. At a later date after the honeymoon - I'll personally debrief you guys on the sect matters and future plans. See you all in a few moments - I want to gather my thoughts as I walk towards the temple, alone.

With a quick final nod to my family members, I turned and began the ascent to the second tier of the Royal Cosmos Kingdom. The temple, standing alone within a beautiful and majestic garden fit only for the divine, with a small waterfall gracefully flowing behind it, awaited my arrival, and with each step, my anticipation grew stronger and stronger. Today marked the beginning of a new era, not just for me but for the entire Royal Cosmos Kingdom and world of Utoprime!


The path to the temple was like walking through a tropical paradise, lined with lush gardens adorned with the vibrant colors of countless exotic flowers & plant life. The air was filled with their sweet, intoxicating fragrance, adding to the sense of enchantment that surrounded this sacred place, followed by a gentle breeze that rustled the leaves of small trees, and the sound of a mini waterfall's graceful cascade provided a soothing melody in the background.


As I continue to walk, the memories of the past couple weeks flooded my mind. The hours spent in meditation and reflection, the guidance from my family, and the overwhelming support of our sect's disciples and the newly arrived cultivators all combined into a profound sense of purpose. Today was not just about my union with Lily, Anastasia, and Maliha; it was about cementing our legacy and leading our sect into a new era of prosperity, unity and domination.

= Vonte: " It's almost been a week since I've last seen my beautiful wives & in a few moments, I'll be reunited with them. I already know I'm shedding happy tears - when I see how absolutely beautiful, they'll look inside of their wedding dresses ... to be blessed so much, to have three insanely beautiful + powerful women on my side, makes my soul very fulfilled! I'll slaughter any ******* bastard who dares to harm a hair on them, on everything!


- As I continued my ascent towards the temple, numerous praises and shouts were being directed towards me from all of my current disciples that're gathering around from all over the kingdom to attend the wedding with their voices harmonizing in a powerful chorus that echoed through the entire kingdom!

= Mob Disciple: " HAIL, LORD VONTE! "

= Mob Disciple: " HAIL, ROYAL COSMOS SECT! "



= Mob Disciple: " CONGRATULATIONS! "





**DING! **

=GS: [Due to host innate skill: empowerment of praise - granting host 10 normal gacha tickets.]

(10 Normal Gacha Tickets - 3 Special Golden Summoning Tickets & 1 Premium Ticket Remaining)


Their voices rung out, full of passion and dedication - with words carrying the weight of their unwavering loyalty to both the sect and me. It was a powerful reminder of the responsibility I bore as the leader of the royal cosmos kingdom, and soon after a few moments of walking, the temple, which I'll be seeing for the first time, was finally in my sights & it has left me utterly speechless. The temple was a true architectural marvel, with rows upon rows of massive pillars forming a circular structure that supported the towering dome above. However, what made it truly unique was that it had no walls, only pillars. This design choice allowed the natural world inside the secret realm, to meld seamlessly with the sacred space within, creating an atmosphere of openness and unity that was unparalleled.


Each golden marble pillar was carved with intricate carvings of unknown + known celestial beings and also divine symbols, their golden surfaces glinting in the gentle sunlight, giving it a more holy aura. The temple's interior was equally breathtaking. Its vast, open space was filled with lush gardens, and a tranquil small stream that flowed through its center, symbolizing the flow of life and destiny, that's coming from the waterfall behind it. In the center of this majestic temple stood the sacred altar, a masterpiece of craftsmanship. It's all ebony platform beneath, was adorned with intricate golden patterns that symbolized unity, strength, and eternal love throughout. Atop the altar, three golden cushions awaited, each one destined for one of my beloved brides.


I stepped inside the temple, and the echoes of my footsteps reverberated through the open space. The temple's interior was grand, with intricately carved pillars adorned with golden runes. The dome above allowed the sunlight to filter through, casting a warm and ethereal glow on the sacred space below. Taking my place at the altar, I felt a profound connection to the space and the people it would soon embrace.

= Vonte: (With a sense of reverence.) "I will wait here and not move an inch until the arrival of Lily, Anastasia, and Maliha! "


(At the same time inside of mother cleo's mansion)

The soft rustle of silk curtains and mesmerizing fragrances filled the air as the three brides, Lily, Anastasia, and Maliha, stood in one the massive closet chambers adorned with mirrors that stretched from floor to ceiling. Their wedding attire, carefully chosen for this once in a lifetime occasion, shimmered under the warm, golden light of countless candles and sunlight from a side window. Each gown was a masterpiece in its own right, reflecting the unique essence of the woman who would wear it.

= Lily: (With a radiant smile, her gown adorned in hues of pristine white and soft blue.) "I can't believe this day has finally come. I remember when I asked Vonte to make me his woman when we we're still kids after gaining my human body, and now I'm marrying the love of my life with two other beautiful sisters! Today is currently the greatest day of my life! "


= Anastasia: (Nodding in approval, her dress a harmonious blend of rich crimson and gold.) "It feels like a dream, one that I never want to end and wake up from ~ I wouldn't have ever thought about marriage in my past life, and I'll make sure to fully fulfill my duty as his wife and supporter in this new one! "


= Maliha: (Her wedding dress, a two tone of cream white and red, with her eyes glistening with anticipation.) "To think that I'll be sharing eternity with both of you, it's beyond words. I was ready to live the rest of my life in the darkness, who would've thought I was also fated to experience the happiness I've always envied."


As they exchanged knowing glances and short laughter, their hearts swelled with love and anticipation. Their journey together, though short had been filled with challenges and triumphs, but today marked the culmination of their unity — an eternal bond that'll transcend time and space.

= Mother Cleo: (Suddenly appears with eyes full of maternal pride and love, speaking softly.) "You three look absolutely stunning. Your beauty radiates from within your gorgeous hearts."

= Father Antonio: (With a warm, reassuring smile.) "Our new daughter - in - laws are the epitome of grace and strength."


The brides exchanged heartfelt smiles with their new parents, hearts filled with gratitude for the unwavering support and love they're receiving.

= Lily: (With a touch of shyness.) " I suppose it's time to join Vonte at the altar."

= Anastasia: (Nodding, her eyes sparkling.) " Yes, I can't wait to see him again and how handsome he'll look inside of his suit. "

= Maliha: (Her voice filled with affection and speaking in a tone as a matter of fact.) " He's the luckiest and most handsome man in this world."


The moment had finally come! Father Antonio + Mother Cleo leading the way, with the brides exiting the chamber behind her, had descended down a grand staircase, adorned with cascading flowers in shades of white, red, and green. Each step they took felt like a stride toward destiny, and the music and praises that surrounded them seemed to harmonize with their beating hearts.


The disciples and new cultivators who had gathered outside the temple to witness this historic union watched in awe as the radiant brides made their way toward the " Grand Temple of Eternal Bonds ".

= Mob Disciple: (Whispering with admiration.) "They're like celestial goddesses."

= Mob Disciple: (Nodding in agreement.) "The love between them and Lord Vonte will surely bless our kingdom."


The path leading to the temple from the mansion, was lined with blossoming flowers and lush greenery, creating anticipation as they descended down the staircase made from mother cleo's magic.

= Mother Cleo: (Softly to the brides.) "My darlings, remember that love is the foundation upon which this day is built upon."

= Father Antonio: (With pride, humor and emotion.) "I'll leave my eldest son in your hands! "


= Lily: (With a deep breath, her voice trembling with emotion.) " This is it, my sisters."

= Anastasia: (With a loving glance at her sister brides.) " Together, forever."

= Maliha: (Her eyes shining with tears of joy.) "For all eternity."

With grace and purpose, they walked down from the staircase toward the altar, where Vonte, the love of their lives, stood waiting. The open temple allowed every member of the Royal Cosmos Sect to witness this sacred union, making it a day of unity, not only for the brides and Vonte but for the entire sect.


As Vonte's cousins, Dev, Amir, and Amirah, along with his great uncles, Rah and Omega, ascended the grand staircase leading to the open-air temple, they were filled with anticipation and excitement. They had come from far and wide to celebrate this momentous occasion with their beloved family member.

= Dev: (With a broad smile.) " I can't believe our little cousin is all grown up and getting married. Okay, it's time for me to find a good wife here at the sect, can't be left behind now! "

= Amir: (Nodding in agreement.) " It feels like just yesterday we were causing trouble together. Now I'm expecting to see my nieces and nephews soon, haha! "

= Amirah: (Laughing.) " And now he's going to be a husband to Lily and two other incredible women - I've missed the chance to meet them last time, I look forward to speaking with them later."

= Rah: (Putting a hand on Dev's shoulder.) " Vonte has always been destined for greatness. Today, he takes another step on that path, with you guys on his side achieving greatness as well."

= Omega: (With pride.) "He's our family's hope!"


As they reached the top of the staircase, they were greeted by the warm presence of Grandpa Klemu, the eldest and wisest member of their family. His eyes twinkled with a mix of nostalgia and joy as he looked at his great-grandson and the family that had gathered.

= Grandpa Klemu: (With a hearty chuckle.) " Well, well, it seems we've all come together for a momentous occasion."

= Dev: (Grinning.) "Indeed, Grandpa Klemu. This is a day we'll remember for the rest of our lives."

= Amirah: (Admiring the beauty of the temple.) "The temple is breathtaking. Vonte has chosen the perfect place for this."

= Rah: (Nodding in agreement.) "The symbolism of this open-air temple is powerful. It represents the unity and transparency."

= Omega: (With a glint of mischief in his eyes.) "And it offers the best view of the grand wedding."

Their conversation was filled with laughter and warmth as they reminisced about their family's history and shared stories of their adventures. They were grateful for this moment, a chance to reconnect and celebrate the union of their beloved Vonte with Lily, Anastasia, and Maliha.


As they chatted, their eyes were drawn to the approaching brides, who, in their resplendent wedding attire, looked like ethereal goddesses descending from the heavens. Lily, Anastasia, and Maliha glowed with beauty and grace, and their presence was like a beacon of love and unity.

= Dev: (Whispering to his cousins.) "Look at them. They're really goddess tier wives!"

= Amirah: (Touched by the sight.) "Vonte is truly blessed."


The air was alive with anticipation as the brides approached the altar, their graceful steps matching the rhythm of their beating hearts. The vast congregation, including Vonte's family, cousins and great uncles, Grandpa Klemu, and the entire Royal Cosmos Sect/Kingdom, stood in reverence and awe.


As Lily, Anastasia, and Maliha reached the altar, my breath was caught inside of my chest. I couldn't move my misty eyes away from them, their beauty and grace were simply overwhelming. My heart swelled with love and gratitude for the incredible journey that had brought me to this moment and in just a few minutes under the skies of the cosmos and world of Utoprime, we'll be bonded for eternity. Once they were close enough in arms reach - I grabbed each of their hands and looked them in the eyes one by one.

= Vonte:

** To Lily: (Vonte gazed deeply into Lily's eyes, his voice filled with warmth.)

" Lily, my very first magical companion, you who have been by my side through the brightest of days and the darkest of nights, I stand before you today with a heart overflowing with gratitude. From the moment you took on human form, you became more than just a magical being; you became an irreplaceable part of my soul. I vow to cherish your loyalty, your unwavering support, and your endless courage. I promise to protect you, to love you with the same boundless devotion you have shown me, and to continue our journey together, exploring the mysteries of this world and beyond. With you, I've discovered a love as unique as the bond we share, and I pledge to be your companion, your confidant, and your best truest friend for all time."


** To Anastasia: (As Vonte's gaze shifted to Anastasia, his words resonated with a sense of wonder.)

"Anastasia, you are the embodiment of magic itself, a wondrous being from another realm who graced my world with your presence. Since the day you arrived, my life has been filled with awe and enchantment. I vow to protect the magic that flows within you, to stand by your side as we unravel the mysteries of your new origins, and to cherish the uniqueness of our love. I promise to be your guide in this world, to be the one who holds your hand through every new experience, and to love you with a love that transcends realms. With you, I've discovered the true meaning of magic, and I pledge to be your partner, your protector, and your eternal source of wonder."


**= To Maliha: (As Vonte turned his attention to Maliha, his voice held a sense of reverence.)

"Maliha, the last of your kind, a demon of extraordinary strength and resilience, you entered my life as a skilled assassin, but you've since become my greatest redemption. I vow to honor your past, to be the light that guides you on a path of righteousness, and to love you for the incredible person you've become. I promise to stand as your shield against any who seek to harm you, to be the anchor that keeps you grounded, and to love you with a love born of acceptance and transformation. With you, I've discovered the power of redemption, and I pledge to be your partner, your protector, and your steadfast advocate."


= Lily: (With a loving smile and happy tears, she spoke from the depths of her heart.)

"Vonte, my beloved, from the moment you called upon me and we embarked on this incredible journey together, you became the anchor of my existence. You taught me the true meaning of loyalty, courage, and love. Today, I vow to be your unwavering support, your greatest source of strength, and your eternal partner. I promise to stand by your side in times of joy and sorrow, to share in your dreams and aspirations, and to love you with a devotion that knows no bounds. With you, I've discovered a love that transcends worlds and forms, and I pledge to be your faithful companion throughout the ages, through every twist and turn of our remarkable story."


= Anastasia: (Anastasia's eyes shimmered with magic as she spoke to Vonte.)

"Vonte, you are the key that unlocked the doors to a world of wonder I never knew existed. Your world became my home, and your heart my sanctuary. I vow to explore this realm with you, to be your partner in every adventure, and to cherish the love that transcends boundaries. I promise to weave the threads of magic into our lives, to be your muse and your inspiration. With you, I've found a love that transcends realms, and I pledge to be your guide, your source of enchantment, and your forever mystery."


Maliha: (Maliha, her voice steady and resolute, addressed Vonte.)

"Vonte, you are the light that banished the shadows from my life, the beacon of hope that showed me a different path. Your love transformed me, and I vow to honor that transformation. I promise to stand with you against any storm, to be your strength in moments of doubt, and to cherish the love that redeemed my soul. With you, I've discovered the power of love's healing, and I pledge to be your shield, your anchor, and your unwavering advocate."


