
Chapter 6

My head hurts... I can't feel my leg...

I opened my eyes slowly. My hands were numb and my body was cold because I am lying here on a concrete ground. The last time I remembered was I am rolling down the hill then my head got hit on a rock.

Where am I?

I stood up and looked around. The tiles on the floor was the same as the tiles of Clara's rest house.

How did we get back?

I tried to walk but I still feel dizzy.

"C-calvin." I heard someone called my name. I looked around for the second time and I saw David lying on the floor. Blood was all over his body and a tree branch pierced his left arm.

"You're still bleeding!" I said. "I need to remove the branch, hold still." I added.

He held my shoulder tightly, preparing himself for the pain then I quickly pulled the branch out of his arms.

"AHHH!" he shouted in pain.

I ripped my shirt and wrap his wound. He passed out, and I gently lay him on the floor.

I saw a door and tried to opened it but it's locked. I can't see things clearly because it's too dark. The only light source here is the light of the moon coming from the windows. I tried to break the windows but there are metal bars. I saw a cabinet full of papers. I picked one and went to the windows to see the paper clearly.

"'Play'" I said. I picked another paper, and another but the word 'Play' were the only word written in every paper.

I am too confused right now. How did we get back? Where are we? What happened to Clara? What is this papers all about?

I searched the cabinet. There are lot of papers here. I was about to close the cabinet door but I touched something hard inside it. It's a booklet that's worn out. I reached for it and picked it up. I went to the windows to see what's written on the booklet.

"'Memoir Game Rules'" I said, reading the book title. It is written by hand and it looked very old.

I opened it and saw the rules. There are only two rules. First is don't lie, and the last one is play until the very end. I flipped the page and there I saw the mechanics of the game. There are only three pages in this book. The last page do not have anything written on it. I touched the last page and I felt small bumps on it. It has traces of a pen but it is not visible. I went to the windows to see the traces clearly. 'Reveal your deepest secret if you want to stay alive, only then you'll be free.' It's penmanship is different to the penmanship of the first and second pages.

"Calvin, what happened?" David said as he tries to stand up.

"You're awake. Don't stand up, just lay and rest there, we'll get out of this mess." I said and gave the book to David.

"What's this?" He said.

"That's the Memoir Rules. I found that booklet on that cabinet." I said, pointing the cabinet.

"T-that's, Maya's cabinet. How did that get here?" David, looked shocked.

"I don't know... I just want this to end." I said. "I found something on that book."

"What is it?" David asked as he look on the books' content.

"It says that If you want to get out of the curse, you need to reveal your deepest secret." I said.

David put the book down and look at me.

"If that's the only way, then I'll do it." David said. "Before that, I want to apologize to you, Maya. I'm really sorry for the things I've done... My deepest secret is, I cheated on you. That's the only secret I've been hiding the whole time but everyone knows it. I don't have any other secret to tell." He said.

David looked at me. "It's your turn." He said. "It's okay... We'll be fine." He added.

I lift my head down and remember my deepest secret that I've been hiding my whole life.



"Maya, Can you help me bring this boxes in the props room?" I asked.

"Sure!" She said. "I'm relieved that the play finished well. I can now go and have fun with Anika." She said while smiling widely.

We reached the props room and the lights was not on.

"David, I can't see anything. Turn on the lights." Clara said.

"It's fine we just need to put it here quickly, no need to turn the lights on." I said.

"Oh, wait. The boxes fell, wait for me outside." Clara said.

"Okay." I turned my back and was about to go out.


"Hey! You oka-" I looked back and froze for a moment because of what I saw.

I saw Maya through the lights coming from the door, she fell, and her position made me saw her undies and her long white legs.


I unconsciously locked the door and before I knew it, I am doing lewd things on her. After that incident, I never saw Maya again...


I closed my eyes tightly and let a sigh out. "I- I raped Maya." I said in a cracked voice.

David did not respond. He just looked away. Avoiding my gazes.

"You... are horrible." He mumbled.

I know...

We did not speak for a minute and suddenly, the lights coming from the windows fade. I looked at it and I saw a girl's figure standing outside the window. She was wearing our high school uniform and has a black cloth that was blocking the part of her face. She moved forward and lift her head.

"M-maya?!" David said, trembling. "We did what you wanted!" He said trying to look brave.

I can see her lips arched widely. She raised her arm and pointed the door. With one swing of her hand, It opened and we immediately ran out of that room.