
Chapter 9

I am still at the forest, I can't run anymore, my legs are shaking. I'm very exhausted because of what happened. I don't think I can make it to the nearest town to call for help. I've been running for hours but I still don't see houses nor villages. I stopped and looked around.

I know this place!

I gasped when I saw the car we used to drive here earlier. It was not crushed nor fell on the cliff. It was looking fine, parking below the shade of a tree. I entered it and luckily, the key was attached on it. I tried to start the engine, it started but this can't go on for too long because it's gasoline tank was almost empty. Then I remembered.

There are fuel containers in Clara's house!

I remembered that I saw a plenty of gasoline containers at Clara's rest house, it was in their garage. If I come back and reload the car's gasoline tank, I could go to the nearest town before sunset.

After an half an hour of drive, I reached the house. I quickly went to their backyard and went to the garage. Fortunately, the door isn't locked. I went to where the gasoline containers is. It is in the shelf beside a door that I don't know what's inside. Out of curiosity, I entered that door, there's a dark hallway but at the end, there's another door. I entered that door and there, I saw a table and a board. The board were full of my friends photo with me. David, Anika, Kim and Me, we're all there. Our photos are taken when we're still in our hometown before we went to Maya's burial. Next to it, there's something written on the board. It is a step by step plan entitled 'Get rid of 'em'.

So... everything was all planned from the very start. People do really change because of pain

That's why she called us, which she doesn't really do, informing us that Maya died, that's why she agreed on this trip and insist on using their house. That's why she wanted to play that board game. She all planned this. She's the kindest people I ever knew. I couldn't imagine she would turn that evil. The pure smile she makes every time we met. I thought all of that was true. It's scary what a smile can hide.

I clenched my fist because of anger, let a heavy sigh out and walk out of that room. I continue reloading the car's gasoline tank. After reloading, I looked at the house.

I want to at least bury their bodies...

I went inside the house and looked for their bodies. I flinched when I did not see Clara's body there only David's corpse was there. Slowly I went to Clara's room. I leaned on the wall and tried to feel if she's in there.

"Did I do well, Maya?" a voice said.

That's her! But who's she talking with?

I peaked slowly and I saw her smiling hysterically at the mirror, talking to herself.

She gone mad! Was she like this all the time? I need to get out of here already...

I went outside without making any noise. After I reached the car, I quickly start the engine and drove off.

Clara's Point of View

After school, I'm now going to see my great friend. I stopped at the store nearby to gave her a present. I looked up to the building you're at, leave a heavy sigh and went inside to see you. I am now in this small room, I feel a bit sleepy because of the rainy and cold weather but I can't miss this chance with you. I don't know when it will happen but I can't just wait for that moment to come. I must cherish every moment I'm with you.

I finished peeling the apples and I put it to the side table. I looked at your pale face and smiled. My tears are about to fall but when you smiled, i thought that I'm pathetic because you are the one who should cry because of your situation but I am the one crying. I stopped my self from crying and asked you.

"What do you want the most, Clara?" I asked her while holding her hand tightly. You faintly smiled at me and slowly raised your hand and reached my cheek.

"I want to be remembered by everyone..." You said and closed your eyes. Forever.

I slowly opened my eyes.

What a strange dream

I was laying on the floor, covered with blood. I slowly stood up and saw David's dead body.

"You look better when you're dead." I smirked and went to my room. I stand in front of the mirror and looked to my reflection. "Did I do well, Maya?" I said. I stand there for few minutes.

*Engine starts*


I looked and went to the place where I heard the sound. I found my car and saw the side mirror's reflection of Calvin's face.

Found you...