Part 2

"Alright, let's see this," Alex said once Scott caught up with her and Stiles.

Scott pulled his shirt up to show his friends the bite.

"It was too dark to see very much," Scott said, blushing as he put his shirt back down. "But I think it was a wolf."

"A wolf bit you?" Alex asked.

"No, not a chance," Stiles said.

"But I heard a wolf howling," Scott said, trying to prove his point to Stiles.

"No, you didn't," Stiles said.

"What do you mean "No, he didn't"?" Alex asked. "How do you know what he heard?"

"Because California hasn't had wolves for like, sixty years," Stiles said.

"Really?" Scott asked.

"Yeah, really," Stiles said. "Look, there are no wolves in California."

"We still don't know," Alex said.

"Well, Stiles, if you don't believe me about the wolf, then you definitely won't believe me when I tell you that I found the body," Scott said.

"You- are you kidding me?!" Stiles asked, surprised.

"No, man, I wish," Scott said. "I'm gonna have nightmares for months."

"Oh, gosh, that's freaking awesome!" Alex said as Lydia passed by.

"I mean, this is seriously gonna be the best thing that's happened in this town since-" Stiles suddenly got distracted by Lydia. "Since the birth of Lydia Martin. Hey, Lydia! You look-"

Lydia continued walking.

"Like you're gonna ignore me," Stiles said, making Alex's heart hurt.

"Hey, Lydia," Alex said, getting the girl's attention. "Are we still on for lunch today?"

"Of course," Lydia said. "I'll save you a seat, okay?"

"Sounds great," Alex said before Lydia walked away.

"You two are the cause of this, you know," Stiles said, looking at Alex and Scott.

"Uh-huh," Scott said, rolling his eyes.

"Alex, you never talk to Lydia about me," Stiles said. "And Scott, you're dragging me down to your nerd depths. I'm a nerd by association. I've been Scarlet-nerded by you."


"As you all know, there was a body found in the woods last night," the English teacher, Mr. Curtis, said, making Scott, Stiles, and Alex grin at each other. "And, I'm sure your eager little minds are coming up with various macabre scenarios as to what happened. But, I am here to tell you that the police have a suspect in custody, which means you can give your undivided attention to the syllabus, which is on your desk outlining this semester."

The class groaned as Alex noticed Scott looking distracted by something out the window. She directed her gaze out the window to see what Scott was looking at.

"Scott," Alex whispered, trying to get Scott's attention. "Scott."

He didn't even acknowledge Alex until the girl walked out of view.

"Yes?" Scott finally asked, giving Alex his attention.

"What the hell was that?" Alex asked as the door to the classroom opened and the vice principal walked in with the same girl who Scott was staring at.

"Class, this is our new student, Allison Argent. Please do your best to make her feel welcome," the vice-principal said.

The girl looked around the room nervously before walking towards the empty seat near Scott. She sat down and while she was pulling things out of her bag, Scott grabbed a pen. He lightly tapped Allison's shoulder and handed her the pen.

Allison looked at the pen confused before uttering a simple, "Thanks."

Scott smiled at her before looking away, his face a light shade of red. Alex noticed this and smiled at herself before the teacher picked up where he left off.

"Alright class, we'll begin with Kafka's Metamorphosis on page one-thirty-three," Mr. Curtis said, betting everyone's attention.

Class continued as boring as usual until the students were set free and were able to go into the hallway allowing them to talk and interact. While in the hallway, Stiles and Alex followed Scott to his locker while their other friend, Harley, followed. While they were there, Alex noticed again that Scott was getting distracted by the new girl. And, Harley noticed it too.k

"Can someone tell me how new girl is here all of five minutes and she's already hanging out in Lydia's clique?" Harley asked.

"Because she's hot," Stiles said, earning a look from Harley. "Beautiful people herd together."

"Yeah, then what about Alex?" Harley asked, looking Alex up and down.

Alex suddenly became self-conscious as she wrapped her arms around her body.

"Hey, Alex is beautiful in her own way," Stiles said. "Maybe Lydia doesn't care about how Alex looks and she looked deeper to see how beautiful Alex is on the inside."

The girl simply looked at Stiles before rolling her eyes and walking away.

"Thanks, Stiles," Alex said.

"Of course, anything for my bestie," Stiles said. "Now, take these arms away," Stiles gently grabbed Alex's arms and pulled them away from where they were holding the small girl, "and stop being so self-conscious, okay?"

"Okay," Alex said before laughing. "You know, sometimes you can sound so gay."

"But I'm not," Stiles said, looking over at Lydia.

"Yeah, because you're obsessed with a girl who doesn't know you exist," Alex said sarcastically.

"That doesn't matter," Stiles said before a smile appeared on his lips. "Speaking of liking people, who do you like, Alex?"

"Hey, let's get to practice before we're late," Scott said, saving Alex from answering Stiles' question.

"Yeah, okay," Stiles sighed. "You'll be watching on the bleachers, right?"

"I wouldn't miss your guys' practice for the world," Alex smiled. "Now, let's go before the coach rips your heads off."


Alex sat on the bleachers watching the boys practice when Lydia walked over with Allison trailing behind.

"Is this spot taken?" Lydia asked, pointing to the spot next to Alex.

"Nah," Alex said. "And, even if it were, you know that person would move for you."

"True," Lydia said. "Hey, have you met Allison yet?"

"Yeah, she's in my English class," Alex smiled.

"Yeah," Allison said. "You sat next to um…"

"Scott?" Alex asked. "He's the one you sat in front of."

"Is that him?" Allison asked, nodding towards Scott.

"Yeah," Alex nodded. "His number is eleven and Stiles' number is twenty-four. "

"You sure know quite a few things about them," Allison said.

"Well yeah, they're my best friends," Alex said, earning a look from Lydia. "My best friends who are boys."

"Thank you for that clarification," Lydia said.

"Anytime," Alex said, turning her attention back to the boys on the field.