Dear Diary... I know it's been a few days since I've last written anything! but now some weird things have started happening...
I was sitting at my desk watching a movie kite runners with my class. There was the one bit in it that had a little boy getting raped by one of the 3 teenager boys. Later I came to my grandparents house and told them what happened my mother and dad where furious.
i knew what rape was bad. I diddent know what it was at the time. But seeing it in a movie with my own eyes was eyebreaking.
(The next day)
It was Thursday the second last day at school. Me and my boyfriend Gavin where walking accross the oval to see Kai who was Gavin's best friend. Kelly one MY good friend's was laying down holding kai down my the neck. Then one of my classmates Riley shouted "Hold him Down!" so I stepped on kai's hip. "This is total rape" Gavin said. Then I pulled away. Realising what these guys where doing. Kai finally broke free and walked off.
I walked back to class with kenisha. And I felt bad for what I did to kai even though I just stepped on him. But I did it for the Wrong reason without realising it was wrong.
After the home bell rang I apologized to kai for my actions and he forgives me.
I went home relieved...
(later on Friday morning)
I woke up acheing in my bones. I just had the weirdest dream of aliens attacking south America on Halloween night this year. And this dream just came out of the blue! for some reason I've always had this ability to see the future through feelings and dreams. I know! weird right?! I don't know what will happen on Halloween night. But this is not the first time I've had visions of the future. And it came true.
So I can only hope that my dream was not a vision... I hope... there's been this rumour about me at school saying I took a photo of kai and kai doing a "Thing" in the library. but I didn't!! I wonder what more weird stuff will happen now?....