Chapter X

"Maya! Maya!" Queen Ara said worriedly as her daughter-in-law's shivering had begun to frighten her.

Maya kept to herself what she had been going through in the past weeks. She felt it was the normal and that she could handle it.

"Someone get the doctor! Demetri!" Queen Ara called.

"Yes my Queen, he's on his way." Marcella said.

"Maya you'll be fine, the doctor's on his way," Queen Ara assured holding her hand.

The Doctor arrived in a heartbeat and Nimue showed him to Queen Maya's chambers.

"My Queen, the doctor is here." Nimue said showing him in.

"Your highness," Doctor Andrade said taking a bow.

"Oh thank God doctor, please come in." Queen Ara said with a bit relief.

Doctor Andrade moved closer to Maya and checked her eyes for signs of anemia. Then he held her hand and placed his index and middle finger just below her wrist to check her pulse.

"Your highness, have you noticed anything before she had this fever?" He asked.

"Maybe nausea, dizziness..." He added.

"Well not really, Maya didn't say anything about not feeling well. Lately she's been eating a lot." Queen Ara returned.

"I see. I'll run one more test but the results would be out in two days." He said returning his tools into his box.

"In the meantime, I'll write some drugs and their dosage down, she should be better before the final results are out." He added with a smile.

"Thank you so much," Queen Ara said.

"I've given her an analgesic to reduce pain and lower her body temperature. It's in the list of drugs I wrote." Doctor Andrade said.

"Please make sure she takes her medication on time and as prescribed." He added.

"I'll make sure of that, thank you Doctor Andrade." Queen Ara said as he stood up to take his leave.

"I'll be on my way now," he said.

"Nimue please send a guard to escort the doctor as he leaves." Queen Ara said.

"As you wish my Queen," Nimue returned and followed the doctor.

Queen Ara stroke Maya's hair as she laid asleep. She was worried what the results would be and prayed Maya would get better soon.

"Queen Ara, Kalassi is here to discuss the price of the orchid fields," Nimue said.

"I'll be with with you shortly," she returned.

She got off the bed quietly so she wouldn't make a sound and left Maya in Madeline's care. When she got to the King's chamber, Kalassi stood up to greet her.

"A pleasant afternoon to you Queen Ara," he said.

"A pleasant afternoon to you too," she returned.

"How's Queen Maya?" Kalassi asked concernerdly.

"She's better," she returned with a little smile.

"I pray she gets better soon." He added.

"Thank you. Nimue said you're here to talk about the fields?" She asked.

"Yes my Queen. The buyers have agreed to the price of the land." He said.

"That's good." She said.

"Has everything has be finalized?" Nimue asked.

"Yes, all I need your signature here," he said handing the scroll to Nimue.

"My queen, please sign here," Nimue said giving her a pen indicating where she was to sign.

"Will that be all?" She asked after signing.

"Yes my Queen, thank you. Please send my regards to Queen Maya," Kalassi said as Nimue handed him the scroll and stood up to leave.

"I'll take my leave," he added.

"Very well then," Queen Ara returned.

Queen Ara remembered Maya needed some soup as she left Arden's chambers so she called one of the guards and asked him to tell Joelle, the chef.

Maya slept almost half of the day and woke up when it was almost evening. Madeline herself had fallen asleep from watching the Queen.

"Poor Madeline, she must have gotten tired," Maya said with a smile as she pushed her hair behind her ear.

Just then Madeline turned and realized Maya was awake.

"Queen Maya, you're awake." She said.

"Yes and hungry too," she giggled.

"Okay I'll just get your soup and tell Queen Ara you're awake." Madeline returned.

"Oh okay, where's mother by the way?" Maya asked.

"She was here before leaving for her room after the meeting with Nimue," She added.

"Um okay. Don't bother telling mother she must be tired, I'll go to her room later." Maya said.

"No my queen, she said you needed to rest." Madeline warned.

"Okay," Maya returned.

"Yes so just stay in bed, I'll get your food," Madeline said.