Chapter XI

It was two days already and Queen Ara eagerly and anxiously awaited the results of the test.

"Good morning mother," Maya said.

"Good morning Maya, how are you feeling today?" Queen Ara asked.

"I feel better, why do you seem so worried?" Maya asked.

"I'm fine, the doctor said your test results would be out today." Queen Ara returned.

"Oh that's why you've been sitting out here..." Maya said.

"Yes he should be here soon," her mother-in-law returned.

"I'll sit here with you," Maya said as she sat on the garden chair.

"Aww that's lovely," Queen Ara returned with a smile.

"Have you had breakfast?" She added.

"Yes I have, have you?" Maya returned.

"Yes dear," Queen Ara said.

As Giselle and Carla served the Queens some tea, Demetri came to inform them of the doctor's arrival.

"Doctor Andrade is here your highnesses," Demetri said with his hand behind him.

"Show him to the garden," Queen Maya said.

"As you wish my Queen," Demetri returned.

"Mother the results will turn out good. I'm getting better don't worry," Maya said reaching for Queen Ara's hands and patting them gently.

"A pleasant day to you my Queens," Andrade said with a bow.

"A pleasant day to you too Doctor Andrade," said Queen Ara.

"Mother has been worried waiting eagerly for the results." Maya said.

"You both have nothing to worry," he said.

"Queen Maya," he said with a smile handing her the paper in his hand.

The brown paper had the result of Queen Maya's test written in fine italics. The atmosphere was filled with suspense and anxiety. Maya wasn't sure what to think. The doctor was smiling, indicating it's good news, but an air of uncertainty hovered around her as she collected the paper.

"Andrade, are you sure Maya should see the results first?" Queen Ara asked worriedly.

"Yes my Queen, do not worry..." Doctor Andrade said smiling.

"Mother," Maya looked at her mother-in-law and she nodded so she could go ahead.

Maya slowly opened the piece of paper and began to read it's contents. All Doctor Andrade did was smile all through.

"Mo-mother..." Maya said with tears in her eyes.

"Maya, why are you crying child?" Queen Ara asked worriedly.

"Doctor I don't understand. You've done nothing but smile since you came why is Maya crying?" She asked puzzled.

"These are nothing but tears of joy Queen Ara," he smiled.

"Mo- mother..." Maya's tears began to drop and her hands shake.

"I'm going to be a mother! Someone will call me mum soon," Maya cried as she hugged her mother-in-law tightly.

Queen Ara's ears resounded like never before, with tears in her eyes and her body shaken with surprise, her eyes began to water. Her heart leaped with joy and happiness as she hugged Maya even more tightly.

"I'm... I'm going to be a grandmother. Arden's going to be a father," she cried.

"Ye-yes, mother," Maya cried nodding her head.

The doctor was touched as he watched the two Queens. He had been their family doctor for a very long time, he knew how much the King and Queen longed for a child.

"Let me have a look," Queen Ara said as she wiped her tears and Maya's, getting the paper from Maya and reading it aloud.

"Positive!" She exclaimed excitedly and looked at the doctor as he nodded in the affirmative.

"Queen Maya, you should take a lot of rest, food, exercise." Doctor Andrade said with a smile.

"I'll make sure she does all of that," Queen Ara said asssuringly.

"I will, thank you Doctor." Maya said with a smile.

"I'm sure King Arden would be very happy when he finds out," he said.

"Yes, his prayers, our prayers have been answered." Queen Ara said.

"Congratulations Queen Maya, Queen Ara, I'll take my leave." He said picking up his bag.

"Thank you so much," Maya returned.

"No, no. You get up right now so we can go to your room, it's getting sunny." Queen Ara said cheerfully.

"Oh mother," Maya blushed and smiled.

"Giselle, tell Joelle to make some... Um pudding or salad. Or what would you like Maya?" Queen Ara asked.

"Mother, mother. It's okay," Maya giggled and patted her hands.

"Let's go?" Maya asked warmly.

"Alright," Queen Ara said

Queen Ara was so happy. After taking Maya to her room, she ordered for the whole palace to be cleaned up. The palace was happy and bright as everyone rejoiced at the news.

When she returned to her own chambers, she wrote letters. When she was done she sent for Demetri and asked him to deliver the messages.

"Deliver these to Arian and Priya at once." She said.

"Yes my Queen," he returned.

"Now Arden and Mr Ishaan," she said and called two other guards.

She wished the news could get to them earlier. But it took weeks, even months for letters to get delivered to places away from Dralde.

"A price we have to pay for information." She sighed as she rose up from the chair she was seated in.