King Arden watched the chirping birds from the window and smiled, a better King he became with each passing day. The thought of his nephew made him smile as he remembered his sister.
Arian had given birth to her first child, Liam some months ago. Queen Ara's joy knew no bounds as she was now a grandmother. Everyone congratulated the Duke and Duchess with different presents at the naming ceremony.
Everything was going fine until it wasn't. Years had passed and Arden and Maya were yet to have a child. It worried him so much he spaced out on many occasions. Maya understood how he felt for the thought of it broke her heart even more. She was hopeful and prayed to have a child soon.
"Arden... My King are you in there?" Queen Maya asked as she entered the study. King Arden was just behind one of the bookshelfs when he heard her call.
"Yes I am," he returned.
"I've been looking all over for you," she said.
"I decided to do a little reading," he added.
"That's nice. I'll join," she added.
"Great!" He said turning to pick a book.
As they read and laughed, King Arden wished he had children playing around in his study. Maya noticed his countenance had changed.
"My King, Arden are you okay?" She asked.
"Your face suddenly went blue..." She added.
"I just wish I had my own kids... Just like Arian and I, we were so happy. I prayed everyday so I could have a family as happy as my Father's." King Arden returned sadly.
"Everything will be fine. I know." She assured.
"When I see children trying to perfect their magic, making mistakes and getting up again, I feel a void in my heart and the palace," he said as she hugged him.
"Arden, everything will be fine in time." She said patting his shoulder.
When they were done reading, King Arden had a meeting with Zedicus his special adviser. Maya headed to her room to get changed, when she was done she ordered the maids to pack a basket of fruits and wine for her aunt Priya as she was going to visit her. She went to the King's chambers and sought permission so as not to interrupt.
"A pleasant afternoon to you my Queen," Zedicus greeted.
"A pleasant afternoon to you too," she returned.
"My King I would like to go visit aunt Priya and I'd be back before nightfall," she added.
"Alright. Do send my regards to her and Arjun," King Arden returned.
"I sure will. Enjoy you day," she said as she turned to leave.
Her driver was waited outside and the maid put the basket in the carriage. The driver opened the door for Maya after which he returned to his seat and stroked the horses to move. When they arrived Priya's house, the driver carried the basket and took it inside as Maya and Priya exchanged pleasantries.
"Thank you so much beta (child)" Priya said.
"Tum kesai ho (how are you) how's the King?" Priya asked.
"He's fine..." Maya answered.
"I understand, he's still sad about the issue. Everything will be fine and I'll be a grandaunt soon," she added with a smile.
"Thank you maasi. Where's Arjun?" Maya asked wryly.
"Oh he went out, he should have been back by now," Priya returned.
Just then Arjun came in with some paper bags containing snacks he had bought on his way home.
"Hey everyone, I'm home," he said cheerfully.
"Use dekho (look at that) aa gaya hai (he has come) Arjun Mukherjee where have you been?" Priya asked funnily.
"Arjun do you need some help with the bags?" Maya asked with a giggle.
"Looks like they're too many for you to handle..." She added.
"No! No! No! I don't want to get thrown in the dungeon for letting the Queen of Dralde carry bags while I watch," he said as he got to the dining table gently putting the bags down.
"Well you do have a point. So how've you been? I received a message from Papa and Ma sent, they their regards," Maya said.
"Alright I'll send a message to them later." Priya returned.
"It's getting late, I told Arden I'd be home before nightfall fall," Maya added as she rose up from the chair she was seated in.
"Ah that's right we don't want to get the King angry." Priya joked.
"Don't worry my dear you'll always be in my prayers. Do send my regards to him and Queen Ara," she added.
"Didi (sister) can I get a horse when next you visit?" Arjun asked with an endearing smile running his fingers through his hair.
"Arjun do you really need a horse?" His mother asked wonderingly.
"Yes Ma, I do. I'm adding horse riding to my list of sports," he said and everyone laughed.
" Hahhaha alright. I'll ask them to send one here. You can come ride them at the palace whenever you want." Maya returned.
"Awesome! Thank you so much Di, you're the best." Arjun added.
They walked her to the carriage which was parked outside. The driver rushed to help his Queen with the door after greeting her aunt and cousin. When she was seated, he closed the door.
"Goodbye everyone," Maya waved as she wound down the window.
"Bye Maya, take care." Priya said waving back.
"We'll visit you soon. Stay pretty," Arjun added waving back too.
"Of course she will, she's our favorite sunflower." Priya added with a smile.
"I'll will," Maya returned and told the driver it was okay to leave.
In no time Queen Maya was back to her palace. It was almost time for dinner. As she entered her room, her chambermaid, Madeline was pulling the curtains as the day had begun to grow dusk.
"Good evening my Queen," Madeline greeted with a bow.
"Good evening Madeline. How's mother?" Maya asked as she dropped her shawl on her neatly made bed.
"She's fine. She asked where you were and I told her you went to visit your aunt," Madeline added.
"Alright thank you," Maya added.
"Would you need anything?" Madeline asked before she turned to leave.
"No thank you," she said and Madeline left the room.
She headed to the dining room where King Arden and his mother were having a chat before dinner was served.
"Here she comes, I was just about to send for you." King Arden said.
"I'm sorry I'm late," she said as a guard pulled a chair for her to sit in.
"Good evening mother, did you sleep well?" She added with a smile.
"Yes my dear thank you. I was told you went to visit your aunt Priya, how's she? Queen Ara asked.
"She's very fine. She and Arjun sent their regards," she answered.
"Alright I'll visit her soon, let's eat," Queen Ara added.
When they were done having dinner, Maya returned to her room to freshen up. She decided to see her mother-in-law before she went to sleep. The night was a bit chilly so she rubbed her hands against her arms as her négligée wasn't providing enough warmth. She knocked once she got to the door of Queen Ara's room.
"Mother may I come in," she asked as she pushed the door a little.
"Yes Maya," Queen Ara answered.
"Come sit," she added as Maya was in the room already.
"Mother your vase looks even more beautiful with these sunflowers in it," Maya complimented.
"Why thank you, I asked Marcella to bring them instead of roses earlier today," Queen Ara smiled.
"How's Arden, Maya?" She asked
"He's acts fine, but I know he's not mother," Maya returned, the twinkle in her eyes fading as she turned blue.
"My dear, he longs to be called father too. That thought alone is enough to make Angels weep," Queen Ara said with pity for her son.
"You have to make sure he's okay," Queen Ara added with a warm smile.
"That's how Arden is, he may be in pain and not say anything," she added patting Maya's hands as she held them.
"I believe everything will be okay, I won't stop praying neither should you two," she assured with a smile.
"Thank you mother for being so patient and understanding," Maya said with tears about to drop as she hugged her tight.
"We don't want Arden coming in to see us in tears now, do we?" Queen Ara asked as she patted her back.
"Uh-uh," Maya shook her head childishly as she wiped her faced.
"Alright you should get some sleep," Queen Ara advised.
"Goodnight mother," Maya said as she stood up and started for the door.
"Goodnight dear," she added.
When she got to her room, the King was sound asleep. She walked with tiptoed steps till she got to her bed and laid down gently; she watched him till she fell right asleep.