Chapter VI

The people of Dralde were dispirited, with so much sadness they lifted sky lanterns in honor of their great King.

Arden was crowned King after his beloved father was laid to rest. What good was a king without a queen, his mother decided to make arrangements for his wedding to Maya.

It was a simple wedding and Arden wished his father was there but destiny had something else instore. All Arian saw was her brother though present yet very distant in thought; she trusted he would be fine. Her brave hero was still there somewhere, all he needed was time.

A smile he wore concealing his pain throughout the ceremony. He knew he had to be strong for his mother, his wife and his people.

He retired to his chambers quite early that night. The Duchess of Norla was going to return to her home in a few days so she, the Queen mother and the now Queen Maya chatted and laughed till they said goodnight.

As Maya walked through the corridor leading to Arden's chambers she hummed their favorite song admiring the palace's exquisit decor. How it always seemed like the first time still amazed her. When she was about knocking on the door, Arden pulled it opened.

"I was about coming to look for you," he said reaching for her hand.

"I was chatting with mum and Ari, I didn't want to disturb you," she said now holding his hand.

They walked into the brightly painted room with recherché furniture. She started for the bathroom after minutes of admiration. She put on a red négligée and ribboned her hair.

"So how do you like the palace's new look?" He asked.

"Very much, it's wonderful." She answered as she sat on the bed.

"How are you my King?" She asked softly.

"I'm fine, I just miss father," he returned.

"We all do, I know he's happy where he is and is counting on you to be the best King you can ever be." She added as she stroked his hair.

"Thank you." He said with a smile now forming on his lips.

The night was a long one. When morning came, Maya and Arian planned to supervise breakfast so they were up earlier than King Arden and his mother. They bumped into each other on their way to the kitchen.

"Good morning Arian," Maya greeted.

"Good morning Maya. Did you sleep well?" Arian asked.

"Yes I did thank you, how about you?" Maya returned.

"I slept fine thank you. Let's head to the kitchen?" Arian added.

"Sure let's go." She answered.

The maids and guards greeted them as the walked to the kitchen where breakfast was already being prepared.

The chef and her assistants greeted the two ladies as they did them too.

"Um can I get a bowl and some flour?" Maya asked.

"Sure I'll get it," Arian said telling the cooks to carry-on and not worry.

"So what are you making?" Arian asked.

"Chapati (Indian flat bread) I'm sure you'll love it," she added.

"My Queen, we could do it," one of the cooks said.

"Don't worry I'll be done in a jiffy but you could make the lentil soup," Maya said.

"Alright my Queen but we'd be the ones to do it next time," they added.

"Alright," Maya returned with a smile.

When breakfast was ready, the maids walked in straight lines till they got to the dinning room and set the table. Queen Ara and King Arden were just in time.

"Good morning Mother, Arden..." Arian said.

"Sorry King Arden," She chuckled making a face.

"Good morning Mother," Maya greeted.

"Good morning to you two," Queen Ara answered with a smile.

"Come sit," she and Maya Added.

"What beautiful breakfast you two have made," Queen Ara commended.

"You made chapatis?" She asked pulling the tray closer with enthusiasm.

"Yes. Arian and I did," Maya answered.

"How wonderful, I love Indian food." Queen Ara added with a big smile.

"Did you read my mind? I so wanted to have chapatis for breakfast," Arden said with sparkles in his eyes and a broad smile.

"Nothing like breakfast the Hindu way," Maya said and everyone laughed.

"And we couldn't love you less," Arden added patting her on the hand.

"Bon appétit," she added.

"Let's eat," Arian said.

Dralde was bright again after so many weeks, King Arden was doing his best and made sure he put a smile on the faces of his people. Soon it was time for Arian to return to Norla. Miguel had sent a ride to the palace to bring her home. With smiles and hugs, she bid everyone goodbye.