Ayaan was excited and dressed up for his trip. He wondered where the queen was as he reached the terrace.
"Someone's looking very handsome today," King Arden said from where he stood on the terrace.
"Father," Ayaan returned.
"Your mother's waiting for you in the carriage." King Arden added.
"Alright. We'll be on our way now," Ayaan said.
"Do send my regards to King Zafar," King Arden said.
"I will," Ayaan said and headed to the carriage.
After Ayaan had gotten in and was seated, a guard closed the door and gave the others a signal that is was time for them to move.
"Mother have you been to Anubahd before?" Ayaan asked.
"No I haven't it's my first time going there, only your father has." She smiled.
"Ah, okay... How far is it?" He asked.
"Your father said we'd only have to pass Norla to get there. So I'm sure it's not that far." She said.
"Well okay," Ayaan said.