The Beginning


Present Day, 12 Hours before the beginning

In the middle of nowhere, Dark space surrounds a humongous structure. It's almost like a Colosseum. If a human where to look at it, he wouldn't even have a sense of how huge it is. The Colosseum structure has many life like creature's sculpted all over it Dragons, Wyverns, Phoenix's, Giant Roc's, Golden crows , Orcs, Minotaur's, Elves, Humans etc. In the middle of the Colosseum like structure there are 13 huge thrones

Each thrones has a distinct vibe to it. If normal human where to look at them they would feel like their soul sucked, a feeling of powerlessness, wanting to worship, kowtow and never raise their head. Each and every thrones is magnificent, life like and huge, towering over 1000 km. Normal people can't even see properly how they look. A haze covers it, even the people sitting on them. 12 of 13 Thrones where occupied. 7 thrones has beings that were as large as those thrones . Everyone sitting on them were like back-holes powerful enough to affect Dark Space.

/ Are we really starting something like these? / A melodies and mesmerising voice the came from a thrones. It started to change and affect the throne as the throne changed into something angelic and divine

/ We have no choice but to forgo those galaxies. At least we are giving them a way. So they can't complain. We have done our best / A voice that can't be determined whether male or female changing the throne purple sounded. It was neither arrogant or humble just simply flat like it wasn't a big issue.

/ Lets not waste and get done with this. we have a lot to prepare / An Ancient voice came.

Everyone said nothing and started to channel their powers into a ball like structure that was placed on the unoccupied throne which was pitch dark in colour as if it denotes the start of the chaos. The 13th Thrones sent powerful rays out of the Dark space.

Present Day, 15 mins before the beginning

Chennai, One of the Metropolitan Cities of India.

Vihaan, Dark skin, lean, 6 ft tall with clear green eyes, 23 year old engineering graduate after finishing his degree trying to get into government services. Nothing is note worthy about him apart from his height and green eyes.

Due to COVID-19 pandemic , His classes are all online, he finished his class it was about 11.45, 15 mins to noon. He felt tired so he tried to get some sleep before lunch....

[Universal System has been integrated with host]

[ Scanning please wait... ]

[ Ether energy has free flow in host body ]

[ No Abnormal mutations ]

[ Minor Mutation ]

[ Mortal realm - Human - LV~1 ]

[ Congratulations host on taking your first step to survival ]

[ Kill your first enemy to activate the system ]

Vihaan was sleeping he didn't understand what was happening as a mechanical was telling something about killing somebody.

He thought it was some stupid dream and started to sleep again.

[Host, If you don't get up in another 15 mins, you will be eaten ]

Vihaan tried his best to open his eyes, finally after few minutes he opened his eyes to see his own room, looking around he was in his same old room. It was very simple, had a bed, Table with lots of books, water bottles, a few eaten food snacks packs.

He didn't notice first but after few minutes he look at the surrounding he can see the surrounding very clearly. He felt refreshing had lot of energy flowing though his body. He can think clearly. He looked at his arms they were not as lean as it was before he had six packs. he was more like a refined athlete. He had even grown taller reaching 6.2 ft.

[Host, If you don't want to get eat prepare to defend yourself]

Vihaan : / Who are you? /

Vihaan : / Who is speaking? /

Vihaan : / Where are you? /

[ Host, I am Universal System ]

[ Its been 72 hours since you slept ]

[ The world you know has changed, There is no more science, Only Ether ]

[ Every living and non living organism in this planet has undergone a Mutation because of the adaptation with Ether in the air ]

[ The adaptation period changes according to each being based on how much they have mutated ]

[ Some Mutation are good, some are bad. Based on that people or animals or even plants may gain conscious or become aggressive to one another ]

[ Your surroundings has a lot of bad Mutations going on so please arm yourself and find a safe place ]