War Slave

Vihaan was dumbstruck, He didn't know what was happening. he couldn't comprehend what the thing in his head was saying.

He is not a guy who is into Light Novels, Otaku or Manga culture. He is your regular hard working guy who wants a peaceful life. He is an orphan so didn't really have anyone to care about. he truly is an anti social person so didn't have many friends. His only goal was to survive in this new world and have a peaceful life.

He finally reacted after few minutes coming in terms with whatever that was happening, trying to understand why this has happened asking the system in his head.

Vihaan : / Why has this change happened / as he mumbled to himself

[ Host, Your War Rank is War Serf ] the mechanical voice sounded in his head

[ Authority Insufficient to answer the question, Try to ask this after gaining authority ]

Now Vihaan more confused as saw words like War, War Slave and Authority. Whatever that was happening is not good and He didn't feel well knowing he was a war slave. He felt uneasy as he had slept over 3 days. Because of not eating anything for three days he was hungry.

The thing odd about this was he was hungrier like he never eaten before. His body was craving for something to eat. He is a single bachelor so basically he had nothing to eat apart from water and few snacks. He did all he could as he stuffed himself with whatever was available but it made things worse as he felt even more hungrier.

Vihaan :/ What are you system? / Vihaan asked nervously.

[ I am Universal System, Database of Information, Abilities and Things which have no authority or right to know]

[ You can trust me because I am here to facilitate your growth. So just grow stronger and survive. You understand things when you are strong enough or have enough authority]

[ Being in Transformation period host can easily lean skills, information will be directly written in you brain. Please Strive to move forward ]

[ These are the basic information I can provide you so please follow the instruction and get stronger]

Vihaan : / System, What should I do ? / He asked the system after thinking for a while. No one knew what he was thinking

[ Open Status, is the chant for opening the Character Profile ]

Vihaan : / Open Status /

A Holographic screen opened before him. No one else other than him can see this except if they have appraise or eye skill that will allow an user to see others status. Well the system didn't say this to him. He will probably ask this sooner or later

[ Name: Vihaan

Race : Human/ Humanoid Species Of Earth

Sex : Male

Age : 23 Years


Quests Available

Quests 1 - Kill your first enemy

Reward - Full Integration of system ]

Vihaan : / System, What do you mean my enemy? / Vihaan asked without understanding the basic principle of what was happening.

[ Host, There are lot of other beings who will kill you to advance so you have to kill them to advance or level up ]

Vihaan : / Uff / He let out his breath and calmed himself.

Vihaan woke up and started to look around to arm himself but couldn't find anything. He searched and found a pair of sport tracks and t-shirt but to his bewilderment all his shirt and pants didn't fir him anymore. Only then he realised he had grown more athletic and taller. He sighed as he went to open his door.

What he didn't know was after forceful injection of ether into the atmosphere everything changed. His room doesn't have any window or any form of holes for sunlight to come in so didn't know how the environment truly is.

When he opened his door. He saw the corridor with 3 of doors on each side and very little lighting. he lived at the end, a small room was all he lived in, He was dumbfound as there was very little light, He saw the time and confirmed that it was still 11.45 am but the lighting was like evening 6 but again system said everything changed so he didn't know whether the time is show what it supposed be or not.

Vihaan : / System, Does the time is even Correct? /

[ Date and time is same as before on this planet. so host can be at ease about it ]

Vihaan : / System, What do you mean by this planet? /

[ Authority Insufficient ]

Vihaan : / I should have expected this from you. Well, Tell me how to have authority /

[ Finish the given quest ]

Vihaan : / Back to square one. Thank You for your help system /

[ Your Welcome ] As the mechanical voice sounded, Vihaan felt like bashing his head in the wall.