Blessing or Curse

Vihaan finally relaxed and felt safe being in his room

Vihaan : / Open Status /

[ Name : Vihaan

Race : Human/ Humanoid Species of Earth Sex : Male Age : 23 years

Class : None Sub-Class : None

Lv ~ 1 Exp : 0 / 100

Title : MADMAN Rank : Recruit

Stats :

Strength : 10, Ability: 10, Dexterity : 10, Constitution: 10, Intelligence: 10, Wisdom : 10, Spirit : 10, Luck: 10.

Skills :

Passive : Perfect Balance, Basic Appraisal.

Active : Brutal fist.

Stat Points - None

Class Points - None ]

Vihaan : / System, Where are the new features ? how do I see the skills and title information? What is a title ? / Vihaan asked the system

[ You just have to ask me for the information or try focusing on the information you want from the status, you will be able to see it. As for feature you have to use the chant " Open Menu " ]

[ Title is special recognition given to the user when certain conditions are met. You are very lucky to get a title and a special lucky draw in you first kill ]

Vihaan : / Why do you say I am lucky system? / Vihaan asked

[ Host, Don't you understand even by seeing Your stats]

[ Host, Every being in this world have 0 luck when starting. Even if they have luck it will probably be 1 or 2 ]

[ That's not the only thing weird about your stats. Look at all your starts everything is a perfect 10. No human in this whole universe will have something like this ]

[ Normal Human before the ether can only have a max stat of 9 in any stat. If they have to gain 10 in any thing they will have to work hard, face challenges and overcome their limit. having a stat 10 is like superhuman. Let alone one you have 10 for every stat for everything including your hidden stats ]

Vihaan was now dumbfound but happy at the same time because he had a head start compared to all or that's what he thought.

Vihaan : / So I have a head start out of other humans ? /

[ Host again, you have variable mutation but at the same time you are not alone so don't be happy and you only went through a minor mutation so you can be considered a Elite among humans. World out there is vast considering this is only one of the worlds. You have just barely passable so work hard. In the Universe there many species and some unborn babies are so strong they can kill you with a single thought ]

[ Now go check the rewards then you can ask other questions ]

Vihaan happiness just went down the drain. He felt like an ant. He tried to change his mind and start seeking information.

[ Title : MADMAN ( Unique )

A title given to a person who loses his mind and gives in savage urges to brutally kill his / her opponent. There is only thought when fighting ~ IT IS TO KILL

Effect 1 : All attacks do 15 % - 30 % true damage per hit

Effect 2 : Every Attack has 15 % chance to traumatise the enemy and stun them for 0.2 second ( Can stack 5 times taking the chance to 50 % and stun duration to 1 sec When fighting multiple- enemy )

Passive : Chances of losing your rationality when attacking goes down by 50 % ]

[ Skill : Perfect Balance ( Unique )

An Unbalanced Skill Obtained through mutation.

Effect 1 : Changed you body, forcefully uses skill points to maintain the balance of the body within.

Effect 2 : Good or Bad Anything that comes in your body is forcefully transmitted through out your body evenly.

Passive Effect : Every Cell in your body is hyper active always uses 100% of the energy when doing anything ( Recovery Rate of everything is boosted by 200% ) ]

[ Skill : Basic Appraisal ( Uncommon )

Gives the basic detail of anything that's appraised

Note : This skill is give to every recruit to make quest doing easier

Can be upgraded by Rank up or through Skill Store ]

[ Skill : Brutal Fist ( Common ) Mastery : 0

Effect : When the skill is activated the attack speed and strength is raised temporarily by 10% for 2 sec, Cool-down : 10 sec ]

/ System, I don't know any thing about this. I think they are powerful. What do you think about the skills ? /

[ MADMAN Title is one of the very hard to get title. Its stats are very good. Its one of the best Titles even among legendary and mythical. You can equip it even after reaching Lv 1000 ]

[ Perfect body is a risky skill and you cant do nothing about it. The good thing is it raised your luck and hidden stat to your unprecedented level and gave you a head start. This will be very good with certain auxiliary skills after LV 1000 ]

[ The bad thing is It has many forceful measures, its really bad later in the levelling system of the mortal realm. You have to prepare yourself or You will die just after Lv 30 without preparation or any fortuitous encounters ]


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