Gains and Losses

Vihaan : / What do you mean by forceful usage of stat points, system? What is bad?/ Vihaan asked the system as he was confused.

[ Host, You really don't know anything about the world. sighsss ]

Vihaan : / Wow, You even sigh system!! so back to the topic, explain them for me / Vihaan was bewildered. when he saw system showing emotions. he thought it was only a mechanical device. He didn't notice system's commanding tone or anger earlier when he was talking until now.

[ Host, Every level up gives one stat point. Those stat points are used to strengthen each stat in your body based on your wish but in your case you have awakened 8 stats so those 999 skill points which will be earned from 1000 level ups will be automatically located to 8 stats evenly. You can't choose how to assign them. Each stat will be around 134, that's the maximum stat you can obtain if you don't take into account countless number of hidden stats you have. If you take that into account you will not even cross 100 stat point mark while others will be have 400 or 300 in any of their stat. You will be weak as a chicken and can easily killed ]

[ Other than those 999 stat points, you can earn stat points through quest and augmentation. Quests are pretty simple like how you finished the quest when you killed the cat and you get the reward. Augmentation is something you don't have authority to get information ]

[ You can strengthen yourself with support and passive skills. Other than learning skills, it can be obtained by lucky draw when you kill higher level monsters than you solo but it gets harder that you progress in levels since your stats or distributed in a huge number of stats. Other way is Skill Store which is not open for you at-least for now. The last one is class skills which can be purchased in Class Skill Store ]

[ You will definitely ask me what are hidden stats and how many are there. So I will tell you in advance. Even I don't know how many hidden stats there are for a person. Some basic ones are like Willpower, Accuracy, Crit Rate etc. ]

[ My advice is you are a Super level 1. Try to use that advantage and kill as many monsters as possible to get cross level kills. If there is any skill that has Mastery raise it ]

[ Geez, I am tired gimme a break and go check the rewards. I have not explained this much to any other human on earth ]

Vihaan was frustrated and angry hearing all this. He just wanted to live. He forcefully calmed himself. He had two lucky draw. He though might as well try my luck there since he cant do anything about his current predicament.

Vihaan : / Open Menu /

[ Menu



Military Quests

Lucky Draw ]

Vihaan was interested in military quest but he still went to the lucky draw to try his luck first.

[ Lucky draw : 0

Special lucky draw : 2 ]

Vihaan : / System whats the difference between them? /

[ Special lucky draw is given to every person who kills a cross level kill on their first quest, Usually it will be only one but you are lucky so you got 2. It has no common or uncommon tiers so basically everything will above Rare ]

[ Common, Uncommon, Rare, Elite, Unique, Legendary, Mythical ]

[ These are the tiers from low to high, left to right And yes You already have two unique skills so be happy

Vihaan was happy abut it Finally this shity system said something good. Vihaan tried to focus one the Special Lucky draw.

Before his eyes a blue screen flashed. A big roulette appeared there where more thousand numbers. He had two tries but didn't know how to use it.

System as it understood what he thinking answered without him asking.

[ You just have think start it will happen automatically and it will stop when the roulette stops ]

Vihaan was embarrassed but he did it say start in his mind. Roulette started to spin. He had a ball in his hand. All he had to do was roll the ball in roulette and wait for it stop. he rolled the ball and prayed that he will get something good. He is waiting...

Ball was spinning around and was running continuously...

Slowly the ball came to a stop at 119.

[ Congratulations Host, You won the Skill - Universal Synthesis ( Unique ) ]

[ You Really are one lucky Mf ] the System cursed

Vihaan was laughing his ass of in his mind. He was happy to get a Unique skill again. How many people will be Lv~1 and still have three Unique skills but didn't check the skill but he again started the roulette.

The Roulette started to spin again.


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