The Mentor

Vihaan was contemplating how he felt cheated by the system so he didn't notice the last few system notification. Without him noticing he passed out. He was forced to sleep




12 Hours later

Vihaan had hard time moving his body he body aching all over. What the fuck happened. He finally noticed the notification flashing in the blue screen.

[ Secondary Conditions met system rebooting... ]

[ Host is forced to sleep to carry out Body Re-modelling ]

[ New system installing... ]

[ 1%... ]

[ 19%... ]

[ 25%... ]

[ 31%... ]

[ 46%... ]




[ 100%]

[ New System Installed ]

[ Old Features changed and New features have been added ]

Vihaan was confused about what just happened. Already he had trouble in being forced into this situation and now he was forced to sleep. He didn't know how much time has gone.

A New voice which was Masculine, Powerful and Soul shaking sounded in his mind

##### : [ Boy, I Know things have been hectic and that shity system fucked you over ]

##### : [ Well calm down now, I don't have time to explain all this. Now do as I say to survive this challenge then we can talk after finding a safe place ]

Vihaan was perplexed at first but something in him said he can trust his voice. Like his own soul trusted this voice. It was fearful at first because you don't know this person a stranger but your heart and soul said to trust him right after you were fooled by the system. He had no other option because the voice sounded so serious.

##### : [ Break canine teeth and claws of the cat. Although its only a street cat its better than nothing ]

##### : [ Use Universal synthesis on your canine teeth with it as primary and the cats teeth as secondary ]

##### : [ Use the synthesis again with your knuckle as primary part and claws as secondary part ]

Vihaan was perplexed but he didn't ask any question. His body was aching all over. Still he got up with difficulty, he turned around to see the cat's corpse beside him. He had cracked the skull and killed it so other parts of the body were in better condition

Vihaan use his hands to pull out the canine teeth of the cat with some struggling for around 2 to 3 mins. They were fairly bigger than he thought about. 2 cm long. The Claws were fairly easier to break as he didn't pull but broke them right away.

As he tired to use the new skill Universal Synthesis. He found he can only combine two materials one as primary and second as supporting or secondary. The usage of skill was natural for him. He brought the canine teeth near his mouth and used the skill selecting his own teeth as primary and cat teeth as secondary.

[ Universal Synthesis : Host Canine Teeth + Mutated Street Cat Canine Teeth. Est. Time : 60 Sec ]

[ Starting Synthesis. Remaining Time : 59 Sec ]

[ Adaptive Perfect Body Skill Takes Precedence ] ( Perfect body has evolved due to new system so he didn't know )

Vihaan didn't see the skill description so he didn't know what to expect from this skill or how it actually works so he started the skill without much thought. As soon as he started the skill his whole body felt like he was being hammered by thousands of nails. It should only be his teeth that should be paining but due to his skill Adaptive Perfect Body ( STILL HAS SOME EFFECTS OF PERFECT BALANCE SKILL ) its spread through out his whole body. He felt his conscious fading.

##### : [ Boy hold on, Its just 55 Sec more. If you lose conscious even I can't save you ]

Vihaan felt like banging his head against the wall for listening to the voice but he can't because whole body is in pain. He tried his best to keep to be conscious counting from 100 to 1 to calm himself down.

[ 50 Sec... ]

[ 41 Sec... ]

[ 35 Sec... ]


[ 1 Sec... ]

60 Sec felt like eternity, pain was burning all over his body, he was gritting his teeth waiting for this hell to end. He was waiting but his eyes were full of hatred. Its not normal hatred. The hatred was drilled to his bones like literally. Finally after 60 Sec the pain was starting to reduced and finally. there was no pain.

He felt at ease but his eyes were blood red with anger. he was distracted by the notification system flashed before him.

[ Synthesis Success ]

[ Host Canine Teeth has mutated into Animal Canine Teeth Changing the whole Teeth to match Animal nature ]

[ The Teeth is very sharp and can be used for tearing and no other effect ]

[ Host Having Adaptive Perfect Body Passive Skill and having undergone mutation triggered a Race Change ]

[ Race : Neo Human ]

[ Neo Human : Human race who left their home to roam the Dark Space. Spending more time in Dark Space changed their body structure allowing them to easily adapt to everything ]

Although Vihaan was angry and had lot of hatred he didn't lose his mind in anger. He was able to understand that using cat teeth as material the voice has forced his body to under go controlled mutation but he didn't understand why?

When he was still trying to understand. The voice in his head sounded again.

##### : [ Thank God, It was a success ]

##### : [ Boy, Come on use synthesis again. and mutate your knuckles,. We don't have a lot of time ]

Vihaan felt like punching that voice when he heard the voice say thank god it was success, the voice asked him to do something without being clear knowledge of the result whether its a succeed or not but he can't ask as he was being rushed by the voice. He put all his trust on luck 10 for a second success. He gritted his teeth but to his astonishment he felt his uncomfortable moving his mouth. He touched his teeth they where sharp as vampire teeth and felt deadly. He calmed himself and prepared himself for undergoing the hellish pain second time. He took the cat claws brought near his knuckles and started to use the Universal Synthesis again following the same method but something different happened

[ Universal Synthesis is used on host body Adaptive Perfect Body Passive Skill takes precedence ]

[ Host select the Process of Controlled Mutation ]

Vihaan didn't know what to do because this is new, he dint understand it but the voice in the head was laughing like a madman.

##### : [ Jackpot. Hahaha... Fuck You Bastards and bitches, Gods my ass. Goddess, you cum dripping sluts. You foul things have schemed me to death. Now Lets see how I use your system to fucking torture you gods and fuck your goddess in front of you. Hahaha.. ]

##### : [ Boy, My gamble paid. Choose your 'Metacarpals' bone choose mutation. Don't ask question, I can't save you if you keep on thinking. you only have 7 more minutes before you are sent to hell. Work fast ] ( Metacarpals bone is the bone on your hand that your fingers are connected )

Vihaan wanted to ask a lot of question but being rushed like this. He gritted his teeth and started to synthesis.

[ Universal Synthesis : Host Metacarpals Bones on both hands + Mutated street cat claws, Estimated time : 60 sec ]

[ Controlled Mutation with Universal Synthesis and Adaptive Perfect Body is taking place. Remaining time : 59 sec ]

As soon ad the time started he felt like his body was hit by a truck. Bone drilling pain assaulted his mind and body again. Time moved very slowly. He was waiting for the pain to go away. he wanted to know what is happening. Who was this voice? Who schemed against him? What is he doing in this whole mess. Why this crazy voice was scolding gods and goddess so vulgarly, so many questions but no answer. He was thinking without any other thoughts. he woke up from his thoughts as the system flashed him with synthesis successful message..

[ Synthesis Success ]

[ Host Metacarpals has mutated into Mutated Metacarpal claws ]

[ Animal Instincts has been awakened in host ]

[ 2% Animal behaviour in human brain has been awakened ]

[ Check status and understand yourself for better understanding ]

When he was reading the continuous notification the voice spoke to him again, more like instructed.

##### : [ Boy, Listen Carefully. Every word I say hereafter will save your life in the next three days ]

##### : [ You will understand why I am saying all this after 5 mins ]

##### : [ Basic War God Fighting Mechanics has been printed into you brain already so use it to its fullest. Raise its Mastery to Transcendence, After Mastery 100 is Transcendence. Transcendence is the essence of the art. Its different for everyone ]

##### : [ Every war god only use one weapon or one style of combat but sadly you obtained this class without as preparation. You are a plain sheet so I made you mutate your body. Your body is your Weapon. Kill, Fight and Survive ]

##### : [ Survive with all your might. Even with all my power, I can't force system to change quest so Please survive boy. Your my hope for Revenge]

##### : [ You wont have time to eat or drink water or anything at that. Drink the cats blood and eats its flesh for now ]

##### : [ Your Mutated Metacarpal claws can be used when you form fist and willed it to happen, Four small sharp claws about 1 inch long will come from both you knuckles. It will be painful but bare with it. Its not a skill its your own body so you have to control it ]

##### : [ Brutal Fist is a good skill. Use it every-time and try to raise it to Transcendence ]

##### : [ Manage your stamina, Drink blood for water, Eat raw meat as food ]

##### : [ I did all I could now its its up to you to survive ]

Vihaan wanted to ask him to wait and Question him but on his face only despair was left when the system sounded again.

[ War God challenge which was forced to stop has Started again ]

[ Quest : Kill 1000 Monsters in the surrounding in three days.

Reward : War god Class Change and Inheritance

Penalty : Death ]

[ Because the test was forced to stop the difficulty has been raised ]

[ New Quest : Kill 1500 Monsters in 60 hours.

Reward : War god Class Change, Inheritance and One Class Skill

Penalty : Death By torture ]

[ Since War God Challenge is taking place 10 km radius having host as centre has been sealed. No other force can intervene ]

[ Host doesn't have to worry about having insufficient monsters to kill. Host will be a beacon to all the monsters which last conscious and will find host as threat and go berserk upon sensing host, So all monster in 100 km radius will clearly sense host for the duration of the challenge ]

[ Challenge will start in 5 mins, Host has 5 mins to prepare ]

Vihaan wanted to talk but words wont come out. He was Speechless.

Fear, Despair, Anger, Hatred, Every possible negative emotions, he was experiencing it in his mind. He finally understood what the voice was trying to say.

" TO SURVIVE " is the only thing on his mind. He started to eat the raw cat after tearing the skin with bear hands. He drank its blood. If anyone were to look at him they will be surprised. He was eating and drinking raw blood and meat without slightest emotion or any facial expressions. He was awfully calm so much so its frightening.

He finished eating in 2 minutes. He literally stuffed everything he could. he closed his eyes and was waiting for the notification to trigger the challenge.

A Small blue screen flashed in corner of his eye.

[ War God Challenge begins

Remaining Time - 59:59:59 Monsters Killed : 0 / 1500 ]

[ Time will be running continuously for the duration of the challenge helping host to kept up the time and kill count ]

The Demon War God Birth, The Despair Battlefield.

[ The Mysterious voice was happy, sad and nervous. It was going through a dollar coaster of emotions. It sighed and said ]

[ Let the Games Begin ]


Author thoughts :

Please support my work thank you guys.