Pure Savagery in The Battlefield

3 Mins Ago

" TO SURVIVE " is the only thing on his mind.

Vihaan finished eating in 2 minutes. He literally stuffed everything he could. He closed eyes to check few things the voice didn't tell him but directly imprinted those information in his head.

The First things Vihaan was surprised to find was that although the voice said he imprinted Basic War God Mechanics, it was not true. This was basically a War God Inheritance. How to fight. How to feel ether flow from atmosphere. How to use blood, flesh and ether from the monsters killed to strengthen his body. How to manage stamina for very long time. How to use tactics. How to go against a army.

It was Basically War God Experience that was honed through battles that can't be counted. Countless Life and Death Experience.

[ Host's Mind has experienced countless Battles and Life and Death ]

[ Host's Mind has been Baptised by Battles ]

[ Congratulations Host, You have learned Skill - Battle Sense ( War God Unique Skill )]

Even though Vihaan has learned a new skill, He didn't feel happy. There was no emotions. He was like robot without any emotions. Usually when you try to experience something in your mind it will be in a instant but he experienced it for a whole 2 minutes even his mind can't take in so much experience. He had to take time to cultivate his body and mind to synchronise them through battles. Even though his mind experienced lot of battles he himself is a noob when it comes to fighting battles.

Vihaan understood levels mean nothing to him. He had to refine his body with flesh, blood and Ether to temper it. This Challenge was a treasure trove for him. If he comes out live out of here, his body will be tempered and he can walk the path of cultivation. Time was running out he finally heard the departing words of the voice again

##### : [ Boy, Though you think System schemed against you. You are trying to vent your anger in the wrong direction ]

##### : [ System is An Old Existence. Its an Enigma. You shouldn't even try to understand system because you can't ]

##### : [ You broke the balance having more 1 Unique skills at Lv~1. Though the people above want strong people to fight wars and be cannon fodders. You are too strong. You are a variable that will be very powerful later, balance braking and that will be detrimental to other people ]

##### : [ They don't want one single War God but More Combat Masters to hold the War for long time giving them time to prepare and reduce death counts from their army basically War Slaves ]

##### : [ You got in their schemes the moment you obtained a Unique Tier Skill ]

##### : [ Although you are weak, you were a member of the system so they cant give you suicide missions but things are different now that you accepted a inheritance. They can force you to do Quests in the name of challenge. Real death Quest with Mortality Rate of 99.99% say this is a test ]

##### : [ They gave you a inheritance to give you authority and force you to Real death Quest ]

##### : [ System doesn't scheme but instead it gives rewards. Quest and punishments are give by the Overseer ]

##### : [ The people you should hate are the Overseers and People above them. But You are too weak. Weak like an ant to oppose them ]

##### : [ The more difficult the Quest. The More merrier the reward. All you have to do is SURVIVE. All you can to do is SURVIVE for now. Take Revenge Later. Revenge best served cold ]

##### : [ I can't use system to tell you these. I can't be in their radar. So SURVIVE My Little War God ]

Vihaan can feel the excitement, sorrow and anger from the voice. He felt his body burning. The negative emotions which he had calmed and sealed has finally erupted. He was a normal human. He wanted to live a happy and peaceful life. They took away his ambition. They took away his home. They treat his humanity as slaves for war. He felt angry like never before. Power coursing all over his body making him lose sight of his goals. He was thankful for the Title - MADMAN. It helped him to keep his sanity.

When he was getting ready. System Flashed the start of Challenge.

[ War God Challenge begins

Remaining Time - 59:59:59 Monsters Killed : 0 / 1500 ]

[ Time will be running continuously for the duration of the challenge helping host to kept up the time and kill count ]

Vihaan got up. Use his bare hands to tear open his t-shirt and tracks. He stood there naked.

Vihaan : / I am a Weapon. I live and die in the Battlefield. The Path I walk is Death. I Challenge Death. Anyone who stands in my path shall die. I Bring death. HAHAHA YOU FUCKING BASTARDS, HERE I COME KILL ME IF YOU CAN /

Vihaan roared and started to walk towards the door. 6'2 ft Tall, Dark skin, Green eyes, Body chisled like a Greek God. His towering figure kicked the door open. The door broke it flew and landed in the 60 ft corridor.

He knew some danger was there if he opens the door because of the battle sense. What he saw there he wouldn't forget for his whole life. 4 Abomination straight out of Res*dent E*vil. They where his former neighbours who he he used to talk and people who he spent his last one year of his lifetime but all he saw now was Deformed Human figures, Mutation gone bad. He dint even who they were, Horrible beyond recognition. Their eyes were filled with madness, rage, going berserk upon seeing Vihaan. One of it in the front opened its mouth to show a worm hole filled with sharp teeth who know how many. Walking in all fours, Hands with long claws over 4 inches, Leg full of muscle like a kangaroo hind leg but packed with a shit ton of muscle.

Vihaan didn't have time to see how the other three looked because they where running towards him to rip him to shreds and feast on him. They eyes only showed cannibalistic craziness. Vihaan didn't show fear or battle intend but a complete different scenario happen there.

Vihaan's eyes were Blood Red, Veins and arteries running on the skin can be seen clearly. He showed a even more madness and craziness compared to those abominations he looked more like a abomination. He opened his mouth to show low sharp teeth much like Predators. His Knuckles split open and 4 sharp claws came out form both hands. His Animalistic started to take over. He was War God. How dare these filthy mutated abominations stand in his way. They deserve death.

The abominations lost their sense if not their animal instincts will tell them to run far away. The being in front of them is death itself. They didn't care all they thought was to kill so they moved forward to kill.

The First abomination used its hind leg to jump and bite his head off. How could Vihaan let the abomination do as it please. He also used his legs to power jump towards. He left a foot print of the floor like bullet leaving the gun 10 times faster than the abomination. His body already strong beyond common sense at Lv ~ 1 then when his boy went body Remodelling he directly entered Body Refinement Stage-1 leaving behind the useless levelling system. Everything combined makes him stronger than a normal Lv ~ 10 or any other Body Refinement Stage-1 much like a Body Refinement Stage-2 Mid level or Level 25.

He jumped and directly used Brutal Fist skill. He punched his right fist out with claws out from his knuckles. He punched at the eye of the abomination directly blinding it. he dint stop there he used left leg knee to kick the abomination chin to make it fly in the air. he used his left hand to directly garb the abomination leg and used it like weapon swinging it to throw the other three abominations out to get some distance between them. Everything happened in few seconds those abominations didn't have time to react. They were throw to the other end of the corridor.

Vihaan was not just standing there. He used his full strength to break the neck of the abomination in his hand and pull out its backbone. Blood sprayed all over him but he didn't care, using left hand to hold the abomination corpse and in right hand he had the backbone of the abomination. He drank the blood spraying from the neck like how we open a coke and have bottoms up. His sharp teeth were firmly puncturing the back neck and blood was flowing out of his mouth.

Vihaan couldn't look more animalistic. An odd thing happened as soon as his teeth touched the body. Blood and flesh from the body dried like crazy within few seconds the body become decayed and finally turned into a bag of bones. Vihaan didn't care what happened. He will even turn in to demon to keep living his life.

The abominations got up and roared, roaring their anger, Again ran towards him. His eye filled with craziness. He licked his lips licking the blood which ran out of his mouth. He directly ran towards the abominations to reduce the distance between them. Two in front one in back they ran towards him. When they were 1 meter apart Vihaan finally started to attack, Using backbone as a whip he whipped one abomination in the front to throw it. He let out kick to other abomination in the front to directly break its head and killing it. Using the attacking force form the kick to propel forward and he grabbed the last abomination by its head and used his knee to do a knee upper cut holding its head in place and directly killing it in one hit. The first abomination which he throw already made its way to bit his face but Vihaan let go of the backbone and grabbed the abomination with his right hand. he flipped it and directly bit the back of the neck again draining its blood like a soft drink.

Something odd happened just as he finished the slaughter of abomination. His body was absorbing the blood that was splashed on him like a sponge. From the three corpse Flesh, Blood and Ether were forming a cyclone like vortex and rushing towards his body leaving only three bags of broken bones. But Vihaan didn't care he walked towards the main door. He wanted to meet the challenge head on. He wanted to kill his way through the Challenge. All the Blood, Flesh and Ether that was in the corridor was wiped clean as they formed a vortex and enter his body.

Notifications flashed through his eyes but he didn't give a fuck about the system. Only one line went through his mind


He opened the Main Door. The 10 km seal, 100 km death zone. He is ready to walk the hellish path.

[ War God Challenge

Remaining Time - 59:56:02 Monsters Killed : 4 / 1500 ]

[ Due to host repeatedly drinking and eating raw blood and meat host body is adapting ]

[ Adaptive Perfect Body has Evolved to Evolving Perfect body ]

[ Host Animalistic character has been strengthened ]

[ 10% Animal behaviour in human brain has been awakened ]

[ Race Change has been Triggered ]

[ Race : Human Chimera ]

[ Race skills has been added ]

[ Body Refinement Stage - 1 : Progress - 7% ]

His first step into the this chaotic world...

For Reader's View :

[ Human Chimera From the Forbidden Annals of System:

Human Chimera one of most dangerous and deadly species. Can be listed in Top 10 dangerous species you don't want to meet, engage or do anything with it in any universe.

Neo-humans who left to explore the dark space subjected to slavery, war, cruel treatment went mad and gone through horrible mutation made them a killing machine able to survive only through killing. Killing, Feasting in battlefield is how they survive. The foes killed become their nutrition. Flesh, Blood and Ether from foes strengthen their body.

First know human chimera was found around 6 million years ago in Great War of The Angelos Universe. Human Chimera are hard to control. The First Human Chimera named Drakos went berserk and killed over 2 trillion people on both sides sweeping the battlefield clean and went missing. No sight after that has been recorded.

Know Human Chimera : 12. ( 13 Now including Vihaan )

Although others are not as monstrous as the First Human Chimera Drakos. Every single one of them are extremely dangerous. They still walk among us but not out in the open.

If you ever meet a Human Chimera, Run as fast as possible as far as possible. NEVER ENGAGE THEM.

[ Mutated Abomination :

Mutation gone wrong, Humans lost their will and gave in to animalistic instincts. They nothing more than mindless beasts. They have huge variation and types in the form they mutated. The Abomination Vihaan meet where the Basic Mutated Abomination ranging from Lv ~ 2 to Lv ~4 ]


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