The Run of His Life - Black Crow Calamity.

[ War God Challenge

Remaining Time - 59:56:02 Monsters Killed : 4 / 1500 ]

Vihaan opened the door and took his first step into this chaotic and apocalyptic world. It hasn't even been a 4 minutes since he started the challenge. He already had rough idea about this world either he kills them or they kill him ( Everything is trying to kill him). He was currently in Anna Nagar, One of the most busy and high class areas. It had a large amount of student community because there where a lot of coaching institutes in these area. It also had lot of high profile Celebrities, Politicians and Government officers.

Just as he was thinking about what he should do or where he should go. He heard sounds, Not one not two, can't tell if hundreds or thousands but they were large in numbers. He raised his head see what was the sound.

Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw

Black feathered Birds, Red eyes, Sharp black talons, Pitch black beak. That's what he can see as far he can see. Black Crows flying towards him. Even though he had madness in his eyes, just the sheer number and size of this flock sent a shiver down his back. He was unarmed and naked, if he were to run into this flock in this condition, dying peacefully will be a luxury. He didn't think twice he just started to run. In Hindu religion black crow was auspicious. They are treated as ancestors. Every time Pooja or Festival happens, first food is given to crows as form of respect. After crows have had it meal only will the people will eat their food. Now he didn't want anything to do with it except for killing them.

Vihaan couldn't see properly how big or how aggressive or what they will do. He didn't have time or the patience to do so. Normal crows are about 15 cm tall and one foot long but these are like Black death towering over 2 foot tall, 3 foot long with wingspan over 4 foot. Even one of these will be hard to fight in normal condition but their sheer numbers. You can't even think of fighting. Their eyes showed madness they kept started to descend.

Vihaan knew he can't fight in the open. He remembered a mall about 1 km from his place. There should be lot of people before Mutation so it should give him a fair amount of monsters to kill. There are lots of store he can run into and control the flow of the battle.

Vihaan started to pick up speed since he knew where to go. He knew his path wont be easy since he was a like beacon to everything in the surroundings. He started to run like crazy. He couldn't tell the number but there were a lot of birds. Since he was small target the birds ran into them self and made his life easier while running but that didn't stop the street dogs, cats and abominations. they started chasing him but he didn't stop even once except for some obvious once that tried to slow him he directly used his skill and kill them.

Vihaan already noticed it when he killed a abomination, Its Flesh, Blood and Ether started to move towards him it only happen once when he was running. He was thinking about it. After 5 abomination was absorbed. he felt full, he could absorb more. he guess its more likely his body takes food on itself from the monsters he kill since he can't except to eat during battles. Its a convenient skill( Race Skill but still not unveiled ). While he was thinking and running he finally reached the mall he was trying to reach.

[ War God Challenge

Remaining Time - 59:52:02 Monsters Killed : 12 / 1500 ]

Vihaan dint know Whether to cry or laugh. It was not the scene he expected to see. The Mall seems to have changed into an abomination nest and he just ran into it straight. He was caught in the middle. In front there where over 100 abomination that's just counting the ones outside and behind him was an army with mix of basic abomination, mutated cat and dogs in land, A flock of who knows how many Black Crows in air.

Vihaan can feel his impending death. He gritted his teeth, clenched his fists and ran into the nest. He may go down but not without taking at-least half these mother fucking disgusting things. The Mall was shaped like oval structure. He thought he can run in circles inside the structures and kill having put some space between him and them, kill these filthy things slowly. The proverb man proposes and god disposes is correct definition of his situation.

Vihaan literally jumped into the monsters. He had good control over his battle sense. One meter radius around him is his absolute battle territory. He can fairly react to everything but he still haven't gotten used to it. He directly used his only available battle skill Brutal fist which combined with the his title MADMAN which was also perfect for his situation. He killed abominations with every punch and every kicks. To add his misery within few minutes both the armies clashed sandwiching him in the middle. He was being drowned in abominations, crows, cats and dogs. Even though he killed a lot and his killing count kept on rising, the bodies are not being absorbed so he formed a layer of dead bodies around him and its forming a mountain but the mutants showed no signs of the numbers reducing, if this continues he will die.

He don't know how many times he used his skill but its mastery was rising like a tide he didn't really notice it or have the time to split his mind to focus on it. His title helped him a lot, stunning foes which didn't get killed in on punch or kicks. He was getting better using his battle sense and moving his body in according rhythm of the battle. He started controlling the flow of the battle. At the start of the battle he got Bite, Claw slashes, Crow pecks and many wounds. He was literately playing with death with his life on the line. He mostly evaded the attacks to his neck and head but his body was riddled with many wounds.

[ War God Challenge

Remaining Time - 59:41:02 Monsters Killed : 103 / 1500 ]


[ War God Challenge

Remaining Time - 59:35:02 Monsters Killed : 201 / 1500 ]


[ War God Challenge

Remaining Time - 59:29:02 Monsters Killed : 341/ 1500 ]


He could feel exhaustion starting to show. His reaction time getting slower and slower but his battle experience kept raising synchronising with the battles he experienced in the mind so he some how held over even with exhaustion. His stamina although being relinquished by blood, his body which kept on taking continuously from the foe he slayed but he couldn't continue this forever. His body is starting to slow down, his metabolism is slowing down. he could feel he hadn't crossed 30 minutes from the time he started killing but he won't pass 10 minutes mark from now. He will definitely die.

Vihaan had already started moving away from his initial destination the mall trying to break out of the enclosement but over 20 mins he hadn't even crossed 100 meters away from his initial position. He was nowhere near his destination which was another 90 meters, While he definitely can't cross over 90 meters in 10 minutes.

Vihaan started regretting his decision of coming to mall without proper planing. He hated himself of choosing a place to run without thinking. He felt like a fool deciding to come out in the open without preparation in a death quest like this. He laughed over his foolishness and hot blooded decision thinking he can kill his way out. But still he can't die like this. He has to try and break out. He wanted to live his life fully. he wanted to be happy. He didn't want to die a virgin. He want to enjoy life. He gritted his teeth and started to use more force to kill.

At the 25 min mark from the start something unexpected happened.

[ Host has use Brutal fist 150 times and killed over 300 monsters ]

[ Conditions for evolving has meet ]

[ Brutal Fist Skill ( common ) has evolved into Savage Fist Skill ( Rare ) ]

Vihaan was in a pinch. He wanted some kind of skill or crowd control to get out of here. So check the skill details without much thoughts.

[ Skill : Savage Fist ( Rare )

Effect : When activated the next two attacks form a fist sending fist shaped energy to blast the things its path.

Damage : 200 % Base strength, Cost : 20 % of Total Stamina, Cool down : 25 Minutes ]

Vihaan felt like crying for the first time in his life. He felt so happy he used his fist skills instead of using abomination as weapon like how he used first. This is a life saving skill in his predicament. He was low on stamina he didn't know whether he can sustain using 20% of his total stamina to use this skill but he didn't have other options.

Vihaan didn't activate the skill readily he was scanning the battlefield to get a view and finding a way out of this predicament. His front and back is no because one is nest other way is crow flock so he looked at the sides. one is the way he came other way lead to bus station it wide open with no place to hide so he chose the path he came. (He came from state highway 718 and took a right to get to the mall so he talking about the path leading back to State Highway 718 not the same street he came through )

Vihaan activated the skill without thinking much and fired one punch towards the way he was planing to break out and angled it at 45 degree to open a path. He only used one punch and saved one in case its not enough. As soon as he used the skill he can feel exhaustion hitting him. He felt drowsy he was weak. his estimated he only has 10% stamina remaining without taking into account the speed of his stamina replenishing.

Vihaan felt awe to see his skill. A fist shaped energy leaving his fist gradually enlarging till its almost a size of a bus front and travel a distance of 30 meters at speed of a bullet. He didn't wait for the skill to end he held the energy in his left fist ready to punch out and started to run like bullet matching the speed of the skill and reached the end of the path. He sent out another fist to clear another batch of way. he continued for 60 meters. he didn't wait for anything directly used all his strength to jump and using his hand to cover his neck and head and direct broke out and rank towards the buildings form where he came from. He didn't even turn ran like an idiot.

Vihaan suddenly felt at ease after breaking out the enclosement. he felt energy coursing through his body. He had a urge to turn back and continue slaughtering those disgusting abominations but his mind said otherwise. He withheld the urge and started to run towards a celebrity house he know, it about 800 ms from that mall. It was a good pace to fortify himself and rest and to get ready for second round of slaughtering. He was tired, he need something to eat, something nice, he needed to sleep, He need to get something to wear as he was still naked. He need time for his metabolism to heal all his wounds.

It took some effort to avoid those monsters that keep on lunging on him every now and then but after 10 minutes of playing hide and seek he reached the house with a large compound. He found that although he was like a beacon if the monsters don't see him they wont lose their mind that's why when he was in room, the "neighbour mutants" and crows outside felt his presence but didn't know where he was. He thought it might be the loophole system left him for his survival. He thought he can be at ease after jumping the compound but since it was his lucky day a boss class monster was just waiting for him there.

Vihaan : / Fuck Me / he cursed. He can't take too much time cause. He was still in pursuit by an army of monsters. Although the ground monster won't be able to see him past the huge compound wall, The crow flock will definitely catch up to him.

A Grey Dog was staring at him with huge body towering over 4 meter tall and 6 meter long with muscle packed all over its body. He have never seen this kinda dog. He knew it was ferocious at first glance, blood dripping from its mouth and wounds all over its body. It let out a dangerous and weak aura like it was at end of its life will do anything to live. There was even a slashes as huge as it body frame. He knew it either just finished a fight or ran away from one. It doesn't look too well but still it wont go down without a fight. He used his unused skill for the first time.

[ Mutate House Dog - Rare Monster ( Greyhound ) { Female }

Lv ~ 20

HP : 4379 / 10000

A Highly territorial monster. Beware it is very ferocious

Abilities : Hidden** ]

At First when he was coming perplexed as he didn't find any monster in 100 meter radius around the house when was making his way towards this house and when he was hiding to lose the pursuit of monsters he found out that monsters intentionally avoiding this place. Now he knew the reason but still he was a surprise to find Lv ~ 20 monster. He felt like an idiot thinking he was strong to kill his way and stepping out with all that frevor. This dog, The Crow flock and something more dangerous enough to injure the dog was out there all made him think otherwise, He can still be killed. Its dangerous out there. He knew his life is going to be miserable.

Thinking about all that is not going to get him anywhere so he got ready to finish this monster soon and rest. He also wanted to find his new strength that was coursing through his body, how much its risen compared to before.

Vihaan : / Bitch, Lets get this done with / The Grey Hound roared in anger when it heard What Vihaan said.


Author Thoughts :

Thank you welshmansss for your review it means a lot to me.

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