Dia, Part - I

[ Mutate House Dog - Rare Monster ( Greyhound ) { Female }

Lv ~ 20

HP : 4379 / 10000

A Highly territorial monster. Beware it is very ferocious.

Abilities : Hidden** ] ( I changed the monster tier form Elite to Rare )

Vihaan was staring straight at the hound but to his surprise even after his infuriated it. It didn't take initiative attack first. He wanted to understand how fast and what power level of monster this was so he waited for the hound to attack. He was perplexed because the appraisal clearly showed its a territorial monster but it didn't attack when he barged in to its territory and infuriated it directly. He can see its clearly has intelligence. It didn't go berserk even after seeing him.

Vihaan clearly didn't understand the situation. He didn't want to run straight into a fight without proper information. He stared it back but time waits for no one. Within few minutes he was waiting for dog to make the first move he started hearing the crow caws.

Vihaan widened his eye in surprise. May be this dog was smart enough to know he was being chased and waited to lure the crows and kill him without having to do any work.

Vihaan was furious thinking about it. He directly started to gather strength in his legs. The Hound went on full alert but Vihaan didn't give it time to react. He ran towards it closing the distance. The hound roared and opened its mouth showing its blood dripping sharp fangs to bit him to shreds. Vihaan reacted very quickly just as the fangs entered his absolute territory. He moved his whole body gathering all the power in his leg took a sidestepping at 45 degree angle. His body missed the fangs by a foot. He didn't stop there he carried his full body forward used his toe like a catapult using his full force used his knee and kicked its ear hole. The force too much for its mind to bear. It was stunned became disoriented. He broke its defences and made its mind buzz, it fell down on its side. It didn't have power to get its body up since it was already injured now things got worse. He didn't stop there, used both his fist to form knuckle claws and started punching its ear hole repeatedly at lightening speed kneeling on its head. His fist reached the skill withing two punches, in five punches he broke the skull and punctured its brain. In the next punch his full hand was inside its head. the hound wailed in agony.

Dia : / Please don't kill it. PLEASEEEEE /

A loud scream came from the house saying him not to kill the hound but Vihaan didn't care. He wanted to kill this monster and get done with it. He wanted to punch it again. A figure came out of the huge villa. He wanted to kill the hound and end its miserable life fast so he made his move but he was surprised to see the figure. He stopped there and stood up on the hounds head. He was naked but he didn't feel shy. He saw the figure, thirty plus year old women but she looked very hot in her home dress just a lose white t shirt and tight dark blue yoga pants. she didn't wear any fancy dress or make up, her hair was unkept, she had dark circles around her eyes, she looked like she lost weight in last few days, she looked miserable but that didn't reduce her beauty or her S shaped figure. He can feel his animalistic instincts telling him to let the beast out, press her down and fuck her like its no tomorrow.

Vihaan felt unease inside him. He never ever have though about any women like this. Plus the woman before him was one of the leading celebrity whom he admired. He stopped one step away from kill the hound because he saw her. He had mixed feelings seeing her. He suppressed all the thoughts when he heard the crows caw again. He didn't think directly jumped down from the head lifted the woman like a sack and started to run towards the villa. Within seconds he reached the villa and closed the door. He wanted looked around to find a room without any windows or any light. He felt safe being in a room like his own room so unconsciously searched for it.

Vihaan wanted to go around but he stopped when he saw the whole house was in mess, everything turned around broken blood stains everywhere. He went into full alert seeing that. He got ready to deal with any sneak attacks. Seeing him going into full alert the women he was carrying got tensed and tried to speak but she shuttered. She looked miserable trying to speak that she couldn't even open her mouth.

Dia : / ther... ishh... noone insisde.. / She shuttered trying to keep calm and trying not anger him.

Vihaan let her down still being in alert and turned to ask her about what happened here.

Vihaan : / What happened here? Why did you ask me not to kill that hound ? / Vihaan wanted to trust this women but his guts told him otherwise. Vihaan trusted his gut feeling and used appraise on her.

[ Name : Dia

Race : Human/ Humanoid Species of Earth Sex : Female Age : 34 years

Class : Bewitching Witch Sub-Class : None

Lv ~ 11 Exp : 118 / 2000

HP : 656 / 947 EP : 91 / 136

Title : None Rank : Citizen

Skills :

Taming, Bewitching illusion, Hypnosis, Spirit Communication.

Tamed Beast :

1. Grey Hound - Tia ]

Vihann felt his blood go cold. He understood why he felt so much lust towards her. He thought he understood this world but seems like he was too naive. Never judge a book based on its looks.

After slaughtering countless abomination his aura started to change and it contained a trace of bloodlust but still not to overwhelming. He was angry, he hated being schemed against now he was again being played with. His eyes turned red. He didn't say anything. He looked at her. He can see her shrinking in fear. His eyes didn't show any pity any longer that was first shown only anger was there.

Vihaan lost his cool. He made his move. He moved towards her and slapped her with full force. she was thrown across the hall her ears where bleeding. He feel his getting mind clear and can clearly see figure before him.

Dia was a beautiful woman before the apocalypse but now her figure was even more alluring. Blood like Curly Red hair neatly combed and well kept, Deep red eyes mesmerising the lookers with one look, Cherry red lips wanting the lookers to bite her as whole, perfectly shaped nose, body shaped like S with measurements 34-27-24 with bust size of 34F, Her body is mostly bare with some kinky like patch covering her two nipple and her camel two leaving everything else to clear view.

Vihaan can feel blood rush to his little brother. His brother like a dragon waking from slumber started to rise towering over 9 inch and 2 inch thick. Even he felt surprised to see his brother. He really wanted to fuck her and abuse her, those feelings started to rise in him. He had time controlling his urge

Vihaan : / Don't be cocky and try to bewitch and play with me. I don't give a fuck about what you do here. If you move anywhere within 5 meters of me. I will kill you and your fucking dog, feast on you two bitches. You better behave / Vihaan roared angrily and quickly moved towards the stair in the corner of the hall. He didn't even turn around. he just left the hall.

Vihaan : / Don't even think about coming upstairs / His voice sounded as his figure faded as he went upstairs.

Vihaan let out a sigh as he went upstairs. To be honest he was very afraid that he will be bewitched and schemed against again. His animalistic behaviour, his boner, her figure with the bewitching and hypnosis its a deadly combo and that's not good for him. He needed to do something to protect himself against these kinda of things so he ran away form her. He saw fear in her eye when he attacked her. She was shuddering so he played along giving her a path retreat and saved himself but this doesn't end here. He will definitely find her for revenge.

Vihaan saw around the 1st floor it was very neat. Everything was arrange neat, clean felt like a five start experience. It was luxurious to say in one word. He mocked himself what else to find in the villa of a leading celebrity. he didn't know what happened downstairs, she has more than enough strength to protect herself so he didn't bother about those useless thoughts him. Now his only thought was to rest.

The villa was huge almost covering 2 football grounds. So he found a room at one corner of the 1st floor hall and close the door. It was neat had a huge king size bed far better than his old room. He look around the room there was dust settled all over the place seems like it was not cleaned for more than 3 days. He found the bathroom. It was actually bigger than his old living room. He couldn't ask for more after one hour of dangerous battle. He tried to see if water was available. To his surprise there was actually water available. He took a long shower for around 15 mins. He came out of the shower dripping wet. He went to open a wardrobe to find something to wear and dry himself. Everything was women related he didn't know anything that was there. He just took one white towel and a white bathing robe. He dried himself and wore the bathing robe. He went and dusted the bed and lied down for nap. He was too tired.

Whatever it was he will ask her later after he wakes up.

Dia's POV :

10 Mins before Apocalypse

I was a leading celebrity had millions of fans. My new movie was releasing in 5 days. I was far from my peak in industry but still I had a lot of opportunities. I had to endure a lot to get to this place. In the beginning I was groped asked to suck some bastard dick to get a chance I was asked to sleep with producers but I had my bottom line whatever happened. I didn't want to lose my Chasity for getting better in life.

Every-time I go out, men see me like prey thinking about how they can fuck me in their bed. Those eyes they were disgusting. I hate these men but I never showed about it, putting a fake smile on the outside I showed I was always happy. I was praised for ignoring negativity. I tried hard, worked more harder to get to this position. People laughed at me saying I wont have a place in the industry. Now they are waiting for getting a chance to work with me. Today I was having a meeting with a director in my house discussing about the new film that was releasing in 5 days. I was at the peak of my life, thinking about settling after this film getting someone to be with, romantic, family, A Beautiful life. I couldn't ask more.

Everything went drown the drain.

I didn't know how long I was passed out but when I woke up everything seem to be different. I looked at the director before me. I was horrified. I cant say him. Its a it. It was disgusting, no skin, tongue rolling on the floor, hands as long as legs, mouth open like shark blood dripping all over it. Thank god it was sleeping or it appears to be. I look around and try to move away form this abomination of a creature.

I didn't notice first but now I see the dress I am wearing. I cant say I am wearing anything in the first place. I literally worn nothing except something kinky and flashy black patches covering over my two nipple and camel toe ( pussy basically ). That's all like seriously only three bits to cover my body, my old clothes are no more. I don't know where they went.

I heard a voice in my head. I screamed and made noise, that's the stupidest thing one can do right now and I did it. My noise woke up that abomination, it stared right at me. I was scared and I started to run away towards my room coincidentally that's where my dog is. I started to scream for help. It startled other abominations in my house. My workers were not as lucky as me they either changed into those filthy abomination or they got eaten by those abomination...

I don't know how many of those abominations where there in the whole villa but I am definitely not gonna go out there and count. I kept on screaming and running with all my strength. I reached my room in the ground floor. I rushed to the door and opened it to get inside. What welcomed me was a 6 ft tall monster. It almost looked like my Tia.

I thought I was going to die, tears ran down my cheeks. Death was coming. I didn't run away. I just stood there closed my eyes to accept my death.

Tearing and wailing sounds can be heard around me but I didn't care anymore.

1 min...

2 mins...

5 mins...

After 5 minutes, I was still alive. I opened my eyes to look around what happened. I was surprised to see all the abomination like monsters were all dead. Only a creature about the same size as me with blood dripping from its mouth was standing there. It seems to be in pain. There were small wounds all over its body. I moved closer and was clearly able to see the injuries, it seem like it didn't have any intention to harming.

I went closer and started to run my hand over its head. It just stood there and didn't nothing. It seems to comfortable and when I tried to understand what is happening. I can vaguely sense something in my trying to contact me. I tried to focus on it and was able to understand it.

[ Do you want to form contract with Mutated House Dog - Rare Monster ( Grey Hound ) ]

What the fuck is this ? I Don't know what's happening.

[ Hello Host, I am Universal system ]


Something kept saying about system and telling to kill things, do quest and something like that but basically i understand the jest of it. I need strength to survive.

11 hours after the from awakening.

Me and Tia were doing quest from the system. It was to explore a lake name Korattur lake few km form my place. We cleared around 100 m radius around my villa of all monster as we made way towards the lake. I found two to three people here and there but everyone was scared of me. Looking at my outfit and my grey hound, In an apocalyptic world being practically naked and running around with huge Hound, who in the right mind will get near me so everyone ran away. yeah they just ran away. I tried to change dress but its something about my class I got after mutation. I can't change my dress unless I class up or mutate again. Tia seem to grow up every time it level up. I too gained some nice levels. More strength is always welcomed. We travelled faster. We did't take time to kill any monster. They seem to avoid as. Its a good thing for us.

12 Hours after the from awakening.

We are currently running away with all the strength. Tia got a big wound on her body, blood was dripping. We kept our lives because Tia reacted faster. There was something in the lake it was so horrifying powerful. Its one swipe wounded Tia and reduced her HP by more than half. I got attacked by something intangible, that took around a third of my HP when I tried use hypnosis on it. I guess its backlash.

We reached the villa. It was fairly safe since we cleared monsters in 100 m radius. We were safe inside here. I couldn't see what happened properly but it was huge. I don't want to meet it again. Its dangerous.

One hour after return.

I was resting in the my room in first floor. I was looking outside. I can hear a lot of commotion like 1000's of monster being in one place and they are angry about something. I was praying to god that they don't come here or we have to run again with all these wounds on me and Tia. The sounds got closer. I am scared I was looking out of my window to check and was contemplating whether I should run away with Tia. if I did run away, can I survive and where should I go. This place is becoming unsafe.

When I was thinking I was distracted from my thoughts by a man who jumped into my compound. He was... Naked... Like literally naked. Tia said it wants to attack and eat him.

Hey fun fact I can share my thoughts with Tia using spirit communication in close and long distance which is like super convenient. It can also find me using this skill like a GPS dah... Its cool isn't it. OK Back to topic, Lets not stray way form topic .

Tia was never like this so aggressive. I know something bad is going to happen. I changed my dress using illusion and ran towards the yard to stop Tia form attacking the Man.

Hey another fun fact. I can use my skill to form a illusion changing my dress.I found this trick when I was experimenting with my skill. I will never have to shop again. I can change my dress using illusion. How convenient and its very cool. You guys might think how a woman who running for life is now thinking about shopping. I am a woman, in this world i should be happy i can get all theses benefits so don't be judgemental. I might be 34 year but still a young unmarried single.

While my inner monologue was running I reached the yard. I made in time I screamed him to stop him from killing Tia. I can feel Tia was very afraid to die. It was begging me to help. I was also scared because Tia was literally one step away from death. I tried to talk to that guy but I can't open my mouth because he had a huge Dick. (Yeah you judgmentally readers I couldn't speak because he had a huge dick). Its the biggest I have very seen. I had some naughty thoughts in my head but that's for another time. Dah... I don't want to die a virgin and This guy is tall, strong, manly, super freaking handsome and hot like a Greek God with green eyes. Damn I feel tempted. I just want to eat him. I want him. Damn that thirst.

Shit back to topic again.

I was surprised he stopped from killing Tommy. he stared at me ( It made me very horny) . Suddenly he ran towards me lifted me. I couldn't react. I was in my villa within seconds he closed the door and started to look around. He just went into alert seeing the surround. It was because the whole ground was a mess. What can you expect when a battle just happened here and its not cleaned yet. Fuck I have to clean it. I tried to say there was no one. He let me down. He saw me first with pity in his eyes. In just few seconds it turned into anger. He slapped me and said something about not trying to bewitch him. I was surprised he didn't kill me with so much bloodlust and anger he released in few seconds. He went up threatening me not come near him or upstairs. I feel so embarrassed and angry about my first impression. I want to find a hole to bury myself. Damn this skill.

He came into my house, slapped me, said not to come near him or not to come to first floor in My house. I don't know whether he thought about how he could hit a lady. I guess I should patiently wait for him to come down. I think he wont kill me but he must have some serious explaining to do. I must discipline him when he is my clutches. I snorted thinking about him handling me like that but he is freaking handsome so I can bare with it. Its very hard to find an attractive man who is as strong as he is hot in this times so I am not gonna miss it. I am not taking any chances. I just went to my torn sofa, dusted it few times and lied down to take rest. It was already around 13 hours since I woke up. I am tired. This damn weather I don't even know its morning or night everything is same.

I can feel Tia's concern for me. I told her to rest and recuperate. She was only injured first but now she was very heavily injured. She should rest. She told she had already started to heal her wounds.

She said she will get well and then beat that guy up. hahahaaa silly girl.

I guess I should sleep.

Reader Questions:

You guys might have noticed her character was like two opposite poles before and after the Mutation. I know it's very fluctuating. Be patient that's her character design.


Author Thoughts:

Thank you welshmansss for the power stone, It helps a lot.

Thank you torrelsav1, Miguel_Martin, Rami_Abuait. For the Power stones you guys sent earlier.

Thank you guys for your support. Like, Rate, Vote, Review and some power stones will also be good. Promote my novel. Pretty Please..