Master and His Task

Three Hours later

Vihaan : / How many hours has it been ? Was I dreaming about all those stuff. Well It was one crazy hell of a dream but why is my bed so comfortable today. Actually what day is today ? Where the hell am I ? / Vihaan mumbled some crazy things as he tried to open his eyes.

##### : [ Boy, Get your lazy ass off the bed. We got things to do ]

Vihaan got up abruptly. He knew everything is real. He let out a sigh. He started to check his notification and how much progress he had made in the challenge.

[ War God Challenge

Remaining Time - 55:45:12 Monsters Killed : 896 / 1500 ]

Vihaan : / Wow that's a lot of monster / Vihaan was surprised to see he was almost close to completing the challenge and that was his progress in a 45 min battle. He was tempted to do it again and was thinking about. As if understand What he was thinking, The voice sounded in his head.

##### : [ Boy, Don't chew more than you can eat ]

##### : [ You were very lucky because you didn't get the attention of any boss class monsters ]

##### : [ The Hound you saw outside is a basic boss class monster one of the lowest grade ]

##### : [ I can't let you die miserable with your 10 IQ Brain ]

##### : [ Get ready, We are going shopping and yeah see your notifications fully first ]


[ Host has killed 884 Monsters ]

[ Basic Mutated Abominations : 657, Mutated Black crow : 194, Mutated Street Cat : 17, Mutated Street Dog : 16, Shadow Abomination : 1 ]

[ Host has earned a total of 57,900 Experience ]

[ Exchanging into Ether Essence Crystals : 11,580 ]

[ Quests Completed :

Fastest 100 Kills - Reward : 10 Ether Essence Crystals.

Fastest 200 kills - Reward : 20 Ether Essence Crystals.


Fastest 800 kills - Reward : 80 Ether Essence Crystals ]

[ Title : The First Man Who Became The First Myth ]

[ 10 % Extra Ether Essence Has been added ]

[ Total Ether Essence Crystals : 13,222 ] ( He already had 88 Ether Essence Crystals for 12 monsters killed )

[ Ether Essence Crystals have been added to Host's Account ]

[ Store Function has been Unlocked ]

[ 100 % Animal behaviour has been awakened ]

[ Animalistic Instinct has become a part of host ]

[ Access - Animal skills can be learned and can be purchased from store ]

[ New Mutation has been unlocked ]

Vihaan : / Care to explain ? / Vihaan was puzzled about the Information Flashed before him. He had no idea what were these Ether Essence Crystals.

##### : [ Boy, Listen I will explain few things which you need to know. It's used to rise your cultivation ]

##### : [ Ether Essence Crystals are Pure Base Energy that is obtained from compressed or purified Experience ]

##### : [ For this you have to understand what is Experience. Experience is basically impure Ether Essence which is let out from any organism on its death ]

##### : [ System termed it as experience so as it helps hosts to experience the Ether Essence entering their body every-time they level up ]

##### : [ Ether Essence Crystals are the basic form of currency which is used universally in all universe by the Mortal realm cultivators ]

##### : [ Exchange rate of EXP To EEC is 5 to 1 ]

##### : [ A normal person to level up from Lv~1 to Lv~20 needs about 30,000 EXP which converts to 6000 Basic Ether Essence Crystals. ]

##### : [ That's not the only case. If you have 30k EXP will you level up or change into EEC to shop? at Level 1 ]

##### : [ If you even have a little bit intelligence left in your brain you will level up and then try to get easy kills then change into Ether Essence Crystals. ]

##### : [ Keep that's in mind. Now let's talk about how much experience you gain when killing a monster. It depends on the level and tier of the monster. ]

##### : [ Basic common tier Lv~1 monster gives 10 EXP when killed. Lv~2 30 EXP, Lv~3 50 EXP and so one. It's just average experience not the exact amount so you can't just cling on the fact that each time you kill a common tier Lv~1 monster and expect to get 10 experience. Some night give you 6 ,7 or even 12 or 13. ]

##### : [ Uncommon to Mythical Monsters give experience with a multiple factor of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 respectively. The same goes for Levelling up different classes. An uncommon class needs two times more experience needed than for levelling common class.]

##### : [ You might ask me how is this all relevant to you since you have no need for levelling. I know you have no idea how to progress in your cultivation so wait. I will explain that later. ]

##### : [ Now let's talk about how system takes in the how much Ether Essence systems takes in and how much Ether Essence is let out when an organism actually die. ]

##### : [ System Absorbs 25 % of the ether Essence from the organism if the host kills the organism. ]

##### : [ System purifies the the raw Ether Essence into usable Ether Essence and shares it as experience to the host. ]

##### : [ You should remember that I said Lv~1 monster gives an average of 10 EXP but it takes 100 EXP to cross to Lv~2. Basically the being at the peak of level 1 has 99 EXP in its body. So normally on average you only gain 10 % of the EXP. ]

##### : [ Now you should understand how an Uncommon tier monster or an Uncommon tier class being gives 2 times more EXP and needs 2 times EXP to level up. ]

##### : [ You are in Body Refinement stage-2 . I know you have no idea how it rose. Its simple at Body Refinement stage people temper their body to facilitate cell growth and have your cell adapt to the flow of ether in your body. ]

##### : [ Normal people have to use Ether Essence Crystal to temper because the ether in the air is not sufficient its too slow for tempering and refinement ]

##### : [ Your body being a Human Chimeric Body helps in this process because it directly absorbs ether from atmosphere and from the foe you kill. System absorbs only 25% ether but your body alone absorbs more than 30 % on its own so you don't have to use the Ether Essence Crystal to temper so you can spend it lavishly for shopping. ]

##### : [ I am too tired to keep on explaining things to you, check the status and get ready to head out and finish the challenges. ]

Vihaan was also bored to listen to these long lectures so he readily accepted and went to see his new status but he was still wondering where that scheming voice from the system went but he was afraid to listen to lecture so he just kept his mouth shut.

Vihaan : / Open Status /

[ Name : Vihaan

Race : Human Chimera Sex : Male Age : 23 years

Class : War God Inheritor ( Disabled ) Sub-Class : None

HP : 100 % Stamina : 100% EP : 100 %

Cultivation : Body Refinement Stage - 2 Progress : 2 %

Title : MADMAN, The Man Who Became The First Myth. Rank : Naik

Skills :

Passive : Evolving Perfect Body, Basic Appraisal, Battle sense.

Active : Savage fist, Universal Synthesis.

Class Points - 20.

Mutations :

Mutated canines, Mutated Metacarpals claws, Eye of the Predator ( not activated )

Techniques :

### ### #####'s Combat Guide ]

Vihaan was excited to see his status. His HP, Stamina and Ether Points are shown. Its very convenient since its shown in % but didn't know why. He remembered he saw Hp in numbers for the Dog and the woman. He knew about the skills like universal synthesis, Evolving perfect body which evolved from adaptive perfect body when he used universal synthesis. Adaptive perfect body. He got when his race change. The eye of the predator is something new. The technique is probably what the voice taught him. Class points must be something related to the class since he has not obtained it. he just left it as it is.

He focused on the skills to know about the skills.

[ Title : The Man Who Became First Myth

Title obtained by becoming The First Myth

You earn 10 % more Experience, Ether Essence etc. from the system. You have 10 % more chances to gain good skills from any lucky draw. You can buy anything from the system at 10% less price. The 10 % influence your luck stat. ]

Vihaan was surprised to see a change in description of the skill but it works for him this is very easy and simple to understand. He was more happy to see the effects of the title, More Ether essence, More luck and Less paying everything is always good. He tried to see the other skills also.

[ Skill : Evolving Perfect Body.

A Three time Evolved skill with Enhancement from Racial characters of Human chimera. It has already surpassed the Skill tiers of Unique and Legendary. This skill is not from system.

Bodily absorption - can absorb bloods and ether from the foes killed directly using it to raise host cultivation, restore stamina and energy loss (as food), blood absorbed has a chance to awaken racial skills of that particular organism.

Advanced Regeneration - As long as the head and heart is not entirely destroyed with enough blood, can heal fast, regenerate indefinitely.

Mutated body - Universal skill being used on body changed the cells to highly mutate. Have high chances to mutate naturally and by synthesis. ]

Vihaan was very happy with this skill. Based on the description alone it was on par with a mythical skill. This skill can save his life. Its value is immeasurable.

[ Skill : Battle Sense ( War God Class Skill )


Absolute territory with 1 m radius Vihaan as centre. Can react to anything when it enters the range. Its always on.

This Skill can be upgraded.

Conditions : ########################################################### ]

[ Skill : Universal Synthesis ( Unique )

One of the most versatile skills in the whole system. #############################.

Can combine two things into a strengthen or enhanced version of the older version. Has a chance to obtain something entirely new. The product will never be worse than the original one.

This Skill can be upgraded.

Conditions : ########################################################### ]

[ Mutation : Eye of the predator ( Not activate )

Conditions : Eye of the Mutated Golden King and 100k Ether Essence Crystals ]

[ Techniques : ### ### #####'s Combat Guide

########### ####### ######### ########## ########## ########## # # # # # #

############### ####### ######### ########## ########## ####### ##### ]

Vihaan was furious when he saw almost all the skills information were blocked.

##### : [ Boy, somethings are meant to be this way. Be happy you have use those skills in the first place. ]

Vihaan knew what the voice saying was correct. Everything else was pretty much straight forward. He didn't know how to use these. he will later ask the voice for help.

Vihaan : / You know we have been talking so much. you still haven't told me you name. What should I call you ? / Vihaan asked the voice. he always wanted ask but he never had any time for it.

##### : [ You unfilial shitty brat. I have taught you so much still you haven't recognised me as your master. Go fuck off, I wont teach you anything anymore ]

Vihaan was surprised at first but he thought it. Basically only because of this mysterious voice was he still breathing. Even in very dangerous situations only by following the voice's instructions of using brutal skill and raising its mastery, he survived. The voice, I mean Master didn't ask him anything but taught him how to survive when everything was against him. Master was still here teaching how him everything about this world. Everything he knew was all thanks to Master. He was happy for the first time in his life. He felt close to the voice, A family he always yearned for. He hurriedly replied.

Vihaan : / Sorry Master, Sorry Master, Sorry Master. This unfilial disciple deserves punishment but don't stop teaching me master. I still have lots to lean form you, Master / Vihaan hurriedly begged the voice like child whose candy has been taken.

Master : [ Humpf. You unfilial disciple if You can't do the tasks I am going to give you. Don't even think about Taking to me ]

Vihaan : / Command me master. My life is yours to take. Even if you ask me to go to the Nest. I will kill my way into the nest slaughtering everything that moves in there / Vihaan in his life for the first time put his life on something for someone else. His eyes were blood red and menacing. He was not kidding. He will definitely do it. He took the Voice as his Master whole heartedly. He will definitely lay his life if needed. He knew just the two skills blocked by the system meant even the name of his master was so important that even system didn't show it. Both the technique and skill was priceless and his master just give him those for free without asking anything in return to him.

The voice was surprised and happy to get a disciple but it didn't show how it felt. There was no answer for few seconds. Vihaan didn't know anything so he was nervous didn't know what master was thinking.

Master : [ Brat, I don't want you go and kill anything. I only want one thing. I want the woman downstairs to follow you. you take her as a lover, slave, subordinate whatever but I need you to accomplish this within the time of the challenge before going to complete the challenge. If you do it, I will help you spend the Ether Essence Crystals and help you Clear the Challenge ]

Now it was Vihaan's turn to silent. she schemed against him. He was planing to take revenge on her but now his master was asking to get her to follow him. He was in a difficult position. he dint mind about what reward master was giving if not for something regarding that woman Vihaan would have accepted readily.

Seeing Vihaan silent, The voice roared in anger.

Master : [ You unfilial disciple, You said about going into nest to kill, Now i gave you a easy task and you are thinking without accepting it. You really are unfilial. If you are thinking that she schemed against you. she didn't it was her passive ability that targets weak hearted people. Don't you damn give me any excuses. Get it done or don't you show your face to me anymore ]

Vihaan felt like crying...


Author thoughts :

Hi Readers, Here is another new exciting chapter for you.

Thank you Miguel_Martin, dragon_Individual, R_a_v_an. For the Power stones you guys sent.

Thank you guys for your support. Like, Rate, Vote, Review and some power stones will also be good. Promote my novel. Pretty Please..