Slaughter Field - Harsh Lessons

A tall figure, 6.2 height, dark skin, black hair, wearing a black warrior monk dress without top having a black heavy kukri about 2 foot long in his right hand, a talisman and one diamond like crystal clear crystal in his left hand. As he started walking, the last crystal was reduced to dust. It is Vihaan

Vihaan used 3 EEC and 500 EP to power his Jade Armour Talisman totally 3500 EP. It should be able to block against a level 50 Low Elite Tier Monster.

{ Author Note : There a small wrong information about Talisman. It has already has been corrected. I am posting the corrected info here so you don't have to go and see it.

[ Uncommon Tier - Peerless Grade : Jade Armour Talismans

Forms a Jade armour on the user for 1 hour.

Blocks 1000 attacks from Peak Common Tier Monsters / Blocks 500 attacks from Peak Uncommon Tier Monsters / Blocks 50 attacks from Peak Rare Tier Monsters / Blocks 1 attacks from Low Elite Tier Monsters. Applicable only for monster within level 200. One Usage Cost : 500 EP Minimum ] }

Vihaan was walking towards the end of territory of the hound. Before going out, he wanted to feel The Kaappaan ( Kaappaan, The kukri - The Word means Protector in Tamil Language ). He was slowly swinging the Kaappaan doing slashes, slices and stabs. The Kaappaan was very heavy for a kukri weighing around 100 kg which is very heavy for its figure. It was also not too sharp but he felt it was perfect for him. He wanted to practice but time waits for no one. He already reached the end of the territory and He just stumbled upon a pack of abomination feeding on something in the middle of the street. As soon as he entered the street they turned their head and saw him. 7 Pairs of Red eyes burning with fervour stopped on him.

Vihaan was too deep in his Dagger Compression he didn't notice what's happening before him but he suddenly felt a chill down his spine. He turned his head to see a huge mouth as large as his head, filled with horrible teeth and foul smell just inches away from his face ready to bite his head off. Even though he reacted fairly quick. It was still a tad late. The jaws locked on his head. He survived because of his Talisman armour. His head was literally in its mouth. The force pushed him few steps back. He was surprised to see this is a Uncommon Tier Monster and it was powerful. He cursed his luck. He just walked out and his head was already in a monsters mouth. If not for the talisman he would die miserably, worst case scenario.

Master : [ First Lesson of the battlefield, Never Be Distracted, You learned it the harsh way. ]

A flat voice sounded without any emotion. Vihaan knew his master was angry. He reacted instinctively gave a kick to its abdomen, put some space between and slashed towards the neck of the abomination. The heavy kukri didn't cut fully, It left a deep and large wound halfway through the neck. The abomination didn't die it just wailed in pain.

Master : [ Too much movement, Too less force, Not Proficient, Again ]

Vihaan moved back with fast movements and put some distance between the Uncommon Tier Abomination. He was able to see the battlefield properly. 7 Abominations - 1 Uncommon Tier Abomination who seems to be the pack leader and 6 Common Tier Abominations. He wanted to use the Fireball Talisman.

Master : [ Don't use it. Fight it with Kukri. I said again not to use talisman. Go forward Dodge and Use the Kukri, Rinse and repeat. ]

Vihaan moved forward. He didn't use the talisman. The Uncommon Tier Abomination lunged forward with anger. He didn't take it head on. He used his fist to give it a uppercut and launched it in the air, used the kukri to give a short burst slicing through the neck like butter. It fell down dead.

Master : [ Good, Again ]

Vihaan didn't have time to rest. The other abominations were already upon him. Three abomination in front lunging towards him. Using his hand to grab one and crushing its head, he slashed the kukri to slice the heads of two other abominations simultaneous.

Vihaan moved forward jumped high with leap to get behind the abominations and cut one head off. The Other two alive ones reacted and turned, both used one of its limb slashing their long nails towards Vihaan simultaneously. He caught one its hand and and cut the other with kukri. He used the one in his hand and throw it towards the other. He followed it behind closely. Vihaan tired to sense and use the same sensation he felt when used leap and tried use it with hands. The abomination were stacked on each other having their head in a straight line. His hands moved forward towards the heads of those abominations. Their head exploded because of the force behind the punch. It was only 3 seconds since the battle started but he felt he was fighting for a long time.

6 Abominations where directly absorbed by his body leaving only bag of bones. 1 Uncommon Tier Abomination was taken by the system. He finally let out breath. The battle was too sudden, he didn't even have time to breath.

Master : [ Second Lesson of the Battlefield, Battlefield is the best place to train but if not careful its your grave yard. ]

Master : [ Third lesson, Time waits for no one. Prepare for battle start channelling 5 Fire ball talismans ]

Vihaan was very surprised to find his master turn into someone who he didn't know. He was emotionless and cold. He didn't hesitate took 5 fireball Talisman and he channelled each with 120 EP. he didn't why his master asked him to do so but he learned his lesson already, to never ask why to this master the Hard way. His confusion only lasted for 2 seconds.

Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw

Vihaan : / Black Crow Calamity.../ He mumbled.

[ War God Challenge

Remaining Time - 54:18:49 Monsters Killed : 903 / 1500 ]

Master : [ There should be more than enough Crows for you to kill. You have 5 minutes to kill them. Learn to aim and fire talismans. You can use 20 talismans. If not I will not help in Dia's Transformation. ]

Vihaan knew this is his real master. Someone who is cold and cruel will do anything to train him. His master is someone who lived through countless battles and His is merciless. He didn't complain. He started to channel the talisman. He put his Kaappaan in the inventory. He had Talismans in his both hands.

He fired one talisman towards the crows incoming. They were already within the range. The Fireball was 20 cm ball, It moved very fast hitting the crows before they can react. It created a 2 meter large blast and sent shock waves in the sky 100 m high in the air. It incapacitated some crows, directly killing 2 and wounding 6 with burn wounds. All the crows affected were incapable of flying so started to fall down which will injure or kill majority.

Vihaan was not satisfied with the result. He could hit crows with talismans because of the sheer number. His aim was off. This power was insufficient for him to meet the mark kept by his master. he thought about it. He started to run in the streets to dodge the crows which started to dive towards him to shred him with their claws or beak. He knew even if one of it hits him without armour talisman, His body will be severely injured. Even with the Armour Talisman he will be affected. It can only block the hit not the force behind it and each of the dive can be comparable to a Uncommon Tier peak monster of Level 30. This is the worst thing about getting caught in The Black Crow Calamity.

Vihaan kept the 4 talismans he already channelled with 120 EP and started to channel more EP into them taking a EEC in his other hand. He finally stopped after it reached 200 EP on each. He didn't target the ones diving. He wanted to catch a bunch of them together to deal heavy damage. He did't notice at first glance but now he was looking at the crows carefully to find an opening, they are forming a vortex. He had a bad premonition about it. If they descend like that he will be like a trapped mouse caught in a barrage of heavy artillery. At the same time if can get some good shots with his talisman. He can deal huge damage to the flock.

Vihaan new this was a blessing and a curse. He knew he can catch them in a bunch but at the same time if he gets caught he is done for. He started to take EEC like candies and started to channel into more talismans. His aim was 15 talismans with 1000 EP each but that was a tall order can't be done in few seconds and the Crow's are like they're about to hit him. He started running the other way away from the Villa. He didn't want anything to happen to Dia because of him.

Vihaan ran like his life deepened on it. His path was not easy. He wanted to comprehend and use the sensation of gathering the energy in his legs. It made him pretty much a target. He couldn't run properly as he was not control the power and output. The Abominations also were not idle. he found them in almost every street. He had to divide his mind to channel the talisman, to dodge and counter attack the sneak attacks of the abominations, to focus the energy in his legs. He was under a lot of pressure.

Vihaan was already running for 3 Minutes with his full speed over 300 Kmph while doing everything he can to focus. He didn't know where he was. he ran in every path that was free before him. Since the apocalypse he not found a living human other than Dia. The roads were filled with cars here and there which made his life more miserable.

Vihaan : / 3... 2... 1... Finally /

Vihaan used 15 EEC to charge 15 Fireball talisman. He hand all the talisman in one hand, with a thought he took the Blood Rejuvenation Pills and popped on into his mouth. He wanted to be in top condition to run away or whittle away the birds if this doesn't work. He used Blood Rejuvenation Pills because his legs were sore by continuously using energy to strengthen it. He still could understand the theory behind it.

Vihaan : / I will ask master after this /

Vihaan felt energy coursing through him. He felt very powerful and full of energy. He felt he could fight for the full day. He stopped running away. He turned towards the army that's following him. He activated two talismans simultaneously one aimed at the crows in the sky and other towards the 100 of abominations that had joined in the parade to kill him. This is the second time he is experiencing being besieged by countless monster. If a normal person were to look at it he would definitely shit his pants by the sheer number and the ferocious nature of these monster. But now its different. He is the Hunter here.


Vihaan was like a madman activated 10 talismans packed with power back to back after each explosion. He stood there watching the art of this spectacle like an artist feeling proud of his Creation. He can feel the heat and shock-waves hit over him from the explosion but he didn't care. He was laughing loudly. He cooled down after killing everything there. The explosion, heat and sound made this place unapproachable to other monster as they were afraid.

Vihaan was standing there proudly with his hands folded enjoying the view of the battlefield. Burned flesh bits here and there mostly ashes, Charred surroundings, Melted buildings, roads and cars. Before him was a 100 m diameter and 20 m deep depression because of the explosions. It was spectacle to behold. He didn't know his emotions go through drastic change when he is in battle. he didn't notice it but his master did.

Master : [ I thought finding a women for him should reduce these effects but it seems to have taken the opposite effect. I should quickly find some alternative for this before he goes insane. I was careless... sighssss There is still time.. ] Vihaan didn't know his master was actually worried for him.

Vihaan : / I don't know how many I have killed but I have definitely outdone my previous record. I am close to my next breakthrough. Should ask master abut my cultivation before breaking through next time. /

While he was enjoying how he slaughtered so many of those disgusting abominations, a notification flashed. He didn't know that this was just the start of his calamity.

[ War God Challenge

Remaining Time - 54:13:00 Monsters Killed : 2560 / 1500 ]

[ You Have Completed the 1st War God Challenge ]

[ Analysing... Please Wait... ]

[ Your Quest Challenge Rating : SSS+ ]

[ Hightest Possible Reward ]

[ Please wait... ]

[ Error #### ]

[ Rewards are being withheld ]

[ You have killed a Golden Nether Crow's Hatch-ling while completing the Challenge ]

[ You have been Marked by the Golden Nether Crow ]

[ A Elite Tier Nether Crow Executioner is being sent to Earth ]

[ Please kill the Nether Crow Executioner Or Escape the pursuit to show you're worthy enough to be a War God. ]

Master : [ FUCK, They tampered with the challenge... I underestimated the threat he poses. ] ( Mind voice )

Master : [ Vihaan, We have a Problem, a very huge Problem ]


Author thoughts :

Thank you R_a_v_an, Rami_Abuaita for the Power stones you guys sent.

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