Schemes and Undercurrents.

Vihaan : / Master, What is happening ? Why is my rewards withheld? What is a Golden Nether Crow?. What is a Nether Crow Executioner... /

Master : [ Brat, Stop asking questions. I am thinking. First go back to the villa and meet up Dia. Wait in the villa. I will be back in a while. ]

Vihaan was surprised to see his master react like this. His master seem to angry about something. He started to look around to find any street name or any landmark to know where he is. He was searching for few minutes and finally found the land mark. It was Madhavaram Bus Terminus. It was a Bus station for buses from Andhra Pradesh. There are also buses from other states. Indian is Country with Unity in Diversity. It has 28 states and 8 Union territory. Each state has different language. So if he ran another few more km he would have entered another state.

Vihaan was still in State Highway 716. He was fairly close the villa only 10.9 km from the place he was currently at. Vihaan ran at moderate phase while still trying to use the energy to strengthen his legs. he deliberately avoided fighting any monsters. Mostly they were just abominations which chased him for few Km then go back doing whatever they where doing. He felt happy seeing that. They were not chasing him as if their life depended on it. It was a refreshing feeling. He didn't see any Uncommon Tier Monsters. His luck really was shitty back in the challenge to find a Uncommon Tier Monster right when he came out of the villa lunging at his head. May be it might be because he was nearer to a nest. He was surprised to find the average Level of monsters has rise from around Lv~5 to Lv~10 and Lv~15. It was very high since it's only been 6 hours since he went on a killing spree. It definitely is not good news for him. He didn't want to be surrounded by high level monsters. He also didn't know the reason for this sudden rise in levels.

Vihaan was experiencing new things. He was thinking about all these things, reached the villa within 5 mins. He was surprised to see a powerful aura radiating from the villa scaring all the Monsters within 500 Meters of the Villa.

Vihaan went inside the villa to see the hound glowing in white light but was significantly smaller in size comparing to its previous form. He tried walking closer and observing the changes but he couldn't understand or appraise it. He gave up and went inside making his way towards the bedroom. He saw Dia was still sleeping and didn't show any signs of awakening or Evolving yet. Well he took 12 hours so it might be roughly take the same time and he was out only for around 20 mins. He can't expect it to be done so soon.

Vihaan went to the bathroom took a bath got freshen up. He rinsed and washed the cloths and put them out for drying. He wore Dia's bathrobe and came out of the bathroom. He moved the blanket and sat beside her. He gently started to caress her head. She was sleeping there without a care. She truly is a Beauty.

Vihaan took a moment to think about everything that has happened. Right from the moment he woke up, He has been fighting with his life on the line or running away from death. Even now by the way his master sounded it seems to very serious even from his master's point of view. The only good thing about this apocalypse was Dia. Even though they started of with the wrong foot they ended together. There people out there who won't rest until he dies. If he keeps on overcoming the challenges they will start to target Dia or his master. He knew he was not strong to worry about his master and was not strong enough to protect Dia.

Vihaan didn't notice before but now he was taking time to see things that have happened. He saw how he acted when he killed those monsters with talisman, how aggressive he was when he had sex with Dia. He seem like different person and it's very scary how he didn't even notice his change and didn't fell anything wrong with him till now

Vihaan : / Something is happening to me. I should control myself not let my emotions get best of me. I should take initiative to do something about my situation. I don't want to sit here and wait for my master to take care of me. Let's see if I make this work. /

Vihaan checked his notifications to get a rough idea of how much EEC he had. He thought something and wanted to see if he can make it work somehow.

[ Host has killed 1664 Monsters ]

[ Common Tier : 1629, Uncommon Tier : 35, Elite Tier : 1 ]

[ Basic Mutated Abominations : 503, Mutated Black crow : 1089, Mutated Street Cat : 16, Mutated Street Dog : 20, Savage Abomination : 2, Mind Crow : 33, Pure Blooded Nether Crow : 1 ]

[ Host has earned a total of 1,374,200 Experience ]

[ Exchanging into Ether Essence Crystals : 274,840 ]

[ Quests Completed :

Fastest 100 Kills - Reward : 10 Ether Essence Crystals.

Fastest 200 kills - Reward : 20 Ether Essence Crystals.


Fastest 900 kills - Reward : 90 Ether Essence Crystals.

Fastest 1000 kills - Reward : 1000 Ether Essence Crystals

Fastest 2000 kills - Reward : 2000 Ether Essence Crystals.]

[ Title : The First Man Who Became The First Myth ]

[ 10 % Extra Ether Essence Has been added ]

[ Total Ether Essence Crystals : 306,267 ] ( He already had 148 Ether Essence )

[ Ether Essence Crystals have been added to Host's Account ]

[ Host has obtained Skill - Mind Command ( Uncommon ) from Mind Crow ]

Vihaan was surprised when he saw that he had killed a Pure Blooded Nether Crow. He was also surprised to find he can get skill from killing monsters since it happened for the first time.

Vihaan : / What is a Pure Blooded Nether Crow ? Why is it only one ? Is it even from earth ? and how does this even work ? To get skill from monsters. Is it because of my Evolving Perfect Body or system can actually give skills when you kill higher tier monster. The more I know about system the more questions I get. Sighsss /

Vihaan tired to get the information about Pure Blooded Nether Crow form the system but it said the any information regarding Pure Blooded Nether Crow has been restricted. He learned something new today. Even information can be restricted in the whole system. Vihaan was fascinated about the Savage Abomination and Mind Crow so he turned the attention towards it.

[ Name : Savage Abomination Tier : Uncommon.

Mutated from Basic Mutated Abomination. They feed on their own race. They are very aggressive towards anything moving. They can form pack of their own. They hunt anything that's not in their pack. They are twice as fast as Basic Mutated Abomination and twice as strong as them. Extremely tenacious. Blood can be used as Ingredient for Blood Rejuvenation Pills ]

[ Name : Mind Crow Tier : Uncommon.

Evolved Black Crows, They are very intelligent, can command other black crows of lower tier. Each Mind black crow can control a total of 33 other Black crows. Mind crows always associate with other Mind crows. They are never alone. If they form a group of 33 Mind Crow, there is chance for birth of a Rare Tier monster Psyche Crow. ]

Vihaan : / Nice, So many new things. I want to sell the corpses and need some materials fro myself in Sell tab but without master its unlikely I will get it done and I literally Burned most of it in fit of anger so I can't expect much. I should at-least leave the body intact, their weight is worth in EEC. /

Vihaan : / Well, lets start my experiment /

Vihaan started his Universal Synthesis skill. Vihaan wanted to control the synthesis and change the direction its working. To find something new or unique. He chose to Synthesis two of new his skills. Both of them are based movement so it should work or so he thought.

[ Universal Synthesis : Leap + Shadow Movement, Estimated time : 60 sec ]

Vihaan stopped the process there tried to imagine being able to leap from shadow to shadow at very high speed controlled the synthesis with this idea.

[ Universal Synthesis has recognised the template ]

[ Processing... ]

[ Synthesising... Please wait... Remaining time : 59 sec ]

Vihaan was very surprised that his idea was accepted by the skill and not by the system.

Vihaan : / May be there is more to this skill that I don't know... Hmm Interesting... /

Vihaan was patiently waiting to see the result. He didn't even blink he was staring at the countdown nervously.

[ 50 Sec... ]

[ 41 Sec... ]

[ 35 Sec... ]


[ 1 Sec... ]

[ Synthesis Success ]

[ New Skill : Shadow Leap Tier : Rare Mastery : 0 %

Allows the user to Leap from one shadow to another. Distance, Cost and Consumption will be based on the user's body constitution.

This skill is user bound skill cannot be transferred once bounded. ]

[ Do you want to bind it ? ]

Master : [ Don't Bind it ]

Master : [ Wow, My little disciple has actually grown up to do something useful on his own ]

Master : [ Its actually a very good skill but its not upto the standards for you to learn ]

Vihaan was about to accept it when heard his master's voice. He was embarrassed but it was only for a moment. he recovered quickly.

Vihaan : / Master where did you go ? and when did you come back ? /

Master : [ I came back few moments ago when you started to try and control the skill ]

Master : [ Even I didn't think of this. Well done but as you said this skill is really weird. I have never heard anyone use this skill like or the way skill reacted like this. Its really interesting ]

Master : [ Ok lets stop thinking about this for now and focus on important issue. ]

Master : [ I have a good news and a bad news for you. Which one do you prefer ? ]

Vihaan was very surprised when his master told him about the skill, now he was more interested in learning the limits of the skill. when he heard about bad news and good news. He knew it should be about The Golden Nether Crow.

Vihaan : / Master is it about The Golden Nether Crow ? /

Master : [ HAHAHA, Yes. You're actually not as dumb as I thought. You learn quickly. ]

Master : [ Although things are not as bad it used to be. It still is not favourable for you. so tell me what do you want to know first, Bad news or Good news ? ]

Vihaan : / Bad news / he thought about if for few seconds and answered.

Master : [ Oh Ok Then. The truth is you killed 'Kato Chrysafenios', The New Born of the Golden Nether Crow. So Its not a single Nether Crow Executioner but a group of Nether Crow Executioners led by Panemorfi Chrysafenios, The Young Prodigical Princess and Kato Chrysafenios's sister. They are on their way here as we are speaking. ]

Vihaan : / Fuck / he cursed out loud.

Master : [ Yes, That's exactly your situation now ]

Vihaan : / Master, How did The New Born of the Golden Nether Crow be in a group of Black crows? How is this even possible?. /

Master : [ Sighs, Golden Nether Crow is a Hybrid born from two races which are like water and fire. When he was born he had to undergo a lot Troubles, Problems and Scheming by the people of his parent's race. He broke through everything with sheer strength. Now he stands at the helm of this Universe and created a New Race Golden Nether Crow Race, a Family for him. This all happened millions of years ago. The Race was in decline for the past 3 million years. There was not any Genius or Prodigy Sons or Daughters for The Golden Nether Crow. It changed 25 years ago. He had to his First daughter after ages of waiting for a girl child to be born, who is one of the brightest talent Even if compared Geniuses from all the universe. Then again now one year ago he gave birth to his youngest son and with the purest bloodline far potent than his own bloodline. He was very happy but not everyone was was happy. There were lot of undercurrents brewing. Today when The Golden Nether Crow went out for an important meeting influencing the fate of whole universe but it was unfortunately the time set by the underworld forces for killing his young son. ]

Master : [ A powerful entity broke through the castle and used his full power to disable all the protective measure of the Baby and sent him here. Coincidentally that's where you went crazy talismans. He died without even leaving an intact body. The powerful entity self destructed to deal a damage to the whole Golden Nether Crow Race. This wounded the pride and honour of the race. At the same time they were happy at-least the Young prince was not killed only kidnapped but pour oil over the burning fire. You killed him and the Soul Mark on the young prince marked you as his killer. It infuriated The Golden Nether Crow very much so he sent Nether Crow Executioners to kill you. If things went as per the scheme, You will be killed, I will kill my way into the The Golden Nether Crow race to seek justice. In the end I will fall there but will definitely kill at-least half of their Race weakening them significantly. It was a very well planned Scheme but due to the forces tampering the Challenge of the system twice in a row, they went too far and system hinted this through the notifications. We just avoided the calamity. /

Vihaan blood ran cold thinking about what just happened without his knowledge. he just endangered his own life and His master's Life. Vihaan felt his anger rise to the roof. He wanted to kil lthem all but he is powerless. he felt helpless.

Vihaan : / Master but I didn't do anything for them to target me like this /

Master : [ They don't need any reason. They are strong so they can do as they like. You have riches you don''t know off. Don't worry they wont be able to lay their hands on you as long as I am alive. Don't Think of things you cant change. Just get stronger for now. ]

Vihaan cooled down a little. His master was right. This is not the time to get angry over things he has no control of. The only thing he can do now is to get stronger. he felt warm inside to have such master. He thought about everything and finally moved back to the top of what's the effect of him killing the son of The Golden Nether Crow. He already heard the Bad news so there should something good since his master said so.

Vihaan : / What is the Good News ? /

Master : [ You will probably not Die. ]

Vihaan : / Master, What do you mean by 'Probably not die' /

Master : [ You killed her brother. Do you expect her to come make love to you are what? ]

Master : [ You will live if you can defeat her in combat one on one. By the way she is in Half Ascension or Level 1000. She is a Legendary class or Rank 6 Ascencio Class Monster with Golden Nether Crow Mythical Tier Bloodline. ]

Vihaan : / ... /


Author Thoughts :

Thank you welshmansss, Rami_Abuaita for the Power stones you guys sent.

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