Body Refinement Realm

Master : [ You will live if you can defeat Panemorfi Chrysafenos in combat one on one. By the way she is in Half Ascension or Level 1000. She is a Legendary class or Rank 6 Ascencio Class Monster with Golden Nether Crow Mythical Tier Bloodline. ]

Vihaan wanted to cry but the tears won't come. He felt like his master just pushed him into the abyss. His mood brightened up when he heard his mater say the next sentence.

Master : [ Hahahah... Cheer Up, She will be suppressed by the world laws here. Her powers will be drastically Reduced to match the highest possible level or cultivation in this world at present and She will suppress her cultivation to match yours in battle. ]

Master : [ I trust you, You will do well. It will take some time for them to come here with all the damage that has been inflicted on them. So you can rest assured and prepare for battle. You should go through the memories I have imprinted in your mind when you learned my Inheritance skill 'Battle Sense'. Don't try to use that crude method you leaned when using leap. you should experience the memories I have given. You can find more useful things in them. ]

Master : [ I see you are close to breaking through to Body Refinement Stage - 3. Listen I will explain the whole Body Refinement realm to you. You can safely advance till you reach Body Refinement Stage - 9 with the information I will give you now. I will also tell few things to help you in your fight and give a basic information of different things. ]

Master : [ Body Refinement is a minor realm inside the Mortal realm. Mortal Realm is divide into 5 Minor realm and Body refinement is the first step into the cultivation world. It involves allowing Ether to flow through your body and develop Life Force. Ether nourishes the Cells in your body helping them mutate into stronger cells. They produce Life Force. The whole Mortal Realm is about accumulation of Life Force. The amount of Life force each body contains signifies the Tier of the Body for Monsters, Demi-Humans, Plants and other Races. ]

Master : [ Every races I mentioned have a root from which they were born in the beginning and they still have at least thin bloodline of that Race. Bloodlines are the limit of the Tier for each races but rarely very few can use Bloodline even if they have it, making it hard for them to rise the Body tier beyond the norms of that limit. Usually only when a Body Tier crosses Unique will the Bloodline come into full effect. ]

Master : [ Each race has their own advantage and disadvantages. Take Panemorfi Chrysafenos she is considered to be a beast. She has a Mythical Tier Bloodline but She has only tempered her body till 'Legendary Tier'. Its her limit. She can never hope to attain a Mythical Tier Body. For each major realm one cross they will go through a qualitative change. Her advantage is She can fight both in Beast form and Human form. She has very formidable Power and Defence in beast form and Class skills in human form. She is a very formidable opponent for you. Demi Humans cannot change into beast form but they can be in human form still have the benefit of having formidable defence and class skills. They also have weakness, They cannot learn skills like humans other than class skills that they get from system. they also have Low IQ. They only know to fight. There are still some Notable Figures who have transcended this boundary and reached the pick. ]

Master : [ Humans are the weakest among all the race in all of Universe but they still have their advantage. Humans can learn skill regardless of their class. They have the highest potential of rising to the peak. Humans can use skills and make up for their losses. They can have bloodline injected into them without worrying about the drawback of Bloodline limit at most 2 or 3 but they have to have compatibility to use the bloodline powers fully. There is also classes. Each of unique class and skill above have methods to help the user reach the peak of the cultivation ]

Master : [ Its enough talking about others. Lets talk about you. Your potential out strips almost all the organisms in any universe. You have the best class and skill which will help to rise to peak of cultivation. Your race is one of the most dangerous races in the universe. You can inject various bloodline into your body without any problem and making them your own. After your body reaches Unique tier. You can change your body parts into other forms like Demi-Humans having best of both worlds. That's not even the problem you can even have two to three beast characters in the same body without any problem, having only the Benefits without draw back. ]

Master : [ I told you before that you there is impurities in Experience. Its not actually impurities but life force unique to each organism. It will affect other organisms if they take in other life force which contains blood of those organisms. It will damage their foundation and their body but it is totally opposite it will strength your body, strengthen your foundation and increase your cultivation due to your Unique skill and Race ]

Master : [ Although your body is strong than other organisms.Your body has not yet reached the point of Common Tier Body of Human Chimera. Common Tier body of cat is not equal to Common Tier of Lion any way. So What I want you to do is to buy Strong bloodline and Humanoid skeletal structures from Store and synthesis it on yourself. Synthesis is very efficient than the crude method your body follows by absorbing everything directly. ]

Master : [ Don't worry if you don't awaken that bloodline or if the system didn't show. Your Bloodline is Human Chimera, A Mythical Tier one which is very different, has no actual skill but can learn innate skills form other bloodline. You should never use any skills from the system form on. You should comprehend your own techniques or only use bloodline skills and techniques, Focus on that alone. You have to learn control your body without the help of system. You have a advantage over others use it wisely. ]

Master : [ Also try not to Burn all the body like you did with those 1000+ monster. Everything was Lv 10 to Lv 15 monsters in common tier, what do you expect when use a talisman with so much Ether. So there was nothing left for selling. System took all the uncommon monsters that was left as compensation. You are left with only one body that is the body of that kid 'Kato Chrysafenos', its already sent to your inventory. And because you burnt everything you actually obtained not even 1/10 th of the ether that was supposed to come to you. if not your cultivation would have raised to the peak of Body Refinement Stage - 5 ]

Master : [ I am going into closed door cultivation so I wont be available for a while. I want you to grow. I should be out before you reach Body Refinement Stage - 9. So I want you to reach the Uncommon Tier body of Human Chimera, have at-least Unique Tier technique of your own, be proficient in both Sabre and Kukri. You can exchange your basic EEC to Med EEC, Top EEC and Peerless EEC for consolidation and breaking through, you feel the difference. I will leave one Last Defence on you, Dia and Tia. If you are meet with something that is way beyond your capacity. It will transport you to my location. so be bold and explore the world. ]

Vihaan felt it odd that his master is leaving him to go into closed door cultivation when he has to fight a formidable opponent. He felt something wrong but he couldn't point it out. Since his master trusted him, he will complete the tasks and make his master proud.

Master : [ I am changing a few things in system to provide a better platform for you to grow. you will understand when you see it. you can sell things, it will be changed to automatic. you can try skills from the systems to use Universal synthesis but don't use them in combat. Develop your own style of combat. Take care My Little War god ]

Vihaan called his master out for few seconds there was no reply.

Vihaan : / Take care Master /

Vihaan felt an unexplainable pain in his heart. He felt lonely again. Since his master said he will come back he cheered up and started to think ways to improve his cultivation and develop his own body.


Unknown to them an entity was watching them.

A Huge Lake with crystal clear spring water surrounded by green luscious grass. Lots of Golden Carp fishes were swimming in the lake but the only difference was they were humongous even the smallest one were at least 20-30 meters big while you can't find any Big Golden Carp near the surface. All of them where moving away from a spot as if they're afraid of distributing the person there.

A Circular patch of land round with 20 meter radius was in the middle of the lake with a Large Cherry blossom tree in it. The tree looked very old and beautiful. The ground was filled with luscious green grass.

A figure was lying on the grass. Long Blonde Hair with curls at the ends. Skin pure as snow. Her face was very perfect as if they were sculpted. Perfectly equal upper lip and lower lip. Symmetrical Eyebrows with equal distance between eyebrows, upper eyelid and lower eye lid. Blue eyes like sapphire. Her body was epitome of perfection 36-24-36. She was wearing a white one piece dress with long skirt type in the bottom. going up we can find two long white cloth running up and joining behind her neck, That's all she wore. You can see her beautiful bare back full open, her arms, her neck, her beautiful cleavage, her flawless navel everything was open like a book. The cloth was almost see through showing her flawless body. Her face showed playful smile as if she was amused about what was happening.

##### : A Rising Genius and A Fallen Genius, How wonderful. I never knew the boorish and violent had such a teacher inside him.

##### : He were truly a worthy candidate but unfortunately he couldn't handle the responsibility. Well there still chances for him to reach the peak.

##### : I want to check whether this new kid is a genius or just another lucky guy. If this kid is worthy enough to get the inheritance of him, Mine and Master's.

##### : This Kid is really something. He obtained three inheritance skill. Well I can understand his and Master's Inheritance but mine too? Fate really is wonderful.

##### : I wouldn't have interfered if not for some ants trying to play god and tamper with Master's Inheritance Challenge.

She speaking as if she was consoling herself about something but as she spoke about tampering her face changed. It changed into anger. The air, The water, The fishes everything shuddered. The Air was filled with slaughter aura. The temperature fell down rapidly.

##### : Oops, I lost my cool again. This dimension is really not stable can't even handle this.

##### : May I should warn them. I can use them to tamper this little kid.

##### : Yeah, I should. I should pay everyone a visit. Its been such a long time.

##### : Let me send a small gift for this kid before I go. Hehehehe.

Although her face was beautiful. It showed a Evil Grin. As she said this she disappeared from that place.


Vihaan : / Let me sell the new skill and find how much it actually cost. /

Vihaan : / Open Store /

[ Store :




Auction ( Not Available )

EEC : 306,267 ]

[ Sell :

Please select what you want to sell. ]

Vihaan : / Shadow Leap Skill /

[ Analysing Skill... Wait ]

[ 1%... 29%... 35%... 49%... 61%... . . . . 100% ]

[ Result : A User bound skill, Changes based on User. Movement Type Skill ]

[ Skill not obtained form System ]

[ A Skill Comprehended by host after Experiencing two different skill and combining it. ]

[ Searching Database for similar Skills... No Match. ]

[ Finalising... ]

[ Tier : Peerless Rare, Cost : 799,000 EEC ]

[ Do you want to initiate transaction ? ]

Vihaan : / I comprehended it ? Shit, it doesn't say I synthesis it from another skill. It definitely is fishy. There is something wrong here. I initially thought I can make money using same method but it seems I should tread carefully and holy shit a Peerless skill actually is almost 800k. what will be the cost of a unique skill. I will find them in information. /

Vihaan : / Yes /

[ Transaction Initiated ]

[ Title : The Man Who Became The First Myth has been initiated ]

[ EEC : 799,000 + 79,900 has been added to Host. ]

[ Total EEC : 1.18M EEC]

Vihaan : / Holy Fuck, I am Rich /

Vihaan : / I have lots to learn. I will get some Info first. /

[ Buy : ( Mortal Realm Only )







Ether Cuisines



Slaves ( Not Available )

Beasts ( Not Available )




System Functions ]

Vihaan : / I am actually tempted to go into every one of these. But I should always stick to what I decide. /

[ Information :

Please Enter what information you want to know. ]

Vihaan : / What did my master do to the system ? / Let me try this first.

[ Cost : 10000 EEC, Do you want to initiate transaction ? ]

Vihaan : / Holy, How does this work. Earlier it was only 150 EEC why is it now 10000 EEC /

[ Cost : 150 EEC for the Sec Qns. Do you want to initiate transaction ? ]

Vihaan : / This is daylight robbery /

Vihaan gritted his teeth and said yes.

[ Transaction Initiated ]

[ Title : The Man Who Became The First Myth has been initiated ]

[ Deducted :135 EEC. Balance : 1.18M EEC ]

[ EEC depends on the Importance of the information and value of it. ]

Vihaan : / Why didn't I think of such a easy answer. I am really dumb / Vihaan slammed his head on the wall repeatedly.

It was too loud as he slammed his head on the wall. He also wanted to cultivate. He got out of the bed to walk towards the ground floor. He went and sat on the sofa Dia was sleeping before.

Vihaan : / Now I am away from her. I can do things without restraint. /

Vihaan : / System Initiate Transaction for 1st Qns. /

[ Transaction Initiated ]

[ Title : The Man Who Became The First Myth has been initiated ]

[ Deducted : 9,000 EEC. Balance : 1.17M EEC ]

[ Information and Description of everything has been simplified. Selling Materials has been automated. Host has been restricted from using Skills from Common Tier to Elite Tier unless it is learned or Innate Skills. Made it easier for host to access information. ]

Vihaan was about to ask another question but he was stopped by notification.

[ ##### : My little child, If you want to know what happened to your master watch the Memory Jade Slip that comes with this message. You better harden your heart. He really is not in good situation. ]

[ ##### has sent host a Jade Memory Slip ]

[ Do you want to receive the Jade memory Slip ? ]


Author Thoughts :

Hi Readers, Here is another new exciting chapter for you. From today, daily one chapter will be released at 18:00 hours IST. If I have time I will write more on weekends. The lock down here has been lifted so have to go to work. If you can help us writers.

Thank you godofancient for the Power stones you sent.

Thank you guys for your support. Like, Rate, Vote, Review and some power stones will also be good. Please Promote my novel. Encourage Upcoming writers. Happy reading.