Bloody Tears - Sin of Wrath.

Vihaan was perplexed about some stranger sending him message. He already had bad feeling in his heart when his master left him just like that and now there is a message saying something has happened to him. He was very afraid of getting caught in schemes but at the same time he wanted to know what happened.

Vihaan took few moments to weigh the pros and cons and finally decided his gut feeling to take a look at what happened.

Vihaan : / Yes /

Vihaan was still sitting in the sofa but his conscious was forcefully sent to a different place.

Vihaan looked around to see he was in a desert but a totally different desert from what he knew. The soil was grey in colour. The sky was very different. It was golden yellowish with grey clouds moving very slowly in the sky. There was lots of celestial bodies in the sky. He didn't know what they actually where. He definitely knew he was not in earth.

When wondering how this was all related to his master. He was surprised to see the scenario before him change. The place before him was same but there was 4 people before him. Three people fully dressed like ninjas, fully covered grey colour dress, a perfect camouflage in the grey desert. There was not even a small opening in the face. Vihaan wondered how they will see or breath, Totally weird. He was able to see the person standing on the other side. He seemed very valiant and powerful. Although there was not any aura on these three people. His Battle sense told him otherwise.

That person didn't hide his face and his aura was starting to erupt. He had a young face almost in his late twenties. He looked handsome but there was no emotion on his face. He had a arrogant look on his face. He was dressed in full back monk warrior pants like how his master asked him to buy but with leg black guard integrated into his dress. He had a black skin tight top with gauntlets and a chest piece that's solid but at the same time its perfectly integrated with the dress. It looked very cool. He had a Pitch Black halberd in his hand.

As soon as he released his aura. He looked totally different. He looked like god who will slaughter everyone in his path. The other three seemed like they have didn't have any intention to fight. They waved their hands 30 Black Tron like puppets with white runes came out of nowhere and runes started to rise from the ground and seal the area covering them all. He didn't know what was happening or what these things actually where.

Black Armoured Person : / Humpf /

The Black Armoured snorted person moved but Vihaan was not able to catch his movements. The Puppets also moved. He found he was not able to see anything. Only 1 second passed since the fight started but it already ended. The 30 puppets were hacked into pieces.

Three people seemed like they were surprised.

The Person in the Middle : / It was right decision to take steps to kill you first. You are very powerful than before, #### #### #####. /

The Blacked Armoured Person : / You guys overestimate yourself thinking you guys can kill me. I want know what price they have to pay to hire The Alqatil Brother to kill me. War is imminent, The fate of the universe is hanging by a thread and still these guys are greedy, trying to pull each other's legs. Seems like The Anthropos Universe is done for. / He seemed to reminisce and sigh helplessly shaking his head.

The Person in the Middle : / It might be destroyed but you wont live to see that. You shouldn't have stepped back into these universe. You should have just stayed out this universe like a good obedient dog. /

The Person on the Left : / Seems like you care for your disciple a lot. I wonder what he will think when he comes knows he was used as a bait to lure you. Heheheh. /

The Person on the Right : / Don't worry, I will take good care of him. you know how I like young, tender and delicate boys. He seems to be my type. I will take care of him in your place. /

It seemed like the person who showed this had no intention of letting know him of that person name just like the system. Vihaan was sceptical at first when he saw and heard the black armoured person speak. When he heard the conversation he confirmed that black armoured person really his master. He emotions turned chaotic after hearing what the person on the left said. Although he had absolute trust, his master had already spoke to him, He knew his master was still alive but he don't know what happened. He was very afraid. He wanted nothing more to kill these three guys more importantly the guys on the both side one sadistic and other perverted but he was powerless.

As soon as Master heard them speak he didn't hold back anymore he moved like he teleported. he already beheaded the person in the middle. The Person died without even knowing what happened. The fight started but Vihaan was not able to see anything. It was just too fast. Within 2 seconds he killed the other two person but the thing that enclosed them has not opened. Master was looking around trying to find something. He found it after 2 minutes.


Master's POV

Master : / This seem very easy and this is only a enclosement formation. This is not their style. I should be very careful not fall in their schemes again. This is a Rank 5 Immortal Formation. This should have definitely alarmed the old geezer crow. He should be here with his forces. /

He unlocked the formation. He was stunned. He saw the whole formation was collapsing but he was surrounded by more than 100 Grey Robed Assassins. He also saw The Golden Nether Crow standing there with 20 elders from his race but He seemed like he had no intention to interfere. It was very surprising.

Master : / Geezer, They are responsible for your son's kidnapping and death of your people. Why are standing there without doing anything? / He was very confused.

The Golden Nether Crow : / And your Disciple is responsible for My sons death. Due you think I don't know why you came here walking into this trap. They did a Heavens Vow to let my race alone for 1000 years that's enough for me to resurrect my son and make him stronger with his sister. /

The Golden Nether Crow : / But if you knelled down beg me and give your inheritance to my daughter I will may be think about helping you. /

Master : / Idiot, Do you think they will follow that. Even if they allowed it. Do you think you can survive the incoming War? / his master sneered.

The Golden Nether Crow : / Shut up, Survive first then you can talk about me. You fuckers, are you seeing a show or what. Do what out guys came to do. / He roared in anger when He heard his master say the bitter truth.

Master : / Pray that you I don't survive this or you will have to bear the consequence /

His master roared and rushed towards the assassins.


The scene before his eyes blacked. He couldn't see what happened after that.

Vihaan looked at the whole scene. His eyes where blood shot. He was angry, very angry, on everyone, everything that's happening. He wanted to know what happened. Again the scene started to appear before him.

Vihaan don't know how long the battle lasted but it doesn't seem like too long. Master was standing on mountain of those grey robed assassins's corpses. The ground was littered with corpses and red blood. Master's condition was also equally very bad. His left hand was missing blood was flowing form it. It seemed to be blasted apart. His right leg was broken. It was hanging here without his feet. bleeding. There was an axe cut on his face, his handsome was face totally disfigured. He had no place in his body without wounds, bleeding or bruise. Still he didn't show any weakness. He stood tall straight like a halberd with a halberd in his hand. But Vihaan couldn't bare to see his master like this. His heart was bleeding. His eyes were bloodshot. His blood was boiling like volcano. Blood Tears can been seen flowing from his eyes. He was powerless. He couldn't move.

The scene still didn't end yet.

The Old Geezer was clapping his hands and he walked towards his master. The elders moved and surrounded his master.

The Golden Nether Crow : / Valiant, Powerful, Brave. Even I couldn't do what you just didn't now. But it's a pity. The offer I said before is still valid. Beg me and give your inheritance to my daughter. I will let you live as a slave./

Master's situation was not good. He couldn't fight battle again. He was silent for a moment.

The Golden Nether Crow : / Think, Think. I have all the time world but there's is not much time. /

Master : / Let's make a deal /

The Golden Nether Crow : / I don't think you are in any condition to put forth a deal. /

Master : / Old Geezer, don't think like you have cornered me. I have faced more worse odds than this. How do you think I escaped death from the hands of a God last time. I can place my life on the line and kill as many as you and still live to tell this tale another Day but that's not your situation. I have already left my inheritance with my disciple and used an ancient rune to keep him safe. so as far as I can see. You guys are here trapped with a wounded beast struggling his last breath and it's a very ferocious beast. The one who you can't afford to provoke. /

Even in this situation he was still confident in his situation. He just threatened an existence standing at the peak of This Universe. Vihaan heart felt proud to be his student.


Master's POV.

This Geezer, I will make him pay. He wants my inhertitance and make me slave to give me my life. Who the fuck does he think he is? . I thought I could have his help and keep that brat safe but who would have thought this Geezer turned out like this. Although I am angry I can't lose my cool. I have to keep my bet on the brat. I guess I have to place my trust on my disciple. ah finally my bleeding stopped my body started to heal. This time wounds are worse but it's still better than reconstructing my body. I just need a few minutes to activate The Teleportation Rune. No one can stop me from leaving.


The Golden Nether Crow

I Messed up things I think. I just stirred a hornet nest. This guy's body already started to heal. What kind of technique did this guy actually practice. I can either start attacking or hear his Conditions for the deal. I don't know what trump card this old fox has up his sleeve. Guess I should take this safe. I can't take another hit. His body has literally no Ether so he has no way to escape but I can't force him too much.


The Golden Nether Crow was thinking carefully.

The Golden Nether Crow : / What is the deal ? /

Master : / Let your daughter fight a Duel with my disciple. Her cultivation should be suppressed to match my disciple's cultivation. If she can win I will give her my inheritance. /

The Golden Nether Crow : / HAHAHAHA, Very well, good, good, I accept. Swear a Heavens Oath. /

Master : / I swear on my cultivation with the Heavens as witness if Panemorfi Chrysafenios wins a Duel one on one with My Disciple Vihaan. I will pass down my inheritance to her. /

The Golden Nether Crow : / That's not enough. If she wins you have to disown your disciple and only have my daughter as your legacy disciple. /


The Golden Nether Crow POV.

My Daughter has already ascended her body. It not something a mortal can even hope to scratch. It's basically her win. HAHAHAHA, Finally something good have happened today. Still have to push and get this guy to disown that brat. I have heard news he has two Unique skills. How can he be lucky. He is just a Neo Human race so It should be fairly easy to kill him and bet on the chances of obtaining the at-least one skill on killing him. If I can get at least one of those two to my daughter she will definitely surpass me. He has already obtained a War God, two unique skills and this guy's inheritance. No Wonder everyone is hunting him like a very precious prey. Well I can do them a favour by killing him. HAHAHAHA.


Master POV.

I can feel my blood boiling. I have to cool-down or I will lose my control and start killing. Just you wait even if I take her as a disciple I have thousand ways to go back on my words. I just hope you live to see her suffer. My Teleportation rune is Ready. I bet he will be pissed but that's not enough. I will make him suffer in future.


Master : / I won't interfere with the fight between your daughter and my disciple honouring my word but you made a mistake. I treat him as my son and you just asked me to disown him so I swear on the heavens that if I don't kill my way into your race make my disciple fuck your wife and your daughter in front of you and make them this slave. Let the heavens smite me and turn me into ashes. Fuck you Geezer. You will pay for this. /

The Golden Crow has a surprised look on his face. It gradually turned into anger. He shouted.

The Golden Nether Crow : / Fuck, Fuck, Fuck... I thought I had him. I underestimated him. He fucking Vowed. What should I ? What should I do ?. Think, Think.... ah yes, I can kill his disciple and make him unable to complete his vow. I can Kill two birds with one stone. Although any being above mortal cannot enter earth. It shouldn't be problem to have my daughter enter the formation surrounding earth and kill him but it will be cost us alot. she had to fight him one on one to get his inheritance. Well its sworn on heavens so if she kills that brat, In turn killing ##### she wouldn't get the inheritance. Hmmm....We can always make him into a slave, get the inheritance from him then can kill him... Good Good Good... I am a genius.... Heavens are on my side... #####, You Signed your own death warrant. /

The Golden Nether Crow turned towards the elders with a grin on his face.

The scenes ended but it again flashed showed him another place.

It was his master. He was lying on rock bed. It seems like a cave. There was nothing except for the rock bed.

Master : / It was a rough day, today. Let's check on that brat and then start healing myself. My body should hold for few hours. It will take a while for me to heal wounds. /

His master took some bottles and put some pills in his mouth and started to see the something before him.

Master : / Wow, This Brat actually has grown. I must give him some information for him to prepare but let's trust fate and see how things work out. /

The scene ended he was back. He was sitting on the sofa

There was a smile on his face. Even with all the wounds and deformed face. He was smiling seeing me. It melted Vihaan's heart.

Vihaan saw everything happened. Right from the plan to assassinate his master using him as bait, The true face of The Golden Nether Crow. The Geezer forcing his master to accept geezer's daughter as his master Disciple, forcing his master to disown him to finally planing to kill his master by killing him. He reached the peak of his anger, Blood tears feel from his eyes. His blood was boiling. Blood was coming from his hands because of him clenching his hand too hard. But.

When he heard his master say he was his son and finally seeing his master smile with such heavy injure. He became awfully silent.

This human virtue. Both sides. Hate and Love. Anger and happiness. Everything is available in this world.

Vihaan entered an enlightened state. He channelled his anger.

His eyes totally turned into reddish golden now. His Iris was open like a slit. He look like a demon.

Vihaan : / I Vow with Heaven as Witness that every single one of them who Schemed, Plotted and Harmed people close to now or in future will have their fate worse than death. If not let the Heavens smite me. /

Vihaan : / Master, This Disciple will make your vow come true. Panemorfi Chrysafenos, I waiting for you here to come to me and become the slave. / Vihaan had a amusing and evil grin on his face.

[ Host has awake The Sin of Wrath ]

[ System Announcement :

The Sin of Wrath has been awakened, The Sin of Wrath has descended on this plane with unprecedented hatred. It is coming for vengeance. ]


Author Thoughts :

Hi Readers, Here is another new exciting chapter for you.

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