Psycho or Sweet ? The Truth.

[ Host has awake The Sin of Wrath ]

[ System Announcement :

The Sin of Wrath has been awakened, The Sin of Wrath has descended on this plane with unprecedented hatred. It is coming for vengeance. ]

Vihaan was surprised to hear he had awakened a new skill but it doesn't seem like a normal skill. He don't know for sure but he felt that now he had another problem on his plate. He wanted to check the notification was stopped by a mysterious force. He couldn't move his body.

He saw the surroundings before him have been frozen in time. A bright white light flashed before him. He was surprised but even his face muscle won't move. He couldn't do anything. The flash gradually turned into a figure of women made purely of white light.

Although Vihaan couldn't see anything. He knew the women before him was a peerless beauty with no equal. he was staring blatantly at her. She seem to look naked. Even the blinding light couldn't hide her figure.

##### : [ Oh my, You know its rude to stare at women like that right ? ]

The Temperature decreased drastically. It became cold. The Aura of slaughter, Blood was in the air. Ghost wailing can be heard. Just a small thought was enough to kill him. Vihaan knew he fucked up. He committed to his heart if he survives he will make her pay later but he should show weakness. He was not an arrogant guy. He knew if he want to survive this he had to show fear or else the punishment will be very worse. He can feel there was no killing intent. This might even be the person who sent him the memory jade slip. So as for he is concerned his life is safe but he didn't know what is gonna happen.

The Figure walked towards to him.

##### : [ Since no one has taught you how to behave. This Sweet Sister will gladly teach you. ]

As she walked closer. Vihaan felt the pressure on him raised drastically. Vihaan who was sitting on the sofa felt the pressure breaking his bones. The Sofa didn't hold on it broke, he fell down on the floor. The floor started to crack. He was being squished to death by the pressure.

Vihaan finally couldn't take it anymore. He had his own pride initially he wanted to feint fear but the situation didn't allow it. His wrath skill activated on its own. His aura started to rise. His skin started to turn reddish. Blood was coming out of his mouth, eyes, ears and nose. He was roaring in anger. He was struggling to move. Even with all his effort and power he was still unable to do anything.

##### : [ Initially, I came here to reward you for passing my trail. I wanted to play with you for a bit but who would have thought you are thinking about making me pay later. You made a mistake. ]

##### : [ You are not even worth an ant to me. You should know there are few existence in this world which you should never antagonise. Even those old fogeys who are trying to kill you will shudder in my presence but you ? an existence not even worth an ant now dares to think of making me pay? ]

##### : [ Know Your Place, Mortal. ]

She continued to pressure him.

##### : [ No, I am still not satisfied. ]

Vihaan was roaring with anger but he couldn't move. The resent towards this woman was rising in his heart. It had already reached the level of hatred similar to what he had for those who plotted against him. He didn't think anything keeping his mind empty only placing his anger to mask his thoughts. It seems to have worked she didn't get angry over his next train of thoughts. He never stopped his useless struggle. His hands started to move on its own. His Mutated claws came out from his hands.

##### : [ Look at those toys. heheh Let me play with you a little longer. You still seems to have some strength left in you. I like it struggle more. ]

As she laughed, she started to pull out his mutated claws one by one like she was pulling out like they where tooth picks. Vihaan roared in pain. It was worse than the pain he endured during Synthesis before. He was losing his mind. His conscious started to fade.

##### : [ No, No, You have not give up yet how can you lose conscious. ]

She waved her hands. He was fully wake again. He was again put through the same torture as she started to pull his teeth out. Starting from canine till she pulled every single of his teeth.

Vihaan first struggled fiercely first. Even though he didn't know what his Sin of wrath skill could do. He could understand it makes him strong and powerful as he gets angry. The more angrier, the more power but there was downside to this, His body should be able to bear the power which he was not able to. He gradually entered a strange state. He was awfully calm not screaming or struggling but his body more tenacious than ever. He looked straight at her.


Vihaan's POV

Why am I struggling so much ? If at first If I didn't follow the system and just died in own room, I would have been free from all this right?. It's only been around 18 hours since I woke up. There was not a single moment peaceful for me. For whose sake I have to fight, struggle so much to survive.

My emotions are no even my own at this point. I am being toyed to death here. She has no killing intent. She is either playing with me or she wants to teach me something but the way she looked at me when she said I should know my place. I felt it through my soul. She meant it. Why would she say something like that if she wanted to teach me ?

Should I just die and run away from all this misery ? But if I die just like that I will kill my master too. Is this what I want ? Dying and living my life on the thought of other? Should I just give into Wrath and turn into demon?

I think I can finally see. I was shown love by Master and Dia. I was show Treachery by The Golden Nether Crow. I show the scheme's by those grey robe assassin's. She is now show me the power difference between me and those who oppose me. I cannot die yet. I should at least die peaceful and that should be me who should decide how I die. Not them, not her, no one. I will live and tell the tale another Day. I Will decide how I live not others.


Vihaan woke up from his strange state. He saw his body, It was broken beyond recognition. His hand was like meat patty broken drenched in blood. His mouth was torn, his tongue was ripped, there was no teeth at all. There was no bone in his body. It was a pile of sake and broken bones. He could heal this all if he had some bloody but now it's unlikely. He had to depend on his body to recover if he wanted or just buy some high grade blood from the system. He looked directly into that women's eyes or what he thought the eye was. He could see her soul. He directly told the soul.

Vihaan : [ You either kill me and be done with this or if I survive this I will make your life miserable. ]

Vihaan don't know how he did. But he willed it, I happened. Everything about him should be decided by him. So he willed it to happen. Even if he wanted to speak he couldn't not speak. He was injured beyond normal means.

##### had a ugly expression on her face. she knew she lost her mind and did something irreversible. This was the first time she felt fear towards a mortal. She also knew how dangerous situation she was in. If any mishap happens there is chances of her soul being injured heavily because of the Sin of the Wrath.


##### POV

Fuck I did it again. Lost my mind by nature. SHIT. I just test him but now things went way too far. I should have stopped when it started to hurt him. I didn't want this to happen. He is my junior brother, My half- Disciple. How could this happen. Even if i did lose my mind. I no way would do something like this. What is happening?


Vihaan was staring at the white light human, stunned as he expected either she will kill him or torture him more. Nothing like that happened. When he was waiting for her response. His body started to recover. When shifted his attention towards his body, He surprised to see the white light woman change.

Vihaan was surprised to see her. She was not in blinding white light but she turned into a Celestial beauty but he didn't fall for this again. She made him miserable just for staring at her fake figure.

she was truly stunning beauty at first glance but vile at heart. Even though he had a long monologue inside. Outside he didn't even look at her. It seems as if he didn't care. His heart was tranquil.

##### was also surprised when she couldn't feel any thoughts from him or any reaction in his face. Her heart turned chaotic. She finally understood how fucked up her situation is. He learned to mask everything about him but at what cost. While she was thinking how this happened. She suddenly felt enlightenment. she broke her vow when she interfered with Master's trail when she warned those fogeys. It was OK but when she saw her junior awakened The Sin of wrath. She knew he was the one. He was unlike other inheritors. He will reach the peak so She sent her Avatar to see him and give him guidance for her own inheritance but she went too far sending her Avatar so the Master's soul remnant within Vihaan has sensed and taught both her and him a lesson, they will not forget for their whole-life. She bite her lips in guilt. This all happened because of impatience. That's why her master made her understand the cost of impatience. She deduced this because she suddenly felt her mind clear, It seemed as if her master wanted for her to know this. She let out a sigh and calmed down. she couldn't do anything about the past and couldn't even say anything. She will do as much as she to make it up to him.

##### : [ I am Astrea. I am your Senior Sister. I can be considered your Half - Master. This was not supposed to happen like this.I am sorry. I wont comment about what happened now. Your Universal Synthesis is my Inheritance Skill. I will teach you how to use it. I won't teach like how to use it like your master. I will give you task. You have to finish it obtain acknowledgement from me. ]

Vihaan was surprised to see a total 180 Degree change in treatment. He can see Guilt and Gentleness from her eyes. He was stunted to hear she was her Senior Sister. He definitely knew his master was not strong enough to make those people scheming against him. So there was another master for him who has not made his appearance yet. He was surprised to see the Universal Skill was more powerful than he initially thought. He was more concerned about his Senior Sister whether she is a Psycho or Sweet but he didn't show anything outside.

Vihaan nodded his head solemnly. Astrea felt her heart ache when there was no reaction in his face.

Astrea : [ I will teach you how to absorb or synthesis blood, flesh or even skeleton into your body. I was a human when I created this skill. It was enhanced by our master. You are an Advanced Human Chimera so it will be relatively easier. You can synthesis non human / non humanoid flesh and skeletal structure with the skill. It also has 100 % chance to awaken the innate skills of the bloods synthesised into your body. There is a Down side to it. You can only acquire skills from the Tier same level as your body. ]

Astrea : [ For example, now your body is not even Common Tier so It's possible for you to get even Common Tier skills from it. If your body reaches Higher Tier you need high tier blood to learn skills and anything below that will be worthless and can only be used for quenching your hunger in your case. ]

Astrea waved her hand, a tall block of ice height over 9 feet came out. Inside it was a body about 8'8 feet tall very badly mutilated. No skin, No brain, no eyes. There was barely anything there except for a full skeletal structure and few muscles here and there. There was some muscle in the chest but the heart was dug out. There was no stomach and the vertebrae was broken. There was some muscles in the thigh, arms and hands.

Astrea : [ I will give you a choice. This here is body of the Old Sin of Lust bearer's body. He was defeated and killed like this by the New Sin of Lust. I won't tell you the exact Tier of this body but it will help you raise your body directly beyond Mythical Tier and help defeat that crow girl but it's only a monetary win there are a lots of draw backs. You will have to countless problems. You will have a lot more enemies coming to you. Your body already requires you two to three times resources to level up but if you assimilate this. You will need more than 10 times the resource which is very high even compared to a person with Mythical Tier body but it comes with such strength. You cannot learn any skill under Unique Tier. Chances of learning Unique Tier skill is 0.1%, Legendary is 10% and Mythical is 100%. I warned those fogeys to only send people who are at same level or similar battle strength to you if they want to kill you. If you accept this you will face far greater opponents. This a trial you have to cross so I cant ask them to stop. Now choose if want this or I will chose another reward for you. ]

Vihaan was thinking. He was more inclined to denying this. He didn't want more trouble but even if he didn't accept this there will still be people coming to kill him. If he can have this body may be at later stage he will be more powerful so others won't bother to make move against him.

He turned to look at Astrea and nodded his head. He didn't even speak to her. Astrea felt pained but she didn't say anything about that.

Astrea : [ Good, Master and I want you focus on the skills you already learned and skills that come from your class. Don't bother with anything else. Just focus and try to get better and better with what you have. That's plenty enough. This is the last time I will appear before you. If want to see me. You will have to become stronger even if want revenge you will have to come to me. I will take away you rank and stop System from giving you quest about anything, shielding you from the scheme of others through system. There will only one quest tab that will have quests either from me, my master or your master. So at least you can be safe regarding that. ]

Astrea : [ I will tell you why people are rushing to kill you. There are two people who usually talk you from the system. One is the system itself which give notification, Rewards etc. and other is the Guide who tells you information and guides you for free, They enlist you in the army if that faction and use you to get their works done. If you want information from the system. you have to pay and get it from the store. For unlocking store it is necessary to have at least 10000 Basic EEC which is unlikely at the beginning. The guide assigned to you schemed against you to get the skill by killing you but when you got War God Class he knew things got out hand because War God Class is a taboo in any universe. As you should know you can get skills by killing others. The higher the Tier the higher the chance. So the other way is when someone is killed, the system locks the inheritance but there is one chance for that skill to appear in the System Auction. Even if they couldn't get skill. They will bet on the chance for it to appear on it. ]

Astrea : [ So now you should understand why people are so eager to kill you. Each skill of Unique Tier and Above is a inheritance left in the system which can help even old fogey to attain unprecedented strength. So basically one is greed another one is fear of a War God which I won't say anything about. I know your master said something about others scheming and pushing you to death. There is partial truth in it. It is true they tampered it at last with that crow but otherwise the Whole Trial is done by my Master or Our master to pick out weeds and have worthy candidates. While you what happened now and how my trail was for you. Think of it 100 times more brutal that is my master trail. It is to mould you so do well and survive. The rewards will come to naturally so don't worry. Don't blame your master because even he doesn't know the full power or extend of the trail. An Important thing to note never ever reveal to anyone that your are a human chimera. If you did that even me and my master can't save you from people coming to erase off your existence. I will instruct you through system. if anything else. You don't worry about other and try to get as much experience as possible by combining skills and get resources from the system. ]

Astrea : [ I won't use the system skill but a different method, try to experience this with all your heart and learn this method. I am making this a slow synthesis. It will be painful but you will be awake during the whole time and will be able to bear it. Get stronger Junior Brother, my Naughty Disciple ]

Astrea moved her hands and started to melt the ice and merge that body with his own. Vihaan was surprised by her behaviour but before he could react he felt pain through about his body. like something was trying to come out of his body. He immediately closed his eyes and started to feel the changes..

After 4 hours.

[ Host has Demonized Completely ]

[ Hidden Conditions Met ]

[ Host has been Acknowledged as one of the Seven Demon Princes of Hell ]

[ System Announcement :

The Seventh Prince of Hell has been Acknowledged, Demon Prince ##### By ####### ### ####### ]

[ The Trial of the King's will start when all the Seven Princes Enter Immortal Realm ]


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Hi Readers, Here is another new exciting chapter for you.

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