Demon Prince Vihaan

3 Days 18:30 Hours Since Apocalypse

Vihaan was experiencing the body of Old Sin of Lust merging and Re-Modelling his own body. It's a unique feeling. He can feel that his body rejecting the change but his skill of wrath seem to welcome this. In the end he was the one who will decide whether to accept or reject. He also wanted to feel how it would feel to have a Mythical Tier Body, to feel what its like to have a Unparalleled defence and Unparalleled Offence. He could clearly feel all the changes in his body. He was experience a vast change in him.

Outside Astrea was astounded by hearing what her master told her to.

Astrea : [ Hehehe, Even though my relationship with Vihaan is sour it can be repaired slowly. I am really surprised by Master's method's. He made me crush his body, Now use priceless treasures to Re-Forge his body. One Peak Immortal Realm Rank 7 body, One drop of Ancient God Typhoon - The Origin Father Of All Demonic Beasts, Peak Immortal Realm Rank 7 Hydra Blood and Peak Immoral Realm Rank 7 Phoenix Blood. Others might not know what this means but I know Master's Little secret. This will make him More of a Chimera than Human Chimera. A Perfect one. HEHEHEHE. Even those Genius from ####### ### ##### will cry if they meet Vihaan in a duel. He will literally be Unkillable. I can't wait him to wreck havoc there I wonder why master broke his convention and started to train this guy instead waiting for him to gain his inheritance. Well I couldn't complain. ]

Astrea kept on adding all of them into his body. His body couldn't take it anymore. It turned into blood egg 9 meter tall almost reaching the ceiling, It let out of blood veins to hook into the surrounding wall and supported itself.

Astrea was surprised to see the blood egg suspended in the air with the blood as support.

Astrea : [ Looks like he will become interesting, Hehehe. Unfortunately I can't stay close to him. I can only stay away and watch. May be I will beg master to let me stay for a while. HEHEH... ]

Vihaan was going through a myriad of experience. Initially he was just experiencing the the merging of the Old Sin of Lust with him but right after that his body was hit with a myriad of blood which his body was craving for it. A Domineering Blood, It was so over powering that it made him feel like he was being devoured. A Fiery blood making his body burn to the core. A Sinister blood, It was not icy by very cold like something poisonous. His body couldn't handle it anymore.

The Pressure, The Heat, The Poison Everything was corroding his body little by little. His body started to lose shape. He turned into lump of blood. The other blood started to move around like they were wrapping around him and they started to form a cocoon with blood. That's the last thing he remembered.

Vihaan's Conscious was still there but it was seeing experiencing the merger in his mind that he was not able to see how his body was changing anymore.

Vihaan : / I am not able to feel anything after this. May be I should learn everything about autonomy of every possible body to do this or this is was never about the bodies. Hmm. May I should Experiment with lot of bodies to find more. /

Before Vihaan could react his conscious was forced into a something. He couldn't react, the thing was multiply and was growing very fast. He was only able to react when the thing grow to about 1 meter tall. It seem to be Humanoid in shape but he was not able to tell what kind of being he was. There was also a small tail on his back extending from his vertebrae. He could control his body perfectly so it was his body but he was not able to what actually he was.

Time passed slowly for him. It doesn't know it wasn't months or years, He was in growing phase. He was actually thinking how Dia was or how things turned about. Has the crow reached earth or Has his master. He couldn't think about anything else other than understanding the changes in the body. His body already crossed the normal height of humans. He was now a 9 Feet. He still didn't understand what he actually was. He had to small horns on his fore head. He could feel he had sharp fangs in his mouth. He had small sharp pointed bone like figures extending from his vertebrae. His tail has a mind of its own. It started out thick with 2 inches diameter extends more than 1 meter long gradually reducing in thickness reaching around 1 inch thick. This was not even the surprising part.

The tail was not like you expect like hair or weapon. It was totally different. It had a head at the end with a cross between a Viper Snake and a Dragon. It had a mind of it own. It can react, move or even attack on its own. It looked very ferocious with two sharp fangs 2 inch long coming out of its mouth. The Snake was pitch black just like his horns and the bone like things on his back. It had lots of sharp horn like things on his head bordering its Eye Brow. Vihaan was able sense it was him but the same time it was different. He was not able to understand what it actually is.

Vihaan was still lean and athletic with long hands and long legs but was never the same. His fingers nails were replaced with sharp pitch dark claws 1.5 inch long directly attached to his bones much like animals both in hands and legs. His already huge brother has grown even bigger from 9 inch long to 13 inch. Vihaan felt at least this he can proud of.

It was 3 rd year since he started to go through this transformation. He was able to get us to his new body. he was still in the cocoon with blood running around him. His body changes finally came to end. he learned to control to retract his claws but those were the only ones which can be retracted. He couldn't see the colour of his skin and eye colour. he was able to tell the colour of his claws the snake and bones because his skeleton itself has changed into pitch black colour. Finally after 3 years he thought he could go out but to his disappointment he couldn't.

His body again started to change. His body started to grow scales on itself. He could fully it, it was like a body armour. It was directly connect to a Diamond Crystal in the middle of his chest. He could feel it has a lot of functions but unfortunately he couldn't understand or use it. It was not the only place. There where two on his elbow's, two on his knee's, three on his forehead, two of it were small as 1 cm and the one on his centre of the forehead was 2 cm big. His black scales slowly started to form and fuse together with each other and the Black crystals. He couldn't understand anything so he just did what he usually do. he patiently waited. It went on for one year. He could feel his normal strength has grown around 2 times with the armour. His wait finally came to an end. With a single thought he could retract the armour. The Blood around was madly rushing towards him and fusing with him very vigorously. he could heat rising in his body. It only lasted to 10 mins. It came to an end.

Vihaan was out of the cocoon. It was a strange experience. His feet touched the floor. He had no dress, he slowly opened his eyes to look around. He was able to see his senior sister Astrea looking at him with red face and a surprised look on her face. he saw her but something was different. She was small. he had to look at her like a child. she was short. Her breathing was quickening. It seems like she was struggling to breath but only lasted one sec. She went back to her Original Playful self.

Vihaan had a bad premonition seeing like her. He was afraid that she again would snap and go Psycho. He saw there was confused and surprised expression on her face.

Vihaan : / What happened ? How long has it been ? /

Vihaan was surprised by his own voice. It was very smooth and seducing. he couldn't believe it was his voice.

Astrea had shy expression on her face.

Astrea : / You are huge... Its been only 4 hours. You should wear something first. Second, You should learn about yourself. Third, Check your notifications, You just rised a huge commotion. /

Vihaan was surprised to find only 4 hours has passed. he wanted to ask more but he saw Astrea looking down. He looked down and saw his little brother fully awake and it pointed towards Astrea. It gave him a fright. He quickly his armour without thinking much. Black Scale like armour started to come out of the crystals and cover his body. Now Astrea open her mouth like hippo surprised to see Vihaan.

Astrea : / You fucking have a Org## ##### /

She suddenly closed her mouth like a child who was caught doing something you shouldn't do.

Astrea : / Fuck, I am going to be punished again /

She looked at her Junior brother with complex expression. Her expression changed again.

Vihaan had a big heart attack. He readied himself incase he was going to be attached again.

Astrea saw this gave a giggle.

Astrea : / My job here is over. You should Familiarise with yourself but let me ask you " What are you now ? " /

She asked that question and left just like how she came. She vanished.

Vihaan was stunned. He asked himself the same question. He thought for a few minutes but he could answer it.

Vihaan : / I am Me. that's all and will still be me in the future. / He mumbled and saw the notification which was pilling up.

[ Host body has been Re-Forged with 2 #### ####### #### Bloodline, 1 ####### ### #### Bloodline and 1 #### ####### #### Body. ]

[ Host has been Acknowledged as Son By ####### ### ####### ]

[ Congratulations Host, You Have Obtained Title, Son of ####### ### ####### ]

[ Host has Demonized Completely ]

[ Hidden Conditions Met ]

[ Host has been Acknowledged as one of the Seven Demon Princes of Hell ]

[ System Announcement :

The Seventh Prince of Hell has been Acknowledged, Demon Prince ##### By ####### ### ####### ]

[ The Trial of the King's will start when all the Seven Princes and Princess Enter Immortal Realm ]

[ Host has awakened a lots of skills but everything has been locked by ###### ]

[ Host should Complete Quests to Unlock those skills. ]

[ New Quests Available ]

Vihaan was very confused how he become some's son and also get recognised for it. It fucking gave him Title just for it.

Vihaan : / I sure my life will be more chaotic from now on. / Vihaan had a strong feeling that his life is danger now. He couldn't do anything so he just let it slide and saw what are the quest he must finish to unlock his skills.

Vihaan : / Open Status /

[ Name : Demon Prince Vihaan

Race : Ancient Demon Chimera - Humanoid ( Locked ) Sex : Male Age : 0 years

Bloodline : Hidden **

Class : War God Inheritor ( Disabled ) Sub-Class : None

Cultivation : Body Refinement Stage - 1 ( 0% ) Body Tier : Uncategorizable.

Title : MADMAN, The Seventh Demon Prince Of Hell, The Man Who Became The First Myth, Son of ####### ### #######.

Skills :

Passive : ####### ##### ##### #### Body ( Partially Unlocked ), Battle sense.


Active : Universal Synthesis, Stealth( Locked ), Mind Command ( Locked ), Demon Contract

Mastery : Basic Sabre Mastery, Basic Dagger Mastery.

Transformations : ( Locked )

Techniques :

### ### #####'s Combat Guide

Family :

Spouse : Dia ( Undergoing Transformation - Alive ) - Bound By Eternal Vow ]

Vihaan was surprised to look a lot of changes in the his status, His Name was now showing as Demon Prince. The other predominate change was his Race.

Vihaan : / Both My Master and My Psycho Senior Sister told me not to reveal me being a Human Chimera. So now My is race has changed again. So is it a good thing or things have become more worse. Seems only time can tell the answer or I should probably ask My Psycho Senior Sister about this. She told me she will talk to me through system. /

Vihaan had a surprised look on his face. he just realised Doesn't that mean she should have definitely heard him call her Psycho. he gulped. He was very afraid.

Astrea : [ Don't worry I didn't hear you say anything ]

Vihaan cursed in his mind.

Vihaan : / FUCK, I am probably going to get killed now. /

[ A New Quest has been added ]

Vihaan : / Stupid Mind, FUCK YOU /

Astrea : [ Quick, Finish learning about the skills you can use now and go accept the Quests. You should Probably Hurry. Your Psycho Sister's little advice ]

Vihaan Hurriedly looked through the status to get a rough Understanding of the skills. His Cultivation was back to starting but based on his body strength he was far stronger but he didn't know how strong. His age was 0 years. he found it funny.

Astrea told him, his body will be Mythical Tier but now it shows Uncategorizable now. Its a problem. He accepted the transformation to find a way to defeat Panemorfi Chrysafenos. Well he can still take to her and ask about it later. His Evolving perfect body has again been changed and he can only activate it partially. There was also the skill he awakened ' Sin of Wath '. It was also hidden. There was also a separate space for showing family. Vihaan was happy to see Dia showing as Spouse.

The only New Skill was the Demon Contract.

[ Skill : ####### ##### ##### #### Body ( Partially Unlocked )

Finish The First Quest to Unlock The Information ]

Vihaan was surprised because it showed it was unlocked but now to see this information he had to finish quest. This is most probably related to his Psycho Senior Sister.

[ Skill : Demon Contract

A Skill Unique to High Level Demons. It can be used to slave, force or to help other People to Join their side without betraying. Binds their life directly to the User. The User can gift powers and skills to their Family and take them as well.

1. Demon Slave

2. Demon Servant

3. Demon Loyalist

4. Demon Spouse ]

Before Vihaan could ask anything.

Astrea : [ This is one of those ways that I said I will help you to defeat that Crow and make her your slave. ]

Astrea : [ Your Little wife is under eternal vow bound to you so she comes under our family. I am really curious how she will evolve now you yourself had grown like this. ]

Astrea : [ Isn't Your Psycho Senior Sister too sweet, explaining for you and helping you. Now go and see the quests. If not you will regret it. ]

Every time Vihaan heard Astrea call herself Psycho Senior Sister, His heart was bumping up and down. he even thought after he has enough power he will make her into his Demon Slave.

/ Open Quests /

1. Quest : Know yourself, Reward : Abilities and Information Unlocked based on your Understanding.

2. Quest : Know Your Bloodline, Reward : Hidden**

3. Quest : Defend Dia and Tia

Description : A Mutated Abomination Army is marching towards villa. Defend Defend Dia and Tia Till their transformation ends.

Time Remaining : 1 Hour 30 Mins

Reward : Unlock 1 st Part of ####### ##### ##### #### Body skill.

3 Days 22:30 Hours Since Apocalypse

Somewhere Else :

Two people where having a conversation.

An Old Man with white hair spoke.

### : I should really thank you for getting me such a promising son. But You should know this is going to push him to the extreme.

Another Old man before him wearing a very simple and elegant robe was drinking something. He looked the person and gave a genuine smile.

###### : If he can't even bear this how can he bear Your Blood and be My Legacy Disciple. But I am really surprised by his potential and luck.

### : Hahaha Right, Even That old fox will be happy to have interesting prince competing for his throne. But is it the times for this ?

###### : There are lots of undercurrents brewing recently. I think I should get ready. But Your Announcement is gonna shake the 13 Domains altogether.

### : Let the Games Begin. HAHAHA

[ System Announcement : ( 13 Domains )

Ancient God Typhoon Has Acknowledged Sin Of Wrath with His Bloodline as His Son.

Ancient God Typhoon Has Acknowledged ##### as Demon Prince, The Seventh Prince of hell. ]

Just these sentences sent shiver down many people in all of 13 Domains. A Storm was brewing in Hell.

The 6 Prince and Princess of Hell Came together to Discuss this issue.

Author Thoughts :

Hi Readers, Here is another new exciting chapter for you.

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