May be Everything is a Conspiracy ?

3 Days 22:40 Hours Since Apocalypse

A Tall 9 Figure fully covered in Black Armour with a 1 meter Black Snake coming out of Armour was walking out of the villa. Only the face was not covered any armour. A Devilish Handsome face with Reddish Golden vertically slit Iris with a tinge of green, 2 Small 2 inch long Horns with one cm thickness at the bottom and sharp at the end on the forehead, 1 big and 2 small black crystals at his forehead and a mouth full of sharp fangs like Lion. The whole Armour gave a Dragonic feel but it had feature, his chest portrayed a Lion Head. Although his Armour had Dragonic Claws in his hands and feet, his whole body was covered by dragon like scales which was directly grown from his body he had a lifelike Black lion face depicted on his chest. It had distinct vibe to it. The Black snake showed intelligence at first glance. It was fairly very small comparing to the body. It was Pitch Black with red slit eyes. It was currently resting its head above the shoulder of the figure looking around. It's Vihaan. He was walked out if the villa and walked past Tia who was still evolving.

Vihaan stood in front of the villa. There was vast army of Mutated abominations with Savage Abominations in the lead. It should have at least 60% of the Abominations from the surroundings. It seem like they are waiting for something or someone. They didn't attack. Vihaan gave a deterring vibe but he didn't seem to care was still in deep thoughts. His Battle sense had grown with him and now it could cover full 5 meter in radius with him as centre so he could react without and problem. Plus the snake was still a part of him so it could even react and defend him. It also lay on his shoulder without treating the army as a threat.

10 Mins before.

3 Days 22:30 Hours Since Apocalypse

Vihaan accepted all the missions. He didn't say anything to his Psycho Senior Sister. He was afraid this thoughts would be seen through so he maintained a calm expression like he was preparing for battle but in truth he was thinking about him and everything that's happened.

Vihaan : / What if all this was all planned from the beginning. /

Vihaan was a average human being. He had nothing in particular. He was little bit intelligent than the normal people.

Vihaan : / Is it because I was lucky that I gained skills that brought more bad things than actually being useful. Should this be considered me being Unlucky ? /

Vihaan : / So many things happened in the last 22 hours and I was only awake 7 hours in that. So many mutations, so many race changes. I lost my humanity. I don't even know what am I now ? Will Dia be happy seeing me like this. For being safe, to gain power I literally changed into a Demon. Even if this world is new to me. I don't know anything other than things people explained to me. This definitely is not normal. /

Vihaan wanted to be control of his life but things have not being going the way he wanted to. First he was watched by others via System. Then he was confined by his master being unable to use the system fully. Now again his actions are restricted by his Psycho Senior Sister and The master he had not met yet. He initially had so much rage because he thought he was schemed against during the challenge. His master also verified it. Now it's seems It's part of the class challenge.

Vihaan wanted to know what actually is this class that everyone wants him dead. Although he was being protected from higher beings coming right at him and killing him or that's what he was being said. A Doubt rose in his heart. He had a unsettling feeling about Everything that has happened till now and he clearly don't know what is true and what is false anymore. By his understanding of the powers and how the system works. He knew the power he had was not something that can be causally give to anyone. At least as far as he knew, his master wants something like a revenge so he was training him but still go as far as injuring himself to such extend for a mere 3 hour relationship. If he didn't question he would be an idiot. He had no idea about what the other two want from him and why they chose him.

Vihaan knew more the power, more the weight of responsibility. He had the power but he didn't know for what he was give such immense power. So when he thought about what he should do in return for this. His back was drenched in sweat. Too Terrifying it was the only thought that came to him.

When Vihaan was deep in thoughts Astrea was looking at him with great interest because this was a Body Refinement Stage - 1 mortal who was able to affect her. she was very much interested in him. A mortal born out of a god's blood. Even though all the powers were still locked. He is a Menace in Mortal Domain. She couldn't hold back her curiosity any longer.

Astrea : [ You know, You are facing an army that's stronger than you in power and numbers. That's a army of more 10,000 monsters. What are you actually thinking about. ]

Vihaan was woken up from his thoughts and panicked, but he didn't show any signs outside.

Vihaan : [ I am actually little intimidated by it. I have no combat related skills. No Idea what to do. How I am able to defeat them all or hold them for another 80 Mins. ]

Astrea : [ hahaha, Don't worry you are a Demonic Beast in Human shape. You are born from ferocious animals so fighting comes naturally to you. You will learn techniques as you fight that's unique to you. You are like a boss class monster running towards a flock of sheep. They won't even be able to hurt you. You just have to fight to your heart's content. Plus this form is just your New born Phase. You still have time to mature and then there is your snake too.]

Astrea's voice was giving him a mysterious vibe and naughty feel.

Astrea : [ I will give you a small advice. you should read the Quest properly. ]

Vihaan thought about the mission, He was suddenly hit with realisation. It said to defend Dia and Tia, not fight. The description said an army was coming towards villa and there was nothing there related to him or fighting.

Vihaan turned to look in the direction of the Tia. She was still glowing in White light but three huge monsters were closing Tia from behind. They are new type of Abominations. He had not seen them before.

Vihaan stared at the three beasts. The Snake hissed at those beast. They growled back and put their head on the ground didn't move as if they were afraid of the snake.

Vihaan was very surprised because he was able to understand their conversation. The snake, he was already able to understand what it wants to say. Till now it was only excited to see the world and said nothing. Now it command those monsters to kneel. They were actually called their king and kneel after that.

Vihaan was surprised, he saw the snake on his shoulder and asked it.

Vihaan : / How did you that ?. How can I understand their speech. /

The snake looked at him like it didn't understand. It rubbed it's head on his face and conveyed something similar to learn.

Vihaan understood this. He had a feeling this comes deep from his body itself. Like a king who rules over other beast and the snake was the personification of his Instincts.

Vihaan was trying to understand all this. The army before him opened and a small figure came out if it. A 5 Feet tall humanoid Mutated abomination came out. It had figure almost similar to human, walking upright in two legs wearing full body bone armour even with helmet, with claws from both hands and legs made out of bone. It actually looked like a rip off of him but ugly.

Vihaan was looking at it. It was also looking at Vihaan with arrogance written allover its face. It really acted like a King.

The snake got angry seeing this. It let out a angry hiss. His body could also feel the anger and feeling. He had a urge to let out a roar to exert his dominance. He was actually wanted to control the urge but he was unable to full take control. It was like the Dominance came deep from his bones and blood. His Demonic Aura erupted out.


A Earth Shattering Roar came from his mouth. The buildings, The army even the so called Haughty King was pushed back and was forced to kneel before him, almost all the Common Tier Monsters in the front was killed. The Uncommon one that like Savage Abominations had their heads shivering from the sound and blood leaking from all over the body. They were barely alive.

Their king was the most affected one who got the full power of the shock-wave and pressure from him. The scene before him gave him a deep satisfaction.

Vihaan was feeling confused. It was him at the same time it was also not him. He looked at the King. He couldn't tell the difference whether it's a male or female even though it called itself king. He walked over placed his leg on its head. It came naturally for him. He wanted to see how his Demonic side or beastly side whichever was working and what actually is happening.

Vihaan just followed it. As soon as he kept his feet on its head. He was very satisfied and a feeling like you should know your place like attitude was shown on the snaked face.

Vihaan Didn't know the reason why this all happened. He wanted check whether he can communicate with beasts. He look at the Abominations.

Vihaan : / Why did you invade my territory ? /

Vihaan was actually not expecting any answer but the reply from it stunned him

King Abomination : / Strnghh.. here... fear... fight.. numbers... Kill.../

Vihaan didn't understand what it's saying but he was able to feel it's intentions. Vihaan was shocked to see the intelligence of this creature. This creature felt threatened about another strong creature evolving here so it came with an army to kill it with number. If this are like this how can humans live in this place.

Vihaan : / I will leave with the creature after one or two days. Go, Don't come here till I am here. /

Vihaan didn't feel like killing it. Although it should be slightly stronger nearing top class monsters within Top - Rare Tier Monsters. He can't use full strength. It will be like bullying so he just let it go. The feeling was shared by both him and his blood.

Vihaan didn't have appraisal with him so he couldn't see any information about any of the different monster he saw here.

The King Abomination let out a roar and all the Abominations from the surroundings started to move out.

Vihaan was surprised to find every abomination was moving out orderly like a organised army. He was surprised to find two Savage Abominations coming out of the house. His surprise turned into panic. He immediately sprinted towards the room in which Dia was in. He didn't have time to see the surrounding. He moved very fast almost like teleportation. He reached the room and was angered to see two claw marks on the door, the door was almost torn to shreds. His eyes emitted a murderous roar. Even though nothing happened he could never imagine what would have happened if he didn't end everything the way it ended. His mind started working at high speed. He started to sense everything around him in form of life force and ether. He wanted find those two Savage Abominations and slaughter them. He had already experienced how the Savage Abominations deal with their prey. He was already in yard charging.

Astrea : [ Vihaan stop ]

Vihaan wanted to continue but he was stopped by a mysterious commanding force.

Astrea : [ You just lost yourself in Wrath. Even with the skill locked. ]

Vihaan was forced out of his murderous state. Vihaan hurriedly controlled his mind and body to relax. He stopped and sat down there itself. He closed his eyes and relaxed. He himself was surprised he lost his mind within seconds. It took him more than 15 mins to calm himself.

Astrea finally spoke after seeing him calm down.

Astrea : [ I am disappointed. You failed the mission even with the hint I gave you. ]

Vihaan even though he have a lots of Doubt about things happening around. He had no way to protect himself and he has no idea the way everything work. Vihaan was now more afraid of hurting Dia because of his powers so he calmed himself and nodded his head.

Astrea : [ What was your mistake ? ]

Vihaan : [ The Objective was right before me but I lost sight of my goal experiencing the power and let my instinct get the best out me instead of rationality. I lost control of myself in Wrath second time losing my rationality. I still have no idea of my extend of my powers. ]

Astrea : [ Good, At-least you know this. I initially wanted to make you cultivate and rise your strength but it seems I was wrong. Don't cultivate or Use EEC to rise your cultivate. ]

Astrea : [ What are new things you learned during your interaction with the surrounding and yourself. ]

Vihaan understood what she was asking. Before he could answer. The snake understand they were taking about it. It also felt the guilt of Vihaan. It gently rubbed it's head on his face as if its consoling him. Vihaan also gently stroked its head with his hand.

Vihaan : / I learned I could communicate with beasts. My snake, although we are the same it can grow on its own and do things on its own. I can use a roar as a form of deterrence and an attack. In moment of anger I found I can track and sense other being in form of life force and Ether. /

Astrea : [ Good, You pointed out almost everything you experienced. ]

Astrea : [ You should note that. Although You have killed countless monsters. You have not earned any EEC from System or Your Body itself doesn't absorb them. System also didn't scan anything for selling. ]

Vihaan was surprised to find this. Now he had now way to increase his strength by slaughtering Common Tier Monsters. No way to earn.

Astrea : [ Don't worry. This is a protective measure to stop Strong beings from abusing their power. Your body things they are not worth to absorb so it doesn't absorb. ]

Astrea : [ You don't have to worry about earning for yourself. It will come to you automatically when you need it in form of rewards for quest but if don't meet the requirements or standards it will be postponed like now. ]

Astrea : [ Use the EEC you have for experimental purpose and for others. As for EEC source you just have to find a proper hunting ground. If you want Sister will help you with it. Now go rest. Your coming days will not really be easy. Your Spouse and the dog are gonna finish Evolving. ]

Vihaan was actually surprised that he was getting time off.

Astrea : [ Seeing you so surprised. I think I can activate the next quest. ]

Vihaan : [ No... I will take rest... Thank you... ]

Vihaan let out a sigh. He was sitting in the yard. He turned to look at the snake.

Vihaan : / I cant call you snake every time. Lets call you Naga /

He slowly stoked its head as it lay on his shoulder. It looked satisfied with the name. He made his was towards the Villa.

3 Days 23:00 Hours Since Apocalypse

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