I love her

Vihaan was happy he can be at ease without any worries at-least for a while. He was looking forward to may be have a date with Dia. He wanted to look good and take her out.

Vihaan went upstairs to get freshen up. He went to the bathroom. It was very difficulty to enter the rooms and hall. He was way too tall for the normal size doors. He still had no idea of his new appearance. He was stunned when he opened the bathroom and saw his own face in the mirror. He touched his face and felt it. He was very much excited. He couldn't explain it with words. He was like a most perfect sculpture meant to be worshipped.

Vihaan had totally different look. His face slightly resembled him but he himself would not think he could be this Handsome. He had short black slowly hair shinning with the reflection of light. Reddish Golden Iris with tinge of green. His skin colour was not dark or white. It was a sexy light dark skin. His face looked very young only around 17 or 18. His body was very aesthetic, not too much muscle or not too lean, it was well maintained. He even had fucking 12 packs perfectly apt to his built. If not for the crystals on the forehead and chest or the horns. He will look perfectly like a handsome giant teen.

When he was looking at the mirror, Naga who was coiled around his waist. It uncoiled itself and looked at mirror. It showed an excited look on its face and hissed.

Vihaan had an amused expression on his face. He looked handsome but he didn't know how to explain his change to her when he wakes up. He looked Naga. It had a confused expression on its face.

Vihaan : / Buddy, do you think you can go in my body like become something like a tattoo may be. I want to spend some private time with My Honey. /

Naga seem to stare at him.

Vihaan : / Come on, Don't gimme that look. Listen to me. You can become like tattoo on by back. It will look dope. Do this and I will get you a beautiful Female Snake. /

Vihaan was like child bargaining with his other counter part. Astrea who was looking at this scene was laughing her ass off. She couldn't hold back anymore.

Astrea : [ You seem to forget that after reaching Mythical Tier. You can use your racial skill of Chimera. The snake is a part of you. Your basically telling it you will find it a mate and you will fuck it on its behalf. ]

Astrea was laughing out loud as she was speaking. Vihaan was very embarrassed. He seem to forgot everything when it comes to dealing with issues related to Dia. He tried to retort but he couldn't.

Astrea : [ You don't have to worry about liking you. You have Demonic Contract. Usually when you go through a evolution it will also influence your family members but that only happens when they go thorough their next evolution. Coincidentally she was also going through a Transformation and you were the one responsible for it. You are basically be sure she will be influenced by you. you can fuck her without worrying about breaking her. HAHAHAHAHA. ]

Astrea : [ I know that's the only thing you are worried about. ]

Vihaan couldn't retort her. Initially he was worried whether Dia will accept him but he remembered Astrea being unable to calm herself in his presence. It should probably be related to his body fused with Sin of Lust body. Further his worries totally turned into nothing when he saw how handsome he was looking right now. The only problem was whether she will be calm herself. If she loses her mind and jumps on him and he being unable to control his urges. Its the worse thing that could happen. His little brother is already crossing 13 Inches or 33 Cm with 2 inch thickness and this is his normal erection without him getting excited.

Vihaan : / Humpff. I was not worried about it. /

Astrea : [ Vihaan, I want to talk to you about something very important. ]

Astrea sounded very serious. Vihaan had bad feeling in his heart,

Vihaan : / Yes /

Astrea : [ Dia, She is your weakness. You already know how many enemies you have and they are very strong. She makes you lose your rationality. I would advise you against having a relationship. I will tell you the truth. You only another 86 days and 1 hour remaining for something big to happen. ]

Astrea : [ At present, You are probably One of the few beings on earth who can content for the peak but you are still weak to stand at the peak. ]

Astrea : [ I will be frank with you. If you don't stand at the top of this world at the end of this time period. You will face a punishment worse than death. Its not me, or you masters. You have a liability. I only warned them not send powerful beings to hunt you that doesn't apply for her. You should already guessed it, there is a column for selling slaves in System. She is very beautiful and she is your weakness. I wont say much. It should already be enough. ]

Astrea : [ Its your responsibility to keep her safe. So Don't blame me for not helping. I will give you a small advice. Either you become strong or build a strong army to stand between you and the people trying to kill you. ]

Astrea : [ There wont be any quests for you for the next three days. I want you to decide whether she is worthy to stand beside you when the whole world is against you. There is a small test for her. I will tell you its upto you whether you do it or not but this is related one of your upcoming quest. ]

Astrea : [ You should have already guessed there is a powerful monster in the surrounding. Yes, there is. Your spouse has experienced a trauma due to it. You goal is to make her overcome it and kill it without your help. ]

Astrea : [ Bye ]

Vihaan was sitting there fuming with anger. He perfectly understood what she was saying. She is beautiful. Beauty attracts trouble when there is no laws to restrain it. Vihaan was definitely not going to let her go. He Had lots of things happening, a lot more to think but now he was more concerned about Dia and her Trauma.

Vihaan : / Buddy, Its time for you to hide. We will go out for hunt later. /

Naga : / Hissssss.... Hisss... /

Naga could understand that Vihaan was in bad mood. It rubbed his face then coiled around him in spiral manner and gradually turned into tattoo having its head on his neck. It was cool. Although it was like a tattoo. he can still communicate with it. He was surprised by it. This makes things easy and it can even be used to sneak attack.

Vihaan went to the bed after he got a quick bath. He lay beside Dia. He was not able to fit in the bed but still he lay there and pulled Dia who was covered in white light into his embrace and tried slept. He didn't want to think about anything.

Vihaan : / I love her and I wont give her up whatever happens. /

ARC - II : To The Top Of The Earth

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