You Are My Eternal Love

ARC - II : Ancient Remnants.



4 Days 5 hours Since Apocalypse

Vihaan was in deep sleep without a care. He had his longtime love in his embrace. even with all the things happening in this world outside. He had strength to defend himself and his love at least for a while. He should have had a good sleep but when has things went well for him. He was having a nightmare. He was on verge of going berserk. Suddenly he felt a little moist on his lips. something was trying to get inside this mouth. He woke up immediately. He was surprised to see a woman who can neither be called human or anything he had knowledge was kissing him gently. He knew this woman before him is Dia. His Vow with her made it possible to know where she was and her condition so immediately know this was Dia. He slightly pushed and held her at a distance to look at her.

Vihaan was very surprised to see Dia. Dia was totally different from her past-self. She was 7'8" almost reaching his height. Her skin was light grey in colour. Her eyes was similar to his but there was no white. It was Pitch black in colour, Her Iris was Green with a slit. She had two curved black horns 2.5 inches on her forehead. Her lips were Black in colour, Her tongue was long and silted at end. She was still on him. He was able to see her nipples were pitch black. There were Black scales like patches on her forehead, her cleavage and below her neck. It was like she was straight out of a nightmare if any other person was to look at her.

Dia looked very nervous and sadness in her eyes. She was struggling inside. It was clearly showed on her face. She opened her mouth with great difficulty.

Dia : / Will you leave me ? /


Dia's POV

Dia woke up from her transformation. She was very excited. She just got married, Had her first time experience. She was a headstrong woman but before Vihaan. She was not able to stay like that. She was a docile puppy. It was Love at first sight. She just fell for him and things progressed very quickly now she wanted to have a good time with him. She lost her conscious last time while they had sex. She wanted to experience it again, be with him in his embrace.

She woke up but still remember everything that she changed into something new because of her class up and because of Vihaan. She opened her eyes to look at Vihaan. She was in his embrace. he hugged her very tight. She was surprised to look at his face. It was totally different. He looked very young. He was huge. His body was almost 1.5 times taller than normal human. She was first worried about whether this was actually him but her worries was in vain as her vow was easily able to dispel the worries.

Dia was very excited about his new look. He was alluring, hot and handsome. What else could she ask for ?. There was even small horns out if his head. Something like crystals on forehead and chest. She instantly felt desire coursing through her seeing him. For her, He was a drug. Till now she was not aware of her own true image.

She moved her hand to touch the horns on his forehead. She was given a fright. Her skin was light grey in colour. She touched her face. There was scales and horns on her face. She looked down to see her body was fully covered in light grey skin and patches of Black scales. Her happiness all went down the drain. Men Usually like beautiful women. A Handsome Man like Vihaan would definitely love beautiful woman and not some weird woman like her. She was struggling inside. She felt she was not beautiful and Vihaan will not like her after seeing her like this. She didn't know what to do next.

When she was thinking what to do next. She could feel Vihaan body getting hot, there was lot of sweat and he seemed to be struggling in his dream. She didn't know what to do. She just kissed him to calm him. She was kissing him deeply. She liked it. His mouth gave her a heavenly feeling drowning her. She was suddenly separated from it.

She saw Vihaan pushing her away. There was first surprise on his face then it turned solemn. He was staring at her thinking about something.

She was very afraid that he will leave her. She panicked, feared and her heart felt as if it had fallen into the abyss. She saw him move away and sit at the corner of the bed. His back was facing her.

He moved away for me. He didn't talk to me. It was the only thing going through her heart. Her heart felt as if someone was tearing it into pieces. It was very painful.


Vihaan : / Dia, Go look in the mirror how you look. /

Dia felt as if lightening struck her. She complied and went into see inside the bathroom with tears flowing from her eyes. She was too big for the door so she had some struggle to get inside. She stood before mirror. She was shocked to see her face. She looked like a snake in human form. She looked ugly with grey skin, horns, black lips and long nails. Her eyes no longer looked human. There was extra black scales above her vagina, her upper thighs, her feet and her back. She looked like a monster. when she was thinking about what to do next. she heard Vihaan.

Vihaan : / Come here and stand before me /

Dia knew there is no way he would love her anymore. She made her heart stone and thought about the good memories she had with him few hours back. She moved and stood before him. Before he could say anything.

Dia : / I know I look like a monster. Please don't break my heart saying anything. I will leave on my own. I just want to tell you I love more than anything. I fell in love with you in the first sight itself. I was so happy when you said you wanted me. I was more happy when you made the vow but seems fate is playing games with me even after years of torment. Can you please say that you love me one last time and kiss me once. I don't want anything else. Please I beg you. /

She knelt, cried put her head on the floor and begged him.

Vihaan's heart was torn in pieces, His heart was bleeding. It was very painful. He loved her a lot. How could he not feel her pain, he himself was feeling pained but for her to say things like this after sharing her feelings and bed with him being his accepted as wife and now this. Her looks actually made him horny and he liked her more now but he wanted to ask her something before that's why he behaved like this. He turned a blind eye and made his heart stone to continue.

Vihaan : / Stop Crying, Answer my questions first. /

Dia was stunned by his reply. He didn't show any expression on his face and he asked her to answer. what is he doing? She look at him with puzzled looks with teary eyes.

Vihaan : / What will you do if I die ? /

Dia felt as if her heart was being stabbed with knife and torn out. She misunderstood that she might be poisonous and kissing might kill him.

Dia knelled and banged her head against the floor.

Dia : / I am sorry. I am sorry. Don't say anything like that. Please. I don't want kiss. I want you to live happily. I want to live and see you happy. Please don't say such words. I am sorry. I am unworthy of being with you. I love you. Please don't say such things. I don't want hear them. I am poisonous. I am dirty. I will leave. /

Dia looked aged, her body lost strength, She looked as if she lost her whole life. If he says anything else she will surely die. Vihaan couldn't take it anymore. Tears feel from his eyes. He made a vow to never make her cry anymore.

Vihaan rushed towards her and hugged her. She was stunned. She panicked. She looked like a snake. She might be poisoning. She was afraid of hurting him but at the same time she wanted to stay like this in his embrace. Dia tried to push him trying to avoid hurting him but Vihaan didn't let her go to

Vihaan : / Idiot, I was asking you what will you do if I was killed by someone. There are lots of enemies for me. During your transformation itself I was almost killed twice. If you want to stand with me. You will have to kill humans, monsters and anything that's stands before me. If not it will only make things difficult for you. Will you be willing to do all this ? /

Dia felt her heart piercing through thousand nails. When she was undergoing transformation. He was fighting for his life. There are people out there trying to kill him. how? why?

Dia was emitting a murderous aura almost similar to him but only slightly weaker.

Dia : / How dare they try to kill you. I will kill them all. How ? how ? how? How could even think of that. I won't let them live. I will go and slaughter them all. How can they try to kill my husband. /

Dia lost her composure. She acted like she was possessed. She was arrogant inside but she was very gentle. Now she was talking about killing and slaughtering.

Vihaan was happy inside to see how much she cared for him. She pulled her and kissed her with desire.

Dia was surprised and was woken up from her murderous thoughts but she continued to kiss him. He was her drug how can she say enough but it was short lived as Vihaan stopped kissing.

Dia pouted when she saw Vihaan stopped kissing her.

Vihaan looked straight into her eyes.

Vihaan : / Do you know I admired you and loved you even before seeing you here but when I came here things where different. I was schemed to death on my way here. I have lots of enemies and they are lot stronger than me will stop at nothing before killing me. When I used appraise It showed You are a bewitching witch. It led to the whole misunderstanding. I acted harsh. Do you know how pained I was when I found it was just a misunderstanding. I came down to apologise but when I saw you there. I fell in love with you just how cute, innocent and pure you looked when you are sleeping. I love you Dia. Don't leave me ever. /

Dia felt angry knowing many people were trying to kill Vihaan. She didn't fear. If it comes down to death she will gladly die with him killing as much as she can. When she heard she was pure, innocent. She had a shy expression on her face.

Dia : / You were horny and had a Huge boner seeing a Cute, Pure and innocent girl huh? /

Vihaan was speechless. he couldn't deny it.

Vihaan : / Yeah, Cute, Pure and Innocent girl who will grab my little brother as soon as she woke up. /

Vihaan replied sarcastically and pretend to be angry. He moved and sat on the edge of the bed.

Vihaan : / You stay there. I have to punish you for making me do all this and breaking my heart saying you will leave me. /


After Another hour of fucking her ass and vagina like no tomorrow. He was not satisfied. He asked her to give him a blowjob and if she can make him cum. He will let her go. Dia had sore legs, sore vagina and sore ass. she couldn't stand at all. she was lying on the bed. He got on her and put his little brother in her throat and thrusted while she used all her strength to suck and give him a blowjob.

Slurp... Slurp.. Slurp...

He had his knee on the bed, his hands on the wall and his little brother in her mouth. It was forcefully but he was just in too much pleasure and he was close to Cumming. His last thrust flooded her mouth with cum and broke the bed.

Dia : / Hahahaha /

Vihaan : / ahhahahaa /

They were both laughing and cuddled in that broken bed with each others company.

Vihaan : / Dia, I am planning to go around the world /

Dia had a sad expression like a begging puppy she saw him.

Vihaan : / Hahaha, You little puppy. We are going a date around the world. /

Her expression brightened in a instant.

Dia : / Really, You not lying to me ? /

Vihaan : / Why would I lie to you. Of course we are going. How can I leave my beautiful wife who is like a horny Rabbit alone. /

Dia face turned red with embarrassment.

Vihaan : / What? Are saying 'No' after making love for 16 hours and making me cum in 16 times ? /

Dia hit his chest and hide her head in his embrace.

Vihaan : / Before that we are going to have a full course meal. /

Dia : / Where will we get food here in Apocalyptic ? /

Vihaan : / We are going for a hunt /

Vihaan said with a evil grin.

- X -

Astrea who was looking all this with Red face. She was feeling very horny right now.

Astrea : / Humpf, She is more Psycho than me. They are a Scary Couple. /

As she said that she thought how they where going on for 16 hours. She had a urge to go join them but she couldn't. She also wanted her junior brother's love

Astrea : / They are like rabbits, Horny couple having Sex for 16 hours. humpf. /

She pouted.

Author Thoughts :

Hi Readers, Here is another new exciting chapter for you. This is the Start of the Second arc of Earth, The beginnings. Be sure to save the Novel to get Updates first. Thank you for your support.

Wait for another Exciting chapter tomo. With a Wild Hunt.

Thank you 4ever_mine, godofancient and Nickjr321 for the Power stones you guys sent, I am very much appreciate it. I am proud of you guys 🥺.

Thank you guys for your support. Like, Rate, Vote, Review and some power stones will also be good. Please Promote my novel. Encourage Upcoming writers. Happy reading.