A Demon, A Hound And A Extinct Pre-Historic Monster

5 Days and 1 Hour Since Apocalypse.

Vihaan was lying on the bed with Dia resting in his embrace. he wanted to get her ready but she said she was too tired and was lazy to get cleaned so she just slept with all the cum, saliva and juices still on her. She looked very cute as she slept. He gently gave a kiss on her and tired to see if there was any change in his status. He learned a lot so he wanted to check whether anything was updated or any rewards. He also learned a few skills and notification in the past 16 hours that he didn't check.

[ Host has learned Ecstasy Cloud ]

[ Host has learned Thought Reading ]

[ Host has learned Arousal Touch ]

[ Host has learned Endless Pleasure ]

[ Host has learned Bodily Fluid Regeneration ]

[ Host has learned Yin Cultivation ]

[ Acclamation of all knowledge - Lust Incarnation Body ]

[ Host has successfully awakened the first part of ####### Lust ##### #### Body ]

Vihaan was very surprised that these small things where not actually skills but knowledge which can be used to form a skill. He knew all those knowledge. Ecstasy Cloud is the colourless gas released from his body and the though reading can only be used when the other person is under the influence of Ecstasy Cloud or if they have dirty thoughts about vihaan. Arousal Touch is used to simulate the partner giving them immense pleasure like how he used his hands to pinch her nipples at last. Endless Pleasure helps him be at peak condition while having sex, he get more power and active as he has sex. Bodily Fluid Regeneration will keep the partner active and in Ecstasy for extended period of time utilising their body power to max with any of his body fluids. Repeated use of this makes the person addicted to him. Yin cultivation is him absorbing cold ether to help him rise cultivation. It also seem to have other use but currently he has no idea of it.

Vihaan : / Open Status /

[ Name : Demon Prince Vihaan

Race : Ancient Demon Chimera - Humanoid ( Locked ) Sex : Male Age : 0 years

Bloodline : Hidden **

Class : War God Inheritor ( Disabled ) Sub-Class : None

Cultivation : Body Refinement Stage - 1 ( 3% ) Body Tier : Uncategorizable.

Title : MADMAN, The Seventh Demon Prince Of Hell, The Man Who Became The First Myth, Son of ####### ### #######.

Skills :

Passive : ####### ##### Lust #### Body ( Partially Unlocked ), Battle sense.


Active : Universal Synthesis, Stealth ( Locked ) Mind Command ( Locked ), Demon Contract, ##### Armour.

Mastery : Basic Sabre Mastery, Basic Dagger Mastery.

Transformations : ( Locked )

Techniques :

### ### #####'s Combat Guide

Family :

1. Spouse : Dia - Bound By Eternal Vow and Demonic Contract ]

Vihaan saw few changes in his status. His cultivation rise by 3 %, Its most likely related to Yin Cultivation. It was actually good since he had consolidated in the 1 stage. There was new skill related to armour. There was one new word visible in his status.

[ Skill : ####### ##### Lust #### Body ( Partially Unlocked )

Lust Incarnation Body - ( Hidden )

Finish Missions or Unlock more Knowledge to Obtain full skill. ]

[ Skill : ###### Armour ( Hidden ) ]

Vihaan : / FUCK, Are they seriously trying to make mad showing information that I am not able to access. /

Vihaan was not in mood to play hide and seek with them so he tried to focus on Dia's name trying to get any information.

[ Name : Dia Vihaan- Contracted Demon Spouse of Demon Prince Vihaan.

Race : Neo Demonic Chimera - Humanoid Sex : Female Age : 0 years

Bloodline : Medusa ( Partially Awakened )

Class : Illusionist Sub-Class : None

Cultivation : Body Refinement Stage - 1 ( 27% ) Body Tier : Low-Elite Tier.

Title : The First Demon Queen Of Vihaan

Skills :

Passive : Spirit Communication, Heavenly Snake Charmer.

Active : Petrification, Illusion.

Transformations : ( Locked )

Contracted Beast :

1. Shadow Hound - Tia ]

Vihaan was surprised to see Dia's Status but he couldn't further get any information except for the Race. He was already happy he could see this much information. Her status gave him more surprises. First her race was Neo Demonic Chimera which is like downgraded version and then her Bloodline of Medusa, who knows how she got that. It was only partially awakened. Her class now turned into Illusionist. He had no idea about it. He was surprised to find her Body has only Low - Elite Tier Body. Her Contracted Beast has also fully evolved into Shadow beast. He roughly understood the status. He will understand them when she is fighting. He was still slightly worried about their combat powers. Seems like having sex is good for her. She already quarter way in her cultivation but at present its not efficient. He felt little sad that he couldn't increase his cultivation this way.

[ Race : Neo Demonic Chimera

New Race of Chimera derived from a parent Chimera with blood and semen as base. No available Information as of now. ]

Vihaan had a weird expression on his face. It showed he was her parent.

Vihaan : / FUCK YOU, You sick system. You are telling me I was fucking my daughter for 16 hours straight. I am not gonna look at this hereafter./

Its definitely not something a person from 21st century will accept. He had some doubts he wanted to ask so Astrea.

Vihaan : / I know you are there Sweet Senior Sister. Is it possible for her to get a Mythical tier body and what is the Tier of her class. /


Vihaan : / ? /

Vihaan : / Sweet Senior Sister ? /

Vihaan : / Sweet Senior Sister ? /

Vihaan : / Sweet Senior Sister ? /


Vihaan : / Sweet Senior Sister ? /

Astrea : [ Yes, I am here. Don't Shout. Yes, She has potential but I wont say how to do it. Its based on awakening her Bloodline fully. Her class is a versatile class. If you want I can arrange a good master for her. ]

Vihaan was stunned when he heard her senior sister was willing to arrange someone as master for Dia. Till few hours ago she was telling she will not help him with regards to Dia. He was sceptical but its good if he can get another figure to support him at-least for now and teach Dia to learn how to use the fight. Vihaan was sharp not like his past-self. He asked her directly.

Vihaan : / Is it because of her Bloodline or Class ? /

Astrea was stunned by this question. She never expected her junior brother to have sharp intuition. He is unlike his past self.

Astrea : [ ...Both ]

Vihaan : / If her master is Not a pervert, Not forcing her to do anything or Separate us. I have no issues. /

Astrea : [ Its an Old Woman. She is a very dangerous being but she will love Dia. I will take care but you cannot ask or tell anything regards to her or how she trains to Dia. Its for her own good and Yours. ]

Vihaan : / Ok /

Vihaan didn't say anything he closed his eyes and tried to go through his fight skills and combat style from his master.

5 Days and 4 Hour Since Apocalypse.

Two figure came out of the villa. A Tall Black Scale Armoured person and a Tall woman with Black scaled one piece dress covering every inch of her body till her neck. They where Vihaan and Dia. She was very surprised when she saw the black armour on Vihaan. Vihaan looked very intimidating. Vihaan was more surprised seeing her wear a scaled outfit matching to him. It is related to his Racial Character it seems. Vihaan suddenly had a wild idea.

Vihaan : / You look beautiful so much I want to make love to you again. But why a fully covered Dress. /

Dia truly looked very beautiful like a evil witch in the outfit. She didn't even let an inch of her body visible to others. The Dress added more beauty to her. It was plain but on her it looked stunning.

Dia replied with an amused expression.

Dia : / One, I don't fight in the front line. Second, I don't want any other person seeing my body. Its only for you. /

Vihaan : / Even with all this you look very alluring. / He pulled her in to embrace and gave her a kiss.

When they were flirting in the yard. A Black figure rushed towards them like a ghost. As soon as it entered the 5 Meter range. Vihaan reacted quickly. While still holding Dia in embrace, his speed was astounding. He sent the other hand with claws towards the figure. It was a close call. It stopped right before collision. Vihaan didn't let it slide he was about to crush it but was held back by Dia.

Dia : / Vihaan don't you beat her up again. /

Vihaan was surprised by the Dia's reprimanding tone. He looked at the creature.

It was 5 feet tall, walks on 4 legs, very lean, super fast. He looked at its face. It had face with a mix of dog and wolf but with 2 pair of eyes with full black eyes. It didn't make any sound when moving. It kinda looked like Anubis but more threatening like a predator.

It looked at Dia with a weird look. It didn't show any expression so Vihaan was not able to determine what it was thinking. It moved towards Dia. Dia was preventing Vihaan from attacking it. She moved forward to that creature and rubbed it's head and played with it.

Vihaan looked around to find Tia. He was not able to find it. Vihaan was surprised.

Vihaan : / Don't tell me this is Tia ?/

Dia saw him with a playful tone and said

Dia : / Who else can it be. /

He moved towards Tia but someone was more fast. Naga who was sleeping like tattoo awoke and hissed at the Tia.

It was Dia's turn to be surprised. she was able to understand Naga and was surprised to see a snake like tail coming out if Vihaan. It hissed at Tia but was more interested in Dia.

Vihaan was able to understand Naga. It was just curious about Dia. It told Vihaan something was charming Naga but it was unable to affect Naga. Vihaan remembered seeing something similar to this. Vihaan was confused about all this so he just turned towards Dia.

Dia : / Tia is a shadow hound who hunts like an assassin. Powerful attacks with very low defence. She is only at Peerless Rare Tier but her attacks should be able to wound a Low Elite Tier Monster. Other than that she is a powerful tracker. As for the Heavenly Snake Charmer, Its taming skill evolved based on my Bloodline. I can still form Contracts with other monsters but with this snakes they will take initiative to come to me. /

Dia : / I am more surprised to see a snake in you and being still unaffected by my charm skill. What are you really My Husband? /

Vihaan explained about Tiers, Skills, Monsters best of his knowledge so she knew the basics. Vihaan looked at her.

Vihaan : / What am I ? Does it even matter. Don't I keep you satisfied. /

Dia gave an angry look at him for spilling it all before Tia. Even though Tia was dog, it was more than intelligent to know these things. Vihaan tried to change the topic.

Vihaan : / I Initially thought we could travel on Tia but now she seem to be more of a dog than before. So we have to walk I guess. /

Dia : / Yeah now she is cute like before and she is even in our Black Club. /

Dia : / You still have not told me where we are going to first ? /

Vihaan saw her calling the killer hound as cute. Well they couldn't complain when they themselves are monsters. When he heard where they were going. He gave a evil grin. He looked at Tia.

Vihaan : / I told you I will make you stronger if you guard her. Now We are all powerful so let's get revenge on the beast that attacked you before. /

Dia and Tia face changed. They hated that Monster and didn't say anything else. Both of them nodded their head.

Vihaan : / Tia lead the way /

Vihaan was surprised at the speed Tia moved. It definitely was faster than before. He was able to keep up with it but Dia's body was not meant for this so they slowed down and moved at a moderate phase for them but It already was almost at 90 Kmph.

Vihaan was perplexed as he was not able to find any Humans so far.

Vihaan : / Darling, have you seen any Humans before meeting me. /

Dia : / I have seen about 5 - 10 people separately at different places when cleaning the area around the Villa and going for a Quest. The Quest was actually to investigate the place we are going now. /

Vihaan : / Did you speak with anyone ? /

Dia : / Almost everyone was going towards the Military Camp at Pallavaram. They said everyone obtained the same quest to reach The Army Camp in one day. I was hurrying for my quest so I didn't go there plus my system also told me to focus on the quest. Weird now that I think about it. I am not able to talk to my system. It is not replying either. /

Vihaan : / Don't worry, It will be alright soon. Plus you can ask me anything you want. / He gave a smile to her.

Vihaan didn't tell anything about the System's Guide to her. Its not good to make her panic and Astrea also told him she will get a Master for Dia. So the problem should be over in few days max.

Dia : / Do you want to visit the Camp ? / she suddenly asked him out of nowhere. She seem to forget that they are no longer humans.

Vihaan : / No, They are very weak and they will probably be intimated by us. We can get stronger on our own plus we are going on date. How can we go there and all. /

Vihaan gave a cheerful smile and cheeky kiss on her cheek. Vihaan was very afraid she will feel alienated by humans. They are no more humans and there is no law anymore so he had idea what they will to them or how they will react to them but one thing was sure.

If they all gained same Quests. Mostly it should belong to anyone the factions trying to kill him, going there will give away information about them which he would very much like to avoid. The faction might even give a mass quest to everyone there to kill him with lucrative rewards. He knew human heart perfectly. There will definitely some people overtaken by greed, they will be more than willing to do everything in their power using soldier and peoples's lives to kill him.

Vihaan was not feeling guilt or anything to kill humans. He will gladly kill them if they can give any reward or quest but his body needs nutrition from beings at least above Elite Tier and he can't even fight to his heart content there. So basically going there is a waste and pain in the ass. It's just trouble.

While they where talking and thinking they already reached the Lake. they stopped and immediately went to battle alert.

Vihaan had Dia before him and Tia in the front. He had full control over the situation as long as it was within 5 meter. He asked Tia to sniff the monster out.

Tia directly ran over to a foot print on the soil near the lake. It was fairly new. Although Vihaan was not a hunter. As per the information he had, Dia and Tia came here around 48 hours to investigate the lake. So either the lake is the Monsters hunting ground or place where it comes to drink water. The foot print is wet so it should have been here recently. There were two sets of print so it went to and fro. It should be in the area.

Vihaan was very intrigued by the foot print on the ground. It was unlike any monster he had seen or any animal before apocalypse. The foot print was very deep so the monster was heavy. It was to run at high speed to chase after Tia before but stopped the pursuit midway for unknown reason.

The Foot Print was 1.5 feet long and 1 feet wide. It had 5 long claws sharp marks deep in the soil. Although he was not afraid going against the monster. Dia and Tia were angry at the monster so they will probably be the first to engage in fight.

When he was thinking about this Naga who was looking at the Foot Print looked in one direction and hissed loudly. He turned to look at the same direction.


A Roar unlike anything he had heard before sounded. Its sounded like a cry of monster very intimating and exerting its dominance. It was actually a challenge from the monster to him. It seemed to sensed him and rushed here. Vihaan's jaw almost hit the floor when he saw the Monster.

Vihaan : / You Fucking kidding me ???. What the fuck is happening here. That's a FUCKIN DINOSAUR... /

Author Thoughts :

Hi Readers, Here is another new exciting chapter for you. This is the Second arc of Earth, The beginnings. Be sure to save the Novel to get Updates first. Thank you for your support.

Thank you Daoist_of_Fatness, Nickjr321, godofancient, RealmSeeker and welshmansss for the Power stones you guys sent, I am very much appreciate it.