Terrifying Illusionist Dia and Shadow Predator Tia.

Vihaan was astounded seeing the monster before him. He could relate it with common monitor lizard which is seen commonly India but this was a much bigger than largest know fossil Lizard in Earth History. The Megalania, Which was know to be extinct over 28,000 years is before him standing at the height of staggering 11 feet tall and 30 feet long. It had sharp inward curved sharp teeth dripping with blood, sharp claws and thick hide like armour and with venomous poison dripping from its mouth. The normal Megalania was already a huge problem but this before him had thick legs with muscle to run faster and Armour head covered in thick bone on the outside over the head. It was menacing and was exerting its dominance over to him.

Naga was pissed off. It hissed loudly at the Giant Lizard opening its mouth. He himself wanted to fight it. His beastly instincts were woken up from the challenging roar. He was about roar back.

Dia : / Although It looked stronger than before. This is nothing. It still has to pay for hurting Tia. /

Dia looked at it with menacing look. Tia roared back at it. Vihaan was surprised by what Tia said. It clearly said you are unworthy to challenge my master and gave a disdainful look at it. Vihaan was very much surprised Tia was calling him master.

Dia already made her move. The surroundings was initially plain around the lake for few kilometres he can see with mud and grass here and there but as soon as she waved her hand. The scenario started to change into high towering trees, thorny bushes everywhere forming a thick rain-forest and sealing all the area surrounding the lizard and sealing it in there. Tia who was before him totally vanished from the place like shadow and started her hunt in the forest.

Dia was exhausted just by this. She sat on the floor eyes closed with one EEC in each hands. Vihaan held back his urge to fight and started to look for way to see the show. The hunt was inside the forest he had to stand guard for Dia who was casting Illusion. She was totally unguarded now so he can't leave now. Initially she covered a vast area but she gradually reduced the size to cover 100 meters around the lizard. She learned to be efficient with just one use. Vihaan now felt embarrassed at how Dia battled. She was intelligent and was learning at a very fast phase and adapting to the flow of the battle. She was burning EEC like candies each instant.

Vihaan was concerned although he had given her around 10000 EEC before coming out and explained the uses and opening the store for her. The usage was just too much. He didn't know whether her body will be able to sustain this kind of battle. Naga on the other hand seem to be fascinated and was enjoying the battle.

Vihaan : / Buddy, are you able to see the battle inside the forest ? /

Naga gave him in a weird look before sharing it's thoughts. It was not seeing it but sensing the battle in form of life force and Ether.

Vihaan felt a invisible slap on his face. He was ashamed of his inability utilise his own skills properly.

Vihaan : / Buddy, Its OK I want to try and sense it myself. /

Vihaan had his own pride and he wanted to try to use his skills by himself. In battle he could have Naga's help like this. Now he was free and should use his time to learn the skills by himself. These kills are not like system skill he can learn by just buying. These skills are learnt by repeated use and practice. There was a advantage to these kinda of skills. They have no cool-down and can be used indefinitely as long as he can. Its only limitation is himself.

Vihaan stood behind Dia and closed his eyes and tried to focus the feeling he experienced when went berserk trying to find the Savage Abomination. He couldn't get anything even of tired his best. He felt dejected but he didn't give up. he had already experienced this once and he can do it so he calmed his heart and and tried to sense the ether around him first. He already could feel Ether when he was a human chimera now it seemed more easier. He tried to sense the Ether entering and exiting Dia. He can slowly feel and get used to it. He focused hard and felt Dia turn something like a mass of red energy in her outline. The world around him gradually turned into black and white. He saw Dia as Red colour outline denoting her Life Force. The Ether is denoted with White while everything was shown as black.

His sense was very slow it took ten minutes just to extend the towards the Illusion which was full of white and made it hard for him to sense anything. Initially he extend his sense as a sphere with him has centre. He couldn't reach his target as the illusion was moving away randomly every second. He felt his efforts go in vain. He gradually turned his thinking and tried a different approach. He maintained the circle around him but slowly he moulded it like a rope and intruded in illusion with his senses. He was able to find the Giant Lizard since it was like huge mass of Life force. It took time for him to lock on the huge figure since it was running in random directions.

Vihaan took around another 10 minutes to stabilise the sphere around him at 20 m radius and extend the his sense like a huge tunnel locking on the Lizard and moving the sense with it as it moved. It took time but he was able to do it. He felt as if he had achieved something but this still cannot be used in battle.

Vihaan gradually turned the attention towards the battle. He was able to differentiate Tia and Lizard by size and shade of the colour showing the dense Life force. Tia was like a shadow following the lizard at the end of the illusion. He was not able to understand what was happening. Initially he though the illusion was reduced only in order to sustain the usage of ether. The scene before him told him otherwise.

Dia and Tia were a frightening pair. The Giant Lizard was also very intelligent but that's what is being used against it. They were toying with this lizard. The illusion was made in such way it only covered 100 meters in one direction which was purposefully made in such way it is possible for moving through it allowing a little sunlight to pass through. The area around was densely packed with trees and was not allowing any light to pass through. The whole illusion was enclosed within 20 m tall dome. The Lizard being intelligent tried to go towards the light. Dia was using this to reconstruct Illusion in such a way it doesn't leave 200 m from their original area like a maze. It was being psychologically being trapped within never ending forest. Tia didn't make any move. Although it has powerful attack force which was what Dia told him but he had no idea how powerful it was.

Vihaan was already 20 minutes late because he took time to use his own skill to sense the battlefield and now it took another 10 minutes for him to understand what was happening. Now it been over 30 minutes since it was trapped. The Giant Lizard went into berserk state not being able to leave the illusion. Tia also moved towards the Lizard to make move. He didn't understand what was it was planing to do. The Lizard was actually more powerful than before so a collision or engaging now is more dangerous now. He didn't understand so he just got ready to move incase things got out of control.


The Lizard went out control and roared in anger and moved its tail to hit the tree with its tail. It seem to realise something wrong with the place so it tried break out through force. As per illusion there was trees around it but in real he can see the place the tail was about hit had Tia lurking in. Tia was on the ground and her claws seem to extend out of it legs for 2 Inch long. they were deadly. Even if they went head on and Tia can inflict damage this situation is not favourable to Tia. As tail was about hit Tia. It stop there like it was frozen in time. Tia already made her move at the same time. The force behind the tail fully came to a halt but Tia used her claws to claw out a nice chunk of meat from its 1 feet wide tail. As soon as Tia finished she moved from that place moving to the opposite side.

Tia's claws actually penetrated the tough hide. The Lizard roared in pain. It moved the other way. It tired to hit the other side tree with its head. It was very fascinating and terrifying how Tia was already waiting for it there. The same thing happened there. It moved with full force but suddenly it came to a stop. Tia was already extending her claws clawing out the right eye of the lizard. The Lizard finally experienced fear as it roared with pain and fear. It suddenly came to a stop. Tia opened her mouth and bite the bottom neck of the lizard allowing a fountain of blood to flow.

The giant again begin to move but Tia was already out of the attack zone. Now Tia was waiting at the end of illusion for it to bleed and die. The Giant Lizard roared in pain as it was begging to live. It even offered a contract but Both Dia and Tia looked at it like with indifferent look on their eyes. It died a cruel death in 5 minutes fully bleeding out. The way he looked at Dia and Tia was totally different from before. He didn't know what happened here but the way the hunt proceeded was truly a eye opener for him.

Dia opened her eyes with a sad expression. The illusion finally cleared. She looked at the dead Lizard and had a guilty expression. Vihaan moved closer and hugged her. She looked a little pale because of using the skill first time for a extended period of time

Vihaan : / Its OK dear. Its kill or get killed world. So don't feel for killing it. We have to face a lot together. Whatever happens I will be with you. /

Vihaan gave a passionate speech and tired to console her. Dia gave him a weird look to him and then laughed at him. Tia who came near them also gave him a weird look.

Dia : / Did you think I felt sad because of killing it ? /

Vihaan with puzzled looks nodded his head. Dia kissed him.

Dia : / Silly, Look how cute you are trying to console me. I was sad because I was not able to kill efficiently and lost most of its blood /

Dia : / I used 500 EEC to kill it, Lost too much blood, Tia was not able to kill it in one strike and the fight went on very long. I had no way to defend myself while I was casting Illusion. so basically this is a failed Hunt. That's one of the reason /

Vihaan was very much surprised. She was spot on. All this came to him because of countless battles he experienced from his masters memories and by fighting out armies of monsters continuously for hours and analysing about them later. Here Dia deduced everything in just one fight. She was born tactician. He was more intrigued about the other reason and the reason for the lizard stopping midway through the attacks.

Vihaan : / Whats the other reason ? /

Dia : / I remember you said you wanted to experiment with high quality materials for mutation and for rising cultivation. Its enough for me to use EEC at present but for you its different. I wanted to give you this but It was wasted so I am sad. /

Dia showed a sad expression almost on verge of crying. She hugged him. Vihaan was so touched he hugged her back and gave her a kiss. No on would believe that this women just mercilessly massacred the king of this region.

Vihaan : / I wanted to ask you. How did the lizard stop its attack and showed itself to be attacked? /

Dia laughed and gave a seductive smile.

Dia : / Its because of my skill Petrification. It stops the nerve response and freezes the muscle. I can also give brain false information and make the muscles lose. I cannot freeze the brain directly because it was a stronger than me. So I made it go berserk for freezing its brain. I positioned Tia where it will attack, used petrification to stop its attack and used Tia to attack it back. With Illusion and this set up I made it think it as if It was strangled in a real forest. Poor Lizard died a miserable death, who asked it to attack us and even go as far as Challenging you. Is it even worthy ? /

Dia showed a murderous expression with cutely snuggling in his chest.

Vihaan felt a shiver down his spine. He had only one thought. "What have I done ?". Dia was a gentle woman who cared for others. Now she is killing without a care for his sake. She seem to have changed more violent than him. he sighed and thought Whatever I will always love her. he looked at her with gentle loving eyes.

Vihaan was more surprised by her control of Battle. This was her first time battle with evolved Tia and Her new Class. She used her three skills to the utmost. She used illusion to lock the lizard the reduced it's size to make it efficient and at the same time remodelling it to lure the lizard to to a perfect place then making it run around in circles maintaining the illusion. Making it go berserk, controlling the timing of attack with petrification and instructing Tia via spirit communication. Although Dia said as if this was no big thing. Each and every thing was planned perfectly and executed to its utmost perfection. Even if single mistake happens it will not end without bloodshed. She didn't even ask for help from me.

Each and every moment of the battle was controlled and planned. The most difficult part is that she did all this while in middle of the battle. She also was able to analyse the flow and flaw of her last battle within seconds. She has a goal for each step. She is a terrifying woman with a terrifying class made perfect for her. Vihaan decided to ask his sister to get the best possible Master for her with this as leverage.

Vihaan was also not simple. He learnt want she needed most. Initially he thought he could build a monster army but it seems like he found a perfect person for commanding.

Vihaan : / Babe, What are the type of monsters do you think, you need to be complete your battle plan perfect. /

Vihaan : / Even if we can't find them I can definitely modify them to suit your needs. I will give you a invincible army of Chimeras to lead /

Vihaan said with a menacing and dangerous smile. Dia as soon she heard it. Her eyes were sparkling with desire. She knew few of his problems. Now with his help she can lead an army to kill and slaughter everyone who even thinks of killing her husband. She had evil grin. She seductively leaned and kissed him

Ding Ding

Two simultaneously Notification sounded in both of their system. They were very surprised. They both got quests at the same time.

[ You have new quests. ]

[ You have new quests. ]

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