The Plan - A Hidden Danger.

5 Days and 1 Hour 30 Mins Since Apocalypse

[ Quest : Tame or subdue any Monster of at-least Top - Elite Tier for each.

Reward : Map Function Of the System ]

This quest was same for both of them but the next quest was different for them

[ Quest : Rise a Monster to Unique Tier

Reward : One Random Bloodline skill and the information of that particular bloodline ]

[ Quest : Rise that Monster to Unique Grade

Reward : Language of the Beasts and Half awakening Bloodline Of Medusa ]

Vihaan will get a bloodline skill and Dia will learn The language of the best. These Rewards were actually very generous. Vihaan had no idea of his bloodline so this will help him further understand his and in addition he will be able again another a skill. As of now Vihaan don't have any skill for attacking so it could help him diversify his arsenal. Dia although she has Spirit Communication for speaking. It can only be used to contact her contracted beasts and people she know of within a certain distance. She could understand snake language due to her innate skill. For making a contract or subduing other monsters, the language will be very useful and not to tell about bloodline awakening. It will definitely help in rising her body Tier.

The Lucrative Rewards tell how hard the mission will be. It might be easier to find a unique monster and subdue but to rise one it's a different story. They have to choose a monster with potential and have to spend a lot time in researching how to rise it's Tier. The Tiers Unique, Legendary and Mythical are all in a league of their own so to cross Elite and enter that Tier is a humongous task. The only possible way suitable is for Vihaan to rise his efficiency and understand the process behind Universal Synthesis. They still had one more Quest.

[ Quest : Have at-least 10 Peerless Elite Tier monster serving under Demon Prince Vihaan and First Queen of Vihaan of The Family Of Vihaan.

Reward : Opens Separate Living Space for storing and rearing Monster. Tier and type depends on the completion of the Quest]

Although they don't know the information about what's a Living Space is. It's used to store and rear beast. The information alone is enticing for them. They wanted to build an army so this will help them a lot. You can't expect to just take an army of monsters wherever they go. It's very convenient but to complete this task they have to work very hard. They still accepted everything because that's is their initial plan. Now they are being offered rewards for them how can they not accept.

[ Accepting Quest in name of The Family has opened Family functions in System. Please check them out ]

They both where surprised, when the system sounded because this was common for both of them

Dia : / Hubby, What will we do ? /

Vihaan thought for a bit.

Vihaan : / We have to tame Elite Monsters now. First we will get at least one Top - Elite Tier monster for us. We can easily get Map Function then we can move around India to find Different types of Monsters. if we are unable to find we can go to African continent, Antarctica and finally we can search in the ocean or even the whole World. We might be able to find some interesting monsters. /

Vihaan : / Now we will skin this taking the hide, claws and other. We can taste this humongous beast. Dear do you want it raw or cooked ? /

Dia : / How will you eat ? /

Dia asked him in a shy manner.

Vihaan : / Ofc Raw. Without proper Cooking utensils and methods. We can't cook without losing the Life force and Ether content in them. We are Chimeras. Raw meat helps improve our body Tier so it's better to eat that way. If you want I will order some food from Ether Cuisine. /

Dia : / No, No, I was drooling over the carcass. I was worried... So... /

Vihaan gave a cheeky smile to her.

Vihaan : / Wait a sec Babe /

Vihaan : / Open Store /

[ Store :




Auction ( Not Available )

EEC : 1,166,032 ] ( 10000 EEC given to Dia )

[ Store -> Buy -> Search ]

[ Search :

Please enter what you want to buy. ]

Vihaan : / Complete Butcher Mastery /


[ 27,000 EEC Deducted ; Balance : 1,139,032 EEC ]

[ Please wait... ]

[ Everything is been directly imprinted in Host's brain ]

[ Store -> Sell ]

[ Sell :

Please select what you want to sell. ]

Vihaan : / Deception Skill /

[ Analysing Skill... Wait ]

[ 1%... 25%... 40%... 51%... 64%... . . . . 100% ]

[ Result : A Skill learned from combining stealth and Mind Command. Its Psyche type Illusion skill which bends the reality to Deceive. Lower Version of A Perfect Deception Skill. Life Saving and False Information type skill. ]

[ Skill not obtained form System ]

[ An Evolved Skill from host ]

[ Searching Database for similar Skills... Found Higher Tier skill but not the same ]

[ Finalising... ]

[ Tier : Mid-Elite, Cost : 3.5M EEC ]

[ Do you want to initiate transaction ? ]

Vihaan : / Yes /

[ Transaction Initiated ]

[ Title : The Man Who Became The First Myth has been initiated ]

[ EEC : 3,500,000 + 350,000 has been added to Host. ]

[ Total EEC : 3,850,000 ]

[ Balance : 4,989,032 EEC ]

Vihaan finished everything and went to butcher The Giant Lizard. Vihaan didn't want to use the system for anything other than buying Knowledge. This amount of EEC was not much for him. He is not going to buy any skills so basically it will be hoarding in his inventory but the sad part is he saw the Exchange rate for Peerless Tier EEC. One Peerless EEC is equal to 100,000 Basic in terms of energy but the exchange rate is 1:150000 to 1:200000. It was really very high. It because of the high demand and low productivity of these items. He wanted to get these for him, Dia and Tia. But he couldn't sustain this much consumption. For him to rise to Body Refinement Stage - 2 he need 3 Peerless EEC but for Body Refinement Stage - 3 he need 12 Peerless and it multiplies by 4 each time. This is one of the reasons he accepted to get a master for Dia. He can get them easily by finishing quest without spending anything.

Although he had doubts regarding everything that's happening around him. He is not a fool to tell this out loud and not use their resources to get stronger. He finished butchering in minutes. His knife was not sharp but he actually able to cut through skin easily with enough force. There was still some blood available. He quickly bought some containers to fill them and store in Inventory. He also stored its Thick Hide, Skeleton, Eyes, Brain and other Organs. He scraped the flesh alone and they had a feast. They almost finished half of that thing.

Vihaan was thinking about the strange thing that happened. His body was carving for the poison gland in the gaints body and when he touched it. All the poison with the poison gland got absorbed into his body. There was no any mark or signs that it had happened. It was weird even Naga didn't seem to notice or do anything weird, It just slept peaceful in the tattoo. He didn't want to ruin the mood so he changed the topic quickly.

Vihaan : / Babe, Its really peaceful here. May be we can kill Lords of the region where we take a stop to rest. Even with this much blood smell in air, other monsters will not invade. We can spend some time peacefully having a peaceful date. /

He smiled at her gently but the scene there was totally different. He had teeth like beast, his canine was tearing the flesh blood still dripping. He had blood all over his face. Not only him but both Dia and Tia also looked like the same but they were like they are out for picnic.

Dia : / Baby, Next where are we going ? /

Vihaan : / Initially, I thought we can pick up a Rare Tier monster on our way but now we can only focus Elite Tier monsters. We can go to IIT Madras Guindy campus, there are some snake in the forest behind it or We can head to The Zoo. There we can find alot of options. May be we might even find two or three Elite Tier Monster. You choose. /

Dia eyes were sparkling as soon as she heard they can go to zoo.

Vihaan : / You seem to be very happy. whats the matter ? /

Dia : / I always wanted to go to the Zoo but never had a chance now we are going there. We will be the first people go to a Zoo see mutated animals. /

Dia became cheerful and started to smile in excitement.

Vihaan : / Babe, Do have any monster or animal you want to have? /

Dia : / I am a dog lover so I got Tia. Other than my innate feeling of wanting to tame snakes. I would like something for us to travel together. A Cute Mutate Beast /

Vihaan knew that Dia's definition of cute is not something he want to think but at the same time he wanted get something for her. When Vihaan's inner monologue was thinking of her definition of cute trying to get something for her. She wanted to do same.

Dia : / What about you Honey ? /

Vihaan : / I want to get a huge bird and fly with you towards the sunset. /

While they were flirting and playing with each other. They seem to have forgot the horror of the Apocalypse.

They started to make their way towards the zoo. The way to the zoo is with along the way towards the Military Camp. Vihaan wanted nothing to do with them so he chose a route to avoid any humans. He restrained his aura to that of Elite Tier and unleashed it provoking any monster they may come across. Tia lead the way. Dia and Tia restrained their aura fully so as to look like followers and avoid commotion. Vihaan specifically asked them not to make any move unless he asked them too. Its very risky to fight when he had to think about Dia so he asked Tia to guard Dia and Dia not to make move and hide themselves if a fight starts. He promised he will allow them to fight when they are isolated.

When they where preparing to move out. They found the functions of Family. Its basically used as party. Only the basic function has been unlocked so they have nothing much to understand about it. They are able to send materials through system, have a common Inventory and can communicate via system without making any sound which is what they need now. Although they are significantly stronger in the current place if they want to travel they have to take precaution and be prepared to fight stronger monster.

They already started to move out and head out towards the Zoo. It was quite a long journey since it was the first time they are moving for a whole 50 km. Dia and Tia ran before Vihaan while Tia lead the way. Dia and Tia where covered with a thing layer of illusion to avoid any form attention.

Vihaan started to notice a lot strange things when travelling. He was considered an animal in human shape. With his armour he was intimidating but when crossing he noticed the street cat, dogs even the mutated abomination didn't avoid him rather took initiative to come near him and pay respect. Their actions showed respect. He even noticed few new Rare Tier monster coming to pay respects there was no malice or anything in their mind. It was full of Innocence. they showed their true emotions. There was no hidden meaning behind their actions. He didn't notice first but he was now able to understand them better. They act arrogant but if subdued they worship the strong unlike humans they don't have any hidden blade under the smile.

Vihaan remembered the scene from his master fell into the trap of The Golden Nether Crow. His master said he changed. So he should have also been like this first but being in contact with humans might have been a reason for the change. If this thoughts where correct then what actually are Demons.

( Vihaan didn't notice but his thoughts were actually not of a human and they where changing from that prospective towards something different. )

While travelling through lots of monsters and seeing them frequently he noticed their tier based on the life force he was feeling from them. he was getting used to identifying their tier with just looks, Life Force and Ether concentration. Having seen and experiencing lot of monsters his grasp over the sense was getting fine and smooth. He was noticing the changes in atmosphere and Ether concentration in surrounding and the influence of degree of changes in body and Tier of evolution.

Dia who was silent suddenly asked him with a little bit of jealousy through the system.

Dia : / What are finding so interesting that you are not talking me to but seeing those monster with interest. Do you like them so much ? /

Vihaan was didn't know whether to cry or to laugh. He gave an awkward laugh and explained.

Vihaan : / Babe, How can they be more pretty than you. I am interested in them because I was studying their degree of mutation and formulated a hypothesis for the evolution. It will help us rise our monsters to Unique tier. /

Dia : / Why are you doing so much work. Wouldn't it be easy to ask the information from the system ? /

Vihaan : / Yes, Its easy and fast but getting information readily shortens our thinking capacity. If We can get a thought or idea of our own before getting information from system. We can have a wide range of options for mutating instead of sticking to what others have tried plus we have time so why not? /

Vihaan brushed off her question but in real right from the moment he saw system can be controlled at will by powerful people he started to move away from system and try to things by himself. If thing can be altered how authentic can the information he was paying to get be. He told Dia that he obtained a rare class and a unique skill which invoked greed so many people. He explained most of the situation without telling about inheritance, his master and his sister. He didn't want to tell everything yet. Its not that he didn't trust. Its just to dangerous.

Dia : / Oh, Tell me what you found ?/

Vihaan : / Sure, The type of mutation and amount of mutation depends Size of body, Amount of Ether it can take and the Amount Ether in surrounding. The Place we where at was a place where the ether concentration was high so there was almost no humans without mutation and all of them where significantly strong. It gave birth strong beings like You, Me, Tia, A Nest and little further we found The Lizard, the Lord of the Region. /

Vihaan : / You might ask you said size so how can a common monitor lizard grow to such extend. Its DNA. They had a Prehistoric Monster blood flowing in their body so it amounted to such a growth. /

Vihaan : / You can take the Common Tier as 1st degree mutation or just the passable body needed to survive in this environment. Although they are stronger than old earth beings they are just bottom feeders. Uncommon Tier is like enhanced Common Tier with more raw power or purpose oriented. The purpose is like they needed to do something so they evolved to fulfil that. Rare Tier is where the actual intelligence and predatory instincts work together to form a killer. They are strong, they think, they hunt and they can survive longer. Elite Tier is different tier. You basically need element like fire, water, ice, and have all traits of Rare Tier. The Lizard was smart and it had pre Historic monster blood and it had poison element so it evolved easily. I think with enough try and proper Bloodline I can make Tia stronger just a little while longer. Tia' Race is Shadow hound so I think it's entirely possible for Tia to evolve into Elite Tier. I need to kill and analyse a few more Elite tier monsters. /

Dia's eyes were sparkling. One thing its good news Tia can get stronger but hearing Vihaan speak like a scientist is new for her.

Dia : / Honey, you should just leave all fighting and focus on building an army of mutated beast. You are such a genius. You are meant to be a scholar. /

Vihaan : / I wish. May be later when we can settle I will have good time with you and try all these but not now. /

Vihaan : / I even want to understand this environment and surrounding. Why light is low. It looks sun is hiding somewhere... /

Vihaan who was smiling and explaining suddenly stopped, His face turned serious. He can feel the Ether concentration in the air about twice the amount that near the lake. He looked around he found there was no monsters but there was blood here an there. It almost looked like someone hunted and cleared the area to mark this as its/their territory. That was not the problem, the air around was eerie and sinister like something was lurking in the surrounding. Even Naga who will be arrogant and dominant has woken up from its slumber and was looking around in solemn manner sharing its thoughts with Vihaan showing him the surroundings in Life force and Ether.


5 Days and 2 Hour 10 Mins Since Apocalypse.

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