
Vihaan and Naga were very serious trying to find out what's happening around the surrounding but bot of them where not able to understand from where this feeling is coming. He was still in the State Highway 32 about a km from Vandalur Zoo. It was the largest zoo in Tamil Nadu. It had Lions, Tigers, Bears, Leopards, Hyenas, Crocodiles, Indian Gaur and other ferocious animals. Vihaan knew he had walked into the lair of monsters. Normally if any one were to break out it would be very hard to control. Now almost all of earths Top Predators in one place out in free with who knows what mutation they went through is out here for blood.

The Eerie silence, the low light in the atmosphere, high ether concentration it gave the surrounding very dangerous vibe.

Vihaan : / Don't make a move. Cover Yourself with full Illusion. Tia Guard her with your life. / He instructed sternly. He knew nothing could wound him but that cannot be said to them ad he had a bad feeling about the place. / He even made Naga change into a tattoo and hide itself but still sharing the sense.

Vihaan moved in the front kept them very close within 5m of him. He didn't move careful on the contrary he unleashed his aura strongly announcing his presence. He walked over valiantly with his 9 ft tall figure covered in Armour. He walked in the middle of the street. He saw the whole road was filled with lots of cars, buses, trucks and other vehicles but oddly they where pushed to the side like something moved everything to the side for moving. All the vehicles had their doors broken and blood was stained on them. It seem like every single living being in the few km radius has been hunted or may be butchered.

Vihaan didn't stop anywhere he just continued to move forward. He was actually curious to what had happened here.

In few moments his question was answered. Vihaan's eyes shone as he saw it. A Huge Black Bear was sleeping in the middle of the road it kind of resembled a sloth bear with blonde nose. He didn't say anything. He just walked towards the black bear. It was opened its eyes and saw Vihaan but didn't react. Vihaan was very much intrigued by this behaviour. He was not able to find any element in Bear at first glance. It looked like huge 10 feet tall bear straight out of gym. It was packed with muscle's. Unlike the original Sloth bear. It had strong body with muscle's almost like a cross between a sloth bear and a gorilla. It looked it had a very strong raw power.

Vihaan moved before it and saw it closer. It seems like it had no intention of attacking or waking up. He could see blood stains on its mouth, claws and arms. They were dried. It seem like it had its meal a while ago and seem like it had no intention of harming him. Vihaan was very much intrigued by its behaviour. He withdrew his claws and started to slowly stroked it head and fur. It seem to enjoy it.

Vihaan : / I know somethings wrong here. Care to tell me whats going on here? /

The Bear looked at him and roared a little trying to contact. It took time to reply very slowly without a care.

Bear : / You don't seem to be human so you will not be hunted but you can't leave from here. You can submit to the king or get killed try to prove yourself or prove yourself get a place her but you cannot leave form here. /

As it said it, it slept again.

Vihaan : / The bear seem like it had no intention to answer me. Things were interesting here. The humans are slaughtered. There seem to be a king and its forcing monsters to serve it or kill them in process to have strong beast under it. Seem very intelligent. I wonder if these monsters actually have Elite Tier or above monsters here. /

Vihaan mumbled loudly. He was actually trying to provoke the bear or any other animal which supposedly will prevent him from leaving. He was also telling the information to Dia and Tia.

Vihaan : / Who is the King You spoke of ? What animal is it ? /

Vihaan : / Hey ? /

Vihaan : / Hey ? /


Vihaan was little disappointed when he looked the bear.

Vihaan : / Although you look powerful. Your attitude and manner is not suited. If not may be I would have helped you reach higher tier. Such a waste of good mutation. /

Vihaan mumbled and walked forward without looking at the bear. The bear on the other hand seem to have woken up from its slumber towering over 10 feet even while standing in 4 legs. It was a ferocious monster. Its eyes were sparkling with desire. It started to run with its full force, when it came close it lifted its body stood on two legs to lunge on Vihaan with its paw to directly squish him. Vihaan on the other hand felt happy his gamble worked. He didn't move he just let the bear hit him. He wanted to know his strength. A full blow from a bear standing 16 ft tall power packed muscles slammed on his face. He was thrown away crashing on to the vehicles on the road. All the cars he was hit with broke into two. He was thrown 200 feet away.

The bear had a disappointed and angry expression on its face. It snorted and got back in to position to sleep again.

Vihaan : / Hoi, Hoi, Attacking a person who was thinking about helping without a word. Its rude. That hit could have killed any monster in Rare Tier. Guess you are just an animal with little bit intelligence. /

Vihaan walked out the bus he was struck in with a small bruise on his face with 4 shallow skin marks. He emitted a dangerous aura. He just wanted to test its strength or get information from the bear but its eyes showed greed which is different from other monsters he had seen. It seem to be humane showing human emotions. The hit was definitely to cripple him. His aura was still showing Elite Tier but he was angry. His skill from Wrath has been activated sub consciously but he can control it. It was very mild and acted like a power booster. In numbers he was showing Top Elite Tier power but his combat powers were actually past Peerless Elite tier and The effect was only was of the skill with mild effects.

Vihaan moved. He appeared like flash before the bear. He directly smashed at the upper right limb of the bear. His punch seem to have shattered the shoulder bone and sent the bear flying crashing the cars and trees in its way.

Vihaan : / Tough Muscles and Tough Hide comparable to Megalania. /

Vihaan continued to move like shadow behind it and kicked in its gut with powerful kick sending it up 100 m in the sky. He followed it with a jump and grabbed its head smashed it in ground. The smash seemed to have formed a crater 10 meter big with the bear at the centre. It didn't even have time to roar or fight back. It passed out directly. The Huge bear fell down in seconds. It went down with bang.

Vihaan : / Even with tough hide. Blunt force can damage Inner organs severely. /

Vihaan mumbles as he slapped the bear two times trying to wake it up.

Dia : / Honey, Will we keep that bear ? We can use it to ride. It will be good after disciplining it for a while. Please, Pretty Please. It looks cute and fluffy. / Dia spoke to him through system.

Vihaan : / Sure baby. /

How can he say no to her. when she is asking so cutely. He accepted. he could always slave it and make it obedient.

Vihaan was about to kill it but his anger was controlled with one word of Dia. He controlled his impulse. He initially wanted to ask question it but things escalated and he went overboard, pounding it. He was about to wake it up. He felt sudden crisis. He incoming threat.

A huge shadow was hovering in the sky. Vihaan looked up in the sky he could see some bird of kind. Animals may be easy to identify but birds he had some knowledge of them but it's very hard identify them. He could see the bird was huge almost with body size same as the bear and wing span over 30 feet was diving down. He had no time to think he dodged and away from the sharp talons which had pierced through the Bear's body like skewer through meat. He rolled over near a car he didn't wait for the bird to attack or take off with his prey. He broke the door of the car, pulled it away and threw it with a spin directly at its face. He didn't care what bird it was. As for as he was concerned it was intelligent and huge enough to carry them so directly made the decision to Subdue it. The throw was with his full force he didn't hold back anything.

Although the power was it much. The spinning had made the throw slightly off mark. It hit the beak with enough force to break the door and sent the broken metal parts embedding on it eyes nose and feathers. It was not painful but irritating. Vihaan was focused on bringing the bird down but he didn't miss the fact that a wide variety of animals seem to have encircled him giving no space to escape. The surroundings had a lot of buildings and cars stranded on the road. Road was a four way lane so there was significant space for fighting with one or two giant monsters. The problem was he could see more than 6 or 7 huge monsters circling him. He couldn't actually see what they were since he could only feel immense life force. Not a single one was in Rare-Tier. Every single one of them were far stronger than The Megalania.

Vihaan was very happy if that he could find Top Elite Tier monster. He acted like he didn't know and lunged towards the bird. It was fluttering its wings with bear still in its huge claws. There a split second delay in taking off. It was distracted by the sudden door that was throw at it. He used his shoulder to ram directly into the bird's chest and pushed it down. The bird fell on one side injuring its wings. He didn't let go off opportunity. He jumped on its face and punched targeting its nose and eyes. He punched controlling his punches just enough to make it unconscious.

Vihaan rapidly punched at the bird's face. He could feel the monsters where fast approaching them. They seemed have agitated and circling him closely. He put more force into the punches. It didn't seem to work. He grabbed the bird by its nose and jumped down from it and slammed its head into the ground rapidly within seconds it lost conscious. Vihaan cut his palm to let one drop of blood on its head. He tried to activate Demonic Contract to forcefully turn the bird into slave. He had understood clearly how to form a contract when he tried to use the skill before. He moved naturally and formed the seal.

A Blood Red Magic Circle like thing appeared covering both of them fully. It just passed through the bird like cleansing it. Notifications Flashed in his eyes.

[ Host has activated Demonic Contracted ]

[ Host has obtained Baby Golden Black Roc as Demonic Slave ]

Vihaan wanted to further see whats this bird actually is and this seem to be at-least Elite Tier. He was excited but it was interrupted.

Murderous eyes locked on him. He was surrounded by 9 huge monster. A Huge White Male lion lead the other 8 monster. He looked at the monster around him. 4 Hyenas, 2 Indian Gaur, 1 Black Panther species he didn't know of, 1 Orange Fox.

Each animal were huge and their eyes were filled with arrogance, pride and contempt. He was looked down by them.

He looked around to analyse the monster as they looked at him. The White Male Lion seem to emit a cold aura. It was the largest monster among them all. It was 13 feet tall and length crossed 25 feet. Its Eyes were crystal blue. Two huge sabre tooth like canines were coming out of its mouth. There were blood stains on its mouth and paws, other than that its skin seem to be smooth like snow. He had the pride of King. He looked at him with arrogance.

The 4 Hyenas seem be look similar. They are Stripped Hyenas. They looked like dogs but they had madness in their Red eyes. Each 6 feet tall and 13 feet long. They had their mouths open saliva dripping down with tongues out. They seem to salivating seeing the bear carcass. They had sharp teethes like original Hyena but bigger and sharper.

2 Indian Gaur. Biggest, Baddest Bulls similar to African Buffalo's found only India. They where matching the Lion in size with 12 feet tall and 25 feet long. They had 3 feet long horns and hoofs like steel. They looked like they were about run him down.

The Black Panther didn't show itself. It hid itself and was waiting for current perfect chance to attack. He was not able to see it clearly since it was in shadows. It was like Tia waiting in the shadows. The Fox, He really couldn't tell its appearance. It was the farthest standing behind the Lion. Its figure was hazy and was covered in illusion. He was able to say it was fox because he caught a glimpse of it when it appeared.

The Lion looked at him and it seem to have lost its patience. It looked at Vihaan.

White Male Lion : / You killed Blacky. Although he is very weird. He was still our brother. You have pay with your life. Since you have caught a powerful bird. We will give a choice. /

White Male Lion : / How do you want to die? Or Do you want to offer your life as a slave and submit to the King? /

Vihaan was surprised that the lion was actually speaking to him through telepathy. It was very intelligent and more importantly. It seem like a Peerless Elite Tier Monster and it was not the so called King.

Vihaan : / The Bird is not from here. You seem to be a Peerless - Elite Tier Monster. So there is still someone stronger one here a Tier above it. Unique Tier May be. Good. What species is it ? /

Vihaan's eyes was were sparkling with desire. He was excited as he spoke. The Lion was infuriated by this.

White Male Lion : / Kill /

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