A Dangerous Encounter

Four Hyenas went for his limbs each from different directions. Two Indian Gaur one from front and another from behind started to charge at him. It's seem like they had activated a skill. The White Lion, The Black Panther and The Orange Fox didn't move. Still his situation was not good. Although he had tough defence. His instincts told him that the situation was dire and to avoid direct confrontation. He trusted his instincts.

Vihaan : / Don't make a move unless I ask. / he mumbled to Dia via System

Vihaan didn't have have time to react. Although he had Battle Sense. His response speed was not enough to keep up with the attack of multiple beast acting together as a team. He ran towards the Gaur in the front. He expected the Gaur's to arrive first since they have activated a skill. Their horns where glowing red in colour. Both of the Gaur's scratched the road with their hoofs. Their weight already seem to leave marks on the road when they walk. Now the weight with this scratching the road made the road crack and form small holes in the road. Both of the Gaur's ran towards him with increasing momentum with each step. He didn't know the consequence of getting caught in such an attack. He still didn't back down. He charged forward with his claws out when the bull was just 5 meters away from him just outside his Battle Sense.

Vihaan could see his thoughts where wrong and 4 Hyenas already made their way into his Battle sense. He shifter his body to tackle the Hyena on the right if the Gaur before him. He extended his Claws lunging towards trying to pierce the Hyena's head with his claws but he was disappointed that it his Claws couldn't pierce fully. It was struck halfway. He still was disappointed. He tried to swing his had the Hyena stuck in his Claws with his force to slam it's body against the body of the Indian Gaur. The force was not enough to move the Gaur but still the Gaur missed him since he dodged and the Hyena on the other side couldn't get to him because of unstoppable Gaur before it.

The other pair of Hyena and The other Gaur where still few metres behind him. He kick the Hyena on hits chin stuck on his Claws and getting himself from it. He caught the head of Hyena with both hands. His thumb claws were directly into its eyes and his other four claws were latched on its lower jaw firmly giving him a good grip. He didn't let the Hyena Roar or cry. He could see the Hyena's eyes still filled with madness and anger but He didn't care.

Vihaan swang the Hyena towards the other two Hyena who was lunging towards his neck with their mouth open intending to kill him. He exerted his full power to swing the Hyena. The force knocked the other two Hyena away but was not powerfully enough to injure them but he was not so lucky.

The Gaur before him was already very close. It had its horns at his chest. It rammed directly it's horns into his chest. The armour broke and the horn pierced halfway through his body damaging his lungs. Blood spilled on its hoof and face.

Vihaan let a ear piercing cry. It was first time he was he suffered serious injury. He didn't have any method to replenish his Stamina and Ether consumption. He didn't know he could heal his wounds right now. if this was his situations with just these monsters what about the strong ones that he still have not encountered or The Lion, The Panther, The Fox. There still a king. He thought he had Unmatchable body in Mortal Realm. How could a Monster in Elite Tier injure him piercing through his body. If he falls here What will happen to Dia and his master's Every thought together made him angrier. His Reddish Golden Slit pupils burned with fire. There some kind of Insignia with lion symbol. He released his full aura. It seem like a true demon had been unleashed. His back armour turned into a tinge of red. His claws were burning red. He used his hands to tear at the nose and eyes.

The Roar startled The Lion. It seem to know they have met a strong adversary. It also made its move signalling the other two to make a move too.

Dia on the other hand felt powerless. She could feel anger and killing intend rising in her. She wanted power. She wanted to save him but if she or Tia attacked they will become a liability. She gritted her teeth and stayed put. She could see the Fox was specialising in illusions type psyche attacks. She wanted to save him but she still kept her patience and waited.

Unknown to him. Various strong monsters the Zoo turned their heads in Vihaan's direction. They started to move towards this place.

Vihaan was still stuck on The Gaur's Horns. He was rammed on buildings continuously. He was pushed against the horns continuously. He used his claws to gauge out its eyes . It melted like butter he injured both of its eyes of in his hand. It smelled like cooked meat. He didn't care. He put the eyes in his mouth. He used one hand to punch in its ears an other to use his claws to tear out the nose. The Gaur howled in pain fully stopped it charge when his hands broke its skull. It took a while to stop it. His chest was already fully penetrated by the horns but he couldn't get down as the bull went into rampage and was trying to swing and send him flying. It could bare the pain of being punched by burning fists. His anger was rising uncontrollably and he was struggling to be sane. The temperature was rising with it too. His scales started to turn into something like burning hot metal.

Vihaan didn't let its horn go. Now he was grabbing the horn with one hand and pounded its head ferociously. It was jumping like Mechanical bull trying to get Vihaan off it. Vihaan was able to sense various powerful Monsters gathering but they didn't make a move instead was observing. He couldn't be bothered with all this. If could see the Hyenas, White Lion, the other Gaur were rushing closely behind. Since it had stopped he had to kill this or they will close in and kill him. He lost his patience got his Kaappaan and directly slammed into its head where the skull was broken. He used both his Hands directly to pierce its head like knife and used all his strength to rip its skull into two. he did all this while the Gaur was trying to throw him away. It finally died leaving its last breath. Vihaan's body immediately full started to heal. Oddly all the blood that he had was spilt was flying towards him. His body was like beacon. The Full Gaur disintegrated into small particles and entered his body. His scales started to mend itself. He could fell the power of a Full Grown Indian Gaur coursing through him. His body was healed back to perfect within few seconds.

Vihaan stood there with his eyes closed. All the animals there were surprised. There was fear in their eyes. Even the prideful White lion was astonished, It slowly turned into a ugly expression. They didn't dare move towards him.

Vihaan's full body was burning emitting terrifying heat. The heat didn't change but the colour of the flame was slowly merging with his body and turning Black Flames. Vihaan was on the verge of going berserk. If they had made move, he would have turned into a slaughtering machine without mind. He was emitting a mixed aura. Fire, Killing intent, Beastly aura and Demonic Aura. It was all slowly merging with him. Vihaan was keeping on eye on this and other to make his plans to escape.

Vihaan : / Dia, I Have a send one Peerless Grade Healing pill to you in Family Inventory. Maintain an illusion like the bird is sleeping there. Use the pill on it. Heal it. I have added it into the family. Use it to get high up in the air with Tia. Look at the surroundings and tell me where are monsters and give me a escape route. If things get worse I will jump high in the air. Just ask the Roc to garb me. I know you want to help me but I need this. /

Vihaan : / I was totally wrong about my body. Only battle can unearth my potential. I love you. Just be safe so I can fight without worrying. /

Dia felt heart was being pierced. She couldn't don't engage. She bit her lips, with immense pain in her heart. Tears were falling from her eyes.

Dia : / Ok, You should come to me. /

Her voice was shaking. It was with deep emotion.

Vihaan who heard felt like his heart pierced through a stake. His aura climbed rapidly. The process of integration was increasing at alarming rate.

[ Host's Body and Bloodline has started merging - 1% ]

[ Host's ###### Bloodline has started to awaken - 1% ]

[ Host has obtained Indian Gaur Bloodline ]

[ Host's Body and Bloodline has started to merge - 15% ]

[ Host's Body and Bloodline has started to merge - 33% ]


[ Host's Body and Bloodline has started merging - 100% ]

[ Merging complete ]

[ Body Tier : Peerless Elite Tier ]

[ Bloodline Limit : None ]

[ Cultivation : Body Refinement Stage - 1 ( 29% ) ]

[ Host has awakened a new form of ##### Armour - Burning Armour ( Hidden ) ]

[ Host awakened Aura Combat ( Locked Temporarily ) ]

Vihaan struggled to keep his anger in check but when he heard Dia's voice he let lose. He let his anger out but he was calm. His mind was slowly getting used to the anger. He could think clearly even with all this anger. Vihaan slowly opened his eyes.

Vihaan : / Your race should be proud. You are the First Monster to hurt me. /

Vihaan looked at the other Indian Gaur and spoke but there was fear and anger its eyes. It anger was because its mate was killed by Vihaan. It feared because its mate had totally vanished from existence. There was even Indian Gaur scent coming from him. It truly feared him.

Vihaan looked at the White Lion.

Vihaan : / I just asked who was you king but you attacked me. I never attacked that greedy bear. Usually I soft hearted towards monster but today this is different. You guys made her cry. /


Vihaan eyes were showing an insignia. It looked like a Lion but very fearsome. Vihaan's aura was dreadful. The Lion's pride was destroyed with just a glance. It was race suppression. All the Monster around felt like they where suffocation. Vihaan vanished from the place.

Vihaan appeared behind them all. He targeted the injured Hyena. He used both his hands to slam its head into the ground.


Two Loud noise can be heard simultaneously. It seem to be the roar of the so called KING. It wanted to warn and help them wake up from suppression. But it was too late.

The injured Hyena's Head was smashed into bloody gore. All the animals there held their breath.

It was not due to the hyena's death. It was because, the body turned into small particles of blood and flesh entered Vihaan's body. There was nothing left. Not even the Skin and Bones. The Monster just vanished from existence. Vihaan's eyes flashed a blood light glow like the Hyena's eyes but it was unable to affect Vihaan. He turned normal and looked at his next prey.

[ Host has obtained Spotted Hyena Bloodline ]

The Hyena was also afraid but their anger over took they rushed towards vihaan. Every single of the monsters were on the verge of breaking down. They knew they have kicked a Iron Bucket even without the Lion's command. They moved to attack Vihaan. This time Lion, Panther and fox also made move.

Intense Coldness assaulted him. The White Lion was very afraid because his next prey was the lion itself. The Indian Gaur could hold back. It again charged towards him this time without skill. The Hyena were at the front. Vihaan's hand started to burn he flashed forward with his claws towards The Indian Gaur. It was frightened to death when it saw vihaan charging towards it and remembered how its mate died. It suddenly turned tail and ran back without turning back.

Vihaan didn't mind. Now his only thought was to kill the lion and fight as much as he can before feeling. The Three Hyena jumped on him. Two for his hands and one for his neck. Vihaan sent out a swinging kick sending the three flying. He approached the lion. He was covered suddenly by a white hazy fog. The fog was a perfect cover for the Lion. He wanted to move forward but with his sense he could feel lot of monsters coming in for ambush.

Dia : / Honey, Its enough. More powerful monsters are circling you to ambush you. I have blended you the fog just jump as high as you can. I will get you. /

Vihaan knew his situation was very bad so he followed Dia's advice and jumped up. He was a perfect target in the air.

The Fox was very intelligent as it noticed something wrong and immediately ended the illusion. It also informed the Lion and the Panther to attack as soon as the fog ended. Vihaan was like alone in the sky covered in hazy white fog. The lion roared with and covered its paw with ice like claws towards the Vihaan. On the other side a black blur was very close to vihaan. He reacted immediately. He was waiting for this. He kicked at panther's face using it to push dodging the ice. His appeared above its face. He concentrated all the heat into his claws and slashed its eyes permanently damaging its white mane and destroying its one eye.


A loud panic and angry roar sounded.

Vihaan didn't care. He used its head a footing to jump further high. He turned around to see a woman turning into a Huge White Lioness and rushing towards the White Male Lion.

Vihaan shouted : / I WILL RETURN. /

Something grabbed his hand was rising altitude rapidly. Vihaan was able to sense it was the Roc so he didn't do anything turned around as he saw the monsters with a murderous expression. He could infer that the Lioness was mostly the King. He was confused but he didn't have time to react another loud shout heard.

KING? : [ Pursuit ]


Astrea : [ So What do you think Sister ? ]

##### : [ Very Dangerous Couple, If allowed to grow ]

A White hooded person with hazy presence can be seen. The Voice was very Stern and strict but it was melodiously cold female voice.

Astrea looked at the figure with a playful smile.

Astrea : [ Come on Sister, Don't be like this. What do you think of the boy and girl ]

It was very silent, after few moments she answered.

##### : [ You and Your master are playing with Fire, A Very Vicious Fire. I wont be a part of this. ]

The figure got up and started to walk away.

##### : [ But I will accept her as My Disciple. Send My Regards to you Master. ]


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