The Hunter and The Hunted

KING? : / Pursuit /

Vihaan eyes almost popped out.

Thousands of birds of various size and race rose up in the sky. He didn't know and could count. His anger was rising.

Vihaan : / Dia cover me in Illusion too. /

Vihaan : / I can't just call you bird. Let's call you Kaluku. /

Vihaan : / Change directions. We will hunt some birds for you to feed on. /

Vihaan : / Lets show them how to hunt /

Vihaan was hanging from the Talons so he couldn't climb up. This seem to be a baby Roc or so that's what he understood when he formed the contract. Kaluku to carry him, Dia and Tia while fleeing away is not possible. Going into and Vanishing right away is possible option but how could he leave without making them bleed.

Dia covered them in a illusion veil. Kaluku started to climb up. They let the started to get out of the range of the flock of birds.

Vihaan was able to see lot of the birds he can identify now vultures, buzzards, swifts, cranes, sparrows etc. There were large white cranes almost same size as Kaluku. There were a huge variety of birds here. Just few moments he was searching ways to tame a bird and right after he tamed one he was being chased by thousands of birds. He was actually feeling afraid by the sheer number of birds because they seem to be at-least Uncommon Tier. Kaluku gradually slowed and reached the end of the flock of birds. He was surprised to see a very huge crane almost twice the size of Kaluku was at the end.

It directly looked over them. Although they where shrouded by illusion. It was able to find them. Vihaan felt like an idiot trying to sneak on this bird. It shifted towards them and increased its speed. It was approaching them at very high speed. Kaluku was infuriated by another bird trying to beat it in the skies. It rose up in altitude. The Crane was also didn't falter even in the slightest. It rose up closely behind.


The Crane made aloud noise. It alerted the birds around. All the birds were startled by the command. The crane made all the predatory birds to chase after it to fight and other birds to form a large tornado like formation around them to as to no let them escape. Kaluku was infuriated by this. It let out a warning sound. It was angry. Although it was angry. It cannot show its full powers in the sky carrying them. Vihaan saw through this right away and Kaluku seem to be losing speed and getting tired. Vihaan transferred the Peerless Grade Blood Purification Pill Bottle which he had bought earlier from the inventory to Dia.

Vihaan : / Dia, I sent you The Peerless Grade Blood Purification Pill Bottle. Use it on Kaluku to keep him in Perfect Condition. /

Vihaan : / Kaluku, Try to slow down and go lower. Try to avoid flapping your wings and glide away. It might have skill to sense your position through through your wings. /

Vihaan had a menacing look on his eyes. Although they where shrouded in illusion. Kaluku was picking up speed almost at 400 Kmph high in the skies with all three of them He couldn't see up but he was sure Dia was concentrating to cover their tracks and maintain the illusion. The Crane seem to be a little bit faster than Kaluku. It was gradually gaining on them. Vihaan wanted to try something if The Crane was hellbent on catching them.

It took few moments to stabilise their position and mask their presence. The Crane seem to lost their presence while they were losing altitude as they were gliding slowly away from the crane and trying to break away from the birds forming a formation. Although there was a lot of birds. They cannot block the sky to find a target they cannot see. Kaluku was diving slowly but the problem was their direction was same direction they came from - The Zoo. From 6000 meters to 100 meters without flapping just gliding away from the birds. Dia was the most stressful person there. They were 3 Km away from the zoo. They look a lot of effort to escape.

Vihaan wanted to scout the zoo but he was not sure whether there was any other strong monster with strong sensory skills or sense so he instructed Kaluku to go to the coast. He did this because he was very surprised to find The Crane still hot on their tail. It couldn't pinpoint the place but it could sense something wrong in the air flow so it followed them. Vihaan wanted to use the winds from the sea to mask them. It was just 30 Km away from the Zoo. It didn't take long to reach the sea shore.

Vihaan knew there was a Crocodile Park there. So the crane might not want to antagonise and invade another territory. He was actually betting on finding another strong monster. He was nearing the Crocodile Park. Vihaan was shocked to see another powerful presence just like the huge Lioness there. Even the crane stopped outside the 3 km away from the actual place. The Crane screeched loudly.

Skreeech.... Skrechhh... Skreeech.... Skrechhh... Skreeech.... Skrechhh...

Vihaan was very surprised to see that arrogant crane actually asking permission. It clearly said that it was in pursuit of a monster that killed two of their Elite Tire brothers and currently crossing the King Croc's territory covered in some-kind of masking skill. Vihaan didn't care about all this he was more interested in seeing the reply and what kind of monster there was here. He did't intrude the Territory. He moved at the border and landed faraway near the coast away from the crocodile park.


A loud irritated growl came from the territory. The Crane almost fell from the sky. It was infuriated because it lost them the moment they got down from the air. The King Croc or what seem to be the King actually told the Crane to run away.

Vihaan : / Interesting, So many strong monster just here. I wonder what will be the case about the Western Ghats?, What about India?, What about Asia?, What about the Ocean?, What about the Whole World? /

Vihaan didn't dare to stay there. He was currently in ECR or East Coast Road. A 160 Km road connecting Chennai and Puducherry. He was currently moving in the opposite direction of Chennai towards Puducherry. The Whole ECR is filled with a lots of Resorts and Villas. Its like a weekend hangout place for all the people from the Chennai. They were around 10 -13 km away from Mahabalipuram. Its one of the ancient cities with remains from 7 - 8th Century. That's what the history tells. If this was before he would have wanted to go there.

Now things was different. He was powerless. He already seen two powerful beings that he couldn't challenge who had an army under them. Mahabalipuram may be a fascinating place now that there are many impossible things happening.

Vihaan was making way towards Confluence. It was a famous resort before Apocalypse. It was currently closed due to COVID-19 outbreak.

Suddenly Vihaan thought of something. He remembered the mall which he went for completing War God Challenge.

Vihaan : / How was there so many Mutated Abominations there? How could a Rare Tier monster control or gather so many under it while everyone was in lock-down. /

Vihaan felt a chill down his spine. That Rare Tier Monster might not actually be the King but a proxy. He was very surprised by how intelligent the being that controlled everything was. He charged inside there while doing the War God Challenge. He felt like an idiot thinking about that. He remembered his master actually told him he will lose his life if he went there again. Now he understood why he said that. There was actually another strong monster near him without his knowledge. Although it was only a theory. He still believed his logic and instincts.

It was Lock-down and Apocalypse right in the middle of this. He actually didn't find any police or army that was supposed to stationed to block the routes out of the city, not even the check posts and any vehicles or any evidence of them being here. Very weird.

He reached the resort in few minutes. It was as he thought deserted. He was in deep thinking that he didn't notice Dia's weird expression or Kaluku till now. He turned around to look at Dia. She was in deep thoughts. He went forward to hug her.

Vihaan : / What are you thinking baby ? /

Dia : / I have someone in my system saying they want to accept me as a disciple. /

Vihaan was surprised.

Vihaan : / What's the problem then ? /

Dia : / Can you wait a little longer I am talking with her. /

Dia held Vihaan's Hands. Vihaan knew something was wrong but he didn't say anything he just held her hand. He looked at Tia. She had a wired expression on her face seem like altitude sickness. she was walking wobbly. He still didn't know how she had managed to stay up on Kaluku in the air.

Vihaan finally looked at Kaluku. 11 Feet tall bird with 30 feet wide wing span, eyes like golden eagle with golden iris and black pupils. 1.5 feel long sharp curved crystal black beak. Golden bird with beautiful black feather in the wings and tail looking majestic. The talons where very sharp. They looked like black crystal.

He rised his hands to pat it.

Vihaan : / I know you may have some misgivings for contracting you without asking anything. Don't worry I will don't miss treat you. I will make you very strong. The only King of the skies. /

It looked very cute and rubbed it's head on Vihaan's face. It understand him. It didn't have any problem being with him since he defeated it and he was stronger than it.

Vihaan moved inside the resort. There's lot of buildings but with his senses he could see almost all of them were empty so he made his way towards on of villas near sea shore and just settled in it. He didn't care anything about the place where he lived in. His most concerns where to get stronger enough to defend himself and not run away like now. He found there where two bedrooms. He and Dia went to one bedroom. He left Kaluku and Tia with a quarter of The Megalania meat for them to dine outside while keeping a eye on the surroundings.

Dia didn't speak anything. She went to the bed and sat there with her eyes closed. Vihaan didn't disturb her. He sat beside her.

Vihaan : / Mind explaining me why my body is still at Peerless Elite Tier ? /

Astrea giggled

Astrea : [ Do you expect to just gain a Mythical Tier body right of the bat. ]

Astrea : [ Remember how the Kato Chrysafenios was only Elite Tier when you killed him. Look at your age. You are just New Born and Bloodline was just absorbed into your body, it didn't merge. You only activated 1% now. You have to activate you body potential and merge all of the bloodline to reach Mythical Tier Body while supplying it enough amount of Ether. ]

Vihaan was in deep thoughts.

Vihaan : / How long till Panemorfi Chrysafenios comes here ? /

Astrea : [ Not long may be another 10 - 15 days ]

Vihaan felt the urgency to gain strength. He could feel the pressure.

Astrea : [ Don't worry much as long as you progress and gain control over your body. You will gain resources. ]

Astrea : [ You have activated your strength by yourself and learned something new so there is a small reward for it. ]

[ Host has received 10 Peerless Grade EEC from Astrea ]

[ They have been directly sent to your Inventory ]

Astrea : [ Oh yeah. I took away all your Talismans. They are trash and will limit your options. You should go through Bloodthirsty Battles. ]

Vihaan didn't say anything. He himself had no use for those so he didn't complain. While he was thinking. He heard another notification.

[ Host has received a new quest ]

Astrea : [ That's not me ]

Vihaan was surprised. He knew if it's not her most it's her master. He didn't ask her anything.

Vihaan : / What did that woman whom you said will take care of Dia is doing ? /

Astrea : [ How will I know ? She is Wired ]

Astrea : [ But she said she will take Dia as her disciple ]

Vihaan : / How strong should I be to go against those monster in Unique Tier /

Astrea : [ Body Refinement Stage -5 is the bare minimum to clash with Body Refinement Stage -1 Unique Tier Monster ]

Astrea : [ Oh yeah, A small advice for you. If a monster reaches Unique Tier they directly enter Cultivation System ]

Astrea didn't tell anything. She just left after that.

Vihaan was in deep thoughts. Things are getting very intense. Remembered when he ate the body of Indian Gaur and Spotted Hyena. His cultivation rose which is similar to a beast. It may be related to him being a chimer to fully integrated a body but Monster or beast don't cultivate with EEC but by eating monsters. If Unique Tier monsters didn't have to hunt but just feed on monsters it will make things difficult as the minions under them will hunt to gain levels while most carcass will be given to the KING to cultivate. Now he understood why there was no monster in their territory and why they are forcing strong monster to fight. He still remember the white lion asking him to leave the bear Carcass there itself.

Vihaan was in different conditions. All his servants were directly brought under cultivation system the moment they are contracted. Now he had to hunt a lot for rising them. He was thinking.

Vihaan : / Initially I wanted to depend on myself to hunt but seems like things won't go my way I have to buy things from system. /

Vihaan wanted to fight but he couldn't fight properly. Every-time he wants to fight one way or the other something happens and he runs away. He was seriously thinking an alternative.

Vihaan : / May be I should fight with my life on the line? /

Vihaan would have definitely fought till he the end if not for Dia's intervention. He need to think of something. He was interrupted again. This time it was Kaluku who contacted him through system. He was the one who added Kaluku into family before fighting.

The Crane is here


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